Suicide. . .?
2008-04-18 20:07:59 UTC
My best friend is seriously comtemplating suicide. He has been having suicidal thoughts for several months and have been confessing them to me, and he says that he is going to take his own life to end all of his pain. I love him deeply and I couldn't bear to see him kill himself; I beg him not to do it, but he won't listen to me. He won't listen to anyone else, and he won't call the suicide hotline, either. I tell him I love him and that I'll always be there for him and I'll always listen, and it seems to be helping, but he's still contemplating suicide. What can I do to influence him to get help? Please give me suggestions.
72 answers:
slushpile reader
2008-04-18 20:10:49 UTC
tell someone. tell his parents. NOW. TODAY.

EDIT: I came back to check on this as this is something (as you can tell below) very close to home to me. I'm not kidding. Any advice other than to TELL HIS PARENTS and OTHER CARING ADULTS RIGHT NOW is bad advise. Please. Please. PLEASE. Call his mom and dad and tell them everything you just wrote. If you really care, then you know his life is worth more than his trust. Tell someone. If you can't bring yourself to call his parents, then tell yours and have them call his parents. Before its too late. I can assure you living the rest of your life thinking you could have stopped it...
Captain Sam Wise
2008-04-18 20:15:15 UTC
These questions are always difficult, because it's the slim scale of life and death.

I went through a similar situation with a friend a couple months ago. He was extremely depressed, and had attempted suicide several times. These are things you have to take seriously (and it doesn't help when people give stupid answers.).

You can't really do all that much to pull him out of this kind of thing. What you're doing already is fantastic, that's what helped my friend. Just constantly remind him he isn't alone, and that you're there, other people are there. Suicide is either a cry for attention, a cry for help, or a way out of serious problems. Ask him to talk to you, remind him that you want to help him.

If he's open to it, maybe try to, subtly, convince him to talk to someone like a counselar, or a pastor, or something like that. (However, if he'll freak if someone is going to start preaching, a pastor may not always be the best choice)

Good luck. :)
2008-04-19 07:56:11 UTC
You people can scorn me all you want and I will never be thanked by you or anyone but consider this:

What IS wrong with suicide? Of course you don't want your friend to take their life but in the end that is instinctive. So are all emotions, ambitions, etc... Life has no purpose whatsoever. When you consider that most people commit suicide only knowing this then think about his correct situation. Has it gotten bad enough for him to consider giving up. You should live for the moment, only for fun and stuff like that, if you can't do that then life is not worth living, if he's interested in helping people good, if not, who cares. If you really 'love' him, no matter how pitifully hilarious that is, let I'm go, it's probably best for him, deaths not that bad, I'm an atheist, If you are really persistent then you can make someone force him to have electrotherapy, instant cure from suicidal depression, risk free, no potential overdoses with side effects of major confusion for about two months.

Consider me banned ;,(
2008-04-18 21:22:07 UTC
Imagine if it was your child in that position: you would want to be informed, so you could do something. For that reason, you have to contact his parents, or another responsible adult.You can tell him that someone must have overheard you discussing it with a friend, or your parents checked your emails, etc. Something in the following may help: I went through a similar thing to you; it's important to realise that you are probably deeply depressed at present, but even so, you may still remember times when life was good. Well, it can be again, and soon: but you need treatment, which is readily available; all you have to do is reach out for it. See suicidal thoughts, and depression treatments, at in sections 5, and 2. If the suicidal feelings become overwhelming, take a taxi, or call an ambulance, or use public transport, to take you to the nearest ER, or mental health facility, or call your local emergency number. 911 (USA), 000 (Australia), 999 (Great Britain), or 111 (New Zealand); see the phone book elsewhere. Don't drive, yourself: you may well be a danger to others on the roads, in your current mental state. Too many people are found, and revived, but have suffered permanent mental damage, and live the rest of their lives in a semi vegetative state: their family, and friends feel guilty, and responsible, for not noticing the signs, and doing something about it. It's a very nasty thing for them to have to go through, too, even though I appreciate that life is certainly no bed of roses for you, at present, so please, get help, right now: seek assistance, or use the hotlines provided. Sometimes it induces those who cared about you to commit suicide, as well, or at least try, with undesirable consequences. Where suicide is involved, family, and friends often feel guilty, and responsible, for not noticing the signs, and doing something about it when there was still time. It's a very nasty thing for them to have to go through. See: cid=3-101-103 Sometimes it can induce suicide attempts from family members, or friends, resulting in either additional grief, for others, or horrible permanent consequences (see SUICIDE: ANECDOTAL, in section 5, at ezy build).
2008-04-18 20:17:08 UTC
/ I don't know about your friend, however in many suicidal people, the brain is chemically imbalanced which produces these thoughts and feelings which are very real.

