I'm 16 and think there is something wrong with me?
2015-11-10 13:22:25 UTC
I have been feeling this way for years. I am always depressed than happy. My mood changes frequently. I am a 16 year old female, I have hyperactivity. I put my headphones on and run around the house constantly and I have trouble sleeping. I constantly think about the same people. And also I have an excessive desire for sex. Please no negative comments I think there is seriously something wrong with me and I'm trying to seek help because it's driving me crazy. It affects my relationships with my family severely. Sometime I have suicidal thoughts but I talk to my self in my head and verbally and in third person like the person is actually here with me. I can't figure out what's wrong with me. I've tried to go see a physicatrist but I don't want my parents involved if there is something wrong with me because than they'll stop me from doing certain things.. I think I might have bipolar disorder. Will Xanax help?? What do u think is wrong me me?? Please no negative comments im really going crazy at this point this has been happening since I was about 9 years old I can't sit down I always want to moving and always constantly thinking about the same people it's crazy.
53 answers:
2015-11-14 09:34:10 UTC
Chances are, if you feel like something isn't "right" with you, it's probably true. Your gut instincts are there for a reason, and are usually pretty accurate. While it is normal to feel squirrelly and anxious to some degree in your teen years, especially if you're pent up in school all day, extreme amounts of stress and sadness is not normal. You can have something as simple as a vitamin or hormone imbalance, or it could be a mental health condition, or... anything, really.

Keep in mind that nothing anyone says here is a diagnosis-- you will absolutely need to go to a professional doctor or psychiatrist, and maybe consider seeking a second or even third opinion, to know what's wrong and to find a cure.

Until you get medical help, here are a few questions you might want to consider, as these can definitely cause you to feel the way you do:

- Do you do drugs of any kind, drink alcohol, or have a very high caffeine and/or sugar intake?

- Are you a trauma survivor? i.e., have you ever been the victim of physical, verbal, emotional or sexual abuse, including while you were still a kid?

- Is there anything in particular that is a major source of stress in your life, such as relationships, bullying, being behind with schoolwork or pressure to leave your family home?

- Did you ever sustain a head injury?
2015-11-11 19:51:04 UTC
First and foremost you have to calm down, take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that you've been going through this same issue since you were nine. It's scary, but it's nothing new so calm down there are plenty of options for you to get help. You can dramatically improve whatever's wrong if you find the right therapist, medication or both.

I don't know what's wrong but it seems like clinical depression, anxiety, possibly hypertension, maybe OCD, depersonalization (which all of these disorders are treatable and connected). Just guesses.

You have to tell your parents. As hard as it may be, you need help, you deserve help, it's okay that you need it and ask for it that's what your parents are there for. Do you want to keep feeling this way? Sweety I was in your same position as a kid & teenager, I had awful anxiety & depression. It's scary to ask for help, it's scary to admit there's something wrong but it's okay. It's a lot more common than you think, you're not alone. God bless
Barney Google
2015-11-11 18:05:15 UTC
Well, yeah it all sounds so normal, which immediately makes me want to say, No! Listen!!! You sound like a little OCD, without a lot of the bad effects...maybe akethesia, not being able to sit still. But still you can't get a reading from anyone here. You see then it makes US responsible. You have to take charge of your life. There's nothing wrong with being and acting young. It's what makes adults pine for youth. Everything that a sixteen year old has, is what everyone wants. I think...if you FEEL like you're going crazy, there might be something "wrong". Are you mostly happy? There are different kinds of bipolar. Don't be medication-seeking. That is what psych people go nuts with--addictive personalities disorder.
2015-11-10 15:22:16 UTC
No one here can say..... A psychiatrist would spend hours with you asking questions and observing your behavior and mood..... we can't even make an uneducated guess based on what you said here. I would need to know what it is like when you are depressed and how long it lasts, what does it feel like when you are "hyper" and how long does that last..... what symptoms go together or are they all mixed up?..... Could be Bipolar, could be Borderline, could be ADHD, could be depression and anxiety, could be a thyroid issue, could be hormonal.....

