Depression and Confusion?
2007-05-05 13:43:07 UTC
It seems like my parents dont like me very much. Its hard to explain but thats my depressed reason number 1. 2 is im a christian and it feels like gods abandon me. Im no longer shure if hes real and i feel like the bible is a lie. 3 is almost everywhere i go i feel hated. I try to nice to people but their always mean to me back. 4 is i dont know what the point of life is. i dont know why were here in this big world of ours. 5 is it just seems like my world is full of depression and confusion. and sometimes i have sucidial thoughts.most of the time i just go somewhere and cry..for a long time. can somone help at all?
Thirteen answers:
2007-05-05 14:07:03 UTC
What you're feeling is understandable and remarkably common... you shouldn't feel that you're alone in feeling these things.

How old are you? The world can be a very confusing, scary, and saddening place for young people these days... especially if they are in adolescence, if they have a strained relationship with their parents, and they have been given incomplete (and often conflicting) images of what life is all about.

Children can be cruel, the public school system can be nasty and unforgiving, parents can be impatient and stressed and unhelpful, and strangers all around you can very easily bring their own miseries into the way they treat you to make it all feel even worse.

I understand how hard it is... I have felt this way myself at points in my life... but I am doing better now.

So there are several things I can offer to you in the hopes that they may provide you some comfort:

1. Trust yourself, and your feelings, and your beliefs, and your questions. If you feel that the things you've been told do not make sense to you right now, then that is okay... re-think them... find your own answers. The only "truth" you need worry about is the truth that feels right to you. If you feel the purpose for you being here is to change the world, try to to do it... or if you feel the whole purpose is to just find something you enjoy, then just pursue that... or if you feel you can only find comfort and meaning somewhere far away in the stars, then dream about it, and believe in it. It's okay to feel what feels right.

2. Understand that you are, and always will be, a companion to yourself. You are never truly alone as long as you still care about yourself. Your thoughts and feelings never go unheard as long as you are listening.

3. Realize that things will change. It is hard to believe now, I know, but things will get better. When you are older, answers will start to come to you. Love WILL happen for you... people will treat you with more respect (it's unfair, but it's true)... your peers will become strong enough to express their true emotions... you will find you have more in common with more people than you ever thought possible. Nobody ever really believes this one until it happens... but it will.

4. Know that you have the power to make your life into almost anything you could want. It may not happen right away, and life as an adolescent under the care of difficult parents can sometimes make it very hard to choose your own path... but you will have the opportunity to do amazing things. Start thinking about this now... plan what you want... what you need. You are good enough to accomplish anything. This pain you're feeling will become a gift of will-power and motivation and adrenaline. You can get there.

5. The world is bigger than you think. There are a lot of people, a lot of places, and a lot of things that you could maybe never even imagine.

6. Don't commit suicide. I was tempted to committed suicide once... my fiancee almost committed suicide once... if either one of us had done that, we would have never found each other. Take chances, feel alive, do something you've always been scared to do. The pain you are feeling is real, and you are a hero for facing it and confronting it, and attempting to understand it. Do not stop being that hero. I am proud of you.
2007-05-05 14:10:43 UTC
Let me encourage you my fellow Christian friend. God has not abandoned you and the bible is truly not a lie. We all feel that way sometimes. Trust me, if God abandoned you, you would not be breathing right now. Anyone that follow God's is hated, an alien, a refugee and a reject. Do you know what names people call me? The reason why we are here is not for ourselves but to help other people. The reason why you are going through is that when all this crap is over with, there is somebody waiting on you to help them get through this. It may be a family member, a friend or even a stranger. You are special, unique and stand out among other people. We as Christians will be persecuted, lied on and hated for what we represent. This world is a cold cruel place and people don't care if we live or die. I used to feel the same way and often told people that when I wasn't a Christian it was easier. Like one of my friend tells me from the old Conan the Barbarian movie "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." I believe that you are going to be alright and that things will turn around for you. I am praying for you that you will find a friend-that one person who you can talk to when other people don't understand. I was there and now I am much better. If I can do it, you can to. Suicide is not the answer my friend. You stay strong and know you did not make a mistake. I will be praying for you. Stay strong and know that I do care.
♣Hey jude♣
2007-05-05 13:54:15 UTC
You started at the right place, your parents. If you do not feel valued by them, how can you feel valued. It all begins there.

I'm going to assume that they have problems & won't change to help you. So you must help yourself.

Think of yourself as a baby, now you are the parent. How will you love the baby. Start there & expand on it. Nourish yourself first.