Medical treatment with anti-depressants produces the right chemical balance so the person thinks rationally, and doesn't have these thoughts and feelings.

Idk how you can tell your friend to get help, but maybe YOU should call the Suicide Hotline for him. You won't feel guilty if you do. They are the professionals who know how to help your friend live a normal happy, and healthy life.
2008-04-19 06:21:54 UTC
i know how you feel about that. it also happened to me 6 years ago. the only difference is it was my bf.i was 17 then and doesnt really know much about it.well, good fer me i wasnt the reason of his suicide but his family.=( he never really contemplate this suicide thoughts all the time but when it was triggered, he called me to say his goodbyes i wast able to convince him as well even if i cried. and i really felt bad about it.

now that im a nurse, i learned that those people who have suicide ideation should never be left alone and should be taken seriously especially with guys. I advice you not to leave him alone which means, let other people watch over him if you are not around. monitor him in different time intervals since they become observant and would diffinately know when they are watched or not and they would take the chance of doing suicide when they are alone. don't keep it to yourself you yourself could call the suicide hotline and ask for help. always listen to him and tell him to say whatever he felt and what makes him want to suicide. if possible keep all sharps away from him and whatever he could use to hurt himself.

it is really important that he gets treatment because it is only him who could decide for it. and if possible he could get treatment from rehab or mental clinics.

good luck to you and pray for him as well.
2008-04-18 20:16:44 UTC
I can kind of relate, my aunt once attempted suicide. We had no idea she was so depressed and how far it had gone, and our whole family regrets not being there for her and getting her help. I'm sure you don't want to feel that hopeless sensation of guilt and regret.

After the incident, I learned a lot about depression and what to do. You NEED to get help, even if the person doesn't want it. You're doing a good job of supporting him, and continue doing that because he needs someone to count on. Call the suicide hotline yourself, ask them what to do, and they'll help you. Do whatever it takes to get him help, before it's too late. He may not trust you for a little while, but it's a small price to pay for the life of the one you love.

Best of luck
2008-04-18 20:55:18 UTC
honestly there isnt a lot u can do but be there for him u cant make him go to therapy ...but here are some verses u can give him that just maybe he can use as a rope u know something to hold on to. 1 corinthians 6:19-20 - do u not know that your body is a temple of the holy spirit who is in you, whom u have recived by god? you are not your own; you were bought with a price. therefore honor god with your body. and philippians 1:6- its not gods will for you. 1 john 1:9

Jeremiah 31:3 or Jeremiah 29:11 (that one is really good!!) and 1peter 5:7. im really sorry about ur friend hopefully these verses can help...a lot of ppl just dont realize how selfish suicide is. it gets better especially with God...
2008-04-18 20:15:43 UTC
Get in touch with a suicide hotline yourself.. You are not equipped to handle this, and if he is successful in his attempt, you will feel bad for a long time. They wll be able to give you better advice than you are likely to receeive here. - When You Feel You Can't Go On -- Let Someone ...

suicide prevention; crisis intervention; hotlines - crisis or suicide; community crisis center; county mental health center; hospital mental health clinic ... - 25k - Cached - Similar pages - Filter


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2008-04-18 20:15:39 UTC
This topic was discussed in my one psychology class today. You can actually call a therapist's office and ask them what you can do to help your friend. You can also offer to your friend to set up an appointment for him and go with him to it (so that he feels supported and doesn't back out at the last minute). You're correct that this is a serious issue, a lot of teens commit suicide each year, and a lot of them talk about it before actually doing it. Stay strong and call a therapist to talk it over, over the phone.