No, Xanax will not help if it is Bipolar, hormones, ADHD, thyroid. It might help if it is Borderline or anxiety. It would make depression worse. Really you need to see a doctor and get a proper diagnosis so you get the right medication.....

If you keep pasting the same question (which by the way, is against the rules here), I'll keep pasting the same answer. But go ahead.... eventually you will find some 13 year old who say's "OMG, I'm just like that and I think I have Bipolar too. We must both have it!!". Then you can gleefully tell everyone that you have been diagnosed with Bipolar. GO SEE A DOCTOR!

Haven't found anyone to give you the answer you want?
2015-11-12 20:35:12 UTC
puberty.may have something do do with it. mood changes are generally a symptom of puberty. Don't think that just because you've gone through all the physical changes of puberty that its over. If it's been persisting since you were 9, then go and see a doctor. The first step in healing yourself is first acknowledging it. If you are seriously prioritizing how your OWN family thinks of you over your own health, then you must stop and think. Am I really serious about wanting to get over this. Because if you can't even tell at least one member of your family, then there is something wrong with that. Generally when people have internal issues, it is best to talk about it. If not a member of your family, then start with a close friend. Don't go out and get medication yourself, it may be dangerous as you may not know what dose you should take for your specific case. Medications for depression, anxiety range from person to person.
2015-11-10 17:41:59 UTC
When I was 15 I was exactly like you aside from the sex. The thing is, I found out when I was 23 that I have Schizoaffective disorder Bipolar type. Or, shorter... Schizophrenia and Bipolar. Alright, brass tacks here. You need to talk to your parents about what's going on. You need to get your parents involved with your health. Period, there is no if ands or butts about it. Have them check you into a psychiatric unit to have them monitor you for a few days. Yeah yeah, no school, no friends... it's boring like that, but you'll get to meet new people as well, some people are cool, others are jerks but that's the world for you. The fact that you talk to yourself like someone is there is a HUGE warning sign for me. I used to do that, later it became more voices, and more voices, until it became unbearably horrible.

The thing is, you NEED to get checked into a psychiatric unit to have them figure out what's wrong with you. You have suicidal thoughts, use that to your advantage. Tell your parents that if you don't get checked in, you don't know what's going to happen to you because you're afraid for yourself. You're afraid of hurting yourself. There is no shame in owning up to your problems. There is no shame in saying you have a mental illness. There's a lot of stigma, but if you get on medications, take them like you should, you'll be fine... If the medications DON'T work, see a psychiatrist, chances are the place that diagnoses you properly will give you a referral to see a psychiatrist.

It's best to let your family in, especially during this point because you're fragile right now, you could be broken down easily... You could go off the deep end and jump off a building and no one would know what was going on inside your head.

Right now you need your parents more than anything, because hopefully they will seek out the help you need to make sure you can live a mostly normal life.
2015-11-12 14:05:07 UTC
I get you.You should go to the doctor.Don't be ashamed about asking your parents for help.Hopefully they can recommend a nice doctor.They will probably talk about possible reasons and then they will refer you to a psychologist who would probably have a lot more experience dealing with these problems.On the internet people don't know you well enough to give you the advice you need.Maybe you need to spend more time with your parents and tell them that you want to live your life in a more positive way.Don't feel ashamed of it at all.Everyone needs to ask for help now and again.Having an excessive desire for sex is normal for a 16 year old girl but make sure you are safe.Don't use your depression as an excuse to sleep around.Happens a lot from my experience.Good luck :)
2015-11-13 20:44:16 UTC
It's no good. We cannot cure you so that you can keep on doing whatever it is you think your parents will stop you doing if you're mentally ill. There are NO tablets you can just walk into a pharmacy and buy over the counter so that you can be "cured" and carry on doing whatever it is you think will be banned otherwise. And none of us is qualified to diagnose you and prescribe you on Yahoo. Either you cope with this alone or you tell your parents. And clearly you are worried that you are not coping, or you wouldn't be here asking questions.

