Hard question, I believ that one of the worste addiction is a sex addiction. In the Bible it says that if you are sexually immoral then you are defiling your body, and your body belongs to the Lord, and is a temple, so you are defiling Gods Temple. It also says if your right(Ithink) hand causes you to sin, its better to cut it off then to burn in hell. All that aside, a sexula addiction is an addiction that is never satisfied, and it can kill you and others just the same as an intocicated person behind the wheel. You cheat on your spouce, sleep around, break up marraiges/relationships, can spread diseease, and some peopel have fanatsies that with a sexual addition the act out, rape, abuse, even murder.... and its sooo hush hush, its not like an alcholic who you see drunk all the time, these peopel often suffer alone in shame and embarrasment, and there isnt as many rehabs for sexual addiction as their is for drugs/alcohol. I would say too much of anything is bad, and I dont want an addiction, but the best one to have would be an addiction to God, needing a "fix" in the morning and night, when I am stressed or lonely, even when I am happy, My support group : Church weekly meetings 11:00am, my family, most supportive because they are addicts too, but the ones who try to get me to quit, I try to get them hooked.