2010-01-21 02:26:45 UTC
I have someone in my life who I live with who is a 29 year old male who I have always been slightly concerned about in terms of his mental health. He seems to have 2 sides.
Some times he is calm, rational, good company, kind, generous etc etc and then as if a switch flicks he can turn to being furious, angry, blaming, obnoxious, nasty, insulting. These bad moods can last days, once they even lasted 3 months and there is NO reasoning. He becomes very wrapped up in himself and thinks the world is out to get him and therefore his behaviour is justified, he sometimes even thinks he knows what people are thinking about him and will make things up that aren't even happening! aka extreme paranoia.
he doesn't seem to see how nasty and unfair his behaviour is when he gets like this and it's like he turns into a different person. I will have to be VERY careful what I say so as not to upset him when he's in these moods. Image is also an issue he has.
I have though bi polar but then he doesn't have extreme highs of euphoria and the restlessness that I thought people with bipolar were meant to have. He will nearly always apologise and says he can't help it and that he doesn't know what came over him and will also self medicate with weed which makes him see how abnoxious he has been and seems to almost help him
I know this isn't much to go off but does anyone have any ideas?