Should Muslims be banned from Europe and America?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Should Muslims be banned from Europe and America?
659 answers:
2016-06-16 12:01:29 UTC
The past year there were 166 terrorism attacks and Muslims were accountable for 3. Oh yeah, Are you Hitler?
2016-06-16 10:53:42 UTC
You know.... Historically speaking.... Christians HAVE killed way more people than Muslims. Not to mention destroy entire civilizations. And even fought with other Christian faiths.

Wow. Didn't a certain Christian crusade also enslave hundreds if not thousands? Then force them to mine gold till they died? All while watching thousands of their people die of disease. Which ended up leading to a new need for slaves. And ultimately the largest race driven enslavement in history? Not to mention take away two whole continents from its native people?

I'm Christian, but just sayin. It's not a Muslim problem. It's a freaking radical problem. All religions are equally dangerous when radicalized.
2016-06-17 12:25:16 UTC
You seem to ignore that Muslims that come here are also fleeing from the terrorists that kill, burn and bomb fellow Muslims who are peace-loving and law-abiding. WHERE do you propose they go to? Historically, America has been welcoming those fleeing oppression; should we change because of a bunch of cowardly xenophobes?

By the way, inasmuch as it is not publicized for obvious reasons, many of the plotters of terrorist activities that have been caught and prosecuted have been the result of peace-loving, law-abiding Muslims who called the authorities. And we have Muslims serving in the military, in civil service jobs and in medicine as well every single field of endeavor there may be.

See, you only hear about the atrocities that a very minor percentage of Muslims cause but you don't hear of all the humanitarian AND charitable work they do on a daily basis.
2016-06-18 04:46:03 UTC
I'm an infantry officer so I hate Isis but have friends that are Muslim in Afghanistan and here in the states. They are good people.
2016-06-17 09:50:53 UTC
No country has the right to ban anyone from living anywhere, especially in America where everyone has the freedom of rights and speech no matter your sex, age, race etc. Countries do need to redefine their immigration laws but not ban people. That would be a stupid thing to do!
Bobby Jim
2016-06-18 08:08:57 UTC
The freedom that we enjoy in western Europe and the USA is not compatible with the Sharia Law that most Muslims are in agreement with. The religious fervency they exhibit is not compatible with any open and free society. If they want to live among us, then THEY must adapt to US, not the other way around. Otherwise, ban them, and deport them.
2016-06-15 21:59:04 UTC
Dylann Roof is an example of a Christian who was vile to our society. Should we ban all Christians?
2016-06-16 20:45:46 UTC
Damage is happening with or without the Muslims. There are so many different people tearing this world apart and Muslims are just a few of them. Not all Muslims are bad. That's stereotypical for you to want to banish all Muslims because some of the worse things today are happening because of some Muslims. Not all Muslims are terrorists and these evil beings we make them out as.
2016-06-16 07:01:12 UTC
Dont bring them here if they want us DEAD. How friggin stupid can anyone get?
Classical Liberal
2016-06-15 22:00:43 UTC
Am I the only sane person in the political section?
2016-06-16 08:46:59 UTC
2016-06-20 07:23:23 UTC
i think Absolutely Should Muslims be banned from Europe and America
2016-06-19 17:33:47 UTC
I'm not sure why you even asked this question if you were just going to award best answer to what you wanted to hear.. Should we ban white people from living in America for the genocide of the Native Americans? Should we ban whites from America and Africa because of slavery? White people have definitely caused more damage than these bombings and shootings a few terrorists have. No, we shouldn't, because the actions of a few should not hold a whole group accountable. But, it doesn't count because those white people back then weren't the same as white people now. <--Thats my point.
2016-06-19 19:45:50 UTC
If we have a ongoing problem with a specific group of people/religion, then we should ban them. If people want to call us bigot or racist for even thinking about the subject then so be it. If it takes being a little bigot or racist in order to solve our problems then so be it. History is slowly repeating it self. The combination of Democrats and ISIS will create another holocaust. The Democrats will slowly go after guns and ISIS will kill us.
2016-06-20 05:46:54 UTC
If they behave like Christians,the bishops might let a part of them now,in my country they do a lot of mess although they pretend to be very clean.they sleep with women for giving a job ,they sell national resorses in fast food at such prices that teachets cannot buy,and theu use all the countru snd statr pretending they are muslims..
2016-06-19 23:12:00 UTC
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Funny question. The thing is that you don't see it the right way. Muslims are not terrorists. it is only a very small percentage of them, like 0.01%. If you don't believe me, ask the people who have been in Egypt or Dubai or KSA or Lebanon or Bahrein or lots of other muslim countries. They are the nicest people. Muslims were not the people who killed most of the jewish in Europe, they were not the people who killed millions of people in the 2nd world war, they were not the people who invaded most of Africa and the middle east in the previous centuries. Muslims are not terrorist. I don't want my account closed, but we all know who is providing terrorism.
2016-06-20 09:47:18 UTC
How? Muslims have been in Europe & the Americas for centuries.
2016-06-20 07:22:00 UTC
No. One of my best friends is muslim, and I would hate to see that happen to her and her family just for practicing their religion.

Should terrorists be banned? Yes. Muslims? No.

Terrorists that just happen to be muslim? Sure.

Terrorists who have or don't have any religion? Yes.
2016-06-20 09:42:19 UTC
Should Christians be banned from the Middle East?
2016-06-21 10:11:43 UTC
No, of course not. Anybody who says otherwise is a bigot and a racist and should be prosecuted accordingly. Discriminating against a whole religion for what a small minority has done is simply idiotic. In fact, many Muslims are trying to escape from the same terrorism that you fear.
2016-06-19 17:36:40 UTC
Hey, I think Hitler would have said the same thing about Jews...

And then he eradicated 6 million of them.

There's a reason they teach history in schools: it's so dipsh*ts like you don't repeat the awful stuff that happened in the past.
2016-06-19 09:05:57 UTC
Just a little quote from the Quran, the holy book of the Muslims.

“…if any one killed a person, it would be as if he killed the whole of mankind; and if any one saved a life, it would be as if he saved the life of the whole of mankind…” - The Holy Quran (Chapter Five, Verse 32).
2016-06-18 22:43:27 UTC
No, we should just not allow any foreigner, unless from one of our main allied countries, but even they should be heavily screened. If a terrorist wanted to get into america, all they'd have to say is their Christian. That's why America should be a country that's hard to get into... for now. Until ISIS, have been dealt with
2016-06-18 16:23:40 UTC
There have been non-Muslim people who have committed murders like the Sandy Hooks Killer, it's really upsetting that gun crime normally happens... I think that Muslims who enter our country should have an ordinary DBS check just like anyone else entering the country
2016-06-18 12:26:34 UTC
Numerous polls and studies show many "moderate Muslims" agree with Sharia Law and believe homosexuals should be executed. They are not civilized enough for the west.
2016-06-18 06:21:50 UTC
Don't know-don't care...Ask your Imam.
2016-06-18 05:15:41 UTC
He doesn't represent every Muslim. Banning Muslims won't stop a person who's full of hate and determined to kill. People of other religions commit heinous crimes, as well. All you can do is wait on God to rid this earth of wickedness and replace it with peace.
2016-06-18 03:32:25 UTC
No we should banned some who's maden the Arab spring!!!

& dont want to stop!!!

As everyone know Arab spring was a begining of IS!!!
2016-06-18 02:31:17 UTC
sure maybe some muslims are peaceful but you are inviting a number of terrorists to mingle among them and encourage terrorist attacks.
2016-06-17 20:55:41 UTC
Sure should
2016-06-17 12:40:09 UTC
If muslims were banned

The media will have nothing to display

Muslims dont harm others, its the media that is destroying, not the muslims
2016-06-17 10:19:18 UTC
Yeah good one 👌🏼

What a stupid thing to say.
2016-06-17 07:48:51 UTC
Muslims not be banned but may be forced stop the terrorism otherwise to be punished very strictly and take actions immediately. But if they behave good they must be treated as our brothers and sister as god has made us all.
2016-06-16 08:38:58 UTC
2016-06-16 08:21:43 UTC
Sure, great idea. We'll round up all the Albanians and Turks and Kosevars and Bosnians and move them to -- I don't know, Chechnya? Wait, where do we put the Chechens? Yeah, that's right, we'll move them to Alabama.
2016-06-19 11:24:52 UTC
I think the ones in "good standing" with us should be allowed. For example my deployment to Afghanistan our translators would have done just about anything regarding the sake of their life just to show us they are not like the others and want nothing more to leave because who likes tanks and the 82nd airborne rolling on in with a 5.56mm welcome mat? "Kill em all and let god sort em out" -a wise man
2016-06-19 03:47:48 UTC
If Muslims are required to kill? Why are you alive? 1.6 billion Muslims aren't out killing people!