Best Wishes!
2008-04-18 20:20:05 UTC
I had suicidal moments in my life but something my Dad told me always stuck with me. He said that the men that jump off tall buildings change their minds halfway down. Oh, the horror! I could just imagine that. Nothing would be worse than changing your mind and wanting to live but being too late to save yourself. Get him to picture this. But also call the hotline and get advice and maybe you could stage an intervention, get everyone who cares about him to confront him. Suicide is really selfish. The people who suffer are the ones left behind.
2008-04-18 22:09:51 UTC
im sorry, but i thought it was aLL about what u wantedd to do !!!! i've tried and failed cause i was intiruputed and i lived i still have thoughtd about it but i grew smarteer and knew it was verry wrong cause it grew sooooo much pain in the loved ones and friends that if u live thu it ur life will be sooooo much better cause u will realize how much grief u put unto others and learn how to deal with the loved ones u hurt without even knowing!!!!! realize before u take any bad thoughts in ur mind that its not the only .way to solve ur mental health problems just think of how much pussy u can get when ur possive and knowingly what u truly r wanting !!
2008-04-18 20:14:21 UTC
does he like to draw or write or any other outlet?

if so, encourage him to do it.

theres prolly more ppl that love him that he thinks

make a giant card and have them sign it

remind him everything happens for a reason and beg him to be strong becuz u kno that someday he will be truly happy and grateful to himself for holding on

if all else fails, tell a parent or teacher, or call the suicide hotline and ask them what to do'they'll kno how to get him to a hospital

because suicide is as much an emergency as a heart attack

hes qualified to go to the E.R.

just please do everything you can
Noelle D
2008-04-19 12:39:23 UTC
Ok. If he came to you with these thoughts he is asking for help in his own way. You truly need to tell someone very close to him. Like a parent or someone you trust. He needs help right away. Even if he told you not to tell anybody you MUST tell someone. You will have to live with that quilt for the rest of your life. If you do tell someone and he gets upset with you at least he will be there to Thank You later on in life when he realizes you saved his life.

DO IT!!! or you will loose him.
2008-04-18 20:14:06 UTC
Your friend needs outside help. Beyond what you can give as a friend, someone who can get him into a place where he cannot hurt himself and help him heal from all that is hurting him. Talk with a school counselor and tell them what you know. Or dial 911 and tell them you have a 5150--that says to them that you know of someone in your presence who is going to harm themselves. Your friend may not understand and feel betrayed, but this may save his life and one day he will be able to work it out.
2008-04-18 20:15:18 UTC
This is not good.

Did you tell him everything you just said here? Start with that-if you haven't.

TELL SOMEONE! Anyone! Someone that can do something. Teacher, principals, co-workers, parents, ANYONE!

Watch him carefully, make sure you are with him almost always.

Try to make him happy.

So him the good in life.

Figure out what's bothering him.


But you MUST contact someone who cares/can help this. Hire a psychologist if you have to!

Every life matters.
2008-04-19 00:07:03 UTC
Unfortunately, you are involved now, and you have no choice but to alert his parents. It may even mean the end of a friendship, but he needs help you can't give him. Let the people entrusted to take care of him do that. If he can get to a GP, he may need medication or even a 5150 (legal psychiatric hold) to get him through this.
gotta luv da Li
2008-04-18 20:20:27 UTC
I've been very close to suicide. If I ever tell anyone, the unsaid but real message will be get me help, psych ward, ECT, anything. I have bipolar. I have never attempted. I have never told anyone how close I was until after the fact. Silence is when you don't want to be stopped. Talking about it is when you do. Tell his parents. He is asking this of you.
2008-04-18 20:14:18 UTC
keep telling him you love him!!

one question do u love him more then a friend if so tell him that im sure he would love u enough not to leave u alone like he planed...

... try calling the suicide hotline your self they might give u advice on how to do this...

...because i may seem smart but i dont know any thing
Outdoors Kid
2008-04-18 20:16:39 UTC
Sit down with him and have a really serious conversation...

