Will I go to hell for being depressed?
2015-08-30 10:47:53 UTC
I'm an 18 year old with depression and someone told me it was just a choice which made me really upset and so I started looking around and I found a Christian website that said that depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems aren't real, and that they are choices and sins. I am also autistic and supposedly the reason I am is because God was punishing my parents when he created me. I have always believed fundamentalists Christians like the ones that wrote this even though I don't want to. I feel like I'm going to go to hell because I refuse to worship Jesus because I think it is wrong that depressed people go to hell.
96 answers:
2015-08-31 22:49:10 UTC
I am a Christian with previous experience of this situation. You have to remove yourself from these people who are very damaging to you and being unloving. God loves you and Jesus loves you and cares .No you won't go to hell and no it's not a sin to be depressed or rather to feel depressed. A chemical imbalance is the reason. However, people being unkind, uncaring, being critical can make it worse or be the cause of depression in anyone - even in someone without a mental illness. Having a mental illness and having people being mean and uncaring in your life can cause acute symptoms. Having a mental illness and having people be mean and uncaring AND using warped religious views as an excuse can really be damaging. This way of interpreting and expressing the religion is all in the head, no heart and then the head (as in views and thoughts) become twisted. There are many kind people outside of church who have really been a blessing, including doctors. Find a good doctor you feel comfortable with and build a good, supportive, trusting working relationship with. Take the medications and use positive, helpful things to help lift you, whether it's a walk, going for a coffee, watching a funny comedy, using aromatherapy oil - any or all of these things. Whatever works for you. There are many kind people in some churches. If you need to take a break from any church for a while then do that and when you feel ready perhaps with a nice supportive friend enquire about a good one. I stayed out of church for a long time, just carried on with prayer and then just went occasionally to a small quiet service with kind people, now I have a more regular one that is very mainstream just lovely, kind and relaxing. It's just basic, simple short services, not heavy teaching and I can just chill. I am so much happier. I have lots of different positive things to help, whatever works. I also try to be careful who I allow into my life and into my home, better to be a bit lonely at times than have the company of the wrong person for me. Look after yourself. Best wishes.
2015-08-31 03:05:13 UTC
No - as an Atheist myself, I don't believe in the concept of hell anyway, but if there was such a place it would be reserved for evil / morally bad people (and you don't sound like one of them). Depression is not a choice or a sin, just the same as it wouldn't be a choice or a sin to break your leg or get cancer. Depression is a real medical condition - you can't choose to have it and you certainly can't choose to get rid of it! It is forced on you and you have no control of it. This is not sinful. If you feel comfortable with doing so, get in touch with your doctor and request an examination - if the doctor thinks you have depression (rather than bi-polar or anxiety) then they will be able to prescribe some antidepressant medication for you (and may be able to contact a therapist on your behalf, who will be able to help you make sense of your thoughts). It sounds like you're going through a very tough time at the moment, but please try to remember that everything is only temporary so it will get better (though I'm sure that it doesn't feel that way right now). You are not alone :-) and you are not sinful xx
2015-09-05 00:13:03 UTC
Don't focus on the negative feedback. It would be what would cause you the most harm. Have confidence life will get better. Remember though it may not happen right when you think it would try to work towards being the best person you can. Just let no one discourage you be kind to you. Look at this you asked a question and there is no doubt you'll find an answer. Keep the question in mind the answer will be found for you. There was a promise God made to wipe out every tear. This could very well be yours so don't worry God is greater than sadness and he has made a promise that he will see through.
2015-08-30 17:28:01 UTC
Listen now. Anyone with a religion that tries telling you something as screwed-up as that is a religious asshole. Most of the time that religion will not be... legit. But you don't know for sure. What I am trying to say is nobody can change what you think with religious words! You cannot go to hell for being depressed. Nobody knows for sure if Hell is real, and that sounds screwed up to the max! And you seem like a great person, so you probably couldn't anyway! Don't worry! :) You're gonna be fine...
2015-08-31 07:02:27 UTC
Thomas, Thomas.. No you won't go to hell for being depressed. It's not your fault if you feel that way, did you choose that ? No ! Of course. But sure you can make your possible and see the things differently so if you think positive you will see that you won't be depressed anymore and you will feel better. But being depressed has nothing to do with the fact to go to hell. If you are a good person, if your heart is beautiful so why would you go to hell ? You are a sweet person so please don't feel that. (:
2015-08-31 08:55:47 UTC
Depression is an illness. It is not a condition that someone voluntarily decides to have happen to him/her, any more than diabetes, cancer, or any other disease is "thought up" by a person. Whoever told you this knows nothing about mental conditions. You are not going to hell because of depression. You can, however, help yourself by going to your doctor and explaining the situation. There are medications and things you can do, just like there are treatments for any other illness. There are different causes of depression. 1) It could be situational--if you've lost a loved one, a job, or gotten into financial difficulty. That's called "grief depression", and it's the easiest to work with because it might be temporary. 2) It could be due to a drop or change in your hormone level. It happens frequently in females, and sometimes in males. That is a medical problem that can be treated with hormone therapy as well as antidepressants. 3) There is depression that is a genetic condition, shared by relatives. It is similar to diabetes or heart problems, and it results from something in the brain not getting enough endorfins. All of these conditions are treatable. God does not judge a person who is ill, unless maybe it's a condition brought on by bad behaviors (drug addiction, for example). I would suggest that you see your doctor, and do some other things for yourself that will help you to feel better physically. If you're physically improving yourself, you will feel less depressed. For example, go out each morning or evening, and take about a 30 minute walk (rather briskly). Cut out sugary caffeine drinks. Instead, drink water. Eat more vegetables and fruits, and reduce your bread and red meat intake. If you can eat fish, it's good for the brain. You're young, and you have a whole life ahead of you. The things I've suggested are also helpful to those with autism spectrum. Treat your body as well as you can. Get yourself some new clothes (some good things can actually be found at thrift shops if money is a problem), in cheerful colors. God certainly didn't punish your parents when you were born. In fact, He gave them a special gift, because they have risen to the challenge of raising a bright, caring person (you). Don't believe these who write things about depression when they obviously know nothing. They're just listening to their own "holier than thou" arrogance because they lack understanding. Make a list of the good things in your life (loving parents, a home to live in, the fact that you wake up every morning, the beauty of the Earth, etc.) Thank God and ask Him to help you find the right path to follow to help yourself. Good luck to you!
2015-08-30 19:28:41 UTC
I'm going to throw a point out there that might change your opinion.

