Do psychotic people go to hell?
2016-01-28 12:34:27 UTC
I'm 19 and my doctors diagnosed me with psychosis and autism after much testing when I was 16. I saw evil and scary things that other people can't in ink blots. They said I harbored anger and resentment too. I used to torment animals until I was like 12. That alone makes me think I should go to hell. But I also believe I am a demon incarnated as a human. My girlfriend believes she is as well. I was bullied at the Catholic school I went to as a child, and I was always getting in trouble for fighting back and causing trouble, but none of the other kids ever got in trouble for it. When I was 10 I became depressed and started to hear other demons talking to me. I have been on nearly every antidepressant and anti psychotic there is but none of them have worked very well. My therapist and psychiatrist are running out of things to try. I am also horrible to people. I don't think anyone has ever really liked me, and I've dated 10 girls in the last 4 years. That makes me feel bad too. I am wondering if people who are psychotic and have mental illness go to hell because of it because that's not right but it's the feeling I get from a lot of Christians.
94 answers:
2016-01-28 18:12:42 UTC
Do psychotic people go to hell? I don't even have to read the description to answer this. The answer is simple: some will and some won't. The ONLY difference is who accepts JESUS and who doesn't. What we do in the flesh has NOTHING to do with where our eternal soul will go. JESUS went to hell for ALL sin except the sin of not responding affirmatively to the Holy Spirit's calling before one dies. Therefore justice for sin has already been paid. So if one went to hell for sin then that is the same as saying JESUS didn't complete the sacrifice.

So simply put: If one accepts HIM then they're saved from hell, if they don't then they're going to hell. As far as a person that is so far beyond deluded that they are basically non-cognizant then that is answered this way: JESUS knows their heart. Even a completely deluded or retarded person can respond to the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is NOT of this world. So we can't compare it's power to anything of this world. We can't judged whether a person is saved or not based on "worldly facts". ONLY JESUS knows our hearts.
Barney Google
2016-01-29 19:29:55 UTC
People who are psychotic and mentally ill, are often living their version of hell, here in reality, in subjective experience. You feel bad but not enough to stop committing random acts of hate and making other people suffer. Psychosis is hell because it means the absolute separation from God, whoh cannot look upon sin. It is not always a personality disorder. People who are lost, like psychotic individuals or the mentally ill,are confused and don't have a clue what they are doing. They are in torment and mental fatigue, and this kind of stress is destructive.
2016-01-29 13:37:27 UTC
Of course psychotic people don't go to hell. It isn't your fault you are psychotic. Many so called Christian people don't act very Christian. I see even good Christians do some unchristian things. I was just talking to someone today about a couple of people who lived in my town and how a deli owner was very nice to them and provided food and would tell then gently they would have to shower and clean up before they came back the next day. Some 'Christian' ladies came to the deli owner and told him he should ban these 2 guys or they wouldn't come back to the deli. The owner said no he would not ban them so the ladies stopped coming...for a couple weeks.

People are afraid of people who act or look different than they do. Look how people treat blacks. They kidnapped blacks from their homeland and made them slaves and most slaves were not treated well.

America was founded on religious freedom and our wonderful forefathers

treated most of our native people (Indians) very badly also.

We must try to get past some of what has happened in the world and to ourselves. Most people are good but often side with others who only have their own interests at heart. This may be done in fear or because they are not strong enough to stand up to others.

Keep seeing your psychiatrist and therapist. New treatments and medications are always coming out. If you don't think your present psychiatrist is helping, you might ask to see another in a larger city or at

Cleveland clinic. Your family doctor might be able to help with this.

Your girlfriend might benefit from being seen also.
2016-01-31 18:01:11 UTC
. Psychosis is hell because it means the absolute separation from God, whoh cannot look upon sin. It is not always a personality disorder. People who are lost, like psychotic individuals or the mentally ill,are confused and don't have a clue what they are doing. They are in torment and mental fatigue, and this kind of stress is destructive.
2016-01-31 23:52:25 UTC
If you are psychotic, you aren't making conscious decisions to do bad things, it's the demon that's taken over your brain, that is too strong to overcome. Psychotic people are fighting a losing battle, and the demon becomes stronger and stronger.

So no. If you made a conscious decision to do things (knowing you are doing them and that they are bad) then you would go to Hell. I would even go so far as to say if you do something 'bad' and think what you're doing is good and helping people, you wouldn't go to Hell, because in your mind you think you are doing a good thing.
2016-01-31 17:32:30 UTC
I experienced psychosis for multiple years as a result of a 6 year amphetamine addiction. I have been clean for 3 years.

Psychosis makes imaginary things seem real, and for that reason, religious ideas can be especially interesting, exciting, threatening and scary. It is easy to obsess about them when you are experiencing psychosis.

Being three years sober this is what I believe now: There is no hell. If you're experiencing psychosis, IT WILL PASS. Just breathe
2016-01-29 19:11:42 UTC
You won't go to hell for mental disorders. There is not any mention in the Bible for that. Even David, king of Israel, suffered from depression. But the Bible does say to think on things that are pure and holy. Even though our thoughts are prone to wander, try to think on whatever is good. You can do this by listening to things that reminds you of Jesus. Maybe you can listen to good music like praise music, or bible studies, or read an inspirational book or the bible. The bible also reminds us that we do not fight over flesh and blood but over darkness. The battle always begins with the mind so its important to guard your thoughts. I dont want to take away from what you psychiatrist says, but try thinking on whatever is pure and holy. It may be a lot of work, but if I'm right, it will help. If I'm wrong, you haven't lost anything.
2016-01-29 21:34:02 UTC
Psychosis is a mental illness which you are not responsible for. So don't blame yourself or let others, Christian or not, blame you. There are no literal demons or literal hell. Get the best treatment you can find, do best to control it, put yourself in a safe environment, keep challenging your thoughts and fo the best you can do while you are alive here on Earth. Demons, hell are for fiction books. They serve no purpose in your recovery. You play the hand you are dealt. New breakthroughs in science happen every day and hopefully a cure will be found for you. Best wishes for you.
2016-01-29 06:55:28 UTC
Well no,but if you know how you are behaving is bad then work to change it. You obviously know right from wrong on some level. You might be right about people not liking you BUT people do not like those who harm them,make fun of them, or are cruel towards them. If you do those things you well..won t be liked, and with good reason.