I would take a good look at your diet apart from anything else. Some people are very sensitive not just to things like cola, coffee, candy, and other things with a lot of sugar of caffeine In them, but also to food additives. If you eat a lot of processed food you should probably consider going for more healthy, additive free food to see if that helps you.

And you should come clean with your parents and seek proper medical attention. Sometimes painful choices have to be made. If you're sick isn't surely you want to be treated and recover if possible
2015-11-12 22:06:27 UTC
I don't know what's wrong but it seems like clinical depression, anxiety, possibly hypertension, maybe OCD, depersonalization (which all of these disorders are treatable and connected). Just guesses.

You have to tell your parents. As hard as it may be, you need help, you deserve help, it's okay that you need it and ask for it that's what your parents are there for. Do you want to keep feeling this way? Sweety I was in your same position as a kid & teenager, I had awful anxiety & depression. It's scary to ask for help, it's scary to admit there's something wrong but it's okay. It's a lot more common than you think, you're not alone. God bless
2015-11-11 17:39:34 UTC
Nothing is wrong with you. I suffer with severe and anxiety and depression, we're all different in our own way. I was going through a similar situation about 2 years ago. I thought I was bipolar and I knew I had anxiety, my parents just didn't know. I would take online tests and research what the hell was wrong wth me but nothing on the Internet can truly tell you. Go to your parents, they'll bring you to someone you can talk to. You might think it'll just make everything worse, but it helps it really does and your parents just want the best for you even if it doesn't seem like it. Good luck :)
2015-11-11 14:21:50 UTC
Wow. I didn't think anyone else was going through this. Hi. I'm Drew. I'll help you. Basically I have the same exact situation as you except for hyperactivity. Here what I think; I'm bipolor. I'm not diagnosed but I'm pretty sure. I also think I have ADD. Mayen you want to get medical help? Maybe ask your doctor to prescribe you with something. Hope I helped!
2015-11-11 07:04:54 UTC
Hello, my name is Nick and I'm 16 years old. Trust me, there is nothing wrong with you; since I was 8 years old, my mood changes very often too, I've been depressed and I though about suicide for years, now I'm happy, but my mood changes a lot of times everyday, I can't sleep, I constantly think about my fears and about how can I realize my dreams, I "talk to myself in my head" too because my biggest fear is to be evil, so I constantly think about horrible thoughts I don't want to think and I'm trying to convince myself once and for all that I'm not evil (maybe bastard inside but not evil ;) ). About the sex: you are sixteen years old, have you any idea of the hormones explosion and chaos that your body is going trough right now? It's normal that you think about sex. You are a teenager, that is your only problem :) I though I was crazy, I've tried to go to a psychology and he told me that I don't have any problem and that I just need to have more fun and to play any sport I like.
2015-11-13 20:38:42 UTC
One way to find out is to see your doctor and tell him honestly what you feel. Write it down before you go. If you feel uncomfortable talking to her/him just hand them the list. They have seen everything and will know if this is on the normal side or if you have something that will benefit from some treatment.

Most 'mental' illness is just an illness that can be corrected or helped by meds or counseling. Unfortunately, people still think in terms of crazy or psycho or schizo and this thinking is hard to change. Don't let it deter you from getting help or getting peace of mind knowing that this is a type of normal.
2015-11-12 01:27:53 UTC
Most likely, you're 16, probably in high school, have a lot of stress in your life at the moment, it's most likely just puberty. Your body is changing. Puberty is not only physical changes, it's mental and emotional as well. You'll learn to control it all soon enough. Hang in there :)
2015-11-10 14:27:51 UTC
Unfortunately, nobody on Yahoo Answers can diagnose you or come up with a treatment plan. Only a trained menntal health professional can do that in a face to face meeting.

