Bipolar Disorder Symptoms
Mania and depression are the opposing phases in bipolar disorder.
Mania: A person in the manic phase may feel indestructible, full of energy, and ready for anything. Other times that person may be irritable and ready to argue with anyone who tries to get in the way.
Unrealistic plans, spending sprees, an increase in sexual affairs, or other reckless behavior, such as wild driving, also may occur.
Less sleep and food than usual are needed.
The person with mania can stay up all night but may find that not much was accomplished because he or she was easily distracted.
The person in a manic phase may talk very quickly and jump from subject to subject. They often exhibit pressured speech during mania.
Self-esteem may be inflated.
Decisions regarding business and finances are often made hurriedly and without careful consideration; poor choices may be the result.
Clothing choices may also change, and the person in a manic phase may start wearing brighter, more flamboyant clothes.
These behaviors, which can be quite upsetting, usually prompt a family member to take notice and try to get the person help.
Most people who are going through the manic phase of bipolar disorder deny that anything is wrong with them and refuse to see a medical professional.
They are grandiose and may have delusions (false ideas) of grandeur (greatness).
Depression: Although mania is said to alternate with depression, most people have more depressive episodes than manic ones.
Sadness and crying spells are common.
People who are depressed may not care enough to wash or comb their hair, change clothes, or even get out of bed in the morning.
These people may sleep too much (hypersomnolence) or have difficulty getting to sleep (insomnia).
Many of these people have no interest in food or have no appetite and lose weight. However, some eat excessively.
People with depression have trouble thinking; they may forget to do important things such as paying bills because they feel so down.
They withdraw from friends.
Hobbies that used to bring pleasure suddenly hold no interest for people who are depressed.
Depression brings feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, pessimism, and worthlessness.
Some people may develop chronic pain or other bodily complaints that do not actually have any physical cause.
People who are depressed may not see a point in living anymore and may actually think about ways to kill themselves.
Some people with bipolar disorder cycle between the two extremes every few months or weeks. Other people with bipolar disorder may cycle several times within the same day.
Signs of mania
Increased activity and gestures (pacing, tapping feet)
Inflated self-esteem
Poor judgment
Racing thoughts
Decreased need for sleep
Poor temper control
Pressured speech: The person speaks very fast, as if his or her mouth can't keep up with the rapid thoughts. The person may be unable to respond to social cues to stop talking.
Increased activities with high risk of painful consequences (sexual affairs, gambling, risky investments)
Psychotic symptoms
Delusions (false beliefs)
Hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that aren't real)
Signs of depression
Excessive worry
Excessive guilt
Sadness, crying spells
Loss of energy
Change in sleep pattern (insomnia at night, daytime sleepiness, or excessive sleeping)
Major changes in appetite or weight
Feelings of worthlessness
Trouble concentrating
Social withdrawal
Lack of interest in previously enjoyable activities
Thoughts of death or suicide: Untreated bipolar disorder has a 15% risk of death by suicide.
Many conditions may co-occur with BD such as substance abuse, conduct disorders, eating disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, migraine, and anxiety.