2009-01-27 06:59:04 UTC
• Mental fogginess’
o Seems to becoming more apparent but I really don’t know this for sure.
• Thoughts
o Mind changes from one idea to another very quickly and forgets the one before instantly.
When people talk to me I will be listening but then zone out in a daze.
I will forget what a conversation is about completely, during the conversation, if my mind wonders even for a second.
o I feel like I am trying to process thoughts larger than my mind can handle. I often find it extremely hard to grasp complicated concepts and ideas. i.e. Project ideas, long questions.
o I often become unsure of things that I am pretty sure about, such as people’s names, answers to questions, correct processes.
o I don’t remember names or faces very well, along with matching names with faces. This also goes for movies and actors.
• Lack of reality
o Unable to experience sad emotion. (pet dying) But able to experience them in movies and non-real situations.
• Communication
o Unable to hold a conversation and create it
No will to want to carry on the conversation, forget what the conversation is about, or don’t know what to say
Rather sit quietly by myself or in a group but not contribute speech.
o Lost interest to hang out with people.
I am perfectly content with being alone
Possibly because I don’t enjoy other peoples presence.
o I feel very awkward when having a conversation with someone.
I don’t know how to hold my hands or where to look.
I’ll try to look them in the eyes but becomes nervous that I am staring at them too much and look away.
I don’t know how to position my body in a conversation, I always feel like I look awkward.
• Daze
o I sometimes get stuck in a daze where I will stare at nothing with my eyes unfocused and centered.
• Posture
o I always lean against something when I am standing-I have been called out by friends for how I stand “You have the “coolest” way of standing”- and when I am at home I always recline with my body in a twisted odd position.
• Phases
o I get into phases where I will completely forget about activities that I have done all my life
Example. I will surf a lot for two months and then forget about it for a few months. Not even checking surf reports or thinking about it.
This also occurs with projects. I will work on a few projects at a time and then forget about them and leave them unfinished.
Recent Events
1. Escalator, while in the mall I was heading to the escalator to go upstairs. I was not really paying attention to where I was going because my mind was distracted on my texting on my cell phone or something. When I got to the escalator it was coming down towards me. I became seriously confused at how I am supposed to go up it. A moment later I realized I need to find the other one.
2. People will sometimes ask me to do something for them but I will completely forget until a few days later.