I don t know just how well you deal with empathy but if you hated being bullied or treated badly, if it made you feel worthless, you doing it back to people makes them feel those same things. If you want people to be nice,kind,and generous to you, then you have to be that way yourself.

You are also not a demon, you are a human being. Period. Your girlfriend is also not a demon, she is a human. You are both human. This is just a fact. There is no other thing you can possibly be.

Mental illness is hard, it has it s pitfalls, sometimes controlling yourself isn t easy. Anger can get the best of you, and the world doesn t always make sense. It makes things feel hopeless. The best thing you can do is your best, this means trying your utmost to be a good to other people, to be good to YOURSELF, and to work with those who care for you to make the world make more sense to you. Maybe they haven t found what works for you,yet, but they will if you give them time. Be open and honest with them, talk about why you are angry or sad or feeling lost, talk about what makes you happy, talk about WHY those things do that, and talk about how you can learn to control your emotions the best you can.

Drugs aren t miracles in a pill kid, wish they were but they aren t, so you have to work your best to BE your best as well. It s hard, it s a lot of effort, and it s completely worth it when you start to see it working. So keep working at it. Your efforts, your heart, that s what ultimately matters most.
2016-01-30 21:50:42 UTC
Believing that you are demonic and/or hearing demons is part of your psychosis. It's not God trying to say he hates you or that he's putting you in hell when your time comes. God loves all people, even with their flaws. Even an atheist like me at least understands that bit. God could never hate any of his creations, that's not who he is from what I read in the bible, he didn't make us to hate us. People who don't understand try to use God to justify their misunderstanding, and all that does is create negativity. Psychosis takes negativity and makes it seem unescapable. You are ill, you cannot control it. I may not agree with some of the things you say you have done (animal abuse??? for real??? >:/) but at the end of the day it's not like your actions are entirely your choice. Your psychosis clouds your grasp on reality so you behave in ways that are not socially acceptable. Everybody has their flaws, doesn't the bible say that God gives us all flaws to test our faith or something??? Some people just get unlucky I guess. You should engage more with your doctors and make sure to follow their treatments thoroughly. You need to tell them everything about your illness, if there or any changes in it etc. so they can try to find ways to treat it. Stay strong, and may God be with you.
2016-01-31 18:15:39 UTC
I'm an athiest, but even I know that you wouldn't. Being psychotic isn't your fault. God wouldn't punish you for something beyond your control.

And I don't know if this will mean anything to you, but I'm sorry for everything you've been through. I can't imagine what it feels like.

Good luck :-)
2016-02-02 09:25:16 UTC
no, for two reasons, the first being that there is no god and thus no hell, or paradise for that matter, and second, that psychosis is being sick and this is not a sin, so even in case there were hell, these people would not go there for being psychotic. they would go to hell or paradise according to what they did diliberately, good or bad.
2016-01-28 18:13:35 UTC
God loves everyone equally all sins are the same in gods just because you've done bad things doesn't mean God won't love you God understands everything and put you here with this for a reason he knows you can over come it and he'll forgive you for all the mistakes you make everyone does and it is possible for everyone to go to heaven you just have to want to and pray about it let him know how you feel it will at least make you feel better you are loved
2016-01-30 16:57:12 UTC
Well, let me say this, im an atheist, so if youre looking for a religious answer, stop reading.

Its not your fault you have mental disorders. Its no ones fault.

You will not go to hell for something that you did not purposely/accidently do. Its just a simple obstacle.

Its an obstacle in life that youll have to overcome and try to ignore. Yes i understand that it will be hard and feel impossible to stop hearing those voices, and im not professional, but i think that if you try your best to be the person you want to be, then become that person.

Try and pull through those obstacles and you will become that person you want to be and not go to hell
2016-01-30 13:23:23 UTC
Hi! No, you will not go to hell unless you do not take Jesus as your savior. You should pray every night to God and tell him how you are feeling and that you need him to cleanse your soul and come into your heart. Everyone sins. Everyone. So whenever you do, don't freak out because if you just ask the Lord to forgive you, than you will be fine. Hope I helped and that you will be able to turn around!
2016-01-31 02:14:25 UTC
There's a lot of propaganda around psychosis and hell. Most of it is utter BS.

The truth is psychosis is the result of being spiritually abused.

Hell is only a term for negative state of existence, you may in fact be suffering hell right now.

Someone gave you hell, (for whatever reason, normally just their sadistic pleasure) and so now your soul is sick.

It can normally heal but may take a very long time.

Unfortunately now you are recognised as a 'victim' there may be many more who would like to abuse you again.

Welcome to the war kid.

2016-01-29 19:06:24 UTC
Needless to say, 'Heaven' & 'Hell' are supernatural locations fabricated by humankind.

Consequently, a psychotic person is already living in hell.

Be that as it may, no situation should be viewed as incorrigible or permanent.

Provided one takes full responsibility and doesn't lay blame elsewhere, he has possession of the key.
2016-01-28 12:39:29 UTC
Sin requires knowledge that what you are doing and full consent to do it and that it be a grave matter. Without one or two of these it might be a sin, but a less serious one.

