Can someone please explain why I should respect women?
2017-04-18 17:01:19 UTC
It's something I've always wondered because my whole life I've been told to respect women no matter what, but I really can't detect any reason to respect them, as a gender.

Women are not moral beings at all. They're completely amoral & there's no line they won't cross. They have to get their morality from men. This is why fatherless girls tend to be wild, because they don't have a natural moral code to understand objective good & evil. Whereas girls with good fathers tend to be good themselves, because the men taught them morality.

Women are also traitors by nature. They have no sense of tribal loyalty & will always side with whomever is most powerful, even if the powerful one is evil. They will sell their own nation out to an evil nation if the evil nation is more powerful. They will trade up on a good man if the bad man is more powerful.

Women naturally hate things like discipline, honor, dignity, virtue & earned respect, those are all things males naturally value. But women are hedonistic by nature, and love to be degraded & dishonored. They absolutely hate the concept of discipline & see no honor in it.

Women can't truly love others. They can only love themselves & view men & children as disposable assets. Of course individual women deserve respect when they earn it, but I mean as a whole, it doesn't seem like the female half is respect worthy.

Explain if & why I'm wrong & convince me (with logic, not emotion) why women deserve respect by default.
75 answers:
2017-04-21 20:14:08 UTC
Because it's chivalrous.
2017-04-21 17:02:13 UTC
You shouldn't, they are the lowest class of human beings.
2017-04-21 08:08:57 UTC about the buck stops here!....You can make a change instead of following the negatives things that some men and women do to each other. You put a stop to it right now. This is respect for you and for can be done...a lot of men make the mark.....
2017-04-20 00:10:24 UTC
You have your own opinions and I'll respect that. However, I find some flaws in your argument. You say that girls without a father turn out to be wild and immature, but what about the boys? I've met many teenage boys who are on the wrong path in life, mainly because they don't have a father figure.

The only reason men value honor and dignity more is because they have testosterone in their veins. That primal need to be the dominant male is why they crave such things, but it's also what leads to half of the wars on this planet.

If women can't truly love others, explain why it is mainly men with commitment issues. Why are males more likely to cheat on their significant others? Also, Only a twisted mother would consider her child a disposable asset.

There are some women (just as their are men) that are exactly as you stated, but that doesn't mean you have to profile an entire group because of it.

I respect everyone individually, those who don't deserve respect, won't get it. Simple.
2017-04-19 16:21:01 UTC
2017-04-19 09:41:51 UTC

You are a liar and a fraud. You do not respect us, male or female, so why should we acquiesce to your request when you'll only use replies as more fuel for your loser-who-can't-score-in-real-life rants....
2017-04-19 04:05:19 UTC
Alright, who rejected you and what was her name?
2017-04-19 02:03:08 UTC
i can't stop laughing. youre ignorant as hell. women get their morals from men?????????????????? LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL
2017-04-18 17:40:05 UTC
I understand your reasoning, but this isn't the case for all women, you're talking about street whores and drug addicts and basically poor women that had an awful childhood, they will absolutely drop a good man for one that is bad simply because he has more money or power those women don't care about anyone but themselves, I've seen this happen in reality with my aunt; she was married and had one kid, about 11 years later she had another one by the same man a year later she started cheating staying out for long periods of time at night and eventually the man was fed up and they got divorced then she was free to do what she wanted, she neglected her kids and eventually found a guy at a bar; he was most likely drunk so she easily seduced him had sex with him and trapped him with a child in the hopes that he would have money to burn completely disregarding the mans feelings simply because she was selfish and cared more about the money than anything else, but it turns out he was a lazy guy who barely has a job and she is stuck with him. So you can't respect these women, they don't deserve it.

But I can't let you set back and say all women are bad, selfish and ungrateful, my mother and my grandmother are two of the sweetest women I've ever had the pleasure to know.