This doesn't sound like this is something you can work out without outside help. You need to seek help from a professional.
2015-11-12 20:17:54 UTC
While I appreciate that this is a serious question concerning an issue that is rightly important to you, we older types often wish we had not taken everything and everyone (including ourselves) QUITE so very seriously during our short teenage years, so be cool, use humour and your natural warmth (we all have it, but some are frightened to show it). These years are a period of emotional change and discovery – so much changes! We can’t avoid changing, but we CAN make decisions about which direction we wish to go in. The important things are to develop self respect and emotional self sufficiency (i.e. not relying too much on someone else for our happiness) and to work on our values and qualities such as integrity and respect for ourselves and others: absolutely everyone has things about them you don’t know about. Also ensure that you have no unnecessary fear (False Evidence Appearing Real!). We CAN decide and plan about our directions by practising in our minds the kind of person we wish and intend to be. Especially first and last thing in the day when the subconscious is most accepting of your conscious thoughts. (So avoid negative t.v., video games, etc., especially at night). 

Life is full of ups and downs, isn't it. The trick is to take charge of your emotions, and not to allow yourself to get too high or too low. Some people find this easier than others. 

People tend to respect those who walk tall, whatever their height, so always ensure you have a straight back, whether sitting, standing or walking. This also helps our self esteem. 

Life tends to go in seven year cycles: infancy till seven, childhood to fourteen and adulthood around 21. Naturally people vary, and the stages merge into each other like the seasons do, but it continues to an extent: many women are not too mature until late 20s and a lot of men don’t even start to grow up until their mid thirties (I was one!).  Actually Judge Judy said recently their forties!

All parents have been teenagers of course, and can be taken back to their teenage feelings with genuine interest and positivity on your part. That said, no one person can ever completely understand another (except identical twins, perhaps): we all come from slightly different places and have different experiences of and takes on life. Hence nobody can judge us with any accuracy. 

Remember: adolescents’ emotions are in a state of flux and constantly changing – some more than others, obviously. 

Doing things for others without asking for anything in return, such as voluntary work is very often a key here (what goes around DOES come around eventually). 

Buy yourself an Anthony Robbins audio or book; catch him on Youtube.
2015-11-13 16:05:06 UTC
It sounds like stress. A lot of times if you surround yourself with different people or pick up hobbies it helps. As a teen, your body is changing (according to doctors). If I"m stressed it causing night mares/trouble sleeping in general, mood swings, body aches/nausea or depression. There is an over the counter (found in the vitamin area) St Johns Wort. That cost $5 and some change. Some use meditation (found youtube stress/thinking positive/depression all kids of stuff). Some use acupuncture which to me is pricey. There is always your best friend, family member or the school counselor. I went to a therapist in my teens and went on meds. It didn't seem to work but moving away did. So different ideas for different people work. I wish you the best.
2015-11-13 17:18:27 UTC
Please listen to me, I have experienced the same thing. Last summer I went through a major spell of depression. Although I do not suffer from hyperactivey, I can say I have suffered most of your experiences. I'm 15 and I'm just going to tell you how it is, I know is seems hard but you just have to keep going. Please, please do not take any prescriptions or pills unless instructed by a doctor, I developed an addiction to sleeping pills while trying to end my depression. I know many will tell you this but it really does have to do with hormones, and since you suffer from hyperactivity it could be another factor. I'm not the type of person who would normally suggest therapy, but I would suggest to talk about your problems with someone. Just remember, people love and care for you, your are not weird and there is nothing wrong with you, many people suffer the same things. And please know suicide is not the way out.