In moments of lucidity you are responsible for your actions. At other times maybe not. Develop a sense of ethics and morality by confessing your sins once a month and asking your confessor for advice. If you are no longer Catholic talk to your minister or spiritual adviser.
2016-01-28 17:10:51 UTC
it depends really. Canibles are insane look at "silence of the lambs" im not a believer in hell but hell is based on moral values if you are insane and your refuse to take a pill or you know you have a problem and think you can avoid it but dont then by moral standards yes you go to hell. Investigators do look at some crazy people and sometimes they want to go to hell. to answer your question SOMETIMES
2016-01-28 12:37:22 UTC
God isn't real. Demons aren't real. Nothing supernatural is real. That is why its called "supernatural" it literally means, it doesn't happen in reality. Do your very best to be a good person and that is all one could ask for. Psychosis and mental disorders are real, as in really happen, but you seem to be able to keep a train of thought better than many "good christians" on this site. You probably are just a troubled teen. I don't see anything wrong with fighting bullies, though it is better to not go physical unless absolutely necessary. Why don't you try Skepticism for a bit and focus on your actions. You will never improve as a person if you keep thinking your actions, good or bad, are made by mythical creatures. I didn't write you this because Zeus forced me to and you didn't ask because jesus or a demon or an angel or a fairy made you. YOU did everything you have ever done. Accountability is key and I promise the strong feelings will subside as you grow older. If you do something very bad, we don't prosecute the demon. We put the person in jail because demons don't exist. We don't lock up elvis' dead body when someone who says elvis made them do something wrong. Because they are simply disturbed, not Mr. Presley, R.I.P. had anything to do with it. Id like to see you stay out of correctional facilities. They are not pleasant.
2016-01-28 21:49:31 UTC
well, son, as you're probably young enough to be my son- to begin with...

the answer is straightforward : NO...

And that's why:

1.psychosis in general - stemms from some kind of chemical imbalance within one's brain- which is common...and it's beyond one's good or ill need to even think in terms of hell- as there is no one's fre will- good or evil...

2. from some point of vue -people suffering from psychosis - are -to a lesser or greater extent -in some kind of hell on Earth- due to misebeliefs, misconvictions, misunderstandings, ignorance...

3. as you got bullied - I hereby just ask myself whether those - whoever - ever- bullied you has to go to hell... as bullying something up to one's free will: we can choose to bully someone or not- based on our values, education, cultural background, faith name it...

4.inasmuch as it's about psychosis - you need to stay on follow-up - medical / psychiatric one...

and -probably what you need most is tender, love and care...

and maybe- where/ when all medications fail... music therapy or other techniques can be tried to make you feel better...

stay forever -blessed and kept safe and proof from all harm...
2016-01-31 11:57:34 UTC
No. Well maybe*.

When a body dies, the spirit is free to enter a new host body (Life is Eternal) and to regrow that body, et cetera.

*Now, What body, Where, and When is the open question.

You may notice that not everyone lives a life of luxury, or a life in a poverty.

Another linked question is: Is there some form (deity?) that controls where the spirit are destined to go, or is it just a matter of luck...
2016-01-28 21:29:21 UTC
I don't have anything against religious people, but let's be honest. Religion isn't real, I said it. It was created because people can't face the fact that death is inevitable. You have nothing to fear except fear itself. I know people will always deny my point and call me ignorant but they should look in the mirror. I can't believe in a magical guy, that allows millions to starve, criminals to go unpunished, and innocent to suffer. Not to mention there is a scientific explanation to everything. (I've studied religion too, my parents were strict Christians)
2016-01-29 16:28:06 UTC
Please don't listen to the nut jobs that say you'll go to H E L L you won't you just need help.

You need talk therapy from a professional a psychiatrist and you need a good friend that you trust to build a natural bond so you can feel good about yourself.

Possibly they may recommend a good talk therapist.

Not knowing your medical insurance coverage or social benefits available to you makes it hard to direct your search for help.
2016-01-30 00:29:37 UTC
no, you are not going to hell. yes, you killed animals as a youngster, lots of boys do...but at your age now, you know that was wrong. Forgive yourself, you dont deserve to live with regrets. There are people in this world who do a lot worst. Autism runs in my family, so its hard to express your feelings and thought...I tend to think autistic people are gifted, not just intellectually, but as they age, they can become overly compassionate. People on the autism spectrum are also gifted with a good eye for picking up on things others dont, because they observe a lot. They can also be artistically or mathematically inclined. You need to focus on your strengths...and work on your weaknesses....not the other way around. You dont need meds, you need to heal your soul and the pain you feel. You need to find something you love to do...whether its music, being out in nature, inventing something, are you good on computers? You are not going to hell, God made you perfect, accept yourself, take responsibility for the things you can change and accept those you cant. Always strive to be a better person, educate yourself, discipline yourself and work hard. Also reward yourself, do nice things for yourself....and dont take things so hard, on yourself or others. You will learn a lot with age, trial and error. Treat others as you would want tobe treated, but also, treat them accordingly...not everybody deserves your friendship or time. Your biggest challenges are going to be putting up with people, what they say, what they do, and not letting them bother you...and not believing them. believe in yourself, you know yourself and who you are on the inside, better than anyone else.
2016-01-28 20:52:22 UTC
I have a son, he has Aspergers, blacks out and doesn't remember anger spells, and can't control his emotions.

I know it's hard for me, but I also know it's harder for him.

The fact that you're even asking if it makes you a bad person tells me that you're not! A disability doesn't damn you! Choices you make will make life a whole lot more difficult, but a disability will never damn you. Psychosis is a disability, not a choice!
2016-01-30 20:21:52 UTC
Hell is what we make of it. If you were psychotic you might feel like you were already In HELL.
2016-01-29 08:35:23 UTC
No, because hell isn't real. Also I'm sorry you were targeted by mental illness at such a young age. I was 12 when I started dreaming of peoples death, and dealing with shadow creatures and depression(plus I heard voices saying to die a lot). I learned to deal with them at a young age not because of religious beliefs,(not religious, more a person who believes in alternate realms in the dreamworld) but by learning to fight back. I do take medication though for depression though, and I recommend you keep trying to find meds that could work for you. you are not a demon, and neither is your girlfriend, those voices talking to you,are lying to you and you have to fight back and scream in your head. I am not a demon, I don't believe you. Take back your mind. I know its difficult but until you find meds that can help you, you have to fight to get your mind back. goodluck
2016-01-31 15:34:49 UTC
no psychotic people dont go to hell.. its just part of a mental illness