Not all women are bad, but watch yourself and don't let your primal instincts of reproduction get to you, men can easily be manipulated with sex if they don't have a strong mind and bad women with selfish intent will definitely use you if she thinks she can.
2017-04-18 17:04:00 UTC
Well you will not get an answer here. You do not respect women, that is your problem. You must lead a sad, pathetic life is you have only experienced the type of woman you describe. I'm sorry you have not been able to attract NICE women into your life. If that is the only type of woman you attract, you need to look in the mirror.
2017-04-22 03:31:52 UTC
If you demonstrate respect and respectful manners, you'll attract those who will do the same.

No one should have to explain this to you so your question smacks of some deep seated fear /paranoia of females in general with all your generalised assumptions. Lotta hate and fear that is your projection on half the population.

Good luck.
2017-04-21 18:32:26 UTC
Honestly I think you have been around the wrong woman. I did not have a father figure in my life yet I am a very respectful and loyal. I am not wild and I have strong morals. Some woman are terrible humans, just like some men are. We are humans and all humans deserve respect unless proven that they don't deserve it. Just because woman you have met have proven to you that they are not deserving doesn't mean every woman does not deserve to be respected. I don't see it as "woman deserve respect" I see it as life deserves respect.
2017-04-21 13:15:08 UTC
Yes, only one. You will be harassed by people and by Trolls if you do not respect these animals called women. I Liv e in america which is the land of woman. It stinks being a second class citizen. Women are handed all the power and then they are told that men have all the power. But women are clearly beneath men.
2017-04-21 12:03:48 UTC
i guess youre right about girls needing to be taught morals by their father i can personally attest to that. and youre also pattially on the right track suggesting they side with who is the most powerful i think that is a good thing and proves they are nuturing caring supporters who view men and children as valuable and give generous amounts of love and care into their empire and relentlessly support the actions of their spouse a man who presumable holds power be it in the world or other wise, if youve ever noticed that girls always take back their ex that is a terrible person all bevause they are hypnotized and in love with his presence and physically mentally addicted to him. thats not a coincidence thats psrt of evolution for women to be so entranced with their lover in order to raise a string family in the future and keep the species alive. the extent a woman will go to to defend and fight for her love is truely remarkable and outstanding all in the name of evolutionary processes, protection of the human gnome
2017-04-21 09:40:19 UTC
Society set this as default.

Not women.

Not men.

Both genders...

2017-04-21 01:26:38 UTC
All people deserve respect
Tasha W
2017-04-20 14:51:08 UTC
LMAO ok. Logically you are asking a question while demeaning a whole sex and keeping yourself anonymous at the same time. You ask for a non emotional answer while at the same time pissing off the sex that is more abundant in the world then there counter halves. ok.

Your facts are actually all opinions. None of what you have said is factual and yet you want a factual answer.

Alright time for actual facts.

-Fact all humans men and women have morals. Morals are different depending on religion, culture, and values.

(That statement you have said is now meaningless)

-Fact all humans have lines and not every line is the same. There is always a line some one won't cross it's just finding it. This goes for men and women. (The statement you have said is now meaningless)

-Fact morality doesn't exist because of men and every generation of humans comes with a new meaning of what morality is. Morality is based off culture, religion, and science. All of these are also based off both genders since today there are many women in the seat of power. You must also remember though that this isn't the first time a woman has been in the seat of power. Egyptian history can prove that and is a very good example. (The statement you have said is now meaningless.)

-Fact the objective in good and evil differs depending on society and religion. Men have more power in the middle east and do you see how they run things there? This of coarse is just an example I am using because many people would believe that most men there are evil. They kill with what seems like no remorse and they don't seem to care who is in the cross fire either. Again I use this as an example mainly because men are in charge there and women are more like property then human beings themselves. I would also like to add that I do understand that not all men are like that over there. Every one is there own person. Still evil acts are going on over there though. (Your statement is now meaningless)

