which addiction is more dangerous?
2006-11-28 18:02:18 UTC
I know you've all heard of the addictions for alcohol, addictions for smoking, addictions to taking illegal and harmful drugs, and addictions to sex. In your opinion, which type of addiction is more dangerous for not only yourself, but for the people around you? I mean, if you could pick one addiction, what would it be, and how would your family or friends react with this addiction?
36 answers:
2006-11-28 18:15:06 UTC
If your addicted to alcohol, then you are probably going to die young of liver disease. It would effect people that you live with because their the ones that got to deal with you when you can even get up on the porch. It has been known to make people violent, which I can't understand why. It can also impare someones driving. People can smoke for years before they develop any server heath problems, like lung cancer. Smoking can effect anyone that is around them (second hand smoke). Sex would be lots of fun, but you can get STD's or AID's. If your addicted to this then its best to use protection. You can also pass it on to others, and that's not a good thing. Illegal drugs and harmful drugs would effect you and some drugs can make you crazy or violent. If I had to pick anyone to be addicted to I would chose illegal drugs with the exception that it went no further then pot. The reason is it doesn't have to many long term effects unlike smoking and drinking. I have never known anyone to die from weed. I heard it has a 0% death rate. Your not going to hit up that often because once you do your fine for hours. People don't do it that often because it burns the hell out of your lungs. Most people do it for the reward (High). Pot also doesn't make people violent. Its not like a real drug that can do serious damage.
2006-11-28 18:12:33 UTC
Drug and alcohol addiction I believe to be the most harmful. However, I would not pick any addiction. An addiction by definition is something that is taking over your life. All addictions are detrimental to your life in some way or another. Alcohol and drug addiction can lead to Institutions, prisons, or death. Smoking can lead to heart disease, emphysema, or many types of cancer. Sex addiction could lead a person to have unprotected sex and possibly pick up HIV, herpes, etc. Addictions are always hard on the family as well as the addict. Unfortunately, almost every person is touched by addiction in one way or another, either themselves, a friend, or a family member probably has or had some form of an addiction.
August lmagination
2006-11-28 18:10:31 UTC
An addiction to sex doesn't sound too painful. I'd have to pick that as the least dangerous. I don't feel sorry one bit for people with that "problem". The most dangerous would be an addiction to drugs or alcohol. Depending on the type of drug, addiction to alcohol could be worse, however. That is, heroin or meth being the worse drugs here while an addiction to red wine is not terribly bad, maybe beneficial.
2006-11-28 18:07:19 UTC
My worst addiction, and the one I find that tears my family apart the most, is my addiction to killing hobos in my basement. Sure while some may say I was really addicted to the drugs they bring over, or the sex I have with the corpse's, but the real addiction and the rush for me lies in the actual choking or killing of the hobo. For years I have sought some sort of rehabilitation, and have found lots of places that would take me in if I simply had a drug, alcohol, or sex addiction. Whenever I bring up the hobo part, most places turn me away. Where can somebody like me even go for help?
2006-11-28 18:13:58 UTC
Hard question, I believ that one of the worste addiction is a sex addiction. In the Bible it says that if you are sexually immoral then you are defiling your body, and your body belongs to the Lord, and is a temple, so you are defiling Gods Temple. It also says if your right(Ithink) hand causes you to sin, its better to cut it off then to burn in hell. All that aside, a sexula addiction is an addiction that is never satisfied, and it can kill you and others just the same as an intocicated person behind the wheel. You cheat on your spouce, sleep around, break up marraiges/relationships, can spread diseease, and some peopel have fanatsies that with a sexual addition the act out, rape, abuse, even murder.... and its sooo hush hush, its not like an alcholic who you see drunk all the time, these peopel often suffer alone in shame and embarrasment, and there isnt as many rehabs for sexual addiction as their is for drugs/alcohol. I would say too much of anything is bad, and I dont want an addiction, but the best one to have would be an addiction to God, needing a "fix" in the morning and night, when I am stressed or lonely, even when I am happy, My support group : Church weekly meetings 11:00am, my family, most supportive because they are addicts too, but the ones who try to get me to quit, I try to get them hooked.
2006-11-28 18:39:53 UTC
I have been working in nursing for 14 years. I have worked in an emergency dept. for the last 8 years. Unfortunately, I also have had close friends and family members that have had addictions to every legal and illegal drug that I can think of except PCP. Different people with different experiences will probably offer different answers. I, however, have seen more deaths directly related to the abuse of alcohol. Due to the mind altering effects of alcohol, it probably is directly related to more violent acts and injury's to other people than the other drugs. Amazingly, it is perfectly legal.