Ask him if he really wants to give up, if he never wants to grow up or live his life dreams. Ask questions which really make him think about second guessing his thoughts. then reassure him that living would be great... If you're Really in love with him close the conversation with something like "I'd really like to see us get married someday."

If this isnt working... this is a last resort... you need to seek further help and get him antidepressants or counseling or something.

Good Luck! I hope you see this through.
2008-04-18 20:12:52 UTC
If your pleading thus far has not convinced him then it is your responsibility to go to his parents or guardians to force him to get help. It is better for him to be mad at your for this than to have him dead. I was in the same situation at one point, your friend is not in the right mindset and no rationale thought is going to change his mind. Intervention at this point is the only thing that you can do before it is too late. Do not wait on this or try to fix it yourself, this may be bigger than you.
2008-04-19 11:05:30 UTC
you know most people give signs before commiting suicide but no one pays attention to them or do not realize what it was! you are lucky that he is one of the few people that say it! soething mus tbe tormenting him so bad! it is sooo sad and it must be so hard on you! but even if you do not want to its best to tell one of the school counselors because they will know what to do. they are experienced and can tell you what to do. maybe you dont want to tell them the name but they could give you advice. tell the you are curious. also outside their offices they have pamphlets that you can take that give you information about what to do if you are in that situation or someone you know is. its so so sos os hard! but just be there for him tell him you care about him, check up on him give him hugs.... tell him ou NEED him and that it would kill you if something happened to him, that you would miss seeing him, hearing his voice, all those things. and they will make a difference... best of luck best of luck!

wow tothos epeople that think suicide is n ot bad they are so so so wrong! it hurt the people aroung them so bad. how could you want to hurt someone. someone who considers suicide usually feels unlove but they give out a lot of love and dont feel like they are getting it back even when they are! most people that do think about suicide once they realize they will hurt someont ehy will reconsider because they dont want to hurt other people like they have been hurt.
2008-04-18 23:42:51 UTC
tell him that when there are stupid rogues, murderers ,politicians are living in this world why you should end up your life?

life is for only once.

show him some real time personalities living now who are having more problems than your friend,when he see them he can having a feeling that when many handicapped people are having confidence to live why cant i.

take him to a handicapped centres, mentally affected people,etc

all the best
a n n a
2008-04-18 20:12:44 UTC
Tell his parents. If the parents know about his actions they would most likely seek professional help for their child.

Other than that, just be there to support him. Take him out to places and make him see there is more to life then wallowing in depression.

Goodluck to you all!
2008-04-18 20:21:37 UTC
OK LISTEN CARFULLY. I want you to try and get his family, friends, teachers and everybody who loves him(its possible that you cant get all of them, but try to get th people who care for hi.Put then in a room,maybe in his parents house and suprise him. Then allow everyone to talk him about how they really care for him(its good to bring people he won't expect, like teachers).And it would be good if you all view some tapes of him while he was a child, and talk about t etc. Hope it helps.
2008-04-18 20:19:49 UTC
surround him with peolpe that truly love and care about him .... make him know that life doesnt suck when it can seem that way .... just let him know that there is so much to live for and he dosent want to miss out on them .... or you can just lock him in the basement till he get better.. lol, but if he doesnt agree to get help, u should get help for him. let his parents know that he has been having these thoughts. you might not want to rat your friend out, and he might be mad at you for doing it, but u need to. u can save his life if he is serious about it. please tell someone. my girls cousin shot himself 2 years ago, and its not good. it broke her entire family, and he was only 21. suicide is never the answer.
Andy Mcnab
2008-04-18 20:12:16 UTC
My friend has recently started cutting himself, I feel the same way. You need to contact the school guidance office, tell them. This needs to be taken very seriously and delt with quickly and effectively. He needs counseling and meds, act quickly before something happens.
2008-04-18 20:11:02 UTC
Well, show him a really fun day, and maybe inform other people you think would help about this. (you know who they are)

Also, if i were you i would call the suicide hotline and get there advise on this situation. Just because you arent the depressed one dosent mean u cant call.
cookie monster
2008-04-19 05:31:03 UTC
this is a cry for help.try to dig out to find out why he is suicidal.tell him the pros and cons of commiting suicide. tell him, that it is a very bad mistake to make, that commiting it, will give disastrous impacts on his family.usually, sucide usually comes when the anger his been building overtime, or depression.try and talk him out of this, before it is too late.
2008-04-18 20:13:33 UTC
Sex isnt the answer like some people are saying, You need to have a talk with him, if he still wants to do it, You have to call a hospital or a mental health place.