-There are many thousands of studies which have appeared over the past four to five decades showing quite clearly how absolutely important biological mothers and fathers are to the well-being of their children. Study after study has shown that no other factor is more vital to the healthy development of children than having a mum and a dad. To have a easier upbringing and having a child that is safe while in school, at a park, or hanging out with friends both parents are just as equal when necessary. (Look at that women and men are necessary) This is just one of the sites I found. I looked at 32 different sites and all said pretty much the same thing. (Again something else you have said that is meaningless)

-There are families where men and women don't believe in discipline. 95% of men and women believe in discipline. Not every one is going to agree on what kind of discipline is needed for raising children but still just as much as men believe in discipline women believe in it too. (That statement is meaningless)

-I am still a bit confused about the traitor aspect. If you are talking about the Bible then yes I can see it but of coarse there are many scriptures talking about men who have been traitors including the man who kissed Jesus for money. You look at history and see there is actually a mix of men and women who have been traitors.

Mordechai Vanunu (Man)

Gaius Cassius Longinus (Man)

Ephialtes (Man)

Guy Fawkes (Man)

Benedict Arnold(Man)

Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger(Man)

Wang Jingwei(Man)

Vidkun Quisling(Man)

Mir Jafar(Man)

That is 9 men that have been traitors.

(That statement you have said is meaningless)

-When it comes to love there was actually a time that love was considered weakness and that is why women were a weaker beings then men. Now it is a known fact that both genders do love they just show there love differently. The fact that you have said no emotions I want facts tells you that you already know this women do tend to be more emotional then men. That is actually due to upbringing and society, then throw hormones into the mix and that is what you have. Fact. From the beginning of time men were always the bread winners while women looked after the children and tended to the house. Yes this day and age both men and women do things like that but it has been ingrained now so men keep the persona of being completely tough. That and women subconsciously are attracted to men with that persona. Science studies have proven that.

-Disposable assets? I don't know how you came up with this one either. Your argument has become 100% not validated no matter how many websites I have searched. I don't have an argument for this one but I know for a fact that you don't have one either. I will leave this one alone. I would believe that the only time this one is true is when a woman choses a life with out those so called assets you call them. Just as much as that happens men do the same.

-Since time began women have been watching children and the children have grown up into rulers, people who work with there hands, teachers, and more. None of which validate anything you have said.

Everything you have said now is meaningless.
Mir Quasem
2017-04-20 13:53:43 UTC
Let your mother answer it.
Mick Is Back
2017-04-20 05:00:38 UTC
notice no one actually answered the question and actually provided any logical reason
2017-04-19 20:15:08 UTC
I am wondering the same thing I hate the bitches in my school hoes talk **** and deserve a punch but I sadly can't do **** since there female if you want that respect that learn not to bully people hoes
2017-04-19 12:21:19 UTC
Do you not respect your mother? The human race would end without women or men . If someone proved they are not worthy of your respect then you know what to do .
2017-04-19 12:10:45 UTC
so you are
2017-04-19 10:37:24 UTC
This is why you're still a virgin.
2017-04-19 06:52:25 UTC
Yes. Don't worry. I will send that "Someone" to you in my car by afternoon today. That someone will be glad to clarify all your genuine doubts. Feel free to discuss with him about your issues.
2017-04-19 03:14:54 UTC
You are semen loving ******,then?😂
2017-04-19 01:30:08 UTC
So that they will respect you.
2017-04-18 23:00:52 UTC
Its a funny thing respect. 9 in 10 times there is an interpersonal conflict, when you get down to what's really happening, its about respect.

