I am trying to help a friend who is an addict.?
2007-03-13 13:56:01 UTC
I am trying to help someone who is an addict. They are in denial and I'd like to know what I'm dealing with right up front. This is going to sound strange but how can you tell the difference between a pot pipe and a meth pipe? Is there a difference?
Nine answers:
2007-03-13 14:52:29 UTC
Different things work for different people. I'll just tell you what I know from experience.

1- NA and AA work if you work it, if that person is willing then encourage them to check it out.

2- Anyone can become addicted to meth, cocaine, ect. Only few kinds of people can become addicted to things like marijuanna and alcohol. I belive that this stems from repressed memories, genetics, and things of that nature. Working on a theraputic level with a constant pot smoker is a probable solution. (i.e. out-patient day program) However, if it's a strong drug like meth more evasive action is required, because the addiction is most likely stronger and definately physical & chemical (i.e rehab, intensive out-patient drug program)

3- I dealt with drugs for so long and I want you to know that your being a good friend. However, if this person is anyone like me or the hundreds of addicts I have come in contact with they will not accept help well and they will need to get help on their own time. Sometimes you have to reach rock bottom before anything changes for the better.

Finding out what the pipe is used for is relatively easy. Just smell the damn thing. If you smell something grassy, herbal, distinctive... kind of smells good if you ask me... that's pot. Meth can have no smell or it can smell like plastic or burnt rubber (kind of chemically). Also, a meth pipe looks all powerdry sometimes and can have a small whole. However, if this is a close friend of yours you would know if they were doing meth. They're face would be sucken in, skinny, black eyes, horrible teeth.... the look is undeniable and def. noticable.

Good luck!
2007-03-13 21:55:42 UTC
You should just ditch your friend. That's what your friend has done to you. You can help your fiend best by doing this. If you try to intervene or confront a methamphetamine user, be very careful. Even the most kind, caring person can become extremely violent when using methamphetamine.

Most methamphetamine pipes are glass tubes with a bulb on one end. The bulb will have a small hole to allow the drawing in of a flame to melt the drug converting it into a gas in the form of smoke and inhaled to produce the high desired. Pot pipes may also be used, but most methamphetamine users quickly turn to the glass tubes or use pot pipes in liu of the meth pipe.

To learn more about addiction see

To learn more about the hazards of 12-step programs see

I've been off meth for 12 years. Never went to rehabilitation, never became a 12-step cult member. What stopped me? Like every self-recovered addict a specific event (not necessarily the "bottom" or other traumatic episode recommended by the treatment community) occured that convinced me that I needed to stop. I went to score a bag at my dealer's hotel room and while I was waiting for him to chop up my piece, I looked at his calender and saw my name written on all of my paydays through to the end of the year.

Don't worry, your friend will find something to help him or her quit... Or, they will die using.
2007-03-13 21:04:13 UTC
yes, there is a difference. is your friend always hungry, laughing all the time, forgetful? is the pipe made of wood or plastic? if so, likely it's pot, and unless he's not paying his bills or dropping the ball on other responsibilities, don't sweat it. eventually, they grow up and out of it.

is your friend losing a lot of weight? not remembering to bathe, eat, sleep? are they hyper and disorganized? are they violent? do they steal to support their habit? are their fingers burnt? is the pipe made of glass? then its crack or meth. and, unfortunately, unless they are willing to admit they have a problem, you are not going to be able to do much to help them. don't give them money. don't cover up for them. eventually, they will get in trouble with the law, and sadly that is often the only way meth or crack addicts ever get clean.
2007-03-13 21:04:02 UTC
the meth pipes ive seen are usually pretty narrow with a smaller opening. Whereas pot pipes have a wider area where the place the buds.