As far as religion, seek out many churches until you find one that fits. God can be found in many places. Read Conversations with God, by Neale Walsh. You can find it in the library. It will answer many of your questions.

The point of life is the point you give it. What do you want?

If you feel hated it's because you hate yourself & those vibs attract other hateful people.

Have fun, create an avatar for yourself, enjoy the fun of a 360 page. There you can ve whoever you wish.

Your here seeking & that's wonderful in and of itself.

Go outside & find 10 things you appreciate, like a flower or a dog. Notice all the good stuff & uplift yourself.

If you continue with this mood seek professional help through a school counselor.
2007-05-05 13:49:49 UTC
My dear friend my heart goes out to you! I am a christian and suffer depression too. The bible is true it is the only thing that is true. God is there right with you. Talk to God about how you feeland I will pray for you too. You don't say how old you are but if your depression is bad you can talk to your doctor about it. Just because your a christian doesn't mean you arn't real and your feelings are real. I always read the psalms in the bible when I am really down and God always lifts me up. Don't despair my friend. I too have been hated not always because I'm a christian. I will pray God will send you a goodfriend to talk to. In the meantime. If you want to drop me a line or e-mail me you can. God Bless God is with you.
2007-05-06 20:26:49 UTC
Hang in there. You can overcome this and will be happy when you do. I am facing some tough times right now also, and it helped to read about your situation and read the answers posted by others. Just know that you are not alone, no matter how tough it gets. Remember the "footprints" passage....

One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with the Lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene, he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand: one belonging to him, and the other to the Lord.

When the last scene of his life flashed before him, he looked back at the footprints in the sand. He noticed that many times along the path of his life there was only one set of footprints. He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and he questioned the Lord about it.

"Lord, you said that once I decided to follow you, you'd walk with me all the way. But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life there is only one set of footprints. I don't understand why when I needed you most you would leave me." The Lord replied, "My precious, precious child, I love you and I would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints in the sand it was then that I carried you."
2007-05-05 14:32:16 UTC
im sr srry. dont lose hope in life u were born for a reason in life no matter what it is. im not really religious but god is always there for people who r in need after he was the one who created life. talk with ur parents no matter what happens dont forget one thing ur parents will always love u even if it feels like they dont they are always ur parents. whenever u feel like u r have sucidial thoughts stop take a deep breathe n keep on believin. dont waste ur life becasue there is no take two in life. everyone has a purpose on earth. i will pray for u. talk with a teacher or doctor. i cant do much but just tell you dont lose hope n dont stop believin.
2007-05-05 13:47:06 UTC
It's all in your mind. It's part of the mental illness. Of course your parents like you....they love you. I'm sure it hurts them terribly to see you in such pain. God has not abandoned have abandoned God. You hate yourself. You have no self esteem and you believe that you don't deserve to have anyone care for you.

Please get some help. Counseling/therapy. Don't say you can't because that's BS. If you really want to get better, you will go. If you love being miserable, then you won't. Your choice.
2016-08-11 15:01:49 UTC
Im catholic and it may be difficult commonly. Even though my mom shouldn't be alcoholic though my dad was once and passed coz of it. There's no actual quick fix about this, but are you able to hang around along with your neighbors at all? Are you able to go and reside someplace else where that you can begin far and wide once more?... I will suppose, it have to be worrying if dad only choses his boy coz he's more useful than you. That's ridiculous. The entire first-class Fiz
Brilliant 1forHIM
2007-05-05 13:56:48 UTC
God loves you soooooo much that he gave his only son to die on the cross for you. Don't ever give up. God will never leave or abandon you. God is not a God of confusion.God is real and so is his word. When you feel like everyone hates you, they are really rejecting Jesus, not you. Keep reading the bible, find a good church. Let the Lord lift you up. JESUS LOVES YOU!!!!!!!! I will keep in prayer for you, GOD BLESS YOU.
2007-05-05 13:47:35 UTC
When I saw a counsellor it didn't help me too much. All it did was allowed me to vent. I find the best thing to keep me on my A game is finding something you love to do and do it. Also talk to your minister/reverend/pastor and ask if there are any activities within the church you attend to get involved in.
2007-05-05 13:50:46 UTC
U need to talk to Ur parents and go to the Dr, I suffer from depression. And I know how u feel. I take Zoloft and it has helped me tremendously. So please seek help.
2007-05-05 13:48:28 UTC
This is based in the reactive mind which you can read about here
2007-05-05 13:50:27 UTC
Just try and stick through it

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.