You want others to respect you, you have to respect others. You cant expect to receive what you wont share.
2017-04-18 21:35:38 UTC
Because your mother is one.
2017-04-18 21:14:40 UTC
:))))))))) Can't believe what I just read
2017-04-18 20:53:56 UTC
Do you have ANY sources or URLs to back up your position, or is this just sexist raving?
2017-04-23 06:29:09 UTC
How do I explain anything to someone who has not made any point and simply babbles in a resentful fashion. I think that you are just pissed off because you are not getting any.
2017-04-23 03:07:36 UTC
2017-04-22 20:35:23 UTC
Because they give birth to everyone
2017-04-22 12:58:25 UTC
If men had such high morals, whores would go out of business.
2017-04-22 06:15:51 UTC
I understand your reasoning, but this isn't the case for all women, you're talking about street whores and drug addicts and basically poor women that had an awful childhood, they will absolutely drop a good man for one that is bad simply because he has more money or power those women don't care about anyone but themselves, I've seen this happen in reality with my aunt; she was married and had one kid, about 11 years later she had another one by the same man a year later she started cheating staying out for long periods of time at night and eventually the man was fed up and they got divorced then she was free to do what she wanted, she neglected her kids and eventually found a guy at a bar; he was most likely drunk so she easily seduced him had sex with him and trapped him with a child in the hopes that he would have money to burn completely disregarding the mans feelings simply because she was selfish and cared more about the money than anything else, but it turns out he was a lazy guy who barely has a job and she is stuck with him.

But I can't let you set back and say all women are bad, selfish and ungrateful my mother and my grandmother are two of the sweetest women I've ever had the pleasure to know.

Not all women are bad, but watch yourself and don't let your primal instincts of reproduction get to you, men can easily be manipulated with sex if they don't have a strong mind and bad women with selfish intent will definitely use you if she think she can.
2017-04-21 12:43:25 UTC
your mother is a woman so if you respect her you should respect every women:)
2017-04-20 23:36:09 UTC
Well, dont repsect them if u want good luck finding a wife ever. Maybe your just a little boy and youll learn later.
2017-04-19 23:17:47 UTC
I've met some amazing women who are absolutely the complete opposite of what you describe. With your thinking, it seems you may only run into the women you described. There are some men with those characteristics but I'm sure they're your "buds" right? Men you would vouch for right? Stop with the blanket generalization of women. I don't know what women you have encountered in your young life (judging by your attitude) but believe we are all not the same. Also sounds like you watch a lot of movies, maybe ones that are set in ancient times. Who knows, but what is known is that you need to change your environment and see the world and see the many types of women with morals, values, strength, dignity, integrity, honor, valor and much more. Where's your mother? Does she know you are on the internet to begin with?
2017-04-19 22:31:05 UTC
It seems like you had some bad experiences with girls before. Your making a generalization that all girls act completely the same. Girls can be jackass's but guys can be be 2. Everything you just said can easily be said about guys as well. But to answer your question. You should respect a woman because you would want to be treated with respect. You can't get respect or expect it if your not respectful (not saying your disrespectful though)
2017-04-19 21:19:48 UTC
Grow up, dear.
2017-04-19 14:56:04 UTC
2017-04-19 13:09:07 UTC
LOL I think you are just salty cuz ur ugly on the inside and outside. It's actually mostly the other way around. Men can't love. :P. I'm a man so...
2017-04-19 12:50:01 UTC
Why should you? So you can have a girlfriend.
2017-04-19 12:38:57 UTC
You shouldn't
2017-04-19 06:20:33 UTC
because they are the mothers to children. respect your women, treat them right, even more importantly RAISE them right, educate them right and they ARE the key to creating a successful generation.
2017-04-19 02:45:42 UTC
Women should be nurtured and taken care of. You don't need to be straight to know that. Be a man.
2017-04-18 21:29:25 UTC
wtf did I do to you?
2017-04-18 17:24:54 UTC
As a gender you shouldn't. Respecting someone solely on their gender is ridiculous. The only people you are required to show respect is your elders and parents. I don't respect woman for simply being woman. I don't respect men for simply being men either. Most woman I know aren't even that respectable. I treat them with respect as a courtesy, but not because they've earned it.
2017-04-18 17:15:50 UTC
Don't you respect your Mother? Is this even a question.
2017-04-18 17:03:44 UTC
AH, another Life Long Virgin in the making.....
2017-04-26 16:36:41 UTC
you have your own opinions and i'll respect that... however, i find some flaws in your argument... you say that girls without a father turn out to be wild and immature, but what about the boys? i've met numerous teenage boys who are on the wrong path in life, mainly 'cause they don't have a father figure...