Best of luck

2015-11-11 23:28:35 UTC
No one here can tell you what is bothering you. They are not doctors. You need to talk to a mental health counselor or psychologist. Go see your guidence counselor and ask for help. This way she/he can approch your parents or help you tell them. Also when you say you keep thinking about the same people, Is it a boy (or girl) you like? At 16 that is normal. So is thinking about sex. Just go get counseling. You can't do it alone or on the internet. You are getting incorrect or half answers.
A.A 1998
2015-11-12 00:44:57 UTC
God damn reading your self description completely reminds me of myself. I'm 17 though and make with depression and hyperactivity and a bunch of problems. I feel suicidal most of the time too and don't give a f*ck about a lot of things cuz in my mind I'm like if my life turns out sh*t I'll just kill myself because I don't value my life. I even got someone in my head I talk to lol. I have two instead of one though. I talk to a outgoing irrational voice and a rational calm voice in my head. Idk what to tell you about our problems but don't commit suicide, try to find some professional help, that's what I'm going to try doing and let whoever know that you don't want your parents involved. HIPAA or confidential thing. Tell them you want help but not to tell your parents because it'll be a breach of your trust. Goodluck and I'll let you know if I find a solution that works for me. Cool knowing I'm not the only weirdo out there, no offense.
2015-11-13 07:31:58 UTC
It's not a problem actually. It's time to change. Now you are 16 and your thinking will be change naturally. So make it easy...
2015-11-14 13:55:21 UTC
It's normal to get mood swings when you're 16. Sometimes people even get mood swings when they're in their 20s or 30s. It's normal to have a desire for sex. It's a part of the human experience. The only way to absolve your desire for sex is to have more sex.
2015-11-11 01:47:11 UTC
It sounds like you have been going through a lot lately, and you are so strong for reaching out for help! It sounds like your thoughts are creating feelings that you do not like. The good news is that these feelings can be stopped!

It is important to understand that the thoughts that you think dictate the feelings that you feel. If you think negative or sad thoughts, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel sad. If you think positive thoughts, your brain releases chemicals that make you feel happy and calm. To overcome these unwanted feelings, you must change your thought patterns.

For the next week, carry around a small notebook and write down every negative or sad thought that you have. This will help you to see how many of your thoughts are negative. The average person thinks a negative thought every two minutes! Then, after writing down the negative or sad thought, immediately write down or say out loud a positive thought. Come up with a list of positive thoughts that you can tell yourself: “I’m OK.” “Today is a good day because I am choosing that it will be.” “I am strong.” This too will pass, and I will get through this.”

Additionally, check out the following 99 coping skills, which can help you to refocus your thoughts on positive things:

Sometimes it can help to talk to someone and tell them about what you are going through. Please know that there are people who can and will help you with what you are going through. You may want to consider talking with a counselor at a hotline. There are many hotlines that are 24/7 and will work with you and situations like yours. Some even have email and/or chat if you would prefer. Hopefully, you will continue to reach out! Sincerely, KO, Counselor
2015-11-11 13:40:10 UTC
The majority of the problem I see here is you think there is something "wrong" with you. Your problem is in your believing the thought that there is something wrong. In the moment that you don't focus on your thoughts that something is wrong... those are probably your "happy" times. So, ask yourself, why do you believe the thoughts that tell you "I am not right" or "there is something wrong"? Ask yourself instead. What would be considered " nothing wrong" could anyone ever meet the standard you have set in your head for this perfect state? Quit making yourself suffer so much. The thing that is causing you this pain is your own thinking that you are "bad" when that is "not" true.
2015-11-13 05:32:48 UTC
I am 16 as well. This is very normal at this age, and let yourself do what you want; I get cranky as well, but it's natural. Don't get afraid, it ain't bipolar disorder - people having bipolar disorders are worse! These are just normal mood swings.
2015-11-13 22:54:46 UTC
I'm 23 and still have no idea what's wrong with me. I would say get help immediately. You can get more damaged if you me.
2015-11-11 03:04:42 UTC
It's OK to be restless my younger sister can't sit still. if your having suicidal thoughtsyou should tell your parents

Good luck in the future
2015-11-11 21:49:17 UTC
I'm kinda the same why. I've veen diagnosed with depression, anxiety, insomnia, ptsd, and ocd. I've been suicidal. I do the same thing as you, i talk in my head to myself or i think the person is here with me. I never tell anyone, but i also have hallunications. I woul really love to talk to you about this some more. Please comment your kik or something on here. Please email
2015-11-11 17:59:23 UTC
Most of it sounds like bipolar disorder but thinking about certain people constantly is not a trait of bipolar, as far as I believe. That is more obsessive thoughts. Also, if I have interpreted it correctly, it sounds like a form of psychosis in regards to talking to yourself in the way you have described it, which is also a symptom of bipolar. The fact is that only a doctor can determine what it really is though.
2015-11-11 23:24:34 UTC
Yes. It may be there. I don't deny this fact. But from here, we cannot observe what is happening there. We require a binocular to see what is wrong.
2015-11-10 13:37:52 UTC
You sound like every single teenage female I have ever spoken to.

