JMSmiles =]
2007-09-14 22:45:25 UTC
1. i've alwasy been talkative,
2. can't keep quiet for very long,
3. i'm hyper a lot (since i was little),
4. tend to blurt things out,
5. i fidget a lot and can't keep still (bounce my leg up and down, alwasy have to have something in hands to play with.),
6. i day dream a lot and find myself spacing out in school or when people are talking to me.
For example: last year i spaced out and missed the directions to an assignment, so i asked the teacher to repeat them to me. he looked at me and explained it again, but i didn't hear them that time either cuz i was in another world.
7. i forget things easily,
8. i tend to start things but never finish (like hoemwork or cleaning my room).
I think i have one of them (ADD/ADHD), and i just want so much to prove that i do!
but i don't think my parents would think i have one or take me to get tested.