the only reason men value honor and dignity more is 'cause they have testosterone in their veins... that primal need to be the dominant male is why they crave such things, but it's also what leads to half of the wars on this planet...

if women for the life of me cannot truly love others, explain why it is mainly men with commitment issues... well, why are males more likely to cheat on their significant others? also, only a twisted mother would consider her child a disposable asset...

there are some women (just as their are men) that are exactly as you stated, but that doesn't mean you have to profile an entire group 'cause of it...

i respect everyone individually, those who don't deserve respect, will definitely not get it... simple...
2017-04-24 18:42:38 UTC
HUMM.. because there Human just like you ... that has got to be the stupidest question of the day
2017-04-23 05:36:32 UTC
This sounds similar like a song from the 70s: ...Misogyny is in the air, everywhere you look around... hahaha.
2017-04-22 21:31:36 UTC
Men of my father's generation - 1930s - and earlier were taught to "respect women" in as much as "women are the weaker sex" and so needed to be given "physical" consideration. A "gentleman" walked on the outside of the sidewalk to protect the woman from splashes from carriages. He carried heavy parcels because the woman was "weaker" than him. He opened doors for ladies because it was "good manners" and let ladies through the doorway first. Strength was taught to respect and protect "the weaker sex". However - women were not considered the equal of men, not only in physical strength, but also in intellectual achievement in the past. Men were "protecting" and "respecting" the sex they considered their natural inferior in all things. In return a middle class woman kept to her place as homemaker and childrearer. Working class UK women had to work. It took a LOT of protest and action to get women the vote, the right to own their own property, the right not to be legally the property of their husband, and many other things.

Respect for women is from the past, but it went along with male supremacy. If a woman is not given equal opportunities in education and work and salary expectation then - is it any wonder if some women see their only way in the world is to exploit men? Everyone wants a good standard of living, nice things, etc, and for women for centuries the only way to get the nice things - or just to live except by prostitution or taking in laundry or doing pitifully badly paid jobs- was to be married to a man who provided for them. The protests from men when women wanted to work outside the home and assert their independence were huge. Men WANTED women to stay where they were - at home, financially dependent, less educated, under the control of their husbands.

I'm one of the first generation of women who has always earned her own living, who has never married, and who doesn't expect ANYTHING from a man. I like them - but only from a safe distance. #

I suspect I am wasting my time answering you, because I believe you are not asking a question, you are stating the "facts" as you see them. Your attitude isn't original. Many cultures have accused women of being "evil" "amoral" "childish" and dangerous to poor helpless men who can't resist their wickedness. All I can say is that I am very sorry for whatever woman your parents arrange for you to marry. She is in for a hell of a bad life.
2017-04-20 05:05:34 UTC
Respect is GIVEN, trust is EARNED. How has so many got this a$$ backwards.
2017-04-20 03:48:30 UTC
Because they are human, just as are you. Do you slap your mom around? Do you punch your sister in the face? When you were a schoolkid, did you kick any of your teachers in the shin? Only genuine man-pigs disrespect women. Who taught them this? Probably their fathers, or their friends or the football coach at high school. My parents never taught me such things. My pity on those who were taught such things...
2017-04-20 01:08:24 UTC
You don't lol
2017-04-19 20:24:54 UTC
by default you were carried by your mother in her womb for 9 months days on end..stealing your nourishments from her's..and then when you were born you made her bleed for don't need to respect, no one will force you to..just be thankful at-least that you are here today for a woman decided for you to be.
2017-04-19 12:18:20 UTC
Respect everyone, and you might get some back
2017-04-19 08:57:48 UTC
Ditch your working lunch