Plus you could just smell it.
Jan C
2007-03-13 21:01:32 UTC
Addicted to what? If they are just doing pot, then this is something that can be stopped when the person chooses. On the other hand a meth addict has a serious problem with life threatening problems.
2007-03-13 21:31:37 UTC
I am a recovering alcoholic-Am 40yrs. so, I've been around abit-A pot pipe,I'm pretty sure,can be used for meth. also,you smoke it,right?so.....there you go.Hope your friend find's it time to quit soon, because, you won't be able to make him, he's got to hit his bottom(whatever that may be) before he'll ADMIT it. & meth. seem's to be one of the most addictive thing's around now,so prevalent. Also,I don't know if you know ,but you can also snort it.good luck w/ this.hope I helped in some way.
2007-03-13 21:04:57 UTC
I can only answer the first part of your question. It is a shame but as long as someone is in denial you may as well bang your head against a brick. Some people need to hit their rock bottom before they seek help. My only suggestion is offer to go to a NA meeting with your friend simply as a support person.
User Name
2007-03-13 21:04:02 UTC
if you don't want help you cant get help... try an intervention... thats all you can do.

i really don't know the difference between the two.... i've never done drugs.
2007-03-13 21:11:03 UTC
I. General Guide to Detection

II. Definition of Addiction

III. Pupil Dilation

IV. Signs and Symptoms

V. Paraphernalia

VI. Drug Facts

VII. Articles and Other Resources

VIII. Drug Pictures/Resources

IX. NI-COR Topics

X. Additional Articles (Alcoholism, Drugs, Teenage Addiction, Interventions)

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View the Signs and Symptoms on a Chart

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I. Specific: General: Abrupt changes in work or school attendance, quality of work, work output, grades, discipline. Unusual flare-ups or outbreaks of temper. Withdrawal from responsibility. General changes in overall attitude. Deterioration of physical appearance and grooming. Wearing of sunglasses at inappropriate times. Continual wearing of long-sleeved garments particularly in hot weather or reluctance to wear short sleeved attire when appropriate. Association with known substance abusers. Unusual borrowing of money from friends, co-workers or parents. Stealing small items from employer, home or school. Secretive behavior regarding actions and possessions; poorly concealed attempts to avoid attention and suspicion such as frequent trips to storage rooms, restroom, basement, etc.

II. Specific: DSM-IV Definition of Addiction- A maladaptive pattern of substance use, leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by three (or more) of the following, occurring at any time in the same 12-month period: (1) Tolerance, as defined by either of the following: a. A need for markedly increased amounts of the substance to achieve intoxication or desired effect. b. Markedly diminished effect with continued use of the same amount of the substance. (2) Withdrawal, as manifested by either of the following: a. The characteristic withdrawal syndrome for the substance b. The same (or a closely related) substance is taken to relieve or avoid withdrawal symptoms. (3) The substance is often taken in larger amounts or over a longer period than was intended (loss of control).(4) There is a persistent desire or unsuccessful efforts to cut down or control substance use (loss of control). (5) A great deal of time is spent in activities necessary to obtain the substance, use the substance, or recover from its effects (preoccupation). (6) Important social, occupational, or recreational activities are given up or reduced because of substance use (continuation despite adverse consequences). (7) The substance use is continued despite knowledge of having a persistent or recurrent physical or psychological problem that is likely to have been caused or exacerbated by the substance (adverse consequences).

III. Specific: Pupil Dilation Before you do anything, consider this. There are two trains of thought prior to detection and intervention. One thought is to catch and punish, and the other is to identify and help- remember why you are doing this, and the intervention will turn out much better.

Note: The following images are actual charts used by Neurologists, M.D.'s, R.N.'s, Drug Counselors, etc. to diagnose conditions related to brain injuries, medications effects, and intoxication / drug use indicators.

The images to the left are of various pupil sizes. A 6mm, 7mm, or 8mm pupil size could indicate that a person is under the influence of cocaine, crack, meth., hallucinogens, crystal, ecstasy, or other stimulant. A 1mm or 2mm pupil size could indicate a person under the influence of heroin, opiates, or other depressant, (see more examples below).

