I really need help pls! Pls read 10 points.......?
2011-09-03 22:57:47 UTC
Hi I'm bria :3
I'm 13 and I'm sad all the time and I can't stop thinking about killing /cutting myself when I do I don't cut all the way tho and I get teased slot for being 6'0 ft and only 13 and I get alot of crap for having a bigger chest then people to...and I'm sporty and love basketball and people make fun of me bc I don't have a bf and even my family says I will need to get on my knees and I was abused by my step mom and I cry all the time.

And lately I have found myself not wanting to eat and like I'm hungry but I just don't want to but Im starting to feel sick to and I know I need help and I see a consuler at school but talking about my feelings make me made and I can't really talk to my partents about it bc all they care about is how good I do in basketball and my grades and that I can old don't say "o wow really" bc I feel really bad for this when I know their are people during in other places and I don't want people to feel srry for me I just wanna know how to get help and not go to a crazy place I'll get made fun of even more u have no idea how it feels to get made fun off for something u can't help...! And u cry slot bc of it...
I can only talk to 1 person about this and that's my bff but I can't about everything lik wantin to loose weight and stuff bc shes a size 0 and normal sized and all the guys I like have liked her or thinks she's better then me... And I feel really bad and I'm tired of feeling this way so how can I help my self I can't tell my mom or dad bc I would feel lik a bad daughter and I don't wanna make them sad so pls any help would help even the lottery things will help (srry if it was long....)
But Ty
Six answers:
2011-09-03 23:03:49 UTC
That was long. But any way. The most beautiful girl I know is 6'4 and 190 while I'm 5'11 and 151... Pretty big size difference. If some one is gonna make fun of you for your height make fun of them for being short. (best comeback ever is tell them your a meteorologist and say IT'S RAINING! and spit on them) get really good in basketball and you could be in the wnba :) and for heavens sake EAT! starving is for Ethiopians models and wrestlers :) you'll find some one who will love you. You're 13. You have a long full life ahead of yourself. Enjoy it. Hope this helps.
2011-09-04 06:35:33 UTC
I'm sorry to hear that your world is so painful. It sounds like you have some serious issues that need to be addressed by a professional. There are doctors and therapists out there who specialize in helping people who have problems like this. The sooner that you seek real help the better. You need to talk to your counselor at school about all of the things that you've brought up here. If you find that you have difficulty actually speaking to people about these things than print up a copy of what you have written here and take it to the counselor. You are still very young, so if you address these issues now during your formative years you will be a much happier person later in life. Just remember that the opinions of others don't really matter. The only thing that matters is how you view yourself. Don't let others define who you are. Only you can do that. I hope you are able to find the help that you need. Even if it's scary, it is important that you tell your school counselor about all of this. As I said earlier, print up a copy of what your wrote here and show it to them. If they are a halfway decent counselor they will help you find a good doctor and or therapist to talk to.
2011-09-04 06:07:27 UTC
Okay first, The bigger chest you have the more guys you will get in the future. 2nd of all, I have a skinny as friend and I talk to her about weight issues because I know she understands because she is my Best Friend and if that girl is truly your BFF then she will understand and take the time to talk to you. Just a suggestion, you should talk to a counselor or your parents because hiding your problems is not healthy for a teen aged girl. Hope it helped :D
2011-09-04 07:58:40 UTC
ahhh, 13 is an awkward age. just remember that you are perfect just the way you are. and people may say your too tall, but one day they will catch up to you, you just had your growth spurt before them, even your friend will prolly grow out of her puny little size 0. I was the same way when i was in 4th and 5th grade, i was the 3rd tallest person in my elementary school, and i was 5'0. My boobs were big too, i was a B cup and everyone else had barely started wearing training bras. i was sexually harrased alot, with boys trying to touch them all the time and always looking at them, it was pretty scary and alot of times i didnt want to go to school. and now, at 15, im still the same height, and everyone else is wayyyy taller than me. but my boobs are still bigger than most girls (D cups :]), but thats pretty much a good thing, becuase the boys have matured quite a bit so they dont try to touch them all the time, but they still like em ;) but the only reason i was different from everyone else is becuase i had my growth spurt earlier than them, and there is nothing wrong with that. so dont worry about it, becuase some day soon, they are all going to start growing, and you wont be so different from them. and the big boobs will come in handy one day, trust me.