I have schizophrenia
2016-01-29 10:09:02 UTC
as long as you pray and ask for forgiveness for any sins. And if you have negative thoughts they are put there by demons and you need to pray and ask for forgiveness. maybe someone you trust could do an excorsism on you, because from what you said it sounds like demons definitley have a hold of you unfortunatley. Dont let evil take control of your life, thats what satan wants. just pray the demons out in the name of jesus, and ask for forgiveness. also going to confession will help you rid yourself of the evil. if you do these things you will not go to hell. unless you act on something evil that the demons told you to do. that is a sin when you do what a demon tells you to do you are acting against God, and that is one of the worst sins. so keep praying and never do a act of evil, cuz i dont want anyone to end up in hell if jesus is their savior and god their father. as long as you believe in god and jesus you should be okay, with constant praying.
2016-01-31 23:23:58 UTC
No they don't go to hell. They are simply people with mental problems. They should be supported and helped, not judged or condemned
2016-01-30 10:20:08 UTC
I'm schizophrenic and I think I might go to hell.

Not all schizophrenics are bad, it's just me because I'm an arrogant western woman.
2016-01-29 00:06:30 UTC
No you're like me autistic and severally mentally ill. When you are psychotic u lose touch with reality and you know no better than a baby. (I was told i tackled my dad and don't remember anything .) when youre stable you DO know better
2016-02-01 00:58:49 UTC
Psychotic people are ill people, not evil
2016-01-30 18:39:35 UTC
2016-01-31 12:23:26 UTC
Did you the word hell in Hebrew means the pit/grave? God loves all people. As long as you ask Him for forgiveness of your sins/wrongdoings & you truly repent for your sins, you will have the possibility of everlasting life, which is God's hope for us all. Seek God's word (the Bible), to get a better understanding, & try drawing closer to Him in that way.
2016-01-30 05:02:06 UTC
personally, i do not believe in hell. because everybody, no matter what, deserves to go to heaven in the end. everybody pays for the things they have done in the end. hell already exists in our lives. if somebody commits a crime and gets away with it, they will be punished, but not permanently, because that's ridiculous.
2016-01-29 00:42:43 UTC
It looks like an impossible climb to you from where you are, but you will make it back to God remembering He created you whole and holy , just like everyone else. It's step by step, lesson by lesson for you as it is for everyone.
2016-01-28 12:39:44 UTC
There is a doctor that can help you, if you will come to Him. Realize we all are sinners, so that you belong in a church just as much as anyone, and you need a church that preaches from the gospel, because: "31 Jesus answered them, “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. 32 I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance.” Come with a sincere and penitent heart, to Christ, come to Him inside your own heart.
2016-01-28 17:05:27 UTC
When you go to Hell, tell Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (if they have died. They are definitaly going to Hell.) that I hate gun control.
2016-01-29 22:40:11 UTC
Stop rethinking,have some therapy,you would be fine and just leave the girl,she is just mad.And tormenting animals is no big thing and stop being over religious and think of your life.
2016-01-29 00:49:54 UTC
A place has to exist before a person can go there.
2016-01-28 12:39:10 UTC
if you are genuinely psychotic and autistic, then, this site is the wrong place to ask such questions.

stick with what your doctor and psychiatrist tells you

leave religious and spiritual sites and literature well alone

oh, and you are not a demon; incarnated, or otherwise
2016-01-31 15:12:16 UTC
Heaven and Hell and Jeuss/God and Satan are not real (i don't give a single **** how you spell his name). You Christians are so ******* stupid and ignorant for asking such questions. Get a life!!!
2016-01-29 18:24:25 UTC
You won't go to hell sweetie
2016-01-28 12:39:24 UTC
We can override genetics and environment by choosing to increase interaction with soul the evolutional energy of goodness most call God , this increases save- ability of consciousness.

seek my answers
2016-01-29 13:38:29 UTC
Well, hell doesn't actually exist, realize that before you ask this question.
2016-02-01 18:28:28 UTC
Any sin you have committed because your mental disorder God/Allah/whatever you call him will be forgiven because it's not like you're like the normal average person.
2016-01-29 05:29:08 UTC
Yes, psychotics definitely go to hell and it's a one-way trip all the way down, down to the bottom where you become one of the many virgins for ISIS fighters killed in battle.
2016-01-29 08:19:26 UTC
there is no hell. they go to the mental hospital....state if they have no means, some place posh like the ones that advertise in the New Yorker if they have deep, deep pockets.
2016-01-29 14:06:53 UTC
No because hell doesn't exist.
2016-01-29 03:16:52 UTC
I don't think so. If they did it would be all God's fault, and he knows better than that.
2016-01-28 22:27:35 UTC
You said you went to a Catholic school? Did the priest ever touch you inappropriately? Huh?
Fahed Khan
2016-02-01 12:54:27 UTC
No such thing as hell so you're chilling.
2016-01-29 11:51:04 UTC
I'm an atheist.
2016-01-28 15:36:26 UTC
Burning hell taught by some churches is not a true Bible teaching, but rather is a teaching based on traditions of men handed down over the centuries. As far as your illness that you were diagnosed with, you may or may not be truly ill, it could be that you are or it could be that you have come under demon influence. Just remember though, that you are a free agent, meaning that YOU have the right and the power and ability to BE anything you choose to be and to put your mind to, but this should be based on the knowledge of how to do this properly. I will post info to knowledge that may prove to be helpful to both you and your girlfriend. Here is an excerpt from a book on this topic on how people can come under demon influence, you might read it and see if any of it sounds like it relates. Also at the bottom of the page there are links to a few more articles that explain how to get free from demon-ism and some of the ways that the demons mislead people:


The captive control and influence of a person by an invisible wicked spirit. In Bible times demonized persons were afflicted in various ways: some were unable to speak, some were blind, some acted insane, and some possessed superhuman strength. All were woefully mistreated by these invisible bullies. (Mt 9:32; 12:22; 17:15; Mr 5:3-5; Lu 8:29; 9:42; 11:14; Ac 19:16) Men, women, and children were their victims. (Mt 15:22; Mr 5:2) Sometimes the agony was compounded when many demons gained possession of a person at the same time. (Lu 8:2, 30) When the demon was expelled, the person returned to a normal, sane state of mind. There is a difference between demon possession and ordinary physical sickness and disease, for Jesus cured both types of disorder.—Mt 8:16; 17:18; Mr 1:32, 34.