Depression is a term. You shouldn't describe yourself by your emotions. I personally think that the word "depression" means people are being categorised by completely normal emotions. You shouldn't have to be diagnosed with something for feeling things. The fact that it has a term makes it seem like you have something wrong with you, meaning you will fall deeper and deeper into it. Think of it like this; emotions are simply chemicals in your body and you can't stop them but you can change which chemicals are there and it's all controlled by your brain. If you think you're depressed, you will be. If you think you're happy you will be. So you can control this simply by giving yourself the illusion that you're happy all the time. Instead of thinking of negative things (which is hard to control but it gets easier) try and think about what you do have rather than what you don't. Hit the word limit, can't carry on.
2015-08-30 14:34:51 UTC
Not everything you read on the internet is true. The writers may believe it is true, they may want it to be true, but it is not necessarily the truth at all.

It is not only Christians who will tell you that depression is caused by having the wrong attitude towards life or by being too negative in your point of view. Only a person who has never suffered from depression would say such a hurtful, wrong, nasty thing to someone with depression.

Part of the problem is, of course, that you cannot "SEE" depression in the way that you can see a broken bone on an x ray. It's not possible yet to find anything physically wrong with the body of a person with depression, and so some ignorant people will claim that it's just a state of mind and you should "buck up" "get over it" and stop being so miserable. Just because THEY don't feel depressed doesn't mean that there is no such illness.

Another problem some people may still encounter with certain Christians is the belief that depression can be "healed" - perhaps by "laying on of hands" or prayer or anointing with healing oil. It didn't work for my dad and it doesn't work for many other people. If you are a "black and white" or "fundamentalist" believer who thinks that all prayer is answered as requested then finding a person who doesn't get healed after prayer is just not acceptable. They may therefore actually blame YOU for not having enough faith to be healed! I know this from personal experience. It happened to my dad who suffered all his life from anxiety and sometimes depression. He was so hurt by this that he actually left the church for years.

The fact is that not all prayer is answered in the way the requester wants. Prayer is not a slot machine where you stick in your money and get your candy bar.

Sin is knowing the right thing to do and refusing to do it. Or knowing that something is bad and going ahead with it anyway. We sin when we choose to do what we know is wrong. And I think if you read the bible from cover to cover many times you will not find a "commandment" that says "Thou shalt not suffer from depression". There IS a comandment "love your neighbour as you love yourself" and I think that any Christian who tries to tell another person that being ill with depression is a sin is breaking THAT commandment in a very serious way!
2015-09-01 18:36:16 UTC
Oh, dear, you are depressed probably because of a chemical imbalance or hormones. It is not your fault but you can do something about it.

