hi sophie,
it doesnt have to be drugs it can be caused by lots of things.
the mental bi polar is too often thrown at people too quickly, it may not be that.
you can have reactions to food..
reactions to a situation.
a reaction to certain peoples conduct.
when we get upset and start thinking of bad things, we distance ourselfs from the world as a coping skill.
that distance can make things not seem real.
trauma can do that also, make you want to shut off from the world.
think of the things that make you feel bad.....why should you.
unless you are going to study them so you can turn it around in your head and make them possitives.
stop and think of the things that make you feel good!!
thats a nicer feeling.
try and hold on to that its better for you.
dont tell people nice things that help you cope incase they sully it and make it no longer a safe place for you to visit in your head when everything is getting bad.
when you are upset you will alter the way you breath. do you actually hold your breath as the thoughts grip you.
when you hold your breath and then start breathing again this will give you a rush and you will feel faint. if you stand up at this stage you will get dizzy.
some of us are blessed with an imagination, sometimes it inpinges on our sences. we will make great writers as we feel the words as we create them. sometimes if you get into a moment of creativity it is hard to distinguish between real and imagination if you dont hold control of yourself. this is how you would be able to write something as if you were there or if you were someone else.
it can be a blessing or a curse unless you can sit down and channel it.
finding someone who can mentor your tallents of creativity.
you may not be halusinating and just may have a vivid imagination.
bad experiences are the source of great writing.
to be where other havent can also be the source of lack of understanding and ridicule.
to deal with these events and then turn them into skills, which could get you a good carreer has to be two fingers at anyone who is just having a laugh at your expence.
they can all be forgotten as where will they be in the future.
still laughing?
sounds like you are coping with stress in the only way you can.
i write this as it may help you.
its what works for me.
only hang with those who big you up,
those who dont
will take away from you making you feel low and insecure.
and make you more likely to feel this way.