2014-01-26 03:55:35 UTC
I have had my psychotic episodes where I was a threat to myself and others, but this is different. I have only a handful of reasons to get up in the morning (metaphorically since I mostly stay in bed) but those reasons are huge. And I have a successful life ahead of me if my brain is suddenly fixed. There's a good chance it might be. Since I'm not a confused 13 year old, the fact that I'm posting a question here shows I've finally reached my breaking point. I'm sick of living a lie and pretending to be fine, when I can't even leave my house. When I go outside life doesn't feel real, I forget where I am and get lost, and I hallucinate sometimes. My life basically feels like a combination of vanilla sky and max payne 3. Usually nothing bothers me and I just drink to take my mind off of things, but I've finally reached my limit when I realized some of my memories were fabrications (I can barely remember anything from my life, and I forget most short term memories after a few seconds). My life has turned into a mental prison, and I'm tired of it. I would like a fellow psychologist's opinion on whether or not I should just end the constant pain. I'm not depressed or having a psychotic episode, I am just sick of living like this. Take into account that there is no convincing me to stop thinking about suicide, my problems are real and not something that will "go away," and I am not being dramatic. I just want a simple opinion on my question of "is it better to torture yourself and slowly die while hoping you might recover and take over the world, or is taking the easy way out a viable option". I'll say it again, I'm not an emo little kid or someone with clinical depression, so just know there is no help for me. If they send me to a mental hospital I will definitely try to kill myself, because I will have a psychotic episode. The doctors say it will all go away if gain 30 or so lbs, go out more, and take a whole bunch of supplements, but I don't think they understand how sick I actually am.
All rambling aside, I'm not taking drugs, suicide counselling is useless, and I have 3 choices:
1. Put an end to the constant mental torment, physical pain, and emotional stress from watching my perfect life fall apart and my dreams come crashing down.
2. Keep holding on, doing what they say, hoping for a slow change. If it doesn't work I could actually die because I'm so sick, in my opinion I can't survive another year if this if it gets worse.
3. Let them send me to a hospital and risk me having an episode and hurting myself and/or others.
I don't need any "omg suicide is never the answer" speeches, I just want to know what someone else would do in my position.