Read this sound medical information:

Don't let some quasi Christians lead you down the wrong road. Christians are supposed to be helpful and supportive and not misleading.

You are not going to hell for depression anymore than you'd go to hell for appendicitis.
2015-09-01 11:25:45 UTC
Well , I'm not Christian (I'm muslim) , but I don't think there is any religion or truly religious , loving people who would say such blatant , cruel lies . No , hell no , you aren't a punishment for your parents , and suffering from a mental illness doesn't make you the Devil's spawn .

Everyone feels bad at some point of their life , that doesn't make us good for hell ... These creeps are doing you more harm than good , they are undermining your mood and your self-esteem instead of properly supporting as should anyone with a minimum of empathy (no matter what their beliefs are).

I think you should reach out for help and starting seeing a counselor or a therapist , or if you cannot , then try to surround yourself with sweet , caring people , you'll already feel better than you do now by listening to these odious individuals .

You might also pray to God , he is always there for everyone .

Try to chase the black thoughts with good , positive statements and ideas , and try to find new hobbies/activities as it might help you feel better about yourself and get healthier . (volunteering at a hospital , studying a new language , whatever you want , depends on your tastes) .

Good luck :) .
Kay Burns
2015-09-01 17:15:40 UTC
OMG - i have been a practicing Christian all of my life - i am now 74 years old - i am bi-polar and also ADD - have been treating for these two mental illnesses since i've been in my 40's - the "empty nest syndrome" caused my depression and other mental problems to rear their ugly heads - whoever is saying that this means that you are not a Christian - must be the Debbis himself - i have been on meds for bi-polar and depression and ADD since my 40's and have been stabilized since then - i can never go off of my medication or i will pay the price - by staying on my meds (which, at times, need to be changed or the doses have to be changed) i will never have another bout with depression or bi-polar - bi-polar has been identified as a chemical imbalance within your brain - and that' s the truth -
2015-09-03 08:55:50 UTC
Satan is called the accuser. He will convince you that feeling depressed is your fault. That is a lie straight out of the pit of hell. I have depression as well as apsergers syndrome. You are in the perfect position. Satan has you cut off from others and now he is trying to get you. Don't forget that when you are saved you are saved that if you have faith, no matter what happens, God will provide for you and ultimately God will reward your endurance, if not in the next life. Consider this a thorn in the flesh we both have. Read up on paul. When we are weak, the strength of God can be made known. We will do things through him and people will be amazed because they known that "such a weak person could never do that," it will glorify God.
2015-08-31 20:48:07 UTC
Who ever says that mental disorders aren't real, and are a choice, are assholes.

I've suffered from depression and I wanted to die because of how upset and sad I always ways. Why the hell would I purposely put myself through that ****?

As for the autism thing, that's just ****** up. I believe that we're all like beautiful dolls, but some of us have a few chips.

You will NOT go to hell because of your depression.
2015-09-01 23:32:13 UTC
You will not go anywhere. Depression is a mental state which can be controlled by meditation and other Yoga practices. Start meditation every evening and morning at-least 15 minutes and you will see the differences. Don't tryto control your mind during meditation. Just leave it to move freely because it's the nature of mind that it goes there from where you stop it. Just enjoy the life.
Yorkshire Lass
2015-08-30 11:21:56 UTC
I went through your struggle at around your age, like you, some fundamental Christians made me feel worse, and even guilty! They lack understanding, believe me!

Some of us are built with a proneness to depression when things go wrong too often or too long, or too fiercely. Some in similar situations become anxious, or keep making unsuitable changes, some become over-active to blot out their troubled feelings.

We are all made differently; but I have come to believe that our tendency to depression comes with the ability to know superb joy! this is other side of the same coin! If a person never feels depressed it may be that he lacks the capability of deep emotions!

The important thing is never to feel inferior or weird when you struggle with depressions. Believe in your potential, there is much in you that has not yet matured or developed.

Believe that God IS on your side and loves you! Do the best you can and try to consider others needs and you will then focus less on yourself.

Have you ever had a real spiritual experience? Do you know Jesus in a real and personal way? If not, ask him into your heart and life, this does not take away the troubles but God's love will give you patience to keep on without harming yourself in some way.