This pupil is close to pinpoint and could indicate use.

This pupil is completely dilated and could indicate use.

Blown out wide pupils are indicative of crack, methamphetamine, cocaine, stimulant use. Pinpoint pupils are indicative of heroin, opiate, depressant use.

Other causes of pupil dilation

IV. Specific: Signs and Symptoms

Alcohol: Odor on the breath. Intoxication. Difficulty focusing: glazed appearance of the eyes. Uncharacteristically passive behavior; or combative and argumentative behavior. Gradual (or sudden in adolescents) deterioration in personal appearance and hygiene. Gradual development of dysfunction, especially in job performance or school work. Absenteeism (particularly on Monday). Unexplained bruises and accidents. Irritability. Flushed skin. Loss of memory (blackouts). Availability and consumption of alcohol becomes the focus of social or professional activities. Changes in peer-group associations and friendships. Impaired interpersonal relationships (troubled marriage, unexplainable termination of deep relationships, alienation from close family members).

Marijuana/Pot: Rapid, loud talking and bursts of laughter in early stages of intoxication. Sleepy or stuporous in the later stages. Forgetfulness in conversation. Inflammation in whites of eyes; pupils unlikely to be dilated. Odor similar to burnt rope on clothing or breath. Tendency to drive slowly - below speed limit. Distorted sense of time passage - tendency to overestimate time intervals. Use or possession of paraphernalia including roach clip, packs of rolling papers, pipes or bongs. Marijuana users are difficult to recognize unless they are under the influence of the drug at the time of observation. Casual users may show none of the general symptoms. Marijuana does have a distinct odor and may be the same color or a bit greener than tobacco.

Cocaine/Crack/Methamphetamines/Stimulants: Extremely dilated pupils. Dry mouth and nose, bad breath, frequent lip licking. Excessive activity, difficulty sitting still, lack of interest in food or sleep. Irritable, argumentative, nervous. Talkative, but conversation often lacks continuity; changes subjects rapidly. Runny nose, cold or chronic sinus/nasal problems, nose bleeds. Use or possession of paraphernalia including small spoons, razor blades, mirror, little bottles of white powder and plastic, glass or metal straws.

Depressants: Symptoms of alcohol intoxication with no alcohol odor on breath (remember that depressants are frequently used with alcohol). Lack of facial expression or animation. Flat affect. Flaccid appearance. Slurred speech. Note: There are few readily apparent symptoms. Abuse may be indicated by activities such as frequent visits to different physicians for prescriptions to treat "nervousness", "anxiety"," stress", etc.

Narcotics/Prescription Drugs/Opium/Heroin/Codeine/Oxycontin: Lethargy, drowsiness. Constricted pupils fail to respond to light. Redness and raw nostrils from inhaling heroin in power form. Scars (tracks) on inner arms or other parts of body, from needle injections. Use or possession of paraphernalia, including syringes, bent spoons, bottle caps, eye droppers, rubber tubing, cotton and needles. Slurred speech. While there may be no readily apparent symptoms of analgesic abuse, it may be indicated by frequent visits to different physicians or dentists for prescriptions to treat pain of non-specific origin. In cases where patient has chronic pain and abuse of medication is suspected, it may be indicated by amounts and frequency taken.

Inhalants: Substance odor on breath and clothes. Runny nose. Watering eyes. Drowsiness or unconsciousness. Poor muscle control. Prefers group activity to being alone. Presence of bags or rags containing dry plastic cement or other solvent at home, in locker at school or at work. Discarded whipped cream, spray paint or similar chargers (users of nitrous oxide). Small bottles labeled "incense" (users of butyl nitrite).

Solvents, Aerosols, Glue, Petrol: Nitrous Oxide - laughing gas, whippits, nitrous.

Amyl Nitrate - snappers, poppers, pearlers, rushamies.

