Please Help Me (Serious Answers)?
2007-06-09 17:37:02 UTC
Please if you have negative comments please don't answer

I want to die (bit straightforward) but i do not know why? In my lifetime no major incidents have happened, no one close has died nothing like that.

Everyday i think of suicide, death When im with my friends im fine but when im alone especially at night, its as though another person takes over, and all i can think of is me wanting die, i cry every night just wanting to die but for no reason ither than me wanting to rest and be alone ? . Why is this happening to me, please help me
34 answers:
Darren M
2007-06-09 17:42:39 UTC
I think you shud phone a helpline! for some support ! if you feel ok with your friends wh not think of the next time you feel like this ! and how hurt they would be if you did die ! also maybe if you had someone with you at night! ie. BF/GF thi may help as oyu wudnt be alone !

Confide in one of your friends! tell them how ou feel and ask them for help! everone feels alone at some point its human nature !

Hope this helps you out!
2007-06-09 19:07:52 UTC
Sweetie, I'm so sorry this is happening! Do you think you might have depression? My family members suffer through this, so I can understand how you feel. Some of the symptoms of depression is having changes of sleep patterns, having crying spells (during the day or at night), and having suicidal thoughts. The first step that you should take is talk to a family member or someone that you feel comfortable to confide with. If this does not work or you don't have anybody to turn to, seek a psychiatrist or a counselor as soon as possible! They will definitely help you because their job is to make you feel better and to ease the pain. Also, a psychiatrist will put you on a treatment plan too. If you feel really suicidal now, please call these hot lines :

800-SUICIDE: 800-784-2433

National Mental Health Association- 800-969-6642

United Way Crisis Help Line: 800-233-4357

I hope that the tears go away a little at a time and I hope you get better real soon! I will make sure pray for you every night!
2007-06-09 18:05:28 UTC
You are suffering from loneliness. It is a terrible thing. Taking your life is not a good thought, please disregard it. Many people of your age would consider taking their life, and it is something you thinkg about, but it is nor really your otpion. When people say "I want to die", they often mean "I would like a good night's sleep". Have you been sleeping well lately? This could be the cause.

Also all of us take in films, things that are said on televison. We "get in the mood" for that sort of thing and perhaps sometimes hang on to it. Have you perhaps done that? Look, don't dismiss what I have just said because you don't like it, go over it again and think about it. You can email me if you are not happy with my reply, or you want to talk some more. Hey, I am not saying my reply is the best. I can listen again and give you another perspective. I'm open. Best regards. S
2007-06-09 17:48:50 UTC

I've felt this way off and on for many years. And, you've got to get some help. The worst thing is to think that you are totally alone (most likely why these feelings hit when you are alone, not when you're busy and with friends). Do you have a friend with whom you can discuss these feelings without fear of being judged? If so, please do so. You can also read about this subject, both online and in book form. I like "Suicide - The Forever Decision". It is not too preachy, but makes a lot of sense. There are suicide hotlines in all major cities. Get on Yahoo and find one close to you. These people are there to help you without fear of repercussions or judgement. I wish you luck, and hope that you take me up on these suggestions.
2007-06-10 23:41:47 UTC
You're depressed.

You have two options.

1) Go see your doctor. Get prescribed some Prozac, and become reliant on it. Begin to slowly get over how you feel, maybe join a self help group or two. 5 years from now you'll be as right as rain. Or

2) and this is a hard option but bear with me...

You could realise what a special, unique person you are. Realise that you're powerful (you really are) and beautiful. Realise there are people who love you, and realise how worthy you are of their love. See beauty all around you, and real beauty not fake, electronic beauty. Be proud to be you, and realise that you have the power to not let ugly, soul rotting depression take over you. Banish it from your body because you're strong and brave. When the darkness starts to seep in, you get up, get out, and push the blackness away. Realise that there are people who believe you can do this, I believe you can. Say to yourself aloud right now "today i'm starting over, today my new life begins." And never look back, and when you get over the depression, feel great because you're a strong and amazing person who beat this on their own.
Carol M
2007-06-09 17:53:50 UTC
i am a 27 year old mother of two daughters and i am no expert on the way a mind works,but if i was to give you any advice at all it would be to go and see your gp.i have a sister who is only 20 and she is on anti-depressents and i think she is that way because it seems to run in my family and like you all she talked about from the age of 15 is death..i look at her now and i cannot believe the difference in her she is like a whole new person.i think that maybe you are in the same situation that she was in 5 years ago go and get some help and live your life,you will look back in 5 years time and wonder what on earth you were thinking of in the first place.there is so much death in the world don't be another one gone and forgotten.
boy from bali
2007-06-09 17:52:34 UTC
I hope this is not a joke because I`ve felt the same way in the past. A black cloud has descended on me and I`ve even prayed that I won`t wake up in the morning. My attitude used to be when told"There is a light at the end of the tunnel" "Yeh it`s a train coming to run me over"