Munching on your lunch while at the computer could lead to mindless grazing, according to a study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. People who ate their midday meals while playing a computer game ended up eating more cookies 30 minutes later than those who hadn't been gaming. So carve out 20 minutes a day (we know, you've got a million things to do, but … ), and eat in your conference room (or outdoors!). Your whittled waistline with thank you.............
2017-04-19 04:12:55 UTC
I think about it this way. The man is big and powerful but he is also driven by his eyes. So in turn a woman captivates a man with her beauty. So man cannot live without woman, and woman cannot live without man. It's tricky to explain but in my head i get it, and i know God made it this way so everyone can stay humble. Sorry for rambling but I'm going to bed now lol g-nite!!
2017-04-18 22:41:39 UTC
....and that's how Trump became President
2017-04-18 22:30:14 UTC
They said to respect women because women had been treated really poorly in the past by men in many cultures. And u shouldn't generalized all the women with this image you had. At the end of the day, all men and women from different races, religions and sexual orientations deserve respect.
2017-04-18 21:19:16 UTC
You shouldn't respect anyone ONLY based off of their gender... That's preposterous. Only give people (regardless of gender) the respect they deserve and with the same respect they are giving you.
2017-04-18 20:40:03 UTC
Sexist language.
2017-04-18 20:30:31 UTC
because they're people, @sshole
2017-04-18 18:36:57 UTC
Some women and men have earned my respect.

2017-04-18 17:35:51 UTC
In that case, you as a male aren't worthy of anyone's respect. Male is the gender involved in nearly all rapes and child molestation, and nearly all incidents of mass violence such as shootings and bombings. None of the 9/11 hijackers were women, were they?
2017-04-18 17:17:45 UTC
"Objective good and evil."

This is just something that religious homeschool kids say because they've never really spent much time with anyone but their parents and siblings and are incapable of independent thought.

There's a whole big wide world out there.

In your bubble world, I imagine you think things like beer and rock music and lowcut shirts constitute "objective evil?"

Of course, I think bigotry is evil, but you seem to think it's perfectly acceptable. I can't convince you that bigotry is an objective evil any more than you can convince me that your morals are absolute and the morals of anyone who disagrees with you are faulty.
2017-04-18 17:03:35 UTC
This might be the saddest and rudest thing that I have ever laid eyes on... so this is what our world has come to :(
2017-04-21 15:34:56 UTC
respect women for the fact that your alive because a woman pushed you out.
2017-04-20 00:20:31 UTC
Before you can respect anybody, you need to respect yourself. It kind of takes a respectable person to know a respectable person. For me, hard work builds my self respect, and allows me to work with others who I can grow to respect.

In some ways we should respect all people, no matter what we think about who they are. Not only is it the right thing to do, but it is the only way to get proper respect for yourself in return. There is good and bad in everyone. Men and women are not so different, and if anything I ve found the women I ve known to be equally if not more principled than men, and just as capable if not more of acting on their principles.

I think it's interesting to note that you are asking for a logical answer to your intensely emotional outcry. The things you say are personal to how you feel. All of it is just your feelings. None of what you say is supported by facts. Facts are gathered by scientists who conduct studies based on human behavior. The things you say are not behaviorally demonstrated by our species. It's in your head.
2017-04-18 22:03:38 UTC
I'm going to one day show this to your mother (whether or not she's currently living is irrelevant). She'll likely give you an overdue paddle whipping.
2017-04-18 18:55:38 UTC
Everything you said is pretty much bogus. Without women telling them what to do, men pretty much just a run amuck. Look at the state of the middle East, for example. In regards to single parent homes, children raised by their mothers turn out better than children raised by their fathers on average. Men rape, steal, murder, lie, cheat, abuse, bully, etc etc more than women. You really don't have any evidence that women are more "amoral" than men. You are just another typical male who does not respect women as individuals. Likely you've never even had a relationship with a woman or even a friendship. You are looking at us from the outside, from the point of view of someone who is not getting the validation you think you deserve from.women and who has grown bitter. So you scorn and degrade women (like so many other men) because it makes you feel better about what is lacking in your life. Believe me when I say, it's you who is the amoral one.
2017-04-18 18:40:42 UTC
Women aren't worth **** nowadays, completely worthless the only bargaining chip they have in society is a loose used up vagina with ovaries, if a man does not want kids women are absolutely useless.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.