Do i have psychosis? whats wrong with me? schitzoaffection disorder?
2011-03-09 11:26:05 UTC
ok im 16 and i live in scotland, i was recently diagnosed with autism but that's not what this is about i've always been completely different from everyone, never in my life have i found someone that i feel understands me properly, like, i would affiliate or put myself in any particular group and where other people seem to just understand how to act and the rules of social conduct i never have, this does bother me somewhat but ive also kind of adapted to be proud of being different (probably a subconscious defense ,mechanism) ive had to teach myself, but ive been somewhat successful in that department as another thing i have is that ive always had a profound liquid intelligence way beyond my years, for example i spend a lot of time just trying to work out the world and the universe like, my own philosophy and theology and epistemology and recently i keep finding out that theories ive come up with completely on my own just daydreaming are actually already published theories of physics, but anyway bottom line, im weird and i always have been, im not going for a sympathy vote here im just saying its a fact.

so as im sure you already guessed i really love my drugs and have been taking everything (acid, ecstasy, miaow miaow, magic mushrooms, valium, ketamine, cocaine, MD-MA powder, anything that isn't heroin, crack or crystal meth {the really bad ones} and daily use of cannabis and regular drinking too) for about 4 years, partying all the time, on top of that ive had on/off insomnia for about five years. Ive always suspected that i might have some mental condition or other and when i got diagnosed with autism i went that's it, and it does explain a lot about my life, but not this recently, so here's my problem: about seven months ago when i was at work i had a strange experience, it was quiet and i was sitting daydreaming and thinking about the nature of reality when i looked at the counter and all around at all the objects around me and kind of thought, what is all this stuff!? i mean yeah its a counter but its not, its a piece of wood and paint and gloss, like where did all this stuff just manifest from, i wasnt thinking about, someone built it and put it there i was just like, these things have just been thrust here and it gets called reality, i felt like, well the best i can explain it is like i was a character in a video game and watching myself watching life happen to me through a screen or something, i wrote this off as a spiritual experience, but then later i found that if i thought "what is this!?" and kind of open my eyes a little wider i could make it happen on demand, but then it just started happening randomly on and off until now ive come to a point where everythinfg constantly looks distorted and surreal and almost like, playdoh or as if i could just put my hand right through it, all the time, like im in a dream, i cant think as well as i used to cause i never feel like, grounded, like, back at home base if you get what i mean, im always distracted by how weird everything looks, as well as this i have weird tiny hallucinations like sometimes i think i can see someone on the other side of the street and i look and theres no one there, or i was sitting on my friends bed and there was three of us all facing the same way in the dark looking at the tv and suddenly i thought i could see my friend staring right at me right next to me. i quit drugs about four weeks ago but i still feel the same. nothing ever feels real anymore. also i constantly have deja vu only its because i dream every single moment of my waking reality before it happens and then it happens like time is going in a loop. please help. i cant carry on like this. thanks.
Five answers:
2011-03-12 21:06:25 UTC
Prolly from low cortisol

b12 and b complex can help, and same with vitamin C. Avoid simple carbs, because those further stress the adrenals. The American diet already puts loads of stress and burden on your adrenals, ecstasy just makes everything worse. Don't skip meals, try eating low glycemic diet. Not only that but when your adrenals are out of balance there is a high tendency for your body to become sensitive to foods, because of the excess inflammation. Cortisol helps greatly with reducing inflammation. The most common are gluten and dairy.

A study was done and those under the influence of ecstasy had an increase of 800% cortisol increase...

That is an insane amount of cortisol that NEEDS to be release from the immense amount of stress put on your adrenals by ecstasy. Cortisol increases to buffer the damaging effects of stress. Your adrenals become fatigued because they can't keep up. Look up adrenal fatigue.
2011-03-09 11:53:06 UTC
Drugs can induce psychosis that can least weeks or even months. Cocaine induced psychosis is actually common. All your drug use has done some harm, and it's going to take time to recover. If you've done all those drugs, then chances are you are at risk of addiction, and the story of addiction is that you will do what it takes to get drugs -- steal, mug, prostitute yourself -- and then end up in prison, and you're life will be bigger mess than you can imagine. It is sooo important for you to stay off drugs now, even if it means getting involved in drug rehab programs. Your brain is still physically developing until you are about 24 years old, so to use drugs during this phase of your life can create mental problems that last a lifetime. You are smart to quit drugs now. But, one of things about using a lot of drugs, is that it changes the idea of what feels normal. The drug addicts feels more normal when high than when not high. You are going have to learn to feel normal sober, and if the psychosis does not go away, you should see a therapist, a drug counselor, or a psychiatrist. While your post is well written, which suggest your cognitive abilities are still in order, some of your beliefs suggest distorted thinking, and only time and building relationships with healthy people (from which your brain will learn what healthy behavior is all about) will allow you to heal.
2016-09-10 05:44:25 UTC
Ignore the opposite answerers. This is NOT a ordinary aspect of developing up. LIke you, I smoke pot regularily, as good as use ecstasy and Ritalin. Pot can not CAUSE psychosis, it will possibly nevertheless, cause and an already establishing intellectual sickness. I placed excellent emphasis at the CAN on account that I do not see it as being a colossal deal. If whatever, pot smoking is helping me to calm down, and ecstasy is helping to resume my notion the sector. It seems like you're handling a few sort of psychosis. I additionally manage psychosis and realize the predicament can play to your brain. These bizarre perceptions and recommendations which can be complicated you, are certainly signs of a few variety of psychosis. My bet is whatever alongside the strains of Psychotic Depression. Psychotic despair could then give an explanation for the opposite emotions you're describing similar to : mistrust, isolation and predicament committing to whatever aka, loss of motivation. I could search aid for this. Mention your recommendations, and that you just suppose you might be probably be handling psychotic despair. This is an overly debilitation disease and whatever you must uncover aid for. I desire this helped.
2011-03-09 11:42:21 UTC
Might have something to do with all the drug use... ya think? You are experiencing depersonalization which is very very common with drug use and can last for months after you stop doing drugs... it can even become permanent and there is no treatment for it.
2011-03-09 11:36:47 UTC
Probably nothing, you're just being a teenager.

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