2009-12-05 05:47:32 UTC
I am the product of a abusive childhood -- and a very abusive/controlling exhusband. I try as hard as I can -- I do affirmations, I read a lot, journal, exercise, take good health supplements and work on my diet, I go to counseling on my own --- and marital counseling......I get really ticked when people tell me "you sound like a victim" --- because if I try as hard as I can to get past it --- why criticize me if I am doing my best? I don't WANT to be a victim --- but I was. Now I try my best to take responsibility to deal with it --- but those are the facts and the cards I have to deal with. I can't magically sprout "normal" wings and leave it all behind. Its hard!
Letting go ---- of all you have ever known and what you have learned ---- feels impossible. It feels impossible to let go of a belief that has been proven to me --- over and over again. I almost feels illogical!
I don't want to take my past out on every person --- or myself anymore. I want and need genuine help. I thought I had a great therapist --- but lately, I don't feel like its helping anymore.
can anyone recommend any reading, authors, books, affirmations,etc.?
Its not as simple as you think...I am 34....I have honestly never had a person stick around in my life and actually be trustworthy until recently....not my parents, friends, exes, etc. So how do I learn to trust that my husband will?
Thank you for reading this. It felt good to write. Any advice or insight is appreciated.