Some of Jesus’ greatest miracles involved the setting of possessed persons free from captivity to the demons. They were powerless against him. But not everyone was happy with his demon-expelling work. The Pharisees accused him of being in league with the ruler of the demons, Beelzebub, whereas in reality, as Jesus pointed out, they themselves were the offspring of the Devil. (Mt 9:34; 12:24; Mr 3:22; Lu 11:15; Joh 7:20; 8:44, 48-52) Jesus knew the source of the power that gave him mastery over the demons, and he openly confessed that it was Jehovah’s spirit. (Mt 12:28; Lu 8:39; 11:20) The demons themselves recognized Jesus’ identity and addressed him as the “Son of God,” “the Holy One of God,” and “Jesus, Son of the Most High God.” (Mt 8:29; Mr 1:24; 3:11; 5:7; Lu 4:34, 41; Ac 19:15; Jas 2:19) However, at no time would Jesus allow them to witness in his behalf. (Mr 3:12) On the other hand, a man who was set free from the power of the demons was encouraged to publish to his relatives ‘all the things Jehovah had done for him.’—Mr 5:18-20.

Jesus also gave authority over the demons to his 12 apostles, and later to the 70 that he sent out, so that in the name of Jesus they too were able to cure the demon-possessed. (Mt 10:8; Mr 3:15; 6:13; Lu 9:1; 10:17) Even one not an immediate associate of Jesus or his apostles was able to exorcise a demon on the basis of Jesus’ name. (Mr 9:38-40; Lu 9:49, 50) After the death of Jesus, the apostles continued to have this power. Paul ordered “a demon of divination” out of a slave girl, much to the anger of her money-loving owners. (Ac 16:16-19) But when certain impostors, the seven sons of priest Sceva, attempted to cast out a demon in the name of “Jesus whom Paul preaches,” the demon-possessed man seized and severely mauled the seven of them and stripped them naked.—Ac 19:13-16.

Often the wild and uncontrolled conduct of mentally unbalanced persons is due to possession by these invisible minions of Satan. Sometimes it is reported that spirit mediums have cast these demons out; this calls to mind what Jesus said: “Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not . . . expel demons in your name . . . ?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew you!” (Mt 7:22, 23) Compelling reasons, then, for heeding the counsel, “Be watchful,” and, “Put on the complete suit of armor from God that you may be able to stand firm against the machinations of the Devil” and his demons.—1Pe 5:8; Eph 6:11.

Link to articles:
2016-01-30 05:49:15 UTC
No, its an illness not an attitude.
2016-01-28 12:36:07 UTC
No, being sick is not a sin, provided you do your best to treat people as well as your psychoses permit, and seek professional help.
2016-01-30 09:30:53 UTC
Without Christ, we are all bound for hell.

Psychosis is a curse and Proverbs 26:2 tells us in the King James Bible that a curse without a cause does not come. Sin causes curses. Whether it be your sin or the sins of your forefathers, the curse comes and stays until it is cast out. I see your situation as inherited curses and you have received evil and familiar spirits from your ancestors. I cast out the spirit of your father and grandfather in the name of Jesus.

Let their spirits go into the desert and return to you no more. Now Scripture tells us that if you do not keep your spirit clean that even greater and worse evil spirits will come back. So what you do is get a King James Bible and read it. Don't worry about Catholicism or Catechism, read God's word, the Holy Bible. Don't worry about what the Pope says or the Priest says or the so-called Christians say, believe what God says in His Holy Bible. Read the Book of John in the New Testament.

Keep your mind on Christ Jesus and if terrible dark thoughts come into your mind cast them out in the name of Jesus immediately. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. As you cast out these thoughts you can say it out loud. The battlefield is in the mind and you must guard every thought that comes into your head. You know when the evil comes on you so immediately get your mind on Jesus and say His name out loud.

There is power in His name. Start reading the Bible because God's Word is food for our minds and God's word changes hearts and minds.

Say to yourself and out loud, "I cast out this evil spirit of psychosis in the name of Jesus. Go into the desert and return to me no more. I cast out the ancestral spirits of my forefathers and I ask forgiveness of their sins and my sins. I send them into the desert to return no more in the name of Jesus Christ my God and Savior."

Keep casting out evil spirits until they have left your body and your life is changed. Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on mankind. Learn God's Word so you can quote it when you need it. Your life is changing at this very moment and the evil spirits are not happy. Satan is a defeated foe, so you stand on the promises of God. Learn His Word, the Holy Bible and the King James Bible.
2016-01-28 18:58:38 UTC
Hell isnt real
2016-01-28 12:36:53 UTC
I believe the religious explanation for psychosis is demonic possession.
2016-02-01 08:49:30 UTC
EVERYBODY who wants it gets a chance. You're fine. Grow closer to God and he will grow closer to you.
2016-01-30 11:37:20 UTC
Not all. You don't pick to be like that.
No games here
2016-01-30 09:15:30 UTC
Please don't listen to anyone! You really need a new professional who can make you feel better about yourself.