This is not to down play the dangers of the other drugs. I am opposed to the abuse of all drugs from nicotine to crack, they can destroy your life and the lives of the people who love you. Sometimes the lives of people you have never met, i.e., from driving related deaths.

If your looking for an addiction to bring into your life, I suggest bible study or prayer. Dedication to Jesus Christ is the only addiction that offers a positive outcome without the equal and opposite negative. Your blessings will be in my prayers.
2006-11-28 18:19:23 UTC
The level of danger depends on how you look at the situation and urgent the situation is. For example, alcohol could considered a minor problem if dad has a beer every now and then, but if he becomes violent when he drinks then it is a problem. Smoking might not hurt family unless the smoking is done around them. In this case, they are smoking too. Their chances of developing health problem increase.
2006-11-28 18:06:19 UTC
In my opinion, any addiction is dangerous but I would say an addiction to drugs would end you a whole lot faster than any of the others.

Of course sleeping with the wrong person could achieve that end fast as well.
thru a glass darkly
2006-11-28 18:16:04 UTC
People can get addicted to work, shopping, religion, too. Everything in moderation. Even some of the super rich have addictions - to power.

But generally society is more accepting of those who work 'hard' but won't call it 'addiction'. Also, what is a norm to some, the super rich kids shop everyday for things they may never need, is a luxury to others, most of us have to work more than hard to earn the little we have, then, have to consider if we can afford certain big ticket items!

I hope I have answered your question.
2006-11-28 18:06:27 UTC
if i had to pick one addiction i'd pick sex. it's the least harmful for the body and person-- however any addiction means you think / depend too much on it and its bad. I'd say the most dangerous addiction for me and other people would be smoking cigarettes--seriously. I say that because so many people do that it causes pain and suffering in a TON of people--2nd hand smoke too. If I was addicted to sex and didn't pull any crazy having sex with 14 year old boy stunts, I think my family would probably laugh it off.
2016-11-28 01:06:39 UTC
nicely i imagine alcohol and medicines are tied to date as addictions move. i have conventional particularly some peolple who've traded of their actual addictions for religious ones. certain those who've performed that ought to nicely be demanding and it easily must be an habit, rather at the same time as the guy starts pushing away acquaintances and family contributors because they could't be round "sinners" and all their temptations. in spite of the indisputable fact that, this is likely extra powerful and a lot less existence-destroying for someone to have a non secular habit than to both drugs or alcohol. they are all undesirable, yet when someone can't eliminate getting an addictive personality (and who between us do not have one?) then choosing faith is likely a touch extra powerful than drugs or alcohol.
2006-11-28 18:49:08 UTC
Any addiction is bad, but I would say the worse would be Heroin.

Heroin addiction hurts family, friends and is physically addictive. If you do it you are likely to get hooked on it.

