2009-08-22 20:16:41 UTC
My mom made me see a therapist. I didn't open up to her, and I always refused medicine. But to prove my point to my mom I agreed, after years of saying "no" to medicine (but only months of a therapist), to try it. I loyally took the medicine and I was just as stressed out as ever. School means so much to me, I would never let anything get in my way. I used to starve myself, get blackouts, and have heart palpitations and I still maintained my perfect scores and made sure to earn the same number of awards as ever. School isn't easy for me, so those 100s in advanced courses and in outside college courses are from obsessing. I will never take medicine again, I don't like things that attempt to change how my mind works, even if another one would help my stress I don't want it. I only took it to prove my point.
I'm sorry I sound really selfish and awful here. I was nice to my mom about the medicine, even though it sounds like I was mean to her over it here. Do you have any advice on what do to stay calm for college though? I have a ton of anxiety over school, I worry that I can't take it anymore. I have at least 12 years ahead of me (which I don't mind at all, it's the scores that scare me), and I can't even handle a 99, how do I handle something worse?
I'm sorry for whining about this. Do you have any advice for me? Thank you!