Discover what you have a flair for, or what you normally enjoy doing, and concentrate on that. Accept that there are things you will find difficult, but, you will find some things that you can do well. I wonder, do you have a good memory for facts and figures? Do you have a flair for photography especially of historical buildings perhaps. Have you had aptitude tests by a career specialist, this can be most helpful.

Have faith in God's love and DO have faith in yourself -ignore the one who pull you down! They have no right to do so, they are not in your position in life. Read the psalms, I reckon that some psalms were written in a mood of depression in the main. Job was pulled down by his troubles! And his friends made him feel even worse!

May God guide you through and joy will be yours one day! We can struggle on and off for many years, I did, but though not completely fit, I am fine now! Take heart.
2015-08-30 12:08:28 UTC
Have you spoken to your parents about how you feel? Sometimes, all it takes is a conversation in order to express how you and they are feeling.

Fundamentalists are ill people. Just like Autism, there is talk about putting Fundamentalists in the same book they used to diagnose you.

They have a list of "symptoms," including blaming sin and "G-d" for everything, and basically shaming people into believing.

When they tell you that you are going to Hell because you are depressed, what they are doing is offering you a trade -- your money, and your loyalty (to the religion) in exchange for a promise they can't keep, because no one can make it.

It's called a double negative.

For instance, if I told you that staying home would guarantee that you would never be hit with a meteorite, you couldn't disprove that statement.

So, they are saying, "If you don't believe us, you are going to Hell." No one can disprove that statement. You are more likely to go to Hell because you lost all your money believing the people preaching to you. (and that won't happen)

If you can't talk to your parents, talk to your counselor or caseworker. When I am anxious about something, I call my counselor, because together, we talk it out and make it go away.
2015-08-30 10:51:42 UTC
Of course not. Depression is a treatable condition. Getting depressed is not a choice, and is not a moral issue. Seeking or not seeking treatment is a choice. Fundamentalist Protestant websites make all kinds of outrageous claims. Don't go there. Like the absurd idea of you being a punishment to your parents! That's the kind of nonsense you find on such sites.
2015-09-01 18:38:18 UTC
There is nothing ungodly about your suffering. God has hand picked you for a reason. As in my situation or anyone else's problems, mental health, health issues, it is my honest belief that you can pull out of this and stay as far away from fellow Christian's who would say such nonsense. There are many good Christian people, I'd go to another church and do my best to get melatonin. (Time in the sun) a walk, sitting out in the sun, any activity outside.

Please don't sit around in depression and get out and find a psychiatrist to help with whatever meds you need or may not need. God Bless You!
2015-09-04 09:09:42 UTC
sorry you had to read the information because it is so WRONG and can hurt a person so much. First, depression will not lead a person to hell, it is not a sin, and God did not punish your parents; it just happens. Most psychologist "pill pushers" tend to give meds (it is ok if the person is in a very deep depression) but I feel that it is better to attempt to find the cause of the depression (find the reason-- and change the cause) to overcome the depression.

Secondly, God loves you dearly but you do have to have a personal relationship with him. pray to him(like speaking to a loved friend), keep his word (read the ible and get to knhm better), and start looking for other young Christians (Pentecoustals are great people to know cuz we hold God's word close to our hearts).

Thirdly, you can see your school counselor or get professional help so you find reason(s) to your depression. Jeremy Camp's song He knoes is a good song to listen to...and my fav...

God loves you so stay on the Righteous path of God and life will be better.

9like speak to a friend)
2015-09-04 02:28:49 UTC
If you're depressed, it might not be easy to figure out why. In most cases, depression doesn't have a single cause. Instead, it results from a mix of things -- your genes, events in your past, your current circumstances, and other risk factors.

Biology. We still don't know exactly what happens in the brain when people become depressed. But studies show that certain parts of the brain don't seem to be working normally. Depression might also be affected by changes in the functioning of certain chemicals in the brain.

Genetics. Researchers know that if depression runs in your family, you have a higher chance of becoming depressed.

Gender. Women are about twice as likely as men to become depressed. No one's sure why. The hormonal changes that women go through at different times of their lives may be a factor.

Age. People who are elderly are at higher risk of depression. That can be compounded by other factors, such as living alone and having a lack of social support.

Health conditions. Conditions such as cancer, heart disease, thyroid problems, chronic pain, and many others raise your risk of becoming depressed.

Trauma and grief. Trauma such as violence or physical or emotional abuse -- whether it's early in life or more recent -- can trigger depression in people who are biologically vulnerable to it. Grief after the death of a friend or loved one is a normal emotion, but like all forms of loss, it can sometimes lead to clinical depression.