Everybody has different ways of handling depression mine, was to pack my bags and fly to Bali not knowing a soul I just tumbled drunk off the plane with nowhere to stay and by accident everything fell into place. Got to stay for free bed and board in a lovely hotel teaching English.Been 4 times
2007-06-09 19:23:58 UTC
I agree with the other people on here who have said it sounds like you are suffering from depression. Please go see your doctor so they can begin helping you. There are also suicide hotlines that are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Don't be afraid to call 911 if you have a plan to hurt yourself. There is never anything wrong with asking for help. It doesn't mean you're weak or stupid, it means you are strong enough to want to get better. May God bless you and help you through this.
2007-06-09 17:58:49 UTC
Hi, you sound clinically depressed, we all have feelings like that, life can be and is ****! It is the moment we are in, in our lives which is portrayed as complete sadness and despair. If you can get through 2nite, 2morrow will bring something new and bring a smile on your face, or a nice phone call from someone. I advise you to have great will power and fight this, you will miss out on a lot of your life and future if u do anything to harm yourself, I really do wish for you to go see your doctor and he/she can refer you to a good support network, when you talk about your problems and feelings you have inside things dont always seem so bad, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, believe me, i've been there pet
2007-06-09 17:57:13 UTC
You need to see a doctor as soon as possible. That is severe depression.

Some people's brains do not produce enough "happy chemicals" called serotonin. That is the case for me, and may be for you too. But go in and talk to someone who specializes in depression (doctor/psychiatrist).

I just started anti-depressants, because nothing else I tried worked, and I was getting worse. After 5 days, things are improving in my mood.

You may even consider calling a crisis hotline. But seek help, there is nothing wrong with that.
Heron By The Sea
2007-06-09 17:51:42 UTC
You are suffering from clinical depression, and it's very important that you get this treated, because it is a potentially life-threatening illness, as you can see.

Depression can occur for many reasons, and often there is no easy-to-pinpoint cause. It can even be a vitamin deficiency or something like that.

Please go to a psychiatrist. There is no shame in this, because as I said, anything can cause depression, and it most certainly is not your fault that you have this.

There is help for this. If you feel suicidal again, please call a suicide hotline. Call 411 if you don't know their number locally, and ask them to connect you. Or just go to the ER. I am suffering from severe depression right now and my doctor told me if I started to have suicidal thoughts, to go to the ER. It is very important to get this treated.

I wish you the best.
gods child
2007-06-10 02:13:43 UTC
did you think that maybe this could be "spiritual"? if you do not feel depressed, though this is a major sign of depression, and do not think of it any other time than at night when alone...maybe it is an attack. i do not know your background or beliefs but it appears maybe it is not you or your thoughts, but that it is someone else's and that it is "directed" at you not coming from you. i don't know if that made sence. i can only say what i believe. i am a christian and i believe the bible. if you have one read ephesians chapter 6 to see what i am talking about. i say this bc i believe in a real devil and i believe that he literally has it out for the young, they have so much to offer, everyone does! this includes you, maybe there is a great plan for you and he wantd to thwart that. i hope i helped...i have been there but mine is different i suffer from manic depression, but i know what it is like to want to die. best luck to you.
2007-06-10 10:38:17 UTC
You are depressed. It's easily treated. All the bad feelings will be gone in a week or so with the right medication. There's nothing to be embarrassed about, we've all been there. You don't even need to tell anyone other than your doc, and the two or three people that might read it on this thing.
2007-06-09 18:14:54 UTC
Dear Thomas, I am now 56 and have been through exactly what you are experiencing right now. Some of us are just cursed with this problem. I have been in hospital twice with very severe depression, but I am now out of it. I wish we could meet because I think I could help you. I really do want to help you, and I don't want you to cry at night. I know what that is like. Could you just talk to me? What do you think is the best way to help you? I will talk to you, listen to you, anything that you feel would help you out of this terrible distress....
2007-06-09 17:43:52 UTC
tom, i am going through something simmilar. i know how hard and confusing it can be. my heart goes out to you. you are probably depressed. if you are a teen, you have even higher chances of it. It doesnt really have to be triggered by anything traumatic. read up on teen depression and see for yourself if you think you have it. only go on good websites that are reliable and trustworthy. other places can have false information. if you really think you are depressed, talk to you parents or a counselor. getting therapy or medication may benefit you so much. i hope you start feeling better and get the help you need.stay strong and hang in there.
2007-06-10 01:36:56 UTC
How old are you? I had a period like that when I was about 14. All I could think of was death and how life was a load of rubbish. I never told any one unlike you. I think I got out of it when I went to college and started enjoying myself. In later life I had a spell of psychotherapy and that is when I really started being enthusiastic about life. I do not know if you can relate to this, but if you can I hope it helps.
2007-06-09 17:47:26 UTC
It's definitely depression. I grew up feeling this way for no reason. Nothing bad really happened; I was just always sad and wanted to die.