If you can't answer that than you at least have the answer to your question
Victoria K
2016-06-18 16:56:48 UTC
Yes and no. The problem with muslims is that even though the majority are hard-working nice people, a high percentage of them follow religion very strongly. Even though muslims should not be banned, their should be restrictions on them like in russia. Russia had muslim problems but have less terror. That's just my opinion.
2016-06-18 11:06:05 UTC
Peaceful Muslims are shadowed by the more radical Islamic terrorists like Omar Mateen. They are truly good people, but in this time of need, it is difficult to determine who is friend and who is foe.
Dr. D
2016-06-18 09:21:09 UTC
They should not be banned but should be vetted.

Ask them if they will uphold the laws and constitution of the host country.

Ask them if they believe that homosexuals should be killed for their own good.

Ask them if they believe that men and women should be treated equally.

Ask them if Sharia Law is more important that the laws of the country.

Ask them if they believe that polygamy should be illegal.

Ask them if they support the political ideals of al Qaeda, or the Taliban.

Ask them if they have family members or friends would support similar political ideals.

Then their entry into the country would depend upon maintaining a peaceful behavior consistent with the laws and policies of the host country. Any questionable activity would result in their immediate deportation.
2016-06-18 07:37:46 UTC
I would ban free Voting. You can only vote after you have taken a test to prove you are fit to vote, eg: not an idiot..

That's the beginning of it all, then common sense would prevail. But while every fool (they are in the majority) can decide for everyone else, then there's no way out of the river of BS. Just learn to swim in the BS and maybe grab some floating trunk and get a paddle so you can somewhat steer a little, that's as far as you are allowed to go while the mob rules.

But to stay in topic, The Koran states that all infidels must die and that if you kill one you go to heaven. (Koran 9:5). So, to the ones saying they know some nice muslims i'll say those are not real muslim believers, htey are "tepid muslims". The ones killing and maiming people are the true believers and thus they are not terrorists because they do what their god tells them to do.
2016-06-18 05:53:55 UTC
Yes but not directly. If we only ban Muslims then the good Muslims will get sent back home and the bad Muslims will still get in by lying about their faith. It would be better to carefully choose our allies and only accept immigrants from our allies. If we can't safely send our people into their country then we probably shouldn't let their people into our country.
2016-06-18 05:30:00 UTC
There should be a test of how seriously they take their Koran. Ask them if they think the Koran is the perfect word of god and that if there's something in it telling them to kill the innocent (because there is) because they're gay, or the wrong religion, or an atheist, or leave the religion of Islam, if they would. If they say yes, THEN you ban them. Because THAT would be where the first amendment breaks down. You're not allowed to threaten to kill people either, only to wish them dead in your head. I once met a Muslim whose interpretation of the Koran was the opposite of that, he somehow twisted everything to mean something else, and I absolutely could not pin him down to demonstrate there was anything wrong with Islam, he'd always come up with some other passage that COULD be twisted to saying the opposite. How this didn't click with him that it contains contradictions I don't know.
daniel g
2016-06-18 03:30:13 UTC
Bad enough the US has a serious problem with illegal immigrants, now to compound problems by allowing radical Muslims to the mix.

I am all for the freedom that this country stands for, but they should ALL be vetted before even being allowed in the country.

This is America Jack, If you dont like our God, our guns, our guts, stay the hell out.
2016-06-18 03:23:00 UTC
is this a hitler-jew syndrome

don't generalize people

we all fall in categories according to race, gender, religion, belief, nationality, affiliations - it does not mean we all do the same thing
2016-06-17 16:47:26 UTC
2016-06-17 13:17:31 UTC
2016-06-16 22:25:44 UTC
Yes they should. They should also be banned from the universe
2016-06-16 18:39:57 UTC
Yes because Islam isn't only a Muslim religion it is also their government. People don't understand their religion and government are both the same hand in hand.
2016-06-16 18:24:09 UTC
2016-06-16 11:43:44 UTC
2016-06-16 06:11:26 UTC
Instead, lets draft all males aged 18 - 30 into the US military. Most crime and violence occur when the perpetrator is that age. Let's send them all overseas so they can do it somewhere else.
2016-06-19 05:09:43 UTC
Yes 100%. All of them!
2016-06-18 16:06:06 UTC
Absolutely not? Not all Muslims are bad? The Paris shooting's etc were all radicalists. I have food friends who are Muslim, and they wouldn't hurt a fly. I just cannot believe how ignoring you are, believe it or not Catholics commit crimes to. Look at all those priests who have been accused of rape and it's been proven true...should Christians be banned from Europe??? No, so I suggest you sit down and seriously think about wtf you ask and why. This is jusg unbelievable; don't get me wrong, I understand that Isis etc is to do with Muslims but unfortunately their making Muslims have a very bad reputation, I feel so sorry for the majority of those Muslims who are innocent. And you who clearly must be a racist, comes out with this crap. Don't be so naive and please look at the bigger picture
¤Blackhoof Buccaneers Revenge¤
2016-06-18 14:33:26 UTC
I think we'd be stronger in uniting with those who share our ideals and outlook for society and the future.

If we make allies of the good, then they have allies who have their backs in trying to take back their religion for the good side, not the bad that wants to twist and exploit it.
2016-06-18 13:05:17 UTC
It depends. They definitely need a background check though
2016-06-18 08:12:32 UTC
No, that would be regressive in my opinion.
2016-06-18 04:49:10 UTC
I wonder how people feel about the fact the US military has Muslim members. That alone should already tell you that not every Muslim is a terrorist.
2016-06-18 04:42:43 UTC
NO! White men actually commit more murders than Muslims, but people choose to ignore that they did anything wrong. Muslims haven't done anything wrong
2016-06-18 02:42:23 UTC
Don't judge all Muslims by the eye you judged Terrorists. Let the peace on everyone
2016-06-18 01:40:51 UTC
2016-06-18 00:13:20 UTC
If you wrong us shall we not revenge?
2016-06-17 12:07:10 UTC
2016-06-17 04:45:11 UTC
No. The actions of a few extremists don't reflect the beliefs of the majority. Do we threaten to kick out all Christians when someone bombs an abortion clinic? Did we kick out all Christians when Dylann Roof shot up a church? How about when Scott Roeder did the same? How about when Timothy McVeigh bombed the Oklahoma City building? No? How about extending the same courtesy to Muslims that we non-Christians have given to you? Love. It's a thing. You should try it sometime.
2016-06-16 21:11:57 UTC
If you just look at how many shootings there has been, you'll notice is a white men shooting but it's okay since he has mental problems. All I'm saying is that EVERY race and every religion or even person is different, and we shouldn't generalize everyone into ONE group and called them as one.
2016-06-16 18:44:35 UTC
Allahuakbar *explosions in background*
2016-06-16 12:13:29 UTC
people are jealous of islam
2016-06-16 11:07:54 UTC
2016-06-16 09:36:32 UTC
A muslim in Britain was responsible for manouvering the government into passing non discrimination laws for gays. So they should not be banned. Some are progressive. However, there are enough in say Britain so i would say that no more should be let in as they have high birth rate and will increase rapidly. Their attitudes in general are out of step with British life and the ones that are born there are not assimilating but more extreme than their parents in some cases. Until that is solved it would be ill advised to add more.
2016-06-16 08:33:57 UTC
Not all of them.
2016-06-16 08:07:47 UTC
No, Not every single Muslim is bad.

You can't really discriminate an entire race just because some of the people from that race are doing bad things.
2016-06-19 10:37:14 UTC
no but idiots should be banned
2016-06-19 01:18:10 UTC
Should africa ban white missionaries?? moron.
2016-06-18 17:22:26 UTC
Unfortunately yes, we cannot take them in at this rate, and sift out the bad ones. Plus mass immigration is diluting our native cultures.

Islam is a very strong doctrine, its followers are almost brainwashed from being young. Not all are bad but a hell of a lot are, hence why we cannot risk anymore coming through to our shores. Shame, but they cannot behave in a civilized way.
2016-06-18 16:38:47 UTC
We should ban taylor swift rather than muslims....
Big D
2016-06-18 15:47:31 UTC
No. That is discrimination.
laura p
2016-06-18 13:34:26 UTC
No cause not all Muslims are the same. You see other religions doing the exact same thing.

How would you feel if someone asked if we should ban you from all countries for the question you've just made...
2016-06-18 07:27:19 UTC
2016-06-18 06:35:45 UTC
2016-06-18 03:38:27 UTC
All logic and common sense says yes they should be ...assuming that we care about our people and do not really want them massacred. All evidence points to the following undeniable facts. One if there are muslims, there will be terrorist attacks, the greater their number the more attacks there will be, the greater their number the more they will push to change our culture and society to make things more sharia and sharia is really anti western Christian democracy traditions. Now I know it sounds rough and harsh to say so and I sounds mean, and there is a part of who we are which says that we should no be so mean and harsh.

But this threat that we are facing is nothing like we have seen before. You cannot defeat a harsh brutal enemy who loves killing and has no morality in the same way we see morality as life being valuable and not killing innocent people without becoming just as brutal and harsh as they are. Frankly they see every kind stance we take as merely a weakness to be exploited.

If we say....oh let in 100,000 muslim refugees in our us we are being kind and generous and wishing for reciprocation of the nicety. To them its like they do not believe their luck on how stupid we are for allowing the invasion to happen so easily so they can sneak in more terror agents, and a way larger terror recruiting pool for the future.