Changes and stressful events. It's not surprising that people might feel sad or down during stressful times -- such as during a divorce or while caring for a sick relative. Yet even positive changes -- like getting married or starting a new job -- can sometimes trigger a clinical depressive syndrome that is more than just normal sadness.

Medications and substances. Many prescription drugs can cause symptoms of depression. Alcohol or substance abuse is common in depressed people. It often makes their condition worse by causing or worsening mood symptoms or interfering with the effects of medications prescribed to treat depression.

Some people have a clear sense of why they become depressed. Others don't. The most important thing to remember is that there doesn't need to be a "reason" to have clinical depression, and depression is not anyone's fault. It's not a flaw in your character. It's a disease that can affect anyone -- and regardless of the cause, there are many good ways to treat it.
2015-08-30 21:54:27 UTC
Well- you're young enough to be my son- to begin with...

inasmuch as I am able to understand -both depression and other mental disorders- probably autism itself.... stem from some chemical imbalance within one's's higly's NO ONE'S's beyond one's good or ill will... it's NOT about sins or the issue about going to hell... overlooks the fact that in some one way people afflicted by these disorders are in some kind of hell

by the way- depression -is a treatable condition....

you need- the professional help of a psychiatrist- in real life-in your area- someone skilled in treating people of your age...with no further delay if not neglect-please...
2015-08-31 16:22:00 UTC
No, depressed people do not go to Hell. No one on this Earth is absolutely sure who is going to heaven or hell; and keep in mind that most fundamental Christians are complete and total idiots. For one instance, look at Josh Duggar.
2015-09-02 00:35:51 UTC
Depression is not a choice or a sin, just the same as it wouldn't be a choice or a sin to break your leg or get cancer. Depression is a real medical condition - you can't choose to have it and you certainly can't choose to get rid of it! It is forced on you and you have no control of it. This is not sinful. If you feel comfortable with doing so, get in touch with your doctor and request an examination - if the doctor thinks you have depression (rather than bi-polar or anxiety) then they will be able to prescribe some antidepressant medication for you (and may be able to contact a therapist on your behalf, who will be able to help you make sense of your thoughts).
2015-09-03 08:21:56 UTC
Saying depression is a choice is the same as calling somebody that is clinically depressed a coward for trying to commit suicide. Unless you've been there keep your f##king opinions to yourself. Go get some help and stop paying attention to people who aren't in the know.
2015-09-04 09:29:24 UTC
No. Those are worst people on planet. You just try to get out of depression. Depression is a like a wound. If I fracture my forearm i will not go to hell.
2015-09-02 03:13:06 UTC
I would warn any Christian who says that someone with a mental illness like depression is going to hell......that they will be taken to task by god for saying such a thing. depression....all mental illness is a medical and organic illness. just like diabetes is an endocrine illness, depression. there is basically a deficiency in the nuerotransmitters...or the chemicals in the brain that regulate mood. ive lived with this for over twenty five years...and it is a living hell. how any Christian, who is by definition supposed to be loving and caring in the image of jesus, would say this is beyond my understanding as a Christian. I can assure you that jesus would strongly frown on this. im too tired and depressed right now to say much more to you....and wish I could offer more words of support, but suffice it to say that you are not alone, and that god loves you without condition.

don't listen to any Christian who says such uninformed and uncaring things....they are not true believers.

no one CHOOSES to be depressed any more than someone chooses to get cancer, or diabetes, or any other devastating medical illness.
2015-08-30 11:16:09 UTC
The only thing that will send you to hell is unforgiven sin. To remedy

that, all God requires of you is to confess with your mouth the Lord

Jesus, that he died for your sins, and believe in your heart that God

has raised him from the dead, then that will erase your anxiety about

going to hell or not. As for your depression, what are you depressed about? Is it something you can change? If not quit worrying about it,

and give it to God. Maybe you could volunteer some time to helping

others that are unable to do the things you are able to do. Helping

others often is therapy for ones self. You get to see that you aren't

as bad off as you thought, and you do have something going for you.
2015-09-02 23:12:45 UTC
I am Catholic. It is typically considered a minor sin to be depressed because of the sufferer's unhappiness denotes unthankfulness for God's gift of life. Most often depression comes to be from a lack of things not typically needed for a stable Christian life anyway, which makes depression unnecessary in that regard, that sounds arrogant since obviously you don't want to be depressed but it would help to frequent Mass to gain inspiration from the saints, Mother Mary, and Christ. The goal of Christian life is to be more Christ like, we can never master this but we will work towards it by taking up the actions and alms of the Saints, those who died in the state of grace (pure love and happiness in the name of God). Prescription medications are to be avoided, artificial happiness from mind altering drugs is in the long run futile.
2015-08-31 01:15:50 UTC
Depression has multiple causes, including medications, and deficiencies in vitamins or minerals.

