Melissa M
2008-09-23 13:04:58 UTC
In Aug., we started him on Focalin XR 10 mg with our pediatrician. Last week, he switched the dose to 15 mg. The 10 mg was lasting only about 4 or 5 hours.
He was diagnosed by a psychiatrist and has had a psychological assesment and evaluation, etc., etc.
It drives me crazy giving him medicine everyday of his life. I just don't like it!! We were going to therapy sessions at our local mental health facility (where they diagnosed him) but the sessions were just so vague and nothing specific. (I mean, how many times does a child need to go over the 'if there's a bully on the playground-what do we do' etc.)
He needs therapy sessions that concentrate on his specific needs. But, they can't seem to offer that............ I'm lost as what to do next. I can't let him sit on the sidelines of life, but when I let him participate the other children look at him like he's so weird because of how hyper he is and that he can't keep his hands to himself. We have a flag football game tonight late and he won't have any medicine in his system, so it's gonna be chaos just like the last late game.
Does anyone have any advice on what to do? I don't expect medicine to 'fix' anything. I just want him to have a better life.