nightmare hippy girl
2009-01-09 16:12:54 UTC
Our last topic was about tattoos, I didn't say anything offensive, but he has stopped replying to me. My last email was a response email December 23rd to his tattoo small talk, and I haven't heard from him since. He has however been signing onto facebook every single day and joining mass quantities of groups and changing his status hourly. As if he wants me to see he has been on and is just electing to ignore me. Because usually he never does any of that.
Anyway, since he is being this way and my december 23rd email is just sitting there, I decided it's best to end the friendship and cancel plans with him. I just don't know if I should give him the easy way out and just continue to ignore him and let him slip away unseen or if I should confront him. Because really, I did and said nothing wrong, he has no reason that I am aware of that he should be acting that way, and I really don't want to let him off so easy. I'm really confused.