Good Luck to you both!
2008-04-18 20:11:38 UTC
I used to be the same way, and one of my friends told my mom about it and they got me psychiatric help. I was bitter at the time but really appreciate what she did for me, because after getting help, I improved so much. Hope everything turns out ok, good luck.
2008-04-19 16:29:13 UTC
Tell him:

Please dont :(

Only God decides when your life ends. If you take that power than there's no bigger sin.

Plus, people have had it worse, there is always someone less fortunate than you. You have hands, a mind, you have sight, you have a home.

Also, its not our lives our perfect

Everyone is just enduring their lives.

.. and make sure he knows there are people caring about him, once he knows there are people that love him, he can't let them down.
Jessica C
2008-04-19 04:50:11 UTC
email the samaritans they reply to emails within 24 hours and they have a phone number to call to . all the best ! you could try lifeline too just trying to help its helped alot of my friends this in the past .
2008-04-18 20:28:47 UTC
you should tell his parents/guardian! He needs mental help! Your friend may get mad at you for telling some one but I would rather have my best friend hate me for the rest of my life, then have them end up dead

best of luck!
2008-04-18 20:11:41 UTC
I know you don't want to hear this but you need to tell his parents. As a parent it would be crucial for me to know if my children were contemplating suicide. Be a friends...SPEAK UP!!!
2008-04-18 20:50:14 UTC
tell him how mutch you love him and care about him and tell someone else for help. I at one time attemted suicide and belive it is not worth it. tell him he is making a mistake and that life is not that bad and things will get better.
2008-04-18 20:11:53 UTC
I don't know how old he is but tell his parents, call the police before he does any harm. He needs to be admitted to the hospital. He has issues. Do it before it is too late.
Equestrian Girl
2008-04-18 20:13:03 UTC
if he is seriously thinking of doing this, u need to get him help right now! even getting your parents and his involve would help! maybe an anti-depressant if he is in so much pain. but you NEED to tell somone! do it for him! in the long run, he will thank u...
Suzanna Rose (SFCU)
2008-04-19 08:55:07 UTC
you need to call someone who can help you go to church? Do you have a loving pastor who will go over and help him? If not, go to the phone book and find one! Find someone who seems like they really genuinely care and who will go over to his house and minister to him. He needs hands-on help, love, and an adult who will step into this situation!
2008-04-18 20:11:20 UTC
tell him about god and how many opportunities he's missing!! my friend is the same way!!! just be their friend and get their mind off suicide! usually they r dealing with something close to their heart make them smile!! :)
2008-04-18 20:12:13 UTC
Tell him he's a hypocrite.

If he kills himself he won't end the pain. he'll just pass it on to his parents. Just be optimistic and point out all the good things in life to him. If its not enough... There are deppresion drugs if all else fails.
2008-04-18 20:13:36 UTC
Scare him by saying if he does commite suicide then he is going to H-E-Double Hockey Sticks
2008-04-18 20:13:12 UTC
go talk to a counsler. . . .

ohh and tell him to watch the music video hold on by good charlotte

oh and tell him once hes 18(if minor) he can do watever he wants and its not that hard to wait.
2008-04-19 01:23:36 UTC
If you Love him so much take him to a psycho therapist and all his problems will get resolved.
2008-04-18 20:11:12 UTC
Have you went to his parents or someone that is a parental figure about this? That is about the only option you have left. You have tried to reach him.
2008-04-18 20:12:09 UTC
If you were his shrink you'd be compelled by law to report him (to the police I presume) for his own protection. You'd best take it seriously and intercede on his behalf.
2008-04-18 20:15:07 UTC
Your going to have to get him help. It will be hard, but he needs to see a professional doctor and I bet medication.
2008-04-18 20:11:10 UTC
you should really tell someone else so they can get help for him; like a coounselor. i feel bad for your friend because i know what its like. he'll hate you at first, but in the end he'll thank you
2008-04-18 20:12:44 UTC
just convice them that they can get throught it and they dont need to throw all of their life away. and tell them that you will always be there to support them if they ever need someone.

