ughh, honestly people, what is wrong with me?
2007-08-05 19:54:59 UTC
okay so, i already know i have to see a doctor, so i dont really wanna hear that, but, i'm mostly just wanting to know... what IS it thats wrong with me.
anyways, i think im depressed... but for some reason... i think i have depression + something else.
okay so , when i'm withdrawn from marijuana i get paranoid and i think people are calling my name.. things are talking to me... i see things/people from the side of my eye and they are NEVER there... i have BAD nightmares... sometimes night terrors.. i sometimes am sleeping and i see an exact replica of my bedroom, in the area i would be seeing if my eyes were open (for example, facing my dresser) anyways.. i wouldnt be able the breathe or blink and then i'd wake up and see EXACTLY what i dreamt.. its almost hard to believe its a dream. sometimes i re-enact what happend that day in a dream, except a few things would be different. i'd wake up, and think those things actually did happen. i cannot tell reality from my dreams.
Nineteen answers:
2007-08-05 20:11:20 UTC
I doubt that the pot itself is causing this, and the people who say that it is don't necessarily know what they are talking about. However, it is possible that you are experiencing schizophrenia, and that you are self-medicating with pot to help hide this. I suggest strongly that you get to a doctor quickly, and get off the marijuana -- also stop using any other illegal drugs or alcohol if you're using them.

I'm not "anti-pot", per se, but when you're experiencing splits with reality -- and it sure sounds to me like you are -- then you need to keep your mind as clear as possible to get a baseline understanding of what's going on. The pot is sure not helping you at all right now, at any rate.

Good luck and take care of yourself.
2007-08-06 03:01:42 UTC
Well, you're right, you should see a doctor.

Now that we've got that out of the way, I would speculate that you are indeed depressed. As for what that "something else" is, it may be difficult to figure out. Many people with many different mental health issues end up self-medicating with marijuana or other drugs- and these can either exagerate or mask what's really going on.

Find a good therapist or psychiatrist. Make sure it's someone you trust and like- there are some great people out there who can help you.
2007-08-06 03:06:26 UTC
I see things out of the corner of my eye too at times but that was after using loads of benadryl which makes you hallucinate. Depression is normal after withdraw from a drug. You issues with sleep are def surrounded by some of that anxiety. Why did you start using the marijuana in the first place? I know when i used it, it was one of the few things that could keep me still. Did something happen in your past that would cause the night terrors? From what it sounds you are on high alert. It might just be the withdraw from the "tree" but it might also be from trauma in the past.
Jan D
2007-08-06 05:31:15 UTC
Honey have you told your Mom/Dad/Parental Unit(s) what's going on with you? Please find an adult you trust and let them know what's happening. I know you are afraid they will be "mad" if you tell them you've been smoking pot, but they need to know in order to help you best. If you can't tell your parents, perhaps and Aunt/Uncle/Minister?councelor--any trusted adult.

If I was your Mom I'd be sending you to some kind of rehab. School is starting in a few weeks. You are 14 years YOUNG with your whole life ahead of you. Probably you are in 9th or 10th grade this year. It is imperative to get off the dope because it DOES have long term emotional and physical effects, and can really impair your memory. I know you want to start out the school year on the right foot so you can get decent grades and someday have the career of your choice.

Embrace your life-go meet it, don't hide from it in a cloud of marijuana smoke. Many hugs and prayers to you:) Be strong, you can do it!
2007-08-06 03:09:40 UTC
well well well, children, i think we can see by this prime example just why smoking pot is bad and how much of your brain it actually eats. no, seriously, it literally eats your brain, children, so don't smoke, or you'll end up like the person asking this question.

at any rate, when youve stayed away from the pot long enough, and your withdrawal is lessened/no more, these experiences should go away, at least if not too much damage as been done by the pot. however, any damage done to your brain is UNFIXABLE as smoking pot, as well as drinking, kills brain cells, which are the only cells in your body that don't regenerate. so you get a certain amount, and you use em, and if you kill em, you dont get more.