Nothing I have said above is a lie or wrong, but there are many idiots among us who want to pretend that these facts are not true. Personally I think its a form of cowardice...being so scared of people that want to kill you that you are afraid to even fight back.
2016-06-18 02:11:45 UTC
Rounding up all those already here? Now there's a challenge!
2016-06-18 01:06:45 UTC
how about a ban on dumb people? don't worry, we would give you 24 hours to pack your longings.
2016-06-17 23:11:08 UTC
2016-06-17 06:34:01 UTC
We don't have the power to read hearts like God and Jesus. Because of this we don't want to stereotype people because of which they live or were born.

“Consider this Bible prophecy about Jesus: “The spirit of Jehovah will settle upon him, the spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the spirit of counsel and of mightiness, the spirit of knowledge and of the fear of Jehovah. And he will find delight in the fear of Jehovah. He will not judge by what appears to his eyes, nor reprove simply according to what his ears hear. He will judge the lowly with fairness, and with uprightness he will give reproof in behalf of the meek ones of the earth.” (Isaiah 11:2-4) Those words show that Jesus was to be a righteous and compassionate King over people on earth. Would you not want to have a ruler like that?”

2016-06-17 04:20:22 UTC
Don't differentiate
2016-06-16 22:59:18 UTC
Yes, not just Muslims, but anyone who America considers a threat to them so that's basically everyone.🤔
2016-06-16 20:42:34 UTC
2016-06-16 18:52:30 UTC
2016-06-16 15:28:11 UTC
2016-06-16 11:06:11 UTC
We do need to limit our immigration of Islamic Muslims. There is a lot of hostility in the Arabs and when a time bomb goes off someone will lose their life. Yes, we need to make it hard for them to get into the USA. There are many good Christian Muslims that have rejected the Quran for the Holy Bible. They recognize Jesus and who He really is. It is the hard core Islamic Muslims that we must keep out. I hear constantly that Islam is a religion of peace, but Muhammad the founder of Islam was not peaceful.
2016-06-19 10:06:14 UTC
its complicated
Lo Stregatto
2016-06-19 09:18:34 UTC
Sweetdaddy Rex
2016-06-19 07:40:15 UTC
Yes, along with those pesky CATHOLICS !
2016-06-19 06:51:01 UTC
No. We should treat Muslims any other than we treat the Jewish or Christians or any other religion. The truth of the matter is that everyone should be treated the same no matter the difference. We are all human.
2016-06-18 23:14:52 UTC
Muslim is actually nice and they're not terrorist. Iran is the one who manipulate this world making Muslim looks bad.
2016-06-18 19:49:06 UTC
Nothing against the religion. But I think, until they handle their ****. They lost their privledges.

It's not like George Washington went to Iran and invented it. Or any other country in the middle east. That means it's their, keep america out of this, job. Or their, keep the west out of this, job. Which means it is the wests job to enforce the wests word. Since the west actually keeps it's word.

Because muslims are famous for not keeping their word, they can just experience what it's like to feel some integrity.
John C
2016-06-18 16:03:35 UTC
Ever since 600 the Muslim sect has been set on world conquest. Islam is spread literally "by the sword" - that is what Jihad means. All Muslim's are duty bound to wage Jihad.

Islam is like a more extreme form of Communism or Nazism, with all the fanaticism and self-sacrifice of religious cults making it ten times more dangerous than either.

One thousand years ago Christian Europe tried unsuccessfully to free the Holy Land from the Muslim invaders. Unfortunately they failed, and to add insult to injury their noble aims are today falsely represented as evil and misguided.

For another 700 years Muslims tried again and again to overrun Europe. Repeatedly Muslim invasions were stopped in the nick of time.

Now we are allowing the enemy to overrun the world without a fight.

Muslim's should not just be banned from Europe, measures should be taken to quarantine that evil cult and stop it from spreading into any non-Muslim countries.
2016-06-18 11:16:16 UTC
Only in China
2016-06-18 08:15:45 UTC
Yes! Not one more.
2016-06-18 07:35:58 UTC
the practice of islam should be outlawed everywhere
2016-06-18 06:13:10 UTC
2016-06-17 09:34:55 UTC
As long as we do the same with Christians.
2016-06-17 07:34:58 UTC
Only if we can ban all the other religions as well!
2016-06-17 00:14:59 UTC
Return North and South America to the natives first, plz.
2016-06-16 20:26:48 UTC
If we can do the same to Jack Chick and the Westboro Baptist Church, then it's good.
2016-06-16 14:35:52 UTC
Not everyone is bad. It's how you were taught. Some muslims should be banned and others shouldn't. Everywhere you go you will find terrible people.
2016-06-16 13:05:13 UTC
Muslims call the U.S. The Great Satan. Let's see if we're still The Great Satan after we ban them.
2016-06-16 12:57:06 UTC
Wow. Just wow dude.
2016-06-16 10:25:07 UTC
We should cook you in the oven first then have you for lunch, after that we can discuss the banning of Muslims. *****
2016-06-16 08:50:33 UTC
no, that would be stupid. Now, you aren't stupid aren't you?
2016-06-19 12:59:55 UTC
They are populating like rabbits. White power!
2016-06-19 10:02:15 UTC
Yes!!!! Also Australia and New Zealand.
Life Mystery
2016-06-18 11:16:25 UTC
2016-06-18 09:29:28 UTC
certain ones
2016-06-18 07:20:12 UTC
2016-06-18 07:13:54 UTC
And whites should be ban from schools and blacks should be ban from owning guns. See the pattern here?
2016-06-18 04:43:51 UTC
No we should ban idiots like you that's spreading propaganda about one of the first religions on this planet. But It's understood if it's not a white man's religion, It's looked upon as a bad religion. But most people fail to realized that followers of Christianity has killed more people than any religion on this planet in the name of Jesus Christ.
Tech Freak
2016-06-18 01:21:13 UTC
Why should muslims be banned? All muslims are not terrorist. There are over 1.6 billion muslims in the world. So if you think muslims mean terrorism then you would have been dead by now. You are nothing but a xenophobic person and a shame to the society. Grow up and get a life.
2016-06-17 11:12:55 UTC
Israelis are the main culprit..... ISIS is the organisation of Israel....everyone even muslims are befooled by media.....But it is not the we are actually being shown....In Iraq, Afghanistan, Philistine etc. at first America & Israel attacked and killed millions of normal Muslims showing political issues... even now millions of Muslims are being killed... and this is a question that why Muslims would kill their own Muslim brothers & bombing etc. while they also want peace and independence in their own country....I think only matured persons will understand my words.......
2016-06-17 10:09:56 UTC
We need to ban anyone from those countries coming to America directly or indirectly until we find a way to protect the people. Protecting innocent people is more important than political correctness.
2016-06-17 06:43:02 UTC
Why you all hate Muslims

shame on you
Orla C
2016-06-17 03:25:56 UTC
Of course not.
2016-06-17 00:07:20 UTC
You could blame someone with a religion but you shouldn't a religion existing for may years.
2016-06-16 21:29:36 UTC
Firstly, why are you judging an entire religion with 1.6 billion people based on some acts a few people did?

If all Muslims were terrorists the world population would be a lot less than 7 billion people. And that is a pretty obvious fact.

And, do you remember the Columbine High School shooters? They weren't Muslims...Oh, and what about Christina Grimmie. The talented singer who died just days ago. The person who shot her was James Loibl. Surely he wasn't a Muslim.

And guess what? No one is blaming any other race or religion other than Muslims. Did you forget the KKK? None of us Muslims said ALL white people are racist!

Muhammad Ali was a Muslim and he wasn't a terrorist. Doesn't that clearly say that NOT ALL Muslims are terrorists? Use your brain people!

These Muslim extremists aren't even Muslim. What stupid person would kill many innocent people for absolutely no reason? Where do they get all the bombs? Who pays for it? Who plans the whole attack? Who even listens to them?
2016-06-16 19:36:02 UTC
Well considering that the facts are pointing to Omar being a repressed Homosexual rather than a terrorist involved with IS I think a lot of people need to really pull their heads in. Christianity has been used in the same way as many other religions in order to justify the Murder (cleansing) of populations throughout history. Just look at the crusades. It's just that people don't seem to like it when it happens to THEM.
2016-06-16 14:37:05 UTC
No they r ******* people too
2016-06-16 10:42:19 UTC
You will never succeed!!!! Muslims are 1 in every 5 people, nearly 1 in 4. We have higher birthrate and are stronger, plus we have God on our side.
2016-06-16 09:48:22 UTC
The Queen of England will be a laundry woman before she is dead.

