LMAO ok. Logically you are asking a question while demeaning a whole sex and keeping yourself anonymous at the same time. You ask for a non emotional answer while at the same time pissing off the sex that is more abundant in the world then there counter halves. ok.
Your facts are actually all opinions. None of what you have said is factual and yet you want a factual answer.
Alright time for actual facts.
-Fact all humans men and women have morals. Morals are different depending on religion, culture, and values.
(That statement you have said is now meaningless)
-Fact all humans have lines and not every line is the same. There is always a line some one won't cross it's just finding it. This goes for men and women. (The statement you have said is now meaningless)
-Fact morality doesn't exist because of men and every generation of humans comes with a new meaning of what morality is. Morality is based off culture, religion, and science. All of these are also based off both genders since today there are many women in the seat of power. You must also remember though that this isn't the first time a woman has been in the seat of power. Egyptian history can prove that and is a very good example. (The statement you have said is now meaningless.)
-Fact the objective in good and evil differs depending on society and religion. Men have more power in the middle east and do you see how they run things there? This of coarse is just an example I am using because many people would believe that most men there are evil. They kill with what seems like no remorse and they don't seem to care who is in the cross fire either. Again I use this as an example mainly because men are in charge there and women are more like property then human beings themselves. I would also like to add that I do understand that not all men are like that over there. Every one is there own person. Still evil acts are going on over there though. (Your statement is now meaningless)
-There are many thousands of studies which have appeared over the past four to five decades showing quite clearly how absolutely important biological mothers and fathers are to the well-being of their children. Study after study has shown that no other factor is more vital to the healthy development of children than having a mum and a dad. To have a easier upbringing and having a child that is safe while in school, at a park, or hanging out with friends both parents are just as equal when necessary. (Look at that women and men are necessary) https://billmuehlenberg.com/2010/10/18/why-children-need-a-mother-and-a-father/ This is just one of the sites I found. I looked at 32 different sites and all said pretty much the same thing. (Again something else you have said that is meaningless)
-There are families where men and women don't believe in discipline. 95% of men and women believe in discipline. Not every one is going to agree on what kind of discipline is needed for raising children but still just as much as men believe in discipline women believe in it too. (That statement is meaningless)
-I am still a bit confused about the traitor aspect. If you are talking about the Bible then yes I can see it but of coarse there are many scriptures talking about men who have been traitors including the man who kissed Jesus for money. You look at history and see there is actually a mix of men and women who have been traitors.
Mordechai Vanunu (Man)
Gaius Cassius Longinus (Man)
Ephialtes (Man)
Guy Fawkes (Man)
Benedict Arnold(Man)
Marcus Junius Brutus the Younger(Man)
Wang Jingwei(Man)
Vidkun Quisling(Man)
Mir Jafar(Man)
That is 9 men that have been traitors.
(That statement you have said is meaningless)
-When it comes to love there was actually a time that love was considered weakness and that is why women were a weaker beings then men. Now it is a known fact that both genders do love they just show there love differently. The fact that you have said no emotions I want facts tells you that you already know this women do tend to be more emotional then men. That is actually due to upbringing and society, then throw hormones into the mix and that is what you have. Fact. From the beginning of time men were always the bread winners while women looked after the children and tended to the house. Yes this day and age both men and women do things like that but it has been ingrained now so men keep the persona of being completely tough. That and women subconsciously are attracted to men with that persona. Science studies have proven that.
-Disposable assets? I don't know how you came up with this one either. Your argument has become 100% not validated no matter how many websites I have searched. I don't have an argument for this one but I know for a fact that you don't have one either. I will leave this one alone. I would believe that the only time this one is true is when a woman choses a life with out those so called assets you call them. Just as much as that happens men do the same.
-Since time began women have been watching children and the children have grown up into rulers, people who work with there hands, teachers, and more. None of which validate anything you have said.
Everything you have said now is meaningless.