You sound like you're just bored and need some simulating to get motivation. The answer to this is so simple. But you and only you can help yourself, so if you don't bother with the advice that is about to come your way, from me or other people, then you only have yourself to blame if you choose not to do something about it.
I would suggest is take a course or take up a new hobby, interest, activity or sport, maybe the gym and a healthy eating cooking course as that helps tackle depression.
You'll meet new people, learn something new, maybe even discover a talent. You'll eventually develop a new behaviour which automatically puts a smile back on your face, you'll feel much happier and healthier.
You may be the type that would get satisfaction from helping other people. Have you considered volunteering? It's not always about looking after young offenders, people with mental illnesses or the elderly who are incapable of going to the toilet etc. I think you'd really benefit from it as well as the community benefiting from someone like you.
How to cope:
Stress and depression is a constant in everyone’s life. It seems that nobody is immune. Fortunately, the psychology behind stress relief and fighting depression is pretty straightforward, and you can ease your own stress and depression with help from the tips in the following list:
1) Accept responsibility: Take charge of your own part in things.
2) Analyse the situation logically: Try looking at a situation more logically.
3) Gather information: The more you know, the better you’re able to cope.
4) Reappraise or reframe the situation: Look at a situation from a different perspective and try to see the positive side of things.
5) Seek guidance and support: Ask for help.
6) Use problem-solving skills: Come up with alternatives, select an alternative, and reevaluate the outcomes.