2009-05-14 21:40:40 UTC
i'm 16 and i really just hate my life.
i'm so ugly. i am obese too. and freakishly tall! 5'11 and 225 lbs.
i constantly try to diet but it doesnt work.
i've never had a bf or been kissed and no one has ever liked me.
all i ever do is sleep and cry.
i don't have real friends and i never really get invited to parties.
i feel like i won't do well in life because the career i want is in the entertainment business and they don't really work out for anyone.
my family doesn't really care for me because i'm the oldest and my parents think i can fend for myself and don't really need any help. they love me and all but they don't really seem to notice me anymore.
any type of advice would be really helpful? i kinda jsut want my life to stop being so sucky