its just i dont know i wanna die so much and i feel like i can live i mean i dont get bullied often i do sometimes but i can handle it but i wanna die like i feel like it doesnt matter if i do live or die i tried looking for the right suicide prevent pages but i dont wanna use my phone to text or call a suicide hotline because im scared my parents would find out about it and i dont wanna worry them like that anyways i know its normal it teens and **** but i just wanna know am i even worth anything? i feel empty and worthless i dont wanna talk to my parents about these kind of things cus i feel like a burden to them and i hate talking to my friends about it cus i feel like im doing nothing but seeking there attention even know as im typing this out i feel i will regret it later and i know there are such thing as counselors and what not but id much rather ask these kind of questions here because atleast if you judge me for posting this i wouldnt have to see any of you judging me