watching porn is just the outward reflection of an unbridled sex life
.............sometiems peopledo these things simply because we can and there is time for it. An uncontroled sex life is quite dangerous, because one day there wont be any movies to watch and the man who needs that thrill to get it on will be seeking after the innocent and the unnaware..............
for me if my husband was watching porn..............I would smash every video he owned and would then presernt it to fine style.....telling him that...
" if he ever brings an X rated video in the house...i will burn it upon finding.
and if it is a rental.....he will just have to pay to replace it....but there wouldnt be any X rated videos in the house....
if he watched porn on the computer...the computer would be smashed to bits.....right before his eyes....I would take a sledge hammer to it and it wouldnt blink ever again of power.
and...if my man wasnt satisfied with our love making..I would pack his bags and tell him to hit the road......
that he could be replaced by a more moral individual....
when a man has to masterbate when he has a woman around..............he is still a little child that has no boundaries sexually.........and is NOT mature enough for a relationship
get rid of him or put some rules down......
being a pranskster that I was..............I would invite the whole neighborhood to burst thro the door when i knew he was masterbating..............and let everyone SEE what this fool does everytime he has a dark corner
they need to make a body ejaculating machine that attaches around the hips.....of men and work continously thro the day........then the darn fools would begin to tire from the exhaustive multiple daily ejaculations...and be too tired to watch the porn.......