just useless to throw a life away.
2008-04-18 20:11:30 UTC
All you can do is continue in what you are doing. You could call the hot line yourself and ask them what to do. good luck!!!!
2008-04-18 20:11:33 UTC
suicide is murder and against God's commandment. He will not get to Heaven besides not living on earth.
2008-04-18 20:12:20 UTC
your doing exactly what you should be. SUPPORTING. also it depends on what his pain is and definately tell an adult (or another higher authority if your an adult some one who can help say he matters ) your parents or his. He may get mad but remember its to help him. TELL SOMEONE
2008-04-18 20:12:02 UTC
It seems he is very he taking any medication?

- How long has he been feeling this way?

- Did something happen to him?

ask him these questions and tell him to move on in life...sadness is a part of life, you just have to overcome it.
2008-04-18 20:11:26 UTC
You need to tell someone. maybe your parents or his parents or someone at school. he needs help and sure he might be mad at you for a while but he needs help and fast.
2008-04-18 20:12:15 UTC
Tell him.

susidal is a solution to a Temporary problem
2008-04-19 08:13:47 UTC
Change the topic when he brings it up. If he truly wanted to do it, he wouldn't be advertising it to the world. He's got you in the palm of his hand sweetie and you continue to 'bite.'
Tayler T
2008-04-18 20:28:44 UTC
tell anyone

as quickly as you can you need to call the police, his parent, anyone!!

do it quickly!

remind him of the sanctity of life!
2008-04-18 20:10:44 UTC
Get to someone....take him do a doctor....and try to be w/ him all the time (ofcourse u cant) get help from anyone.

he has serious issues!
2008-04-18 20:12:58 UTC
is he just trying to get attention though?? u know what i say?? i say get a 12pack of newcastle.. drive to the ocean and chill and look at the waves and drink.. see if he wants to die then, he iwll just want to chill all the time is all... but i live in california.. so i guess this wouldn't really work for him.....just tell him to do it then...and have him leave you his $
Toya J
2008-04-18 20:11:34 UTC
O my that's sad have you tried to tell him to talk to a counselor or you go with him
2008-04-18 20:16:26 UTC
take him to a mental hospital...
drew terry
2008-04-18 21:45:43 UTC
At 38, I am the oldest of three brothers, the middle brother is 35 and the youngest would have been 32 on June 10th, 2008.

Would have been because he committed suicide on March 5, 2008.

There was nothing left for any of us to do, and as much as everyone helped over the years, none saw suicide as a possibility.

Ironically, he quit drinking 4 years ago, and he told me at the time he quit because he was afraid he was going to kill himself from the behavior involved in the lifestyle that he lived.

I believe now that he had known this, unconsciously most of the time, but sometimes he may have allowed himself to think about it. He always said he would die young; when he made it past age 27 I breathed a sigh of relief due the significance of death at that age (Joplin, Hendrix etc.).

If this person has paranoid delusions, as my brother did, it is extremely difficult to deal with on a daily basis. He thought the CIA was after him ever since he returned from a trip to South America about 2 1/2 years ago.

What I have since learned about people with paranoid delusions, especially the specific delusion indicates the repressed behavior that is believed to be the originating cause of the mental illness. In his case, there is no doubt in my mind that he repressed homo-erotic fantasies and homosexual orientation since his earliest age. I also believe my father has repressed the same, and probably my middle brother as well, but my father is virtually no doubt in my mind.

Once I discovered this information and how well it fit with the progression of the illness, and how well the specific delusional construct fits with certain repressed issues, I now believe that there was nothing anyone could have done short of turning back the clock to the age when his sexuality was first repressed.

The only other possibility would have been my father, if he had been willing to consider seeing a therapist, that may have given my brother some hope to see what may result. As it happened, my father had a restraining order against him, and would only agree to let him stay at his house again (divorced/remarried) if he committed himself to 30 days at a treatment center. Of course, in my fathers mind there was nothing wrong with him; the problems were all my brothers problems. So long as the parents blame and scapegoat children for what psychological issues the parents refuse to face, families will continue to suffer this ultimate tragic consequence.