It is NOT a choice, and anyone who says it is doesn't know what they are talking about.

If you keep the 10 commandments, and sincerely repent all of your sins, you will not go to hell.
2015-09-02 05:06:08 UTC
If depression would marge a line towards hell then every person in this world would be in hell........I think every being in this world suffer from depression...To reduce it I HAVE AN IDEA '' why don't you try smoking weed'' anti-depression medicine''.
2015-08-31 18:38:18 UTC
You cannot go to hell for being depressed. Nobody knows for sure if Hell is real, and that sounds screwed up to the max!
2015-08-30 19:39:29 UTC
No. Do not blame the Holy Name of Him into your sad condition. Neither your parents, nor you are guilty of nothing. It is Man's destiny a CURSE, hence we will all die, some worst than others, we will have to work all our life and gain everything with the seat of our work, until we return to dust, because we were made from dust.

There is no gilt, except for the one that introduced death amongst us. We also have a Helper, a Rock upon Who we can all let our burdens go. His Name is Yeshua, the Son of God. He is close to all of us - even if you look for Him blindly - He will let Himself be found. Talk to Him and ask Him for understanding of this problem you have. Ask for patience to stand up to challenges, for Holy spirit to improve your health (there might be an improvement of that later, and you do not know it yet), because 'healthy' comes from a Hebrew word that means the same shine He had in His face when He Resurrected and appeared to His Disciples.

Nothing to blame but His enemy. Mercy is abundant with Him. Get near Him and get to know Him. It will be worth, for ever.
2015-09-02 18:48:53 UTC
You will not go to hell for being depressed! It's hardly a choice, you get depression when you have a chemical imbalance in your brain.
2015-08-30 10:54:57 UTC
The information you read is simply not true. The Bible acknowledges that people can become dangerously low in spirit. For instance, the apostle Paul’s concern about one man was that he might be “swallowed up by his being overly sad [“swallowed up in overwhelming depression,” Jewish New Testament].” (2 Corinthians 2:7) Some depressed people become so distraught that they wish they could just fall asleep in death. Many feel as did Jonah the prophet: “My dying is better than my being alive.”—Jonah 4:3.

Here is a helpful link:[search_id]=697a46cf-e54f-4b9c-bc7a-a26e3fd45fb8&insight[search_result_index]=2
2015-09-04 02:26:18 UTC
Not that I am aware of i mean if anything it might make your day feel like hell but no you won't go to hell

Unless the depression made u murder someone then you might buts that not for me to know
2015-08-30 19:12:39 UTC
Of course not, evil people who've committed evil actions go to hell. I've suffered with both depression and anxiety. Both are very hard to deal with but trust me, you will get through it. Talk to god if you need somebody to talk to. He may not respond but he is listening. Good luck and stay positive.
2015-09-02 22:59:53 UTC
Sometimes it is really a choice or just people trying to get attention. I think suicide would land you in hell, but depression is more of a stage where god wants you to rely on him more. Scientifically, this could be a chemical imbalance in your brain fixed by drugs, but how do you think the imbalance got there? I believe god gives some people depression to guide them back to him and he will help them by either leading them to help (be it medication, friends, therapist) or just healing them himself as they grow closer to him. Life is full of challenges you cannot accomplish on your own--instead of asking sinners like us, pray and you will eventually find peace. If you need guidance in prayer, try asking the priest at your church because he is closer to god and can help guide you.
2015-08-30 11:20:17 UTC
No, it's not a choice. I used to be really successful and happy, but 3 years ago I developed some sort of mental problem. I hurt so bad mentally that I wish that I was dead. I didn't chose to be in pain and neither did you.
2015-08-31 10:17:56 UTC
No you won't go to hell for being depressed- but the idiot that added to your problems/ fears probably should. Good luck to you.
John Vos
2015-08-30 15:12:14 UTC
Here is good news for you: Hell is an invention from the Church of Rome created in 325 by Emperor Constantine.

That made this "religion" the only religion allowed in his Roman Empire and subsequently all christian religions after that took hold of the men-made book they call bible today.