2016-01-29 15:27:12 UTC
Only if they do something to justify it, like committing murder or a similar felony.
2016-01-30 21:52:10 UTC
unsaved people go to hell... you have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and then welcome the Holy Spirit to guide you to begin to hear and obey God in every area of your life.
Got Proof?
2016-01-28 12:36:12 UTC
There are no such things as gods or hell. That's why we have science and medicine.
2016-02-01 17:53:03 UTC
No because you aren't to blame for your illness, the devil is!
2016-01-29 03:32:54 UTC
why do you book-wielding cowards think you have the right to decide where people go when they leave the world?
2016-01-30 09:32:05 UTC
NO; because God is fair and if they cannot make the right decisions, god understands them and their actions
2016-01-29 07:27:34 UTC
Yes, unicorns and gingers too.
2016-01-31 04:08:09 UTC
Yes and no, it really depends on your brain.
2016-02-02 08:17:58 UTC
Its not up to us where they go
2016-01-30 02:03:39 UTC
just get born again or saved
2016-01-30 14:42:56 UTC
2016-02-01 17:31:19 UTC
it's not your fault. have fun in heaven whenever you die.
2016-01-28 12:36:12 UTC
God says disabled people are scum and wants nothing to do wit them.

Ex.4:11 First it makes them.

Lev.21:17-23 Then it wants them cooked.
2016-01-30 11:10:26 UTC
Not until you've KILLED someone.
2016-01-31 20:11:12 UTC
no as there is no such thing as hell.
2016-01-30 11:30:32 UTC
No. There is no such place.
2016-01-29 15:09:41 UTC
2016-01-29 19:28:48 UTC
I agree / j
2016-02-03 06:31:29 UTC
2016-01-29 06:27:53 UTC
2016-01-30 00:33:19 UTC
2016-01-29 07:56:23 UTC
No they dont.
2016-01-29 13:38:02 UTC
Jesus loves all people and especially sinners,

Only Jesus is fit to judge as only he knows our temperaments that draw us to certain sins, the enviromental influences on us, and out mental state and motivations. People do not know all this so they are not to be judges,.

Jesus provided an answer to this.

The bible says all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of god and there is none holy (and worthy of heaven) no not one.

He also says we are saved by faith not works lest any should boast and he says the wages of sin is death

Jesus already paid the price for every sin we will and have ever done. the wages of our sins is death but Jesus took our punishment suffering t and death upon him out of his great love for sinners

He saved every person who will ever live and our part is only to believe and accept he is the only way to heaven not our good deeds.

there will be two judgements on judgment day- one under the law and one under grace.

the only sin he cannot forgive is those people who will not believe he already saved them for it is like someone willing to pay one's jail bond but they refuse to accept it in that case, they cannot be saved and if there sins are big or small they will be cast into hell.The last thing Jesus yelled form the cross is a word used at that time on prisoners who had served their time and it was stamped over their list of crimes and it meant paid in full. Also used for people who poaid off minitary debts.

If again accused of the same crime all they had to do was show this paper that the debt wa spaid and they could npot be charged with it again,,.no double jeopardy,


when he did and rose it was all paid in full (that is their punishment) for every man and every sin which Jesus took upon himself to save us..we only have to take the gift an keep knowing we can and are saved one we do

The other judgment under grace will be for those who accepted Jesus and what he did for them. Never stop believing those sins are already paid for by our lord who will not let us slip from his grasp.

Yes at times we will have doubts like I did when recently told I am dying of cancer but he says when we are too weak to have faith that he remains faithful to us.

Look up the sinners prayer and how to be saved.

The good news is that we can be saved and not have to pay the price in hell. maybe karma might come to us to teach us but we can be assured of heaven even if we sin.

Even though you think things are true like you are both demons this is not so.

We might not be able to change as easily as someone with out mental problems but we can all do some change,

Pray to God for help..he does help even though we dont always see it right him turn everything over to him and believe he will help you..

anger breaks down our immune system and leads to disease so thi and any hate is hurting you more than others.

Forgiveness is very important to healing. forgive people and if any justice is due leave it to God. Ask forgiveness to God for the torture you did to animals and then forgive yourself.

There is hope and it begins with accepting what Jesus did for you.


how to help yourself

The wrong fats can change our brain chemistry and leads to chemical imbalances and various mental illnesses many that have been fised with more omega three fats and less omega 6 dats according to a book I read a schizophrenic started not acting schizophrenic when the fish oil was added and they then looked on a pet scan and his brain had actually changed to resemble a normal bnrain and the same has happened with a myriad of mental illnesses cannot promise change but if it was me I would work hard on this.

Basically the fats lead to the neurotransmitters receptor sites being able to jump form neuron to neuron and the neurotransmitters get stuck in the synaptic gap and cause chemical imbalances as one changed the fats they eat eventually the neurotransmitters receptor sites go back to working normally and this helps tremendously Cannot promise a change but certainly worth a ty as it has worked for others with mental illness.

I would take 5000 mg or more o omega three fatty acids found in fatty fish like salmon (only wild caught not farm raised) , mackerel (both canned and fresh), herring, sardines and anchovies or in foods like raw walnuts, chia seeds (salba), flax seeds (ground) and flax seed oil (stoe in the freezer.

The average americans eats 50 times more omega 6 fqts than oemga three when we should be eating twice as much omega 6 over omega three fats and this affects chemical imbalances,, it might take a few years

Stop eating

1 hydrogenated fats

2 trans fats

3 most saturated fats (eat more towards vegan)

4 most unsaturated fats.

chia seeds is a good source of omega 3 fats and a superfood one can make a tasty pudding by mixing chia seeds with a plant milk like almond or soy milk etc add chopped fruits and dry fruits and mix till gels garnish with things like kiwi and berries.

This can lower blood pressure though so keep eye on that

I would also incorporate only health real whole foods be eaten 9those good made) in a form as close to nature as possible not refined and lots of raw food--fruits veggies nuts and seeds and turning to a plant based diet

I owuld not b surprisedf if you changed to a 100% raw food vegan diet this would go away, I spoke directly with someone on the 801010 diet 100% raw who said she lost all cravings for the drugs and alcohol she wa s addcited to and that her whole temperment chnged for the better and she got very very noice and this is not the first time I heard those going 100% raw had their whole personality change to one of empathy, compassion, low stress, calm and happy.

here is what food is considered raw scrool down to 85% part


read these books and do the exercises in them

1 excuse me your life is waiting

2 feeling good

3 7 steps to emotional healing

4 happy for no reason

5 heal tour brain heal your life

surround yourself with good people and think on positive things.