Now that some time has passed since the funeral, I have, for now, distanced myself from my father again because of his verbal, emotional, mental abuse is horrendously destructive. Prior to my brothers death I had no contact with my father since 1999, so 8 years total. I had spent some time in the few months before my brothers death with my father, and it was difficult at best.

In the aftermath, I spent some more time than I would normally with he and his wife whom I like very much, but his behavior deteriorated pretty quickly into a constrant stream of condescension, abusive put-downs, outright laughter at my expense, and on and on . . . each time it happened, I was well enough that I did not get upset, and got good at waiting for him to reallize that no one else is laughing with him, and then I would ask him to please tell me what is so funny and why he feels justified laughing at my expense.

Well, this is where the gift of my brothers suicide is starting to become a little less cloudy; because of my brother I feel strength to see my father for what he really is - a repressed, lonely, unaware of his sexuality and pathologically narcissistic bully - who treated his 3 sons as his own personal punching bag for all the emotions he would never dream of dumping on anyone else. I never, ever saw how he is literally afraid of everything. I always thought of him as being tough because he was tough with us, defenseless children that do not understand why they do what they do.

I wonder how much worse he is to me now, since I was the oldest and most compliant, I feel my brothers took more of the abuse that I was briefly exposed to before I told him spending time with him was not worth the time, energy or aggravation.

I said to him, "If you were not family, I would never spend 5 minutes with anyone who says what you do and laughs in my face constantly with nothing but denial, invalidation and minimization of the abuse you are inflicting on me. I would never spend time with you if you were not my father, and that means even less reason to spend time with a father that does nothing but inflict pain every chance they get."

He was shocked, but defensive, and still maintains I am being immature, I can't take a joke, I take things too seriously. etc. but I have heard it all before.

The shame for him is that my brother must have had it the worst of all of us because he had 3 years at home without my other brother or myself there for distraction. Plus, my brother had blackmailed my father from the age of 8 or 9, unbeknownst to the rest of us, but allowed my brother to do whatever he wanted, no questions asked, and he did. My mother drove herself crazy trying to discipline my brother, with nothing but a shrug from my father who would only say "I can't control him."

It ended up with my mom moving out of the house for my brothers senior year in high school, then she moved back after he graduated and went to Asia to hitchhike for 6 years by himself. That was the last of countless separations up to that point, but this time they both blamed their marriage problems on my brother and his behavior, a burden of uncertain significance.

Sorry this is long, I hope it helps. Some times it is just the way it was meant to be; I mean, if God is perfect, and all of creation is divine, then what happens was meant to happen, because if it was not meant to happen, it would not have happened the way it did. So everything that happens is for a reason, and it is up to us to learn our lessons, because when we learn we are also participating in the lessons learned by other people.

Thanks, be well and take good care -

2008-04-18 20:10:37 UTC
Suicide is NEVER THE ANSWER. Just tell him that, and if he doesn't listen, you HAVE to tell someone immediately.
2008-04-18 20:12:20 UTC
You should've told someone a LONNNG time ago!
2008-04-18 20:12:11 UTC
if hes all whiny about an x, then hes bathing in his own fail. and is a successful troll
2008-04-18 20:10:49 UTC
tell someone about it.

maybe show him some good lovin!~!~

ask him why he feels like this.

and maybe bluff taht you will too if he does.

and act ever so serious about it.
Ray C
2008-04-18 20:10:23 UTC
It's called a "cry for help" for a reason. If you want to get involved, it is completely up to you.
2008-04-18 20:11:31 UTC
make out with him and make him feel wanted. i liked the first guys answer. about seeds :)
2008-04-18 20:12:05 UTC
tell him that you will kill yourself if he does
2008-04-18 20:10:32 UTC
Rehab. he might be mentally sick
Joe C
2008-04-18 20:10:30 UTC
take him to church
2008-04-18 20:10:14 UTC
Tell him he can plow you/plant his seeds in your garden.

This only works if you're hot.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.