Praise God, you're normal.

Life is tough
2015-11-10 14:01:43 UTC
I think that its not normal. You've been doing these things since 9. I think you should go seek some help or talk to your parents about what is going on with you. Please.
2015-11-10 13:29:13 UTC
Honestly it's because you're 16! I was the same.
2015-11-12 12:22:21 UTC
Hi !

I hope my suggestions may change your life.

First of all ! Stop avoiding opportunities of getting busy. Make yourself busy with your books mostly with maths.

Stop reading newspapers if you read that. Reading negative news may divert your mind and you might start driving your mind towards that topic.

Start meditation. It will surely help !

Start playing some outdoor games. Outdoor games may keep your blood running at constant speed so that you never feel depressed or never feel too excited.

Let me know if it works!
2015-11-11 10:25:39 UTC
Nothing is wrong with you, my brother was the same and he then got diagnosed with severe depression and bipolar but it may be completely different for you. Everybody is different so just carry on trying to seek help. Hope everything turns out okay :)
2015-11-11 21:50:03 UTC
No. Its normal. If its more rainy or cloudy than sunny where you live, you could be like me. Im usually happy as long as my dirtbikes here, but my moods change with weather. Youre fine. Im 13. I was like that in 2013 but suicidal. Nothings wrong
2015-11-14 04:11:19 UTC
I think you should see an expert, I think that would really help, especially with getting some peace of mind. Either try seek one out yourself at school, or talk to your parents about seeing one. That would be the best thing to do.
Moshiur Rahman
2015-11-12 18:53:31 UTC
16 years old is dangers time. there are many change come in this time. man/woman get many wrong then. So step

carefully physically and mentally .
2015-11-11 14:44:14 UTC
If you have a concern go see a professional psychiatrist. (S)He will be able to talk through your symptoms with you in an educated context that random internet strangers cannot.

Best of luck
2015-11-13 14:45:38 UTC
That is textbook bipolar. I suggest that you should see a pshycologist. There are medications that can help also. I wish you the best of luck and I hope you feel better soon
Ducan the tall
2015-11-13 08:04:17 UTC
calm your mind by some meditation and relaxing music. talk with some funny people and see funny vids and make yourself to laugh. start writing a diary of good things happening in your life and when you feel depressed see that book and then you will feel good. you can use youtube for some vids.
2015-11-13 22:56:59 UTC
I have the same problem, my doctor says I'm bipolar. I also have ADD btw.
2015-11-12 20:58:43 UTC
Just try to be positive be thankful that you have ur health nothing is wrong with you everyone has their issues
2015-11-12 17:40:49 UTC
The answer is Jesus Christianity also check ur tyriod and check Cushing Syndrome those cause anxiety
2015-11-11 15:34:41 UTC
there is always a reason why someone like your self can not just go to see a Doctor

only a Doctor can help you, so its really up to you
2015-11-13 00:26:20 UTC
An Ecg might prove why u need sex mr than most. But sex is important. Train in the skills u need to get some
2015-11-11 15:17:02 UTC
There is something wrong with everyone.

You are normal.
2015-11-12 22:56:43 UTC
2015-11-11 16:40:05 UTC
Nothing is wrong with you. Your human
2015-11-11 14:37:55 UTC
You maybe bipolar. Ask a doctor about it.
2015-11-12 05:30:19 UTC
I think you do have something wrong with you - puberty.
2015-11-12 16:46:41 UTC
sounds like bipolar to me
2015-11-14 12:12:12 UTC
You are worth it no matter what.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.