If your girlfriend continues to say you are both demons I would get away from her if she wont try to change too.

I personally feel phycotrophic drugs of any kind are not safe but that is up to you.

I would try nutritional and behavior help along with counseling with the right counselor.

You must make serious effort to not be horrible to others. force yourself to change and do the right thing..stop saying I am horrible do positive affirmations like I can and am being nice to people. I am a peaceful person. I think positive thoughts I am a himan being I can change I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me you must stop thinking how you are as you are creating self fulfilling are not totally at the control of your mental illness. The mind is powerful change how you think and act and stop thinking you cant you can With affirmations dont use the words not dont say I am not sick as the mind reads I am sick instead say I am well etc

God can do what drs cant.
2016-02-01 02:14:07 UTC
2016-01-30 09:49:54 UTC
2016-01-30 00:03:10 UTC
Heaven George
2016-01-28 14:28:40 UTC
your problem doesn't sound 100% like a mental illness. you probably are mentally ill. maybe you are schizophrenia or depressed i am not sure. there are people who believe in worshipping the devil and they are called satanists. i am not accusing of trying to doing such. you said you believed your a demon that is now living in a human body and so that worries me greatly. there is a difference between a hallucination versus a real belief in your delusions. it could be a part of an illness like you have mentioned but i am not so sure on my personal opinion. if you went to a doctor like psychiatrists they could easily say your ill. but me personally i don't know if that is an advice i want to fully tell you. the problem with therapy is the complexities of your cases. you have to come in saying or believing to want to change or at least having ability to do such. the psychologists or whoever who will try talking out your problems will want to see progress and the way the health insurance is set up they are more solution oriented. though if you have good healthcare quality they will let you come one hour a week all your life if you can afford that or more. usually that is about a normal session is around 50 minutes once a week for a year with a counselor people don't usually do more time then that. but there are some who go to therapy most of thier life but that is rather rare. so anyways if you feel you need more intensified care that is ok. with your situation it might be harder to find workers employees that would be sensitive on such a hard issue. in that what your saying goes against alot of peoples religious beliefs as you already know. we live in a christian majority nation here in the first worlds. but even if you are another religious dominant country location like jew, hindu, buddhist, islam, or etc they all disapprove of a bad thing called the devil and since you feel that is in you i think there might be a bias. i could be totally wrong. but in my opinion i am not saying to keep it a secret. but if you don't ask for help you won't get any. you could be forced treatment you don't want i don't know. but so far that doesn't look the issue. you didn't say that you are being pressured on drugs you don't want. you just said it is not working. i think with therapy i am not so sure with this issue. medicine seems more important but i could be wrong. only you will figure it out. maybe both therapy and psychiatric medications could help you. or one or the other. and about religion and how god sees us. the only right religion is christianity. you didn't say that you did stuff like witchcraft or any other religion trial. you didn't say what your religion is. you just asked a question about hell meaning you curious about religion. now jews, muslims, and christians all believe in hell or i am guessing alot of popular regions believe in a similar concept where bad peopel get punished and good people have a good place to go in the ending for their permanent rewards or opposite of that so depends on the persons. now i had for a time like a few years believed i might have been demon possessed and maybe you feel that way. psychosis is supposed to be a form of mental illness a symptom but not a disease in itself but rather part of the sickness. so psychosis just means a person is lost touch with reality they are having a hard time understanding what is there from what is not. it is not about doing bad things necessarily. though if a sick person is severely that way they may do criminal things claiming it is thier illness but in my opinion most likely it is not the disease but rather is thier own personality. i do NOT believe in the insanity defense in the criminal justice system i think it is wrong and it should be removed. if you don't know what that is oh well. hopefully it won't apply to you. again you didn't mention any such behaviors. people that are mentally ill can behave very lazy. the bible says to do good to do your best as well. it doesn't mention the best of specifics on how whether a mentally retarded person is choosing the illness or not. but there is the assumption that if your doing what you can with out hurting people to trust the system of what the illnesses the healthcare system teaches us is there and to trust the person really does need help. you can't exactly prove anthing in real life. in my opinion we can't really prove we are alive other then seeing each other. we could all be in a dream for all we know. anyways back to what happened to you. i don't believe mentally ill will go to hell for that.its an illness most often not thier own fault. as long as a person does thier best they will not go to hell. just because you believe there are demons talking to you doesn't mean your a demon. just for the record i don't believe your a demon. now on the whole animal tormenting thing they can put you in jail for that. due to your age they would have given you a concealed record and treated you as a minor and not an adult record so no prison and most likely juvenile hall. you didn't specify how you tortured the animals. now if your definition of tormenting animals is not playing with them and leaving them outside int he backyard all day to do nothing many people do that legally and are not penalized so there is NO penalty legally for doing stuff like that. the whole process of keeping pets like the common ones being cats, dogs or etc peopel don't do much to spend time with them more then 1 hours a day max. they have like daycare center for animals to hang with other same animals as thier own but humans don't want to pay the price so in a way your kind of doing something alot of peopel already do. maybe your parents told you to walk your dog and you lied and said you did. you didn't say how you tormented the animals. people kill rats if they come in the house with out human permission or humans eat animals and etc so humans aren't exactly that sensitive with animals in general. but anyways not to excuse bad treatments of animals. god forgives people and if you grew up in a very lonely environment well that could help lurk your harsh thoughts. you don't give a real excuse for your behavior other then you say your ill you probably could medically prove that with records from a doctors office. so i trust that something is wrong in your head of some sort. just to ask a question like this. people can change and get better. your behavior problems seemed more as a child so that is a sign things could get better hopefully you did have mild forms of hardships with the bullying victim of you situation which could kind of maybe add to your stress. just don't be bad don't do bad. you can do it. and you can read the bible for a start and/or at least go to church and/or watch tv or internet preacher learn a thing or two on how to act nice or be healthy. i don't know the severity of your illness how long it will be there for. the medicine probably will help you if your on the right kind. you didn't say how many drugs you tried. maybe your quitting taking your meds when you really should go for more different brands or dosages. you didn't specify all that much. the medicine really should help and if it doesn't that is not the majority. most peopel get benefit from the legal drugs for the conditions they need it for. you didn't say what your condition was specifically. so being correctly diagnosed is important as well. i already gave 2 predictions guesses of what mental disorders you might have. i am not sure which one or if it is both. that is not possible to be on almost all antipsychotic or antipderessants. you didn't say your age. you didn't say the number of different drugs and/or names you used and dosages so i don't know if you know what your saying. i don't want you to give up. the drug is not going to do all the work. you have to fight your thoughts. you said you want to not think this way so that is why your on this stuff you didn't say someone else like your parents are forcing you or anything like that. you could only believe your a demon if you did something bad. there is a difference between demon possession and being a demon. demon possessed most likely do not want the demon in thier body. it is a rare possibility of what could be happening but more then likely your just mentally ill which is what most people saying what your saying would categorize under. so i don't want to confuse you further.
2016-01-28 21:24:47 UTC
Do psychotic people go to hell? Pray to John the Baptist. Pray to greatmartyr and healer Panteleimon. Pray to Grigorij "Novyj" Rasputin. If you cross your head (back of the head, front of the head, right temple, left temple), then the headache will go away. Plus blood is purified. To make upright perpendicular cross: using your right hand in the following way (picture below) cross yourself: touch firmly your forehead and say "In the name of the Father", touch firmly 1cm-2cm above belly button and say "and of the Son", touch firmly right shoulder (where 3 bones meet) and say "and of the Holy", touch firmly left shoulder (where 3 bones meet) and say "Spirit". Hand down: "Amen." Feet together.