Smoking is just as addictive as heroin, but there are many people who only socially smoke, just like there are social drinkers, but there aren't any social heroin users.
laurie r
2006-11-28 18:11:24 UTC
smoking is a very destructive addiction-it cost alot--and the smoke is also harmful to the people that are around it also--smoking is like a slow suicide-that you pay dearly for every single day--and-with the recent public opinion on smoking-and the bans on smoking in public places--it just seems like a real bonehead activity--oh-and nicotine is the most addictive substance known to man--and lung cancer is one of the top causes of death in this country
2006-11-28 18:05:40 UTC
I think addiction to drugs is the most important, and dangerous one soley because it decays your life to the very point of death. Friends, and family at a certain point do not have any inflluence on someone of that nature.
♥♫♥ Crystal ♥♫♥
2006-11-28 18:05:29 UTC
Meth is the worst. Statistically only 6% of meth users ever fully quit using. It steals your soul, you no longer care about your family and friends and you are willing to do anything to get more. It makes you forget about your resposibilities and ruins your life. You lose everything to this horrible drug, it is by far the worst addiction.
2006-11-28 18:22:54 UTC
Your question isn't specific if we can choose something else but, its sex! Because it's the only bad addiction that deals with all the senses which, turns you against yourself!
2006-11-28 18:04:44 UTC
An addiction to being negative. It kills not only the person who thinks it but ruins it for everyone else. No one wants to be around anyone negative especially one who always is.
2006-11-28 18:05:45 UTC
Most harmful are meth, cocaine, heroin, speed, angeldust because they are very addictive and you'd step over your own mother to acquire it.

Down the list is alcohol, because it slowly catches up to you and changes your behaviour.

Smoking comes last. Many doctors smoke.
2006-11-28 18:04:51 UTC
I guess smoking for others around you only from personal experiences(not me my late dad) alcohol
2006-11-28 18:04:37 UTC
Would you consider Yahoo answers an addiction?

Other than that,probably meth(ice)
2006-11-28 18:04:34 UTC
Alcohol is the most dangerous. You hurt yourself and your family, both mentaly and physically.
2006-11-28 18:08:58 UTC
Sex. And only my sister knows, she thinks I'm a freak. It's uncontrollable.And no I don't try to do it with any and every guy. For goodness sake there's diseases out
2006-11-28 18:05:22 UTC
I would say they are all equally dangerous but if you are going to limit me to one I will say drugs as it can lead to or contribute to all of the list above.

Family's reaction I think it would hurt them as they would worry about my safety
2006-11-28 18:04:59 UTC

2006-11-28 18:04:26 UTC
I am addicted to yahoo answers and my family has to post questions on here in order to get me to chat with THEM
2006-11-28 18:07:51 UTC
ok lets see, sex is good so thats not it, alchohol was made to help white people dance so thats good too, pot makes the hippies happy so its not all bad, smokeing keeps lots of people from going syco on your a.s.s so thats good too, and cocaine is fun fun fun. And most others drugs aren't all that bad. So i guess the most destructive addiction for all women is chocolate, it makes us fat, which makes us lonely and sad, which is why many women commit suicide, so stay away from the chocolate.
Rosita D
2006-11-28 18:05:24 UTC
That is really a hard question. The only answer I can have for you is STAY AWAY from all of them, none is good for your health
2006-11-28 18:15:41 UTC
i would say that drug addiction because it ruins your whole family
2006-11-28 18:24:17 UTC
alcohol...because if you get behind the wheel...everyone around yous life is at risk
2006-11-28 18:05:35 UTC
Coke and Crack, I guess...But I'm not a shrink
jjust wondering
2006-11-28 18:19:42 UTC
smoking pot mellows very well, thus many buttholes are not hurt
Baby Girl
2006-11-28 18:04:56 UTC
i would have to say sex becuase there are so many disease that people are getting!!!!
2006-11-28 18:04:22 UTC
sex that can ruin ur life FOREVER i hate thos ppl ;)
2006-11-28 18:03:48 UTC
everyone is gonna pick the same one LOLOLOL i think u kno what
2006-11-28 18:04:11 UTC
Being an ex junkie...any ******* one.
2006-11-28 18:04:17 UTC
alcohol or crack

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