Sharia law will reek havoc in England. And the ole queen will become'

a char woman. So ban all the Muslims/ Yes. Until they can be properly

vetted and identified.
2016-06-16 09:15:27 UTC
How the hell are you going to ban a religion?! If you ban Islam then you should ban all religions. It's only fair. What if you are American and you want to convert to Islam? But you're too afraid because of the way society portrays your religion.
2016-06-16 06:51:34 UTC
Remember Dylan Roof? Would you labell him a terrorist for shooting up a whole black church? No,its America. Of course you wont. The police officers took him out for a burger as well...i mean, only 0.008% of Muslims out of the 1.57 billion are extremists, Not even 1%!! 99.992% of Muslims are NOT exteremists. Did you know that Omar was infact a Gay American? Why would you ban all muslims based on such a small portion of people who kill others out of individual interests? Why is it that everytime a Muslim does something wrong,hes labelled a terrorist but not the same is done for White terrorists like Dylan Roof who shot up a whole black church?

Double standards at its best
2016-06-19 08:32:29 UTC
2016-06-19 05:29:47 UTC
Yes too many are terrorists
2016-06-19 01:28:59 UTC

1. It is unconstitutional according to most legal scholars.

2. It would have absolutely no effect overall in combating of gun-violence. OVER 90% of all gun violence in the past 30 years has been perpetrated by non-Muslims.

3. There is absolutely nothing logical about purposing such a ban. It is tantamount to a hasty generalization fallacy and scapegoating of Muslims.
2016-06-19 00:56:00 UTC
No way!

Being Muslim does not mean being terrorist. In fact Muslims do not even consider terrorists as Muslims as being a terrorist and bring others harm goes against their beliefs.

Discriminating Muslims and BANNING them from entering CONTINENTS will only create more chaos and there will be NO hope for world peace. That will just create more inequality. Besides terrorists are such a small percentage of 'Muslims', as Muslims don't even consider terrorists one if them as mentioned before
jim h
2016-06-18 17:32:43 UTC
Short answer; yes. Because they're being brought in without any checks, certainly Obama does not want any vetting what-so-ever. The glaring problem is the "good" Muslims do absolutely nothing to stop these terrorists.
2016-06-18 13:18:58 UTC
Yeah. Not all Muslims are bad but most of them are terrorists. It's true and everyone knows it but if you say it out loud people will call you "racist", "sexist", etc. ISIS spoke for all of those innocent people. Now everyone (unfortunately) gets the price.. So yeah, I kinda would feel more comfortable with banned Muslims.

But they're banned UNTIL ISIS IS FIXED, so once that problem is over with Muslims will be allowed back in and I won't have a problem with that
2016-06-18 11:39:26 UTC
No because My papa is Muslim and he was on the news twice about Muslims and I have ran into a couple and they are caring and generous
2016-06-18 09:32:46 UTC
It's my understanding that the majority of Muslims are good and decent people. Of course there are extremists . That can be said for white Americans too. Look at all of the shootings that have occurred in the US in the last 10 years carried out by white hands . Because of those instances, should all-white people be banned from America as well to make it a better place? Of course not.
2016-06-18 07:58:33 UTC
what the heck is wrong with you guys? wht tf are you dragging Religion in it. A HUMAN killed 50 HUMANS and it's not about his faith. what about Christina Grimmie? she was killed by Kevin was he a Muslim? just because Omar was a muslim you all forgot about Christina Grimmie? killing/crimes are being done by a HUMANS no religion ask him to do so. coming back to Quran you guys always says Quran teach us to kill, rape,etc? One question for you, Have you ever read Quran? forget about this just tell me verse number and chapter number in which it's stated to kill innocent people? instead of believing on corrupt media who is doing everything for ratings (money) do some research on your own or read Quran. and for your info Omar mateen was born and raised in USA. And on media why didnt they show us dead bodies? how can i believe yes he killed 50 people? no proof was given by media they just stated 50 people were killed im suspicious.
2016-06-18 06:03:23 UTC
Should we ban Americans from Europe because they used to fund Irish terrorism?
2016-06-17 14:52:22 UTC
I don't really care.
Mr. Wizard
2016-06-17 12:11:52 UTC
Those who ignore tragic history, will eventually see that tragedy happen again; that s my spin on a very true, time honored axiom about history, which will expand, unfold and reveal my answer to this question.

When Japan s attack on Pearl Harbor forced us to enter World War 2, the United States had thousands of Japanese born residents, naturalized and those pending legal citizenship. We knew the potential ease of enemy Japanese loyal combatants, hiding in plain sight IF we didn t take the action we may not be proudest of having done.......but it DID spare the U.S. from surprise "terror cell" attacks, while we sent men to fight ( and die, in thousands of incidents ) for America in WW 2.

We built Japanese Interment camps in vast remote locations along the Western middle America areas---and sent Japanese Americans to live there. And these Interment camps were way far more clean, decent and humane---than any existent felony prison in the U.S.

And yes: We did in fact, find within those Interment Camps, A LOT of Japanese Imperial loyalists, who had direct planned orders to attack America WITHIN our country, AFTER Pearl Harbor, in the name of the Japanese Empire!! By the way, we returned them to Japan after the epic Surrender ceremony, ending World War 2; they were in way far better physical / mental condition than any of OUR surviving troops, returning home from hellish years in Japan's POW camps.

Cast shame on our decision to build those Interment Camps---but they DID SAVE thousands of AMERICANS from permanent injury and/or death, from domestic based attacks by Japanese Imperial loyalists, HIDING IN PLAIN SIGHT!!

Let's move on to the Vietnam War a moment......

Walk in the shoes of some U.S. Army grunt, sweating off pounds, walking down a village street in humid South Vietnam, during that war s heydey. Now: look around and pick out the North Vietnamese loyalist enemy. Good luck with that, because many U.S. military servicemen couldn't distinguish innocent civilian from North VC; their names are etched on the Vietnam Memorial.

The point here is no one can really tell patriot from enemy, once the army uniforms are cast aside. Ok...let's move a tad forward a couple of decades.......just before 9/11.......

America became LIBERALLY OPEN to visiting "college students" from Mid East countries; 18 of them were those suicide attackers who pulled off 9/11--we never saw them coming, till it was too late. Yet we continued to ignore past history---and kept allowing them to flood across U.S. borders into America.

Let s go back to WW 2. Question: How many Japanese Imperial attacks INSIDE the U.S. happened AFTER the Pearl Harbor attack? How many such attacks during or after WW2?
I am me
2016-06-17 10:30:02 UTC
I was going to say something about how if we did that then America would no longer be what we set it up to be. But wasn't it set up with slavery and inequality?

Noone should be banned for what they are, unless that happens to be a murderer, rapist, child abuser. But that is based on the individual.
2016-06-17 06:26:20 UTC
Uh... God just texted me using Skype.

He says: "Hey motherfuc*ers! All of you bastar*s called human should leave this planet. No matter who you are (Christians, Jews, Muslims etc). You piece of sh*t RAEPD and REKTD my Earth. Ewww!

But it was all my fault. Yeah, yeah, yeah too late fo' yo' azz to complain! Just wait till end of your life. Then Imma throw yo' azz somewhere (planet of the ape) if heaven and hell got no space anymore."
2016-06-17 05:05:28 UTC
Tough question to answer, you really have to think first, in one way it sounds good but if you ban one religion then what happens later, could they ban another religion, just like taxing things that one person doesn't care about, like cigarettes, you could say tax it, it's bad, I don't smoke so who cares, but what happens later when they want more money, will they come after something that you like and tax it, like soda pop, could that ever happen. Even guns, if you start banning certain guns then soon they all are banned and then how do you protect yourself from the criminals that will never give up guns since they don't follow laws and remember that amendment was put there in case there ever was a dictator the people could take back the country. So you really have to think, can't make quick decisions, can't say lets signed this contract before reading it, otherwise later on you could have a bigger problem. So I say we need to do something about this problem but lets think first.
2016-06-16 13:46:25 UTC
Muslims should be banned from every country on the planet except for the Middle East.
2016-06-16 10:50:17 UTC
No they shouldn't i'm tired of you white people always talking **** on the internet, **** off.
2016-06-16 08:38:43 UTC
Depending on what statistic you read, there are 1.6 billion Muslims in this world. That's roughly about 23 to 24% of the world's population. Just how do you suggest we ban Muslims from traveling!
writer's block
2016-06-16 07:23:16 UTC
Don t let people come here unless they can be thoroughly vetted. The US must protects its own citizens.
2016-06-15 21:58:47 UTC
The Mets are gonna take it all next year!
2016-06-18 15:38:06 UTC
If you're Christian, you should believe God created the world for everyone, without borders.
2016-06-18 15:26:02 UTC
Only 6% of terrorist attacks in the US from 1980 until 2005 have been by Muslims. Banning Muslims would be extremely ineffective, would evoke even more conflict, and it s as stupid as saying "since men are usually terrorists and not women, we should ban men!"
Brandon N
2016-06-18 14:03:17 UTC
No. It's unconstitutional for the United States to employ that kind of religious test. Besides, it would be a disgustingly bigoted policy. Every person here on YA who is answering "yes" is a bigot.
2016-06-18 12:37:38 UTC
Freedom of religion right? No. Freedom of religion is a right. I'm a Christian but Muslims deserve the right.
2016-06-18 11:51:51 UTC
It's just as effective as banning all guns. If criminals will do anything to get guns, then Muslim criminals will do anything to get where they want. It's easy to bypass this. "Uhh... I'm definitely not Muslim!"
2016-06-18 11:16:26 UTC
2016-06-18 09:36:38 UTC
I guess not. That'd be Hitlerism. Secondly, taking action on an entire community based on the actions of a few stray ones is sort of stupid.
2016-06-18 08:04:45 UTC
2016-06-18 07:30:20 UTC
Isis does not by anyway represent the Muslim community, they are the exact opposite of what Muslims are, but as always there are jerks in every community trying to destroy its image
2016-06-18 05:14:35 UTC
2016-06-18 02:09:20 UTC
There is no such thing muslim are terrorist n there is one problem to media have or western leader islam against all immoral acts n wicked n western leader don't like that.