According to Vyacheslav Krasheninnikov, vodka dries one's brains. Smoking is censer for the devil. People who use drugs see demons who cleverly disguise themselves as aliens. Vaccines, IVs, tooth fillings, cosmetics, certain foods and drinks, medicaments, etc. contain nanochips and/or cells of aborted fetuses; intake of which leads to demon possession. If a dog is present in house or church, then the Holy Spirit will leave. Foul language calls upon Pagan deities (demons); Holy Spirit departs on seven meters. Blood contains sins; don't donate blood; don't accept blood transfusion yourself.

Raw celandine (juice) cures cancer in minute amounts (like eating a leaf a day for 10 days, taking a break for 10 days, repeating three times); store this raw juice in dark glass container in a fridge for up to 2 or 3 years; add only hot water if you don't want to drink it cold; collect older celandine that is at least 20 meters away from the river from morning until 3 PM. Zodiac is planetary prison of demons; don't believe in horoscopes or you'll exhibit the traits of the trapped demons. Luck = Moloch = demon; don't wish people luck, please. Chanting mantras leads to demon possession; it's not the words that get you possessed; it's the rhythm. Meditation, hypnosis, astral projection, etc. lead to demon possession. Demons pretend to be ghosts and aliens. Barcode is Druid black magic curse. Most thoughts and dreams are from demons; demons never do good.

Oral, anal, masturbation, porn, fornication, adultery, fetishes, cross dressing, etc. lead to demon possession. Sionists want to be the only white people. So, they promote contraceptives (early abortion), interracial marriage, homosexuality, abortion (aborted babies go to hell for 33 and a half years and a demon is freed from hell), etc. America will be last country to switch to Euro (antichrist's world currency). Sionists want to attack Iran. So, they need an excuse, which will be the Statue of Liberty. New Sodom (New York) will be flooded after an explosion in the sea; New Gomorah (Los Angeles) will follow after. Look at what Seraphim Rose had to endure. He was a homosexual, but repented. Now, he is one the great saints of the Orthodox Church. Pray to Seraphim Rose; he'll help you. Give to charity in the name of Archangel Michael; he rescues people from hell twice a year (or brings them up a level, that is, to a level with less punishment; eventually, people are freed). Feed the pigeons; when pigeons bow down, people are saved from hell. Birds participate in time creation. It's a sin to kill birds. Dinosaurs live under our level.

They will get out through sinkholes and lakes. To kill them, go for their nerves. Save the birds; but kill the dinosaurs. First dinosaur will come out of Volga River in Russia. Since antichrist (born to a 12th generation prostitute, flying, big-nailed, gloved, pale-faced, red-eyed, Satan-possessed since he's 12 years old, homosexual man from the tribe of Dan, who wears blue robe over left shoulder while red/pink robe is underneath just like Jesus, and is surrounded by demons but people see angels of light) is around, there is no need for disputes. 666 is not forgivable; it leads to permanent hell. 666 is given with World Passport with no name on it (grey plastic card). Police 666 people on highways. Food stores and prisoners (released by the antichrist) 666 people too. Reject vaccines. Don't go into UFO to be healed by demons. Hide with Orthodox Christians to escape 666; leave all electronics behind so that antichrist's minions can't track you.

Stay away from cats because one can receive mark of the beast because of cats. Pray the Jesus prayer slowly all the time. Sleep fully clothed; also, pray to your guardian angel to have normal sleep. Dress appropriately for your gender. Women wear non-revealing dresses and head-scarfs tied at the front; no pants and no hats for women. Men wear pants and hats (outside only, except priests). Don't get any tattoos. Reject new documents and vaccines. Ask Orthodox Christian priest to bless your house. Get rid of all Occult stuff (ouija boards, talismans, amulets, barcodes, skulls, masks, astrology books, tarot cards, etc.). To break any curse, pray slowly the Psalm "The LORD is my light and my salvation" 40 times a day for 40 straight days. That's 1600 times in total. Forgive me.рязанская&w=wall-25720730_57029%2Fall
2016-01-29 05:23:50 UTC
2016-01-29 10:22:59 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.