Have you ever tried to cut, burn or otherwise intentionally cause serious pain to yourself?
It is hard. It is very, very hard. The body's self-preservation instincts are so strong that, even if you take that knife to your wrist, the chances are you won't be able to cut deep enough to cause serious damage.
Suicide is definitely a last resort, and most definately not an 'easy way out.'
If you think about it, having the courage and determination to actually hurt yourself so badly, to bleed yourself dry or fill your lungs with water, is pretty much the opposite of being easy.
'Suicide is painless?' No, it's not. Suicide is a painful and permanent way of escaping painful, harmful and mentally damaging situations.
'Suicide is easy?' No, it's not. You think these people don't hang on just a little longer for those people who are dear to them? Even a single extra day coping with whatever they have to cope with. It may seem inconsequential, and no one may ever know that this person hung on just for this or that, but suicide is not an easy decision.
Finally, while it may seem that suicide is a coward's way out, a way of avoiding dealing with some little thing that could be easily resolved, it's not. At least not to them. Various mental disorders, such as depression, can lead to suicide, and these often include symptoms of helplessness and hopelessness, which aren't great when trying to face problems that grow more and more cripplling with every day that passes.
Finally, people who are suicidal often don't receive the help that they need, that could prove so pivotal in preventing the downward spiral.
People with these sort of thoughts often think they're being melodramatic, that they're being weak or simply blowing things out of proportion. There is such a stigma against suicide that many people don't know that there is anywhere to turn until it's too late, until there is no turning back.
Conditions such as clinical depression are much misunderstood, and can have physical affects as well as psychological ones. Many people think that depressed people are just lazy or pathetic, and, as such, it is often impossible to talk about.
Dark, suicidal thoughts are then left to fester and grow, until the person can see no other option that to kill themselves and end it all. Often they think that they are doing others a favour, by taking themselves and their problems away, stopping others worrying about them.
Suicide is not a cowardly, pathetic solution, but a desperate cry for help that has been ignored for far too long, until the person sees no other option.
I hope I've been some help, and I've given you a couple of points here. Good luck with your speech, I hope it goes well!