Advice on bipolar, ADD, ODD?
Sweet Girl
2008-05-22 05:15:32 UTC
I am reposting this because I should have added the below details in my previous post.

My son has been diagnosed with bipolar, adhd, ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder), possible antisocial disorder. I think he has been "over-diagnosed" but I do know for sure he has the symptoms of ODD. He is on adderall and depakote and risperdal, but not sure if these are working.

Seroquel does not work for him.

I should mention that he is 15. His main problem is being extremely irritable and angry most of the time and when not on medications at all he has rage outbursts where he breaks things, punching walls, throwing things..... He is not hyperactive, he is very quiet. He has been like this since he was a baby, and every year since kindergarten the school calls me to see "whats going on at home" because he is so angry. I am looking for suggestions, preferably personjal experience, as I have done research on the "facts." We have been dealing with this for years.
Six answers:
2008-05-22 06:02:31 UTC
What I don't understand is drugging these kids with drugs that are not even approved for kids....irritating!

ODD anyone who has a problem with authority can have this attached to is nothing more then a made up diagnoses!!

Treat the bi polar and you treat everything that kid is supposed to have.....

What can we do throw away are kids? Wait

until the court system gets a hold of them thinking they can make the kid fly right?

We have kids that do not fit into a box. These kids get frustrated, irritable then when no help is out there it is no wonder the kids get angry.

I like it when people say "there is help out there just find it", of course these people have no clue!!

Bi polar is on the schizophrinia scale. How does your son exhibit his symptoms? All of the systems your child (and mine) have is on the autism scale as well.

One of my boys who is disabled is off all his drugs. I changed my lifestyle therefor his to help him get through child hood years. Changed diet,changed working,we have a schedule that works for us.

Another of my boys we finally got his tests in and writing is a huge problem for him, so this is in the process of being altered so he can possibly finish school.....

Another of my boys was put in kiddy prison for his ways, though I told the people he has issues, they ignored me. After realizing I might be right and a stay in the hospital later (after three years in jail) they set him home finally just the other day. The kid acts like a whipped puppy!

These problems are hereditary. As I am sure you read and realize.

I also hope you are getting his blood work done as needed for all the drugs in your child's system. Doctors tend to think it is ok to dope kids up then not continue there care. Money is the bottom line, not health.

The speed your kid is on be careful with. These drugs are habit forming. My boy who is finally home is taking a anti psychotic with a depression pill to counter act symptoms of that psychotic pill, this will be changed after I take him to the doctors.....he just got home with drugs in hand. Only way the state of Oregon could control him while in there care is drugging him......who knows what the state has done to his internal organs? The way I see it these drugs have a "after taste", this messes up there liver where such drugs pass through causing other medical problems that go undiagnosed therefor un treated. The medical community can not tell us what these drugs do in the long run for these drugs have not been out that long! There has not been two generations (120 years) of people on these drugs, not to mention one generation (60 years)....our kids are there guinea pigs.

Try hard to keep your kid out of jail, many kids like ours are put away for there behavior instead of finding out why there behavior is the way it is easier for "them" and they get paid for this.

Public schools get federal funding for kids like ours then give us lines of bs as to why they are not helping our kids. Be in there face for your childs sake! Make them spend that money on your child instead of giving it to the sports program or paying there administration a bigger salary.

Anyhoo I can go on and on. I do not have just one child with problems I have three and I love my kids but realize a long time ago many people outside the house have no clue.

I am sure you yourself have a counselor yourself? Some kind of support? Are you by yourself with your child?

Wish you well!
2008-05-22 05:46:43 UTC
I know your tired of having to deal with his problem behavior but believe it or not he will turn his problem into a positive. If you have done your research on the 'facts' like you said you had then you know he will have to be on meds for the rest of his life. From my own experience I have ADHD, my oldest son, 25, bipolar, my youngest, 14, I believe may be ODD. The oldest, is bipolar for sure because of the rapid talking and not being able to control his thoughts when he stops taking his meds. My youngest is the hand full cause he's still in school and having problems controlling his temper. The older was a straight A student until age 17 stress=bipolar dx. the younger is a straight F student and couldn't care less. As parents all we can do is love our child and each is different and try try try to find the right medicine to help them in every aspect of their lives. The problem with my younger one is that he refuses to take medicine to help him at school. He doesn't want to take chemicals that effect his brain. Just remember you know your boy best. Don't let the teachers or doctors label him with bipolar or anything else unless your sure that's what it is. The meds will either help him or hurt him and unfortately for us is we have to keep a watchful eye on which way his mood is turning. I know your heartache and I understand your frustration but with any ailment even if its long term the professionals are there to help. You must find the one you both like and that will stick with you.
2008-05-22 05:29:59 UTC
I have an ADHD, Aspergers (mild autism) daughter that has most of her troubles in social situations. She is 12 and, like you, I have been dealing with issues since she was very young. Like your situation, she is on adderal and risperdal, but this was not the first stop on the medication train.

I would suggest working with your doctors / therapist to find a medication "cocktail" that suits him better. I say therapist in there because I am hoping that you are already utilizing all possible aids for him. Speech and language therapists help a lot with kids that don't understand proper social behavior and cues from peers. Besides, somebody to talk to to "vent" helps them.

Beyond that, I have heard that there are amazing things that the Pfeiffer Treatment Center can discover in your son's own body chemistry that are "setting him offcourse." I plan to have my daughter tested for toxins and inbalances there.

Good luck and know you are not alone.
2008-05-22 05:46:38 UTC
the quiet part is making me think possibly Aspergers syndrome is something you should check out the symptoms for. My best friends son has this and your description sounds a lot like him. My friends son has problems with rage as well as failure to think things through and see consequences.

I am no expert for sure but I feel for you. Are you hooked up with NAMI or getting any support for yourself so you can keep on going. Hang in there!

You are right to wonder about the meds. That is a nasty medicine stew your son is on. Meds could be really exacerbating his symptoms.
2016-05-26 15:10:51 UTC
My son will be 14 in January. We are currently doing a trial off of ADHD meds, as I believe he might be bi-polar instead. He is however on medication for his motor tics and for the mood issues that arise from his autism diagnosis. He is currently on Tenex 1mg 2x per day and Abilify 7.5 mg in the evening. We check in with his psychiatrist every month to make adjustments if needed. I think there comes a time when the "evils" of medication are outweighed by the toll the illness is taking on the child's life. I think this may be one of those situations. I would ask his psychiatrist what medication she wants to put him on, and exactly what it is for. Give it 6 months to work, then re-evaluate. I would also try to find a good psychologist to work with him. Sometimes we can talk until we are blue in the face about something to our children, and it makes no impression on them...then the right person says something to them and it totally clicks. As for the school not giving him "extra time" he on an IEP? If he is not, you need to call the school and request a meeting to put one in place. It is basically a document laying out what the school HAS to do to help your child thrive. @ #1 mommy. If he is on an IEP, re-read your IDEA manual. They cannot suspend your son for "acting out his disability". I did not understand this until my son's psychologist explained it to me. He was getting suspended regualrly for acts of agression against staff. The first time he had one after he started with THAT psychologist she reminded the school, and he was only removed for the rest of the day. He was back the next day with no re-entry meeting or any other issues.
2014-03-19 11:06:29 UTC
they are many differnet treatments for Biploar Kids with ADHD (attention deflict hyperactivy disoder) because these types of kids have trouble at home and school.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.