2008-11-11 04:58:13 UTC
Bit of a long story but I really need help at the moment. Bit of background first. I am a 36 year old man and I am single again! My whole history with relationships seems to be that I want the wrong women. This is either women that are difficult or women that I think are too good for me in terms of looks etc and that I feel lucky to be with them. Whenever there has been a relationship with someone kind and caring and someone who wants to do stuff for me I become less interested. I really can't explain why it happens.
My gilfriend left me four weeks ago and I am still devastated. I have been trying to keep busy and I have avoided calling or texting her except to arrange for her to get her stuff. The way I have been feeling since she left is the worst I have ever felt. The pain is eating me up.
What makes it terrible is that we both work together and this is obviously incredibly difficult. Some of the time I am quite optimistic about the future but mostly I am having negative thoughts such as;
What if she is with someone else? (the thought rips my heart apart)
Will I ever meet someone or will I end up alone?
At 36 will I ever meet someone to settle down with and have a family?
How can I improve my self esteem and self worth because unless I like myself nobody will like me. Although I am aware that I have a lot to offer, I have a good job, my own house etc. I still feel that I have missed my chance for happiness and the way that I saw my life going hasn't happened.
I have read lots of advice on the internet and I have tried to follow it. I have got rid of stuff that reminds me of her. I have started a hobby, something I have put off for years, I am spending time with close friends and family and I realise that with time it will get easier but that doesn't help me now!
I know that this will make me sound soft but I am constantly upset and I feel like I have nothing to look forward to.
How long will it take for the pain to go away?
The reason my girlfriend left me is that she is no longer attracted to me. I have really low self esteem and I suppose I am quite needy and this reason has made the split and my negative feeling even worse. She is 26 so there was a big difference in our ages. Also she had split up with me twice before and we have got back together. I have always felt that I loved her more than she loved me.
Does anyone have any tips on what will help? I really appreciate all the advice you can give.
At the moment I am just existing. In the past I have been optimistic but at the moment nothing seems to be able to break me away from this downward spiral!
Thanks in advance