in conclusion,

stop smoking pot and deal with these symptoms until they go away, however long that may take. if it's more than a couple of months, go see a doctor. let's just hope you havent done damage beyond repair, fool ;;>.>
2007-08-06 05:12:59 UTC
First of all, stop smoking. It clearly isnt helping you. what you need is to really open up to some one that you really trust, and that you really love. people that you are around a lot are probably noticing that you are acting really strange and will probably be willing to help you. but again.. i really dont think that smoking anything will help you at this point. just chill out for a while, and maybe you should isolate your self, but do things like reading, or playing a non violent video game. and give your friends a call. you dont have to hang out with them or anything, just talk to them. i really truly hope that i am helping you becuase i hear about people like you all the time and it really makes me sad to know that people start smoking so early in life!! but please talk to some one. that will help you in ways you dont even know. you will have so much pressure lifted off of you. i really hope you are ok. god bless you!
2007-08-06 04:26:08 UTC
those things you are experiencing: the auditory and visual hallucinations, the out-of-body experiences, when you cannot tell reality from your dreams...those are effects of your Marijuana use... you are psychologically and physically dependent on the drug already and when you can't have it..your body asks for it through those makes you crazy.

the first thing you have to do is PRAY. pray for deliverance, pray for healing. and stay away from your friends that are addicts because they will only tempt you to have it again. then you should go to a doctor?--this is not just cliche. its because withdrawal symptoms are serious and they can kill you if you don't have the proper medical help. the doctor will give you medicines that can help you with your symptoms and they will detoxify your body with all that drugs you've been taking.
Fielding Mellish
2007-08-06 03:00:14 UTC
I had a couple of friends that smoked LOTS of pot for years and decided to quit. They have the same symptoms. Depression anger..they have meltdowns. It's really weird. I hate to say but I think pot has long term side effects that don't go away for at least a year or 2 after quitting if you smoked it for quite a few years.Just my experience though.
Tracy C
2007-08-06 03:07:39 UTC
yes the weed your smoking my be laced, or you might be bi polar with some phycotic features, yes you need help, and stay off of weed a long time like three months to see if its only the weed, while you go to a doctor, take care and I hope you find out what is wrong with you.
Sandy B
2007-08-06 05:09:35 UTC
all you have to do is take yoga class,

they will teach how to do meditation, all you have to do

is follow the rules- wake up early morning.

do yoga, then meditation.

you'll see the differences.

you'll find peace of mind & clear concise.

just try for a month it will make great differences.

common you've got wonderful life ahead you.

have to complete your study, & have to be a strong


start a new you. make a fresh life.

have to forget all these bad stuff, past is gone,

& think of your future.
2007-08-06 03:01:54 UTC
You have GOT to get off the marijuana before it kills you. The drug (yes, it is a drug) has gotten you into a paranoid state by your own admission. It will take you down a lot further if you do not stop. I do not mean taper off with a joint once in a while. I mean a dead stop before there is a dead stop.
Magic Man
2007-08-06 03:00:21 UTC
The marijuana you are smoking sounds like it is laced with some kind of hallucinogen. If you are going through withdrawls, get your butt into rehab & they will help you deal with this.
mother love
2007-08-06 03:03:32 UTC
your body is crying out for help what you are experiencing is called DDTs which is chemical changes from the damage you have done to your mind you most likely are bipolar too stop smoking that weed and drinking i wish you gods helping hand with these issues in your life god bless (motherlove)
2007-08-06 03:05:03 UTC
please im begging you to get off this weed..

its destroying you life...can you do this for me...start a fitness program more pot...ok...start eating healthy..excercising..and keeping focused on your goal of getting well...hang out with postive happy people who wil support you..take a good mulit vitamin..or a Mega B

flaxseed oil..avoid all caffine and cola and junk foods..wish you well
2007-08-06 03:41:04 UTC
You may want to seriously consider checking into a drug rehab program this week.
2007-08-06 03:28:28 UTC
Sounds like pre-Sophronia
Alex g
2007-08-06 02:58:13 UTC
I was just about say smoke some bud...
2007-08-06 02:59:15 UTC
wow this sound serious and scary, you really need help
2007-08-06 03:25:21 UTC
Your problem is you are doing drugs.

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