2007-08-05 19:54:59 UTC
anyways, i think im depressed... but for some reason... i think i have depression + something else.
okay so , when i'm withdrawn from marijuana i get paranoid and i think people are calling my name.. things are talking to me... i see things/people from the side of my eye and they are NEVER there... i have BAD nightmares... sometimes night terrors.. i sometimes am sleeping and i see an exact replica of my bedroom, in the area i would be seeing if my eyes were open (for example, facing my dresser) anyways.. i wouldnt be able the breathe or blink and then i'd wake up and see EXACTLY what i dreamt.. its almost hard to believe its a dream. sometimes i re-enact what happend that day in a dream, except a few things would be different. i'd wake up, and think those things actually did happen. i cannot tell reality from my dreams.