Western leader part of Anti Christ or Dajjal n western leader they want system of Anti Christ they are deceiver pawn of Anti Christ n islam only religion front of it
2016-06-18 01:14:34 UTC
yeah.. and where are they going to be moved to? Australia.
2016-06-17 23:38:41 UTC
I don't blame all of the Muslim/Arab community/population for the terrorist attacks on the countries of Europe and on America, not all of these people are wanting to go blow **** up all of the time. Many of these people are actually decent human beings and aren't apart of the crazy side of their people. Don't blame all of them. If there was some way to identify all of the people who were and are going to be involved in terrorist attacks then we can toss them out. You know?
2016-06-17 10:13:46 UTC
Of course not! Don't be an Islomicphic
2016-06-17 05:30:12 UTC
No wtf
2016-06-16 15:29:42 UTC
Should Christians be banned from America and Europe? Why is it a religion that should be banned. Freedom of religion in the us besides let everyone that is Muslim stay in the country if they choose to be any other religion? What's wrong with you?
2016-06-16 08:55:28 UTC
90% of the world's population needs to be purged.
2016-06-15 22:02:47 UTC
Wrong example to use an American born terrorist.
2016-06-15 22:00:17 UTC
Duh! Deport them all!
2016-06-15 21:59:36 UTC
Hitler had the right idea here.

He made Jews illegal and forced them to leave. Donald Trump should follow Hitler's lead, except do it to Muslims.
2016-06-19 09:34:40 UTC
Not yet.
2016-06-19 03:32:46 UTC
2016-06-18 18:32:25 UTC
****! Plz don't do that until i arrive in Europe.. I know my ID says I am muslim.. But I am not, it is not legal to change it:(

But hey it is after all a stupid idea!
2016-06-18 16:36:10 UTC
Lmaooooo *****
2016-06-18 13:51:28 UTC
2016-06-18 12:47:08 UTC
2016-06-18 12:04:50 UTC
u know he was an american citizen? do you believe in banning american citizens?
2016-06-18 06:10:23 UTC
Um have you not noticed some of the biggest mass murders were committed by whites, usually Christian Right? I'm Muslim and I grew up not even being able to kill a SPIDER let alone humans, MURDER AND SUICIDE IS HARAM. Suicide is one of if not the BIGGEST haram you can commit. These people are not truly Muslim. It's a cover so you'll actually hate Muslims. By the way why don't we ban and get rid of all Christians while we're at it since it's them who are mainly going to these "Muslim" groups. Get a freaking grip. Sincerely a 16 year old Muslim girl who's tired of you ignorant trump supporters.
2016-06-18 03:31:08 UTC
2016-06-18 03:30:52 UTC
2016-06-17 14:57:51 UTC
No. There are terrorists, but they really don't have anything to do with real Islam or muslims.
2016-06-17 13:37:17 UTC
The muslims of indonesia have 0 ties with terrorism. Saying everyone in on religion is X, is pretty retarded. Their are christian terrorists in ireland and africa. Wouldn't it be complete retard sauce with a big spoon if china banned christians?
2016-06-17 10:48:24 UTC
Don't believe too much on media
2016-06-17 09:29:53 UTC
Im sick of these religious Disputes , First of all There is no such thing as a religion of peace , Either Histories of each religion is made , and is Bonded by lies and brainwashing . So why not ban every religion and promote peace without The Walls of your beliefs and accept Your differences , Answer applies to any cult or religion . God wont destroy this world. There wont be any judgememt day , But there will be anarchy , Terrorism , death , apocalypse not caused by god , but by his worshipers . His SHEEPS .
2016-06-17 06:49:54 UTC
like really yes
2016-06-17 06:29:26 UTC
You guys don't even know what a terrorist is. A terrorist or terrorism by definition is the use of violence for a political reason. Given the fact you look at a Muslim and automatically think terrorist is messed up because more Caucasian and "Americans" have been terrorist to the United States than Muslims have and they don't get called a terrorist in the media. Instead they get called a "tragedy" or some other less harmful word to the publics eye. Not all Muslims are the same. The ones that are harmful to our society are not the Muslims, ITS THE EXTREMISTS! The GROUPS being formed through Muslims and not just them but several of Americans have joined their extremist groups. It's just like Americans how we have white people but there's also the KKK. It's the exact same thing! Except instead of targeting "virgins" or "LGBTs" the KKK target black people. So it doesn't matter if you send Muslims to a different place. There is always going to be someone else targeting.
2016-06-16 20:39:53 UTC
Can I go to the Middle East and outwardly proclaim my faith in Jesus Christ? Well Christianity started there before Islam. But I can say No to my own question, so why should they be allowed into societies that they did not build in any way at ALL!
2016-06-16 18:47:21 UTC
No thanks. I like Muslims. I hate Islamophobes.
2016-06-16 05:28:31 UTC
There would be no practical way to go about it, not to mention unethical.
2016-06-16 01:31:23 UTC
Are you serious? No one group should suffer the consequences of a few. Jeffrey Dahmer was a gay Church of Christ follower. Ted Bundy was Methodist. The KKK are Protestant. Nazis were Christians. You can find bad people in EVERY SINGLE GROUP OF PEOPLE EVER.
2016-06-19 07:40:03 UTC
Yes, no more rapeugies ...just look at the horror that is happening in europe...

2016-06-19 06:05:08 UTC
100% yes
2016-06-18 18:18:32 UTC
nah bruh unless u support trump and ur mexican like me. considering ive made like 4 failed attempts at crossing the border im looking forward to wall
2016-06-18 13:51:23 UTC
No. Not all Muslims, at least; the majority of them are peaceful and wouldn't hurt anyone. We should, however, ban known extremists and anyone who has been investigated for possible terrorist activity. Banning an entire religion from coming into a country isn't fair. Banning dangerous people, however, is.
2016-06-18 04:33:08 UTC
In this world today there is,

57% Asians

21% europeans

14% from Western hemisphere

8% Africans

52% female

48% male

70% non-white

30% white

70% Non Christian

30% Christian

89% Hetrosexual

11% Homosexual

6% possess 59% of the world wealth

they are from America

80% live in sub-standard houses

70% cannot read

50% suffer from malnutrition

1% is near death

1% is born

1% has a college education

1% own a computer

One million will die this week

500 million have been tortured, imprisoned, suffered starvation,

been in a war, in their lives

Three Billion people cant attend a church for fear of imprisonment

torture or death

Think about it!!

Who will out-breed the white population soon ??
2016-06-18 03:42:13 UTC
Ya definitely but stupid a** liberals think otherwise
2016-06-18 01:43:02 UTC
if Muslims be banned from America then mass murder will be not stop because of weapons are legal in America,

when Sandy Hook ,aurora shooting or other similer incident happened then why people not say Christians should be be banned from America. omar mateen killed people for revenge of his father .not the muslim peoples
2016-06-17 22:23:40 UTC
thatwould actually save some lives.
2016-06-17 17:21:42 UTC
4 sure
2016-06-17 16:07:46 UTC
No. Do we really want history to repeat itself? Do we really want the same things that happened in World War 2?
2016-06-17 08:49:34 UTC
I m a Christian and say no everyone has the right to practice any faith or none but if anyone goes in for terrorism in any form they must be hunted down and brought to justice
2016-06-16 22:09:59 UTC
I don't think any one person should be banned because of the faith he/she was born and raised into. I do, however, believe that all religions (Christianity, Islam, Judaism, etc.) should be banned from the developed world. Religion has resulted in nothing but hate, corruption, fanaticism, and the deaths of innocent people. In less extreme but more frequent cases, we see faithful individuals handing over their hard earned money to religious institutions that do not really need it. Humans are too evolved as a species to continue believing that, if there is a god, he/she/it actually cares about what we eat, how we dress, who we love, etc. Just be a good person whether or not you think you're being watched.
2016-06-16 21:12:42 UTC
ok so now you have banned Muslims ,which isn't a smart idea, what are you going to do about the American born Muslims. You can judge the flock from the few. There is bad in every all nationality.
2016-06-16 19:52:56 UTC

wogs arent humans
2016-06-16 17:19:39 UTC
People should stop thinking about religion and realize we are all HUMANS. Religion does not make someone a terrorist.
2016-06-16 16:59:38 UTC
real wish:
2016-06-16 13:26:24 UTC
Not every muslim is bad

A black sheep spoils a whole lot

And terroist doesnt belong to any religion
2016-06-16 13:12:47 UTC
You do realize there's a difference between a radical Muslim and a regular Muslim? They all don't think the same and regular Muslims don't resort to violence and hate crimes idiot. Yes people should be questioned about thier citizenship but no you can't just single out a whole minority because a single group wants to be a bunch of **** ups for no reason. And Muslims aren't the only groups who terrorize America, there's americans who kill fellow Americans like racists white or black people or people who still think Jews are bad or people against gay or trans groups who think it's right to murder someone all because they wanna be who they are.