Now I'm on medication, and I lead a normal life! Don't feel like you're crazy or anything. It's a disorder that you are born with, just like if you had been born with diabetes. You may have to take medication for you life; I know I do. But with it I can finally be happy and have a normal life. And no one needs to know if you don't tell them!
2007-06-09 17:44:15 UTC
You're depressed and when ur alone u really feel that stuff...go to ur doctor and tell them how u feel and they will refer u to a psych and see if they can prescribe some medication for may be a hormonal imbalance so once u start taking meds u'll be fine but if u feel worse tell ur doctor IMMEDIATELY and stop taking the meds.
2007-06-10 03:26:58 UTC
hi Thomas,

it does sound like you are suffering from depression. depression often doesn't have a reason, it can affect anyone and can simply be caused by a chemical imbalance. I would advise you to go see your GP believe me so many people suffer like you daily and they are there to help, not judge...please seek some help, coping with these thoughts can be awful, i know!

please go to your doctor, they are the best first point of call for this!

best of luck xxx
2007-06-09 17:49:41 UTC
if you ever feel like you want to die, just think of all the good times you and your friends had that day, about if you have any future plans with them, if you don't have any plans, then think of one you could make. Laugh at stupid inside jokes you and your friends have, think about the person you like. Read a good book or talk to somebody if it gets too bad. That's what I do. Good luck, if you want to talk, e-mail me. Just vent everything. it helps a bunch. : )
2007-06-09 17:41:19 UTC
That has happened to me. I figured out why. I have a great life, nothing really has gone wrong for me. It's just...I wanted to experience the pain, the agony, the death. I got over it...thanks to the people on Yahoo! Answers.

You are just curious, hang in there, and keep talking to people. Soon it will all be over and you will find something to give you the will to live.
2007-06-09 18:21:25 UTC
i've had your exact problem for about 3 years. i'm 17 now, and it's true, at night you can feel so much more depressed, it does feel like someone else just takes over! i've thought about death alot and as much as a didn't want to, i finally told me mom and she took me to therapy. it turned out my family has a history of clinical depression that i didn't even know about. i take zoloft and welbutrin now. the zoloft helps me get my mind off of these negative thoughts and the welbutrin boosts my motivation. please email me, i know exactly how you feel and can talk to you about this firsthand.
2007-06-09 17:42:36 UTC
Sweetie, you need to go see your doctor. This is very serious, and you need professional help.

You may be suffering from depression, or an imbalance in your body chemistry. But whatever the cause, you need help and support.

Please make an appointment to see your GP asap, and once you get the help you need you will begin to feel better about everything.

Good luck, hon. xx
2007-06-09 22:57:31 UTC
call Samaritans they will help you think you are having anxiety attacks and obviously lonely at night go to your GP there is he pl for you honestly you can get counselling and there are medications available. This is a difficult period of your life but you can and will get through this.Reach out
2007-06-11 15:08:13 UTC
sometimes people can feel so desperate that they experience suicidal thoughts. it is a very serious symptom and you need to seek help. suicidal thoughts are often a symptom of depression but not always, but depression is treatable. it'd be a good idea to see your GP asap.
2007-06-10 15:09:52 UTC
i think you are using the thought of dying as a comfort zone (although it may not seem it at the time!) it is subconsciously strangely comforting to think of such a thing altough it seems distressing to you and somehow i think this gives you the strength to face life.- i hope that makes sense
2007-06-09 17:44:01 UTC
got a great hobby to keep your mind off of those thoughts. play a sport or instrument. listen to music (not sad music but positive messages in the lyrics)
2007-06-09 17:42:38 UTC
and see the doctor, maybe u need 2 talk 2 sum1 and the doctor can recommend sum1
2007-06-09 17:42:17 UTC
Go to your doc and tell him that storey he can then refer you to a psychologist - sounds to me like you need professional medical and psychological help.

Alternatively you could get married and stay married for the rest of your natural life.
2007-06-11 03:30:39 UTC
I don't know what has caused you to feel this way but have look at a previous answer i wrote and you'll see my take on it.

This is the title of the question.

"Help please what can/should i do?"
2007-06-09 17:41:13 UTC
you sound like youre depressed maybe?

people get depressed for all sorts of reasons, including no real reason at all

you should visit your doctor and talk to him about it

he/she can help you better than anyone here
2007-06-09 17:51:34 UTC
thomas this could be a wind up but if its not you need some help son ther is no problem in the world that cant be sorted out please speak to a family member or friend if not speak to the samaritans they will get you some help please do it son
christian s
2007-06-09 17:49:14 UTC
I wouldn't worry to much if I was you. Rise and shine bro.
2007-06-09 17:46:00 UTC
YOu may be depressed. talk to your GP get an appointment as soon as you can please please do this. Go see a DR TOMORROW PLEASE PLEASE! Get counselling help see someone in your area from a community mental health team do something talk to someone you love do something please please get help!!!! NOW!

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.