When you take away the HELL from their christian believe they have nothing left to believe in and the churches will go bankrupt due to the loss of believers and contributors.

Trust me when I tell you that after this life you will simply reincarnate some time in the future, but you have to go through this life with your "handicap" to make up for errors in one of your past lives. You better study some information on past lives instead of so-called christian web sites. And you do not have to worship Jesus as long as you live by his message: LOVE THEY NEIGHBOR and save your immortal soul.

In health:
2015-08-31 15:28:41 UTC
When looking for actual advice about the mental or physical illness never look to religion for advice. Its biased and nothing it teaches is valid information. I mean seriously, why would anyone take any advice from a millenia old book written by bronze age men with no scientific or biological understanding.
2015-09-05 00:45:57 UTC
You have chosen a partner, and you intend to stay together to spend a lifetime, it will deeply affect your future health. Indeed, a large number of studies have reported, said a long-term intimate relationship, not only affects our emotional health, but also affect our health. The daily life lovers, better than far-reaching effects on your parents, friends, doctors, health care professionals, or any of a healthy media.

The habits we will be a feather flock together.18 years ago, Yang met a very attractive man quadriplegic. "We are almost at first sight," she said, "and soon we became best friends." But in the end, she chose to marry another man.

"One day, he told me that his lifelong companion demand is too much, he would not let me assume that. In fact, I do not think I was able to sacrifice their own lives, to assume the care of his responsibility , but also to feel very happy. "

Has made a commitment of partners is difficult to easily choose to leave. Kay's husband in marriage five months has chest pain and numbness in the arm, the doctor diagnosed as angina, in fact, he has appeared once before marriage similar symptoms, but soon all right, and they thought it was due to tension and stress in marriage, who do not mind. Came back from the hospital, never cook Kay began his cooking, "This is my only place that could help." Now, they rarely go out to eat, but the two men eat more healthy.
2015-09-02 02:55:45 UTC
no you wont go to hell hun.. get out and join some groups that you like. dont let anyone ever tell you that having depression is bad.
2015-09-01 15:32:52 UTC
Yes, you can even go to Jurassic park for being depressed, so watch out.
2015-08-31 07:30:19 UTC
Face it: Your stupid religion is what's making you so depressed! ALL Christians and religious people are miserably unhappy because they believe a bunch of stupid lies and they live unrealistic lives. Us Atheists are much happier people because we do what we want to do and we don't answer to any God!
Elvin Rusty
2015-09-01 18:42:18 UTC
The only sin that permanently condemns someone to Hell is the sin of unbelief. The rest condemn you, but are forgivable. God died for you, because he loved you. God can give you that joy if you let him. I apologize to you that someone has misrepresented the Christianity concepts. Depression is forgivable. Unbelief isn't. The sin of unbelief happens when you die without Christ.
2015-09-01 15:39:08 UTC
No. I have gone through depression before. It's not fun at all!. You just want to be done with life,but trust me you so get through it. I promise you'll be okay!.
2015-09-01 03:33:40 UTC
I think depressed is the main cause of people unsuccessful, it don't make people successful. Man can't sleep and eat when he is depressed.
2015-09-01 13:24:22 UTC
No, you won't. Whoever said that is crazy!!! God is near to the brokenhearted (Psalm 34:18) and he loves you more than you could ever imagine and NOTHING will ever change that. Seek help, and seek closeness to God. He wants to have a relationship with you! The bible mentions that even Jesus felt sorrow. I wish you luck, friend.
2015-08-30 10:49:04 UTC
I don't belive in Hell but assuming God exists then why would a supposedly benevolent being condemn someone for an illness ?
2015-09-04 14:58:25 UTC
absolutely not, I imagine talking or at least trying to with someone who cares for you would be more helpful to you than christian websites you sound very intelligent and self aware you don't have to torture yourself with negative thoughts or rather torturous ones the only choice is to choose to give yourself a break from such things , hope you feel some peace soon :)
2015-09-03 04:56:11 UTC
You are depressed because you definitely care for something... good people are mostly struggling in this age... and it even depends why are you depressed. because intelligent people are never depressed
2015-08-30 16:54:45 UTC
I don't know the grade of autism you have. But try to talk to real people not computers those religious pages are poison there are medicines that help and talk to real people if you like religion talk to a real man that knows
2015-08-31 13:38:49 UTC
Absolutely not! If you have excepted Jesus as your savior and just try then His blood covers all. Depression is not a sin
2015-08-30 10:51:30 UTC
Hell doesnt exist. I have had a life wrecking fear of hell for around a year and it was so hard to actually convince myself its no true. Depression and anxiety is NEVER a choice, and that website you looked at is very sick and evil. Try listening to Abraham hicks on youtube. Hell is NOT REAL! Good luck
2015-09-01 20:54:54 UTC
you have heard some really bad teaching. God calls us just as we are If he wishes to heal at a later date it can happen but you are not a bad person for having a disease. if you ask Jesus into your heart admit you are a sinner confess your sins you will be saved you will not go to hell for having a disease.
2015-09-01 20:55:07 UTC
stop being a fundamentalist christian and just be a non denominational protestant and/or other normal christian branches. try not to follow cultures like jehovahs witness and mormons. i don't have the list of wrong religions with me. but there are other options you should seriousl consider for churches. anyways most christians do not believe mental illness is a sin. so you might need therapy and/or medication for your psychiatric condition. so those are things to consider.
2016-06-22 10:55:10 UTC
Eliminate Social Anxiety Shyness :
2015-08-31 21:53:52 UTC
2015-08-30 10:49:33 UTC
Why would you believe a stupid website. And that person was an idiot. You shouldn't go to religion for help with mental issues or health problems.
2015-08-31 13:51:28 UTC
Do you have a URL for the site you say is telling you that depression is a choice?
2015-08-31 09:09:27 UTC
Of course not! This is NOT something you ever asked for and should not be seen as anything other than a seriou serious condition that needs treatment.
2015-09-03 09:36:55 UTC
No, you won't. You have as much control over your depression as you do your autism.
2015-08-30 11:13:09 UTC
No you won't, the entire idea is ridiculous. No one CHOOSES to have psychological or emotional problems. That Christian website was written by terribly ignorant, shallow individuals and you should ignore it.
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-08-30 10:53:09 UTC
Try vitamin B complex. It is not a choice. But it may be a nutrition shortage.