Oh no you probably can't think that way anyways. You're probably a racist homophobic hillbilly trump supporter who don't think before they speak 🖕🏼😐🖕🏼
Benjamin Nagy
2016-06-16 11:04:03 UTC
No. We just need to stop moving in thousands of them at a time without conducting background checks. Islam is being used as a tool to destabilize most of the world. It's just not equally distributed yet.
2016-06-16 08:08:56 UTC
No at all.
2016-06-19 02:42:08 UTC
Absolutely not. Banning a religion is an extreme form of bigotry and hate. You can't blame an entire religion for the acts of a few.
2016-06-19 01:08:20 UTC
Why would ones not there yet want to go Europe and America? They are no longer economic hubs of mass employment. The indigenous/white population will not include them in the services and niche productive economies
2016-06-18 17:17:58 UTC
I'm Muslim, Islanm is Perfect, but I'm not.

If I mistake, blame me, but not my religion!

All the terrorists around the world that claim they are Muslims aren't muslims!

Isis ruined the picture of islam, also the news. Islam is peace my friend.
2016-06-18 16:44:29 UTC
no should Europe and America know that they are humane too
2016-06-18 09:20:35 UTC
if they behave themselves
2016-06-18 07:03:36 UTC
2016-06-18 05:50:25 UTC
someone's child
2016-06-18 04:30:23 UTC
No idea
2016-06-17 19:12:15 UTC
In my opinion yes
2016-06-17 16:43:10 UTC
no. .but if you start when would it end....with a ban on redheads...left handed ...
2016-06-17 13:46:34 UTC
all refugees should be banned but only temporarily until we get a security ystem in place.
2016-06-17 12:28:58 UTC
2016-06-17 10:50:23 UTC
no. only those who are extremists.
2016-06-17 09:29:37 UTC
This is absolutely ridiculous. Muslims shouldn't be vilified because one small percentage of their religion have misinterpreted (or correctly interpreted but thrown away decency). This whole Muslim thing is becoming akin to the Jews in Nazi Germany and it's a scary thought.
2016-06-17 09:05:48 UTC
I think it's only logical right now. We did it to the Japanese when they weren't safe.
2016-06-17 04:14:03 UTC
Yes, They should only stay in the Middle East.

Turkey is different, since they are more reasonable.
2016-06-17 02:39:18 UTC
No way, not all of them are as rotten as what we read online everyday. some other races have more insane groups then they have.
2016-06-16 20:16:20 UTC
Just kill them all
2016-06-16 16:45:15 UTC
they aren't all bad
luisa l hi
2016-06-15 22:09:24 UTC
2016-06-19 15:54:22 UTC
Not America. Give the cops there something to do besides guard stop signs for tickets & revabuck you duty. Helps keep them away from blacks also. They have many advantages to the rest of Americans. Even safer to be in sight of than a American cop.
2016-06-19 10:41:43 UTC
May be if Christians and Jews be banned from Africa and Asia
2016-06-19 07:12:15 UTC
It's not right to ban a whole group because some people in said group are violent.
2016-06-19 04:02:05 UTC
no, why should they? that isn't fair.
2016-06-19 00:27:56 UTC
When people will understand there is no God ? And if he is, he have no religion ?
2016-06-18 18:57:52 UTC
. Onision made this one vid discussing the matter. I think you need to check it out.
The Punisher
2016-06-18 13:33:07 UTC
Those are the acts of individuals, not the religion. And if you didn t know you have the freedom to practice your religion in America
2016-06-18 12:26:32 UTC
2016-06-18 12:04:18 UTC
2016-06-18 09:28:35 UTC
2016-06-18 07:52:14 UTC
Only the terrorist

but it is against the laws
Michelle C
2016-06-18 06:53:07 UTC
WTF is wrong with people that think in "their" country they have the right to require another to subscribe to their beliefs and not have the right like they do to choose their own? People are still fighting over seas in the name of America and regardless if you agree with the reason they are there, millions of men and women from many generations sacrificed their lives and their futures to insure you would be able to practice or choose not to practice any religion you want! So do we get rid of all Buddhists, Wiccans, Sheks, atheists ect just because they don't believe as you.
2016-06-18 05:09:08 UTC
No we should ban terrorists no matter their religious or ethnic background. Many Muslims are very good people. There's bad apples in every group. Ever heard of Irish Nationalism?
chacha tudou
2016-06-18 03:49:28 UTC
Of course not! I hate what the world has come to because sadly it's like when Hitler came to power and discriminated Jews. Not all Muslims are terrorists. In fact, Muslims are really nice people and they deserve to be treated just like anyone else.
2016-06-18 01:36:41 UTC
no one must be banned because of his Beliefs
2016-06-17 18:09:31 UTC
Good question.

Look out for all the anti-Christian lies used to "answer" a question about muslims!

Pro-muslim leftist propagandists will ALWAYS use the "change the subject" method to avoid answering questions like this one.

They will most likely advocate banning the Right To Free Speech by saying you shouldn't ASK questions like this to begin with.
2016-06-17 17:16:25 UTC
All organized religion needs to be aboloished across the globe
2016-06-17 08:22:22 UTC
The Colorado theater shooter and the South Carolina church shooter are both white. According to your lunatic logic, all whites should be banned from Europe and America.
2016-06-17 07:51:10 UTC
Why should Muslims be banned from Europe? America is the one who has destabilised their country and created this mess. Perhaps all Muslims should be going to America.
2016-06-17 04:37:41 UTC
Why? So you're saying because 1% of the Muslim community was evil and causing damage then we should ban the other 99%? I'd say no.
2016-06-19 08:13:01 UTC
No they shouldn't. Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Christopher Ramos
2016-06-19 00:12:16 UTC
No we should eradicate all and any religion. Eliminate it altogether except for in the history books. If anyone tries to fight against it eliminate them too. Maybe in the next millennia or so. It will be a big step for humanity. All the problems won't be fixed, but it's a big problem.
2016-06-18 22:40:35 UTC
You do realize the majority of the shootings and problems in the U.S. are from white, Christian males? So banning Muslims because of some assholes isn't right.
2016-06-18 19:53:19 UTC
2016-06-18 16:53:01 UTC
Tuck Frump!
2016-06-18 14:07:18 UTC
not ban them from living here, but ban them from coming in, just temporarily. we have to face the fact that there are many radicalized Muslims who seek violence.
2016-06-18 13:50:16 UTC
Banning people from anywhere based on their religion, race/ethnicity, nationality, sexual orientation, or specific beliefs is just stupid. Now, if you want to ban a person from lets say a school because they are a convicted pedophile, that's a whole different thing. Unless it is a privately owned company, residence, or whatever, it would be illegal for most modern day countries to ban anyone based off of religious beliefs, race, nationality, or sexual preference. The countries that do have laws against those such things are not considered a modern day advanced country, they are considered third world type of countries that don't really advance because they are stuck in an almost medieval/barbaric mind-set.

If "Muslims" should be banned from places than so should Catholics, Christians, and just about every other religious group. People that just happen to be of Muslim faith are causing some of the attacks in the world right now, emphasis on some. Christians, Catholics, and other religions have spilled far more innocent blood in the history of the world. The worst part is, the Christians and the Catholics actually spilled most of that innocent blood because the hierarchy in their religion asked of it. The few Muslims that are committing acts of violence now are doing it on their own merit. The only people they are aligned with is other fanatical terrorists that are telling them to commit these acts of violence. No hierarchy in their religion is asking them to do the things they are doing. The majority of Muslims, just as other religions, are peaceful. People should be judged by their character, not by race, nationality, or anything else.
2016-06-18 12:58:14 UTC
I don't know
Daniel D
2016-06-18 09:49:45 UTC
No, we need to change the ideology or get rid of Sharia Islamic Law.
2016-06-18 05:51:49 UTC
no,of course not
2016-06-17 16:54:58 UTC
No, America is for people from different countries and that is what made America, so nobody can band another!
2016-06-17 12:20:11 UTC
2016-06-17 10:28:49 UTC
Ahhhh. FML!

How many times do I have to say this?

Muslims have entered Europe UK & US because Britain and America invaded their countries to steal oil and also kill millions of civilians everyday! Look what happened in France, Brussels,'s all over the media and people are talking about it.

Now let's take a look at what's happening in Gaza Palestine Syria Iraq EVERYDAY..OUR people are there killing innocent women men and children all the time. Does that hit the media? Do people talk about them?