Butyl Nitrate - locker room, bolt, bullet, rush, climax, red gold. Slurred speech, impaired coordination, nausea, vomiting, slowed breathing. Brain damage, pains in the chest, muscles, joints, heart trouble, severe depression, fatigue, loss of appetite, bronchial spasm, sores on nose or mouth, nosebleeds, diarrhea, bizarre or reckless behavior, sudden death, suffocation.

LSD/Hallucinogens: Extremely dilated pupils, (see note below). Warm skin, excessive perspiration and body odor. Distorted sense of sight, hearing, touch; distorted image of self and time perception. Mood and behavior changes, the extent depending on emotional state of the user and environmental conditions Unpredictable flashback episodes even long after withdrawal (although these are rare). Hallucinogenic drugs, which occur both naturally and in synthetic form, distort or disturb sensory input, sometimes to a great degree. Hallucinogens occur naturally in primarily two forms, (peyote) cactus and psilocybin mushrooms. Several chemical varieties have been synthesized, most notably LSD, MDA , STP, and PCP. Hallucinogen usage reached a peak in the United States in the late 1960's, but declined shortly thereafter due to a broader awareness of the detrimental effects of usage. However, a disturbing trend indicating a resurgence in hallucinogen usage by high-school and college age persons nationwide has been acknowledged by law enforcement. With the exception of PCP, all hallucinogens seem to share common effects of use. Any portion of sensory perceptions may be altered to varying degrees. Synesthesia, or the "seeing" of sounds, and the "hearing" of colors, is a common side effect of hallucinogen use. Depersonalization, acute anxiety, and acute depression resulting in suicide have also been noted as a result of hallucinogen use. Note: there are some forms of hallucinogens that are considered downers and constrict pupil diameters.

PCP: Unpredictable behavior; mood may swing from passiveness to violence for no apparent reason. Symptoms of intoxication. Disorientation; agitation and violence if exposed to excessive sensory stimulation. Fear, terror. Rigid muscles. Strange gait. Deadened sensory perception (may experience severe injuries while appearing not to notice). Pupils may appear dilated. Mask like facial appearance. Floating pupils, appear to follow a moving object. Comatose (unresponsive) if large amount consumed. Eyes may be open or closed.

Ecstasy: Confusion, depression, headaches, dizziness (from hangover/after effects), muscle tension, panic attacks, paranoia, possession of pacifiers (used to stop jaw clenching), lollipops, candy necklaces, mentholated vapor rub, severe anxiety, sore jaw (from clenching teeth after effects), vomiting or nausea (from hangover/after effects)

Signs that your teen could be high on Ecstasy: Blurred vision, rapid eye movement, pupil dilation, chills or sweating, high body temperature, sweating profusely, dehydrated, confusion, faintness, paranoia or severe anxiety, trance-like state, transfixed on sites and sounds, unconscious clenching of the jaw, grinding teeth, very affectionate.

V. Specific: Paraphernalia Click Here

VI. Specific: Drug Facts- Includes identifiers, definitions, language of users and dealers.

Drug Terms

Slang and Street Terms

VII. Specific: Articles and Other Resources


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VIII. Specific: Drug Pictures/Resources from the DEA




Narcotics of Natural Origin





Semi-Synthetic Narcotics





Synthetic Narcotics


Narcotics Treatment Drugs








Controlled Substances Uses and Effects (Chart)


Gamma Hydroxybutric Acid


Chloral Hydrate

Glutethimide 7 Methaqualone


Newly Marketed Drugs











Hashish Oil



Psilocybin & Psiocyn and Other Tryptamines

Peyote & Mescaline

MDMA (Ecstasy) & Other Phenethylamines

Phencyclidine (PCP) & Related Drugs




IX. Specific: NICD Topics

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Alcohol and Drug Addiction Survival Kit

General: A series, for the individual, family, friends, employers, educators, professionals, etc. on prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, relapse prevention, support, and other issues relating to alcoholism and drug addiction.