Just like how religion has a mercy shortage.
2015-08-31 10:16:34 UTC
there is no hell. you'll just go through life being Debbie or Doug Downer.
Eli Dixon
2015-09-01 13:52:49 UTC
there is no such physical place as hell, so you wont be going there. the hell is the depression and that's where you are.
2015-09-01 04:55:29 UTC
You won't but I know I will...

...especially when I commit suicide very shortly.

Society doesn't want me; women don't want me; animals don't want me; plants don't want me; other life forms don't want me; God doesn't want me in heaven so I guess hell is where I'll end up and what I truly deserve. Even then, the devil / Satan probably won't want me there either LOL.

Thanks for the continual rejection ladies!
2015-08-30 12:57:43 UTC
You looked up by accident, lies in a phony christian website that is NOT Christian. These are real, and not sins, either, so get them treated by a doctor, like others do.
Scarborough Fair
2015-08-30 10:49:26 UTC
No, it's not a choice. You need to see a doctor.
2015-09-02 13:49:09 UTC
No. You will not go to hell. I hope you get help, though.
2015-08-30 13:35:29 UTC
The right place for you is a mental health hospital. You have to go there right now forthwith.
2015-08-30 10:51:05 UTC
2015-09-01 13:39:54 UTC
go to see your Dr don't listen to other people who obviously don't understand what your going through,good luck to you
2015-08-31 22:24:11 UTC
2015-09-05 01:10:03 UTC
join group meditation, if any nearby. That'll help a lot.

God bless u.
Mark G
2015-08-31 11:20:08 UTC
No, because there is no such thing as hell
2015-08-31 05:55:27 UTC
Of course not!
2015-09-01 12:41:06 UTC
no you will go neverland and get chill with peterpan
2015-09-01 05:14:09 UTC
2015-08-31 16:53:27 UTC
2015-08-30 10:49:04 UTC
your cult is the source of your depression.....
2015-09-03 06:19:32 UTC
Who told you this. NO NO NO !
2015-08-31 20:10:03 UTC
2015-08-31 07:42:19 UTC
Lou Aira
2015-08-31 00:46:40 UTC
2015-08-31 17:18:40 UTC
omg noooooooo!!!!
2015-09-04 12:10:19 UTC
2015-09-01 19:30:25 UTC
2015-08-30 12:07:53 UTC
2015-09-01 09:52:29 UTC
2015-08-31 23:16:21 UTC
2015-08-31 05:15:27 UTC
2015-09-02 19:11:17 UTC
2015-09-02 16:49:20 UTC
2015-09-03 12:12:18 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.