You shouldnt be afraid to talk tou your family about your feelings because they are the ones who can help you the most. they dont want to hurt you, and when they joke around about having to get on your knees to have a boyfriend, they arnt trying to make fun of you, they are only trying to make you and everybody else laugh, if you tell them that you dont appriciate it and it makes you sad, then they will most likely stop.

starving yourself wont help you be thinner. if you dont eat much, ur body will have to use your excess fat as an energy source, but your body needs that fat to help protect your organs and to keep you warm, and also for energy, but it only uses fat about 15% of the time for energy normally. when you dont have food for energy then your body has to use the fat for energy alot more, and so therefore you will get thinner, but then when you actually do eatsomething, then your body will store all of the fat in the food,and also turn all the nutrients into fat so that it wont run out of energy,and so starving youself actually can make you gain more weight. if you eat a whole bunch of small snacks throughout the day then your body will find that it dosnt have to store fat for energy becuase there is plenty of food touse for energy, and it will speed up your metabolism, so you will get thinner, and you will be more awake and in an all together better mood throughout the day.
2011-09-04 06:44:03 UTC
A previous answer follows, modified for you: One suggestion is to write a letter, expressing how it has affected your life, and what you would like to see happen about it now, then either post it, unaddressed, or have a ceremony, and burn it safely, in a metal container, and flush the ashes down the toilet, symbolically ending the matter. Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which communication with your subconscious mind is facilitated. 85% of people are suggestible, to some degree, so you could preferably seek professional hypnotherapy. If not an option, hypnosisdownloads has ones on overcoming a troubled childhood & escape emotional abuse, and/or has one on re-parenting your inner child, and/or has one on dealing with child abuse. Use only 1, or 2 at a time. If the above proves insufficient, I suggest that you seek psychotherapy, and a course of EMDR therapy, (* ) would probably reduce the negative emotions associated with your memories of abuse to more acceptable levels - the EMDR to reduce the negative, combined with the other techniques shown may be all you need, enabling you to avoid psychotherapy (open ended; can take years, cost a small fortune, and achieve little, depending on the therapist, and client). Try the relaxation methods at or

or and/or Tai Chi, Qi Gong, or yoga. Also page L at this site*, where there are several to choose from.

Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity in the left prefrontal cortex, when practised regularly, and will enable you to find a way of being; awareness, without suffering, when you need it, and is a valuable tool for helping you through the worst parts of life. Give the acupressure EFT a good tryout, to see if it helps you. It is free via the searchbar at ** "EFT" & "EFT therapists", or (13 free videos) or, if still available, the free video for PTSD at Professional EFT is always preferable. - There is a version for use in public places**, (you could claim to have a headache, as you employ the acupressure massage/tapping your temples, but you would then be restricted to subvocalising: saying it to yourself in your mind: "Even though I suffer the aftereffects of child abuse, I deeply and completely accept myself." ABUSE: See on abuse & & At the end of therapy, discuss the importance of (sincere) forgiveness; to not do so is to hold onto the hurt, but you may not be ready for this step for some time.

Read: Courage to Heal by Paul Bernstein, & From Surviving to Thriving: A Therapist's Guide to Stage II Recovery for Survivors of Childhood Abuse by Mary Bratton, & Healing the Scars of Emotional Abuse by Ann McMurray and Gregory Jantz, Ph.D., & Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom by Nancy Leigh DeMoss, & The Twelve Steps of Forgiveness by Paul Ferrini and Pia Mackenzie, & Forgiveness: How to Make Peace With Your Past and Get on With Your Life by Sidney B. Simon and Suzanne Simon, & "Forgive and Forget: Healing the Hurts We Don’t Deserve” by Lewis B. Smedes. Get through your fear of forgiveness, from your bookstore, or Also: It's Never Too Late to Be Happy!: Reparenting Yourself for Happiness (The Best Half of Life) by Muriel James. View my previous answers about depression, self harm/cutting, & suicidal thoughts at
2011-09-04 06:03:02 UTC
They're jealous sweetie

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.