I'm not Muslim I am atheist and I am from the UK but we are just getting what we deserve. But not all Muslims are messed up crazy terrorists. The majority of Muslims are against what these psycho people are doing. Blame the person and talk about how messed up in the head their are not religion. Islam DOES NOT tell anyone to kill or do what they're doing. I have studied the bible Quran and Torah.

Please educate yourself and read before listening to the media. The media tells lies.
2016-06-17 00:51:28 UTC
Said every native Indian.
2016-06-16 23:54:24 UTC
No.... Think about how much damage it would do to the global economy if you try to take out 10s of millions of contrbuting people out of the economy with a quick brush of the pen. Think about how many normal (non muslim ppl) would be hurt by the disastrous effects this would have on the economy, and for what?? Maybe stop a handfull of terrorists from entering these countries. Think about how much.... and I mean think, really think.... think about how much pain this would cause everyday people before you commit yourself to this stance. I am not going to get into how many billions of dollars would be taken out of the American, and Global economy by removing this many millions of $contributing people from the economy, not going to get itnto it becaues I think you can think about it.
2016-06-16 22:53:13 UTC
Not all Muslims are the same . Some Muslims hate Isis just like Americans do .
2016-06-16 16:01:47 UTC
LOL cant do that. :D
2016-06-16 14:04:31 UTC
There is Freedom of Religion. To ban someone because of thier religion that freedom will be gone
2016-06-16 08:57:13 UTC
Banning Muslims from The west will not stop terrorism!!!!
2016-06-16 08:53:50 UTC
I'd say this is a ridiculous statement. Not because we must treat everyone equally. But...

How is the government going to ban Muslim people coming?

Except they clearly wear muslim attire to show they are part of that religion.

Immigration don't question 'what is your religion?' when someone enters a country (and those people who really want to enter US can lie or use fake ID).

They can look like perfectly normal people in our society but with extremist mind in their brain (just like a psycho).

So show us a plan/strategy how the goverment is going to do that.
2016-06-19 11:51:34 UTC
First of all to all who think Muslims are terrorists: Islam is a religion, Terrorism is literally violence based on politics. So, those two things obviously have nothing in common. Secondly, although I could go on a rant saying that banning Muslims would do us no good and banning a religion that has nothing to do with violence is not gonna do anything about terrorism, all i m gonna say right now is that MUSLIMS have only accounted for about 3 of the terrorist attacks and those aren t even real Muslims. Also, this is like saying that because the Bible says that people should kill others if they re divorced then we should ban the Bible altogether.
2016-06-19 09:22:04 UTC
2016-06-19 02:50:48 UTC
NO, people should differentiate between peaceful muslims, and terrorists who claim to be muslims, and for the people saying they should be banned, have you ever been to a muslim country or even met a real muslim? i don't think so. I'm Canadian, non-muslim and I live in Egypt since 4 years, and I visited many muslim countries and I have many muslim friends and they are very kind and good, and they hate isis too, and gay people are not thrown from high buildings, they are only sent to prison. and muslims here live in peace with christian Egyptians and they love each other. in my opinion the real terrorist is israel, they kill innocent Palestinian women and babies everyday but the western media never talk about it.
2016-06-18 22:42:02 UTC
2016-06-18 20:09:23 UTC
Yep kick em all out
2016-06-18 08:23:58 UTC
2016-06-18 08:08:48 UTC
2016-06-18 04:15:03 UTC
Omar Matee was born in this country so he has under the Constitution the right to worship the way he pleases.

If you-all want to educate yourselves about extremist groups go to don't be a puppet, pulling back the curtain of extremist groups.

Extremist groups come in all shape , colors, sizes , and have a hidden agenda in both foreign and home- grown groups.

With the internet and social media, any extremist group can recruit anywhere at anytime with a computer.
ashlee l
2016-06-18 00:50:41 UTC
No matter how much people don't want to believe... the REAL people in charge of this world are the ones behind all of these horrific incidents!
2016-06-17 17:44:28 UTC
This is why I am not racist and find it satisfying to hate everyone including whit Americans. Kinda peaceful.
Hussain Ali
2016-06-17 14:15:13 UTC
Muslims are not who should be banned. What should be banned and burnt is the extremist ideology that some people garner. Hatred has no place in Islam. It just compassion and love which is liked by the Almighty and if someone does what Allah does not likes can never be a Muslim in the first place.

Thank you
2016-06-17 12:11:10 UTC
They should leave now while they can still leave with their accounts and goods. If they wait until the forced deportations and internments, then they may be limited only to that which would fit in a few suitcases. They have no future in civilised lands. They are too dangerous. Send them back to the moslem cess-pits from whence they fled.
2016-06-17 09:35:58 UTC
not aalll but some of them are greatly disgusting
2016-06-17 05:11:55 UTC
muslim is a great power of world. without muslim world destroy. because muslim stay on earth therefore allah not destroy the earth.
2016-06-17 00:00:51 UTC
2016-06-16 09:39:31 UTC
Dubai Desi
2016-06-16 08:44:59 UTC
2016-06-16 01:24:04 UTC
Japan has kept Islam at bay inside it's own country by putting restrictions on Muslims inside it's own country banning Islamic propaganda, Muslims must follow Japanese law and No Sharia Law or Korans in Arabic language. Japan also does not give citizenship to Muslim migrants, nor have they taken in any Muslim migrants. So far Japan does not have a Muslim problem or any terrorist attacks by Islamic terrorists excluding the poison gas terrorist attack in 1995. Take Note Europe, and America.
2016-06-15 22:00:04 UTC
We shouldn't outright ban any group of people cause not every single person within that group will commit crimes.
2016-06-15 21:59:05 UTC
Theirs is a violent religion.
2016-06-19 07:33:12 UTC
the **** is wrong with white people, you guys are a subhuman species that should've been wiped out ages ago. you're all a cancer that's infecting the world. do yourselves a favor: mass suicide.
2016-06-19 06:53:38 UTC
1 bad apple can affects so many, and all it takes is one bad scenario like what happened 2 weeks ago. Bad people exist, and there is nothing you can do to find out who they are until they commits a crime. One sad thing about this, is causing other people to think that this people are all the same. So some GOOD people will suffer for all the things that these bad apples do...
2016-06-18 21:36:15 UTC
whatever i say won't change you're opinion because it's obvious u aren't looking to be educated ur looking for the answer that makes you happy and from what u've learned from the media. It's sad to see people group people together, but wat's even more sad is the level of ignorance you hold inside your most likely very small brain. No i'm not muslim, but I know many muslim people (incluidng my best friend) and if they saw this post they wouldn't be offended from what you believe because you can only be offended by someone who has intelligence and has a valid point. And you may be wondering how I'm calling you these things even though you only asked a question. Well the answer you choice for best answer was absolutely. That person didn't even put thought into their response or even analysis things from both sides anways i can't vbelieve i wasted my time writing this for an obviously unintelling bigot like urself. It's sad to see that i'm only 14 years old. However, i'm probably a lot more intelligent than urself.
2016-06-18 21:04:26 UTC
Shroud white people go back to Europe n black go back to Africa so native Americans can ban everyone from entering huh?
2016-06-18 15:09:44 UTC
Who cares Europe and America. England is the best and wonderful country in the world with perfect Human Rights. And Muslims here are well respected. Long Live
2016-06-18 12:05:25 UTC
Muslims enslave the minds of the ignorant. At this time, we move to shackle them within settlement camps where they only could go outside in chains to plant corn and tobacco for the Indians and serve as worker bees for the United States. America is retaking the Promised Land. Another threat to American safety is the Nation of Islam as they teach an imaginary black scientist made all other races, and they were evil. Take four dead white people to Nation of Islam and you get pinned with a special badge. Very hatred filled and dangerous. Prey upon young ignorant blacks. Hell, let's say I am lying. Check the online FBI reports or simply ask the NOI. After we get all these evil beasts under control, white man walk with head high and white woman be submissive to white man. White woman be trained to not speak in public. White man by law can correct white woman as needed. White man be Supreme Being worshiped by ignorant servants. One day Mighty White Warrior Supreme Being explode Warrior Storage Bunkers. Mighty War between White Supreme Beings. Law and Order fails. War in streets. Muslims having sex with Hindus. No one takes responsibility. And, the enslavement and war begins again. Everybody want power and control. AND THE TRIBAL LEADERS OF THE MUSLIM AND THE HINDU AND THE INDIAN MAN AND THE WOMEN AND THE WHITE SUPREME BEINGS AND THE RUSSIA MAN....THEY ALL SAY, "TRUST NO ONE." WRITTEN BY THE PROPHET OF TRUTH AS DIRECTED AND RECORDED IN BOOK OF WISDOM CODES.
2016-06-18 10:13:48 UTC
Even if they were it wouldn't matter because murders will still happen they happen every day
2016-06-18 09:37:34 UTC
Go and read Oriana Fallaci 's books(i know, very hard), then try to change all her phrases with "muslim" word into "ebrew" . Then you have nowadays"Mein Kampf". Yes its began a real persecution against Muslim. And if we don't stop it now sooner or later we will have an other holocaust. Once I said this well I agree to ban who doesn't respect the law of the Country that host him/her.
Barney Google
2016-06-18 00:11:05 UTC
That would be very sad, for friends and other legals. There are no redeeming factors if you can't go anywhere in the country.
2016-06-17 23:48:35 UTC
Sure, if we can ban the white from our contries
Mariano T
2016-06-17 17:13:47 UTC
Yes, muslims should be banned from Europe and America. And I´ll tell you more: European and wasp people should be banned from America. America for the REAL americans.
2016-06-17 17:05:42 UTC
I'm for the ban and I'll tell you why...