1. Prevention- Includes tips on how to talk to your kids about alcohol, tobacco, and drugs.

2. Detection of Signs and Symptoms- A guide to detection of alcohol and various drug usage.

3. Definition of Addiction- A DSM-IV definition of exactly what constitutes alcoholism and drug addiction.

4. Intervention- Interventions can and do work. We will show you how to do it effectively.

5. Treatment & Housing- A treatment center and halfway house locator.

6. Support- Some guides to how to support someone while they are in treatment.

7. After Care- What to do prior to and after release from treatment.

8. Recovery / Relapse Prevention- Addiction can surface again, in the form of relapse.

9. Other Issues- Issues to think about regarding those affected by substance abuse, as well as those around them.

10. References- A list of those who contributed to this series of articles.

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NI-COR Articles

Medical Today Dr. William Gallagher takes us through his use of DNFT with his patients.

Psychotherapy Today Psychologist Jim Maclaine keeps us up to date with his articles of insight, therapy, and healing.

Counseling Today Therapist Thom Rutledge gives a creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique counseling sessions.

Big Book Bytes Author Shelly Marshall shares via the Big Book on issues of concern to those in recovery. All pages are set-up to copy, for use by counselors, professionals, sponsors, and others.

Recovery Today Interviews of people in recovery, about alcoholism, drug abuse, addictions, recovery, sobriety, spirituality, wisdom, experience, strength, and hope. Tune in monthly for new articles!!!

A.A. History Author Dick B. will take you back to a time when the recovery rates were as high as 93%.

Journaling Today A series of informative articles by Author Doreene Clement on how, why, and what to write about.

Spirituality Today Author Carol Tuttle takes us to new heights on our spiritual journey.

Articles of God and Faith Features 100's of topics relating to God, faith, spirituality, and more.

Life Today Everyday life experiences from people all over the world. Life, Addictions, Recovery, Hope, Inspiration, Wisdom, Advice, and so much more. Tune in on a regular basis to see what others have and are going through. Find hope from the experiences of others.

Steps Today Recovery Peer and Advisory Board Member Dean G. gives a creative approach to dealing with life on life's terms via his unique recovery sessions.

Step Work / Relapse Prevention This service is designed to assist with step work, with quotes and pages from the Big Book, with forms ready to copy and utilize. There is a section devoted to relapse prevention as well.

NI-COR Captions Today Articles, reviews, and updates from our Founder.

The Steps and Action Pages This is an overview of Steps 1-12, and the action taking pages for each.

X. Specific: Additional Articles

Additional Articles

Health and Medical News News, videos, text from the world of medicine, health, and medical.

Ecstasy Features 25 plus addiction articles dealing with ecstasy issues.

Alcoholism The disease of alcoholism is explained in more the 20 articles.

Cocaine From cocaine addiction to crack addictions to use and abuse statistics.

Marijuana A common gateway drug of addiction is explained through 25 plus articles- everything from chemical breakdown to teenage use issues.

Teen Teens/teenager/kids/youth alcohol and drug addiction, addictions, alcoholism, underage drinking and drug abuse, prevention, education, gangs, problems, and issues.

Oxycontin The pain killer of abuse and addiction is outlined in 25 articles from credible sources.

Drug Addiction Education about substance abuse/addiction, craving, disease concept, and more.

Addiction / Addictions All kinds and types of addictions are discussed in over 200 documents and articles.

Substance Abuse Deaths Numerous articles detailing the death rate statistics around alcohol and drug addiction.

Find information on any word as it relates to addictions, alcoholism, drugs, etc.

Ecstasy information.

How Do I Talk With My Kids About Alcohol?

How Do I talk to my kids about drugs?

How Do I talk with my teenager about drugs and alcohol?

What does a crack pipe look like?

Family assistance for substance abuse.

Addiction treatment for my teenager.

Overdose or OD Information

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.