Take merely a group of 50 Muslims and ask yourself these questions...

*How many are in that group have education in building bombs or smuggling in automatic weapons?

*How many of that group of 50 would be in favor of the terrorists within the group of 50 actions?

*How many are staying here and possibly sending what money they can to ISIS?

Europe and The United States of America aren't third world countries.But seriously these European countries are taking terrorist attacks like Libya for crying out loud.

Here's a vision of the future for you:

You pick up your kid from school...they have gauze on their arm and are escorted to vehicle by an FBI agent.Before the agent says what happened your kid tells you.And while they're talking you see a barrage of fire trucks and agents checking out the busses.Your kid speaks 'Hey mom/dad,yeah that's the second bus bombing this month at school.Ever since they threw that Muslim kid out for pledging to ISIS...racist teachers.Oh this yeah a little shrapnel caught me,I'm good though only 9 stitches.That silly kid's just trying to scare everyone by blowing up busses in the lot.Hey let's get home Hillary Clinton is making a speech that she's bringing in another minority from the Middle East.Your taxes will go up a little more to feed and house them but hey you got that raise last month which should cover it.Check out some hammer & sickle sign in rainbow colors J Goldstein suggested it when I welcome the refugees coming in at the dock.Isn't America great? don't know why you liked that Trump guy so much...he was mean.'
2016-06-17 13:45:35 UTC
No, the ones who are here should stay, but we should halt all entry from countries that aren't civilized, no more taking from the so called "holy land" that has been full of savagery and war for the last few thousand years, they blatantly support an ideology of hating certain races, and gays, and holding women down, and they are the only ones who actually take those ideologies and practice them as law, why would you want these people here? No more!!
2016-06-17 09:42:16 UTC
How ignorant. You are that type of person that will never succeed in life due to your ignorant and stereotypical views about Muslims. Islam is the second largest religion after Christianity making the Muslim terrorists a very small amount. You can't judge a whole religion based on a few individuals actions. It's like me saying that all white people are racist's because their white, when that not TRUE.
2016-06-16 22:07:17 UTC
2016-06-16 13:45:58 UTC
You are asking the wrong question. Remember that innocent Muslims have been victims of these very same crimes .And according to an FBI study, 94% of terrorist attacks on human soil have been from non Muslims.(Google it!) Unfortunately whenever a non Muslims attacks people, like the attack at the theater from a couple of years back or that elementary school attack, they are called "shootings" and the person was "mentally" this or "mentally" that. To ban Muslims would be completely wrong and unfair.
2016-06-16 13:04:15 UTC
In Northern Ireland, part of the U.K., we have been experiencing a religious war between Catholics and Protestants for years. The worst was in the 1970s. But no one said to ban Christians from America and Europe did they? No.
2016-06-16 13:03:39 UTC
So it has come to my attention that you people wouldn't like "Muslims" to be any longer in America or Europe because of killing people, terrorism attacks, rape and so on and so forth, here's where you're wrong.

1: The killing of people is against the Quran so the people who were participating in these actions are not Muslims, as though they say they are, they completely are not. By the way, saying "Allahu Akbar" means "God is greatest" it doesn't have to be the Islamic god, it's just a translation. So the people who say this to be "funny", you're really just making a fool of yourself.

2: Terrorism acts (Destruction of property, explosions, ect) Again, this isn't allowed so these people shouldn't be considered Muslims

3: Rape, almost the worst sin you can do in Islam, if you commit this act, you immediately are no longer a Muslim and shall be sent straight to hell.

Honestly, read the Quran yourself, than think about making decisions.
2016-06-16 10:38:11 UTC
No, Christians are a bigger threat to the world than Muslims. Muslim is a religion of peace not war. Take Ali for example he was a Muslim and was drafted for the Vietnam war, but he couldn't go because his religion says no to war. Muslims are bot the cause it's radicals that are the prblem. There are radicals in every religion. Also America was started because our founding fathers wanted freedom of religion. We are always saying we must go by the Constitution, but now for this we're just going to ignore it. I'm embarased to be an American right now. It's the politicians fault because we went to war for no good reason, now that we've destroyed their country they hate us and that's why we have all these attacks on us by radicals. Isis is using our idea of banning Muslims to recruit some Muslims. Also Christians are joining Isis as well not just one religion.
2016-06-16 08:00:31 UTC
Hell yes. No new Muslims; and all current resident Muslims have to be repatriated or deported immediately.
2016-06-19 11:16:05 UTC
Racist no
2016-06-19 05:35:26 UTC
What was the question?
2016-06-19 02:48:05 UTC
Even FBI said that more than 90% of terrorist attack which took place in past years were by NON MUSLIMS and the rest were not by MUSLIMS,but the name of Muslims the attacks were done.This is it,terrorism has got no religion,who ever can form an attack and by the clothes they wear or by the things they leave doesn't mean that what is visible is the evidence.And in Islam it is taught to respect,not to disrespect or harm or kill innocent living beings.And in past ,Muslims had undergone battle which is called Jihad,it was face to face,not attacking innocent people who have got nothing,even to fight or even to defense themselves.I am a Muslim and Yea I am Proud of it.But I never hate any one,I have got so many friends in other Religion too,I follow the Religion of Truth,but it doesn't mean that U should disrespect or avoid others,everyone are Humanbeing and everyone has got a single life.No one has got rights to take it unless the Almighty.So everyone in this world should be given equal rights to live.Selecting what religion is their wish,and where to live is also their wish.No one can or should head into that...
2016-06-18 23:09:36 UTC
Every Muslim is not like that so calm your *** down.
2016-06-18 22:01:23 UTC
I am a strong republican, and has strong conservative views on politics. I am 15 years old but I can see that there are a difference between Muslim extremists, and Muslims and general. However, in the Quran I do know it says to kill all Infidels (anyone who does not follow the Muslim faith). Muslims strongly follow the Quran so why would they not follow a such strong rule? Now, There are some racists out there who don't look at the facts of it all, and just look at skin color. Those people are just ignorant and in there head. I do know some Muslim people, and they are very nice and Kind minded people. That's not a assumption that all Muslims are like that, but just a first impression. I don't think the problem at hand is 'should the religion be banned' but rather the right to let the stay here. Under the first admendment, it protects the freedom of religion. I don't think Muslims or any religion will ever be able to be banned throughout the United States atleast, for that reason.
2016-06-18 16:45:45 UTC
Yes! Go Trump!!! Ban all Muslims and Build that Wall! 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Abul Kalam
2016-06-18 11:56:13 UTC
2016-06-18 11:14:09 UTC
That's a very hard question. Yes they should to forcefully stop terrorist attacks. I would say only bring the kids I'm sorry, but this is my opinion
2016-06-18 10:57:07 UTC
I have dozens of Muslims friends that go to mu school. They want to be doctors, lawyers, they never do drugs, they never cuss, they're faithful and never drink. They are the sweetest people I know and volunteer in their communities like CRAZY. Why ban an entire religion? I'm sorry but America wasn't originally inhabited by white ppl anyway so stop trying to cleanse the nation with ur ridiculous beliefs.
2016-06-18 03:41:48 UTC
Yes completely ban them all. Most are not assimilating into the European or American cultures. If they love and worship their religion then there is no need to leave their Islamic paradise for the western world.
2016-06-17 23:45:52 UTC
Should whites be banned from America? I mean, I know there's a lot of you BUT we don't want anymore shootings in schools, movie theatres, churches, more schools, and etc... I know I'm probably coming off as "racist." However, it amazes me how many white people can degrade a certain race greatly but the moment they do so it's just their opinion.
2016-06-17 14:12:36 UTC
In a word...YES. They are AT WAR with "us" the matter what they "claim". One of the tenets of the religion is the ability to LIE to the infidels.
2016-06-17 12:48:30 UTC
No its people like u that are making this world a horrible place
2016-06-17 05:13:39 UTC
No that is a horrible idea America is the land of the free America should let anyone no matter the religion or race in because people should be able to believe what they want and if you're Christian you should know that Christians have killed waaaaaaay more people than Muslims
2016-06-17 04:05:28 UTC
Until you have been to their native countries and you've seen how the US treats them you have no right to talk
2016-06-17 02:15:15 UTC
2016-06-16 22:24:44 UTC
Apologize to all 163 people here and delete this question. This is dangerous ******* territory
2016-06-16 17:36:39 UTC
Just because muslims are muslims doesn't mean they are terrorists. Sure some are but there are terrorists of all religions. I think the fact that this is even a conflict is extremely racist and hurtful towards muslims
2016-06-16 09:10:19 UTC
2016-06-15 21:59:12 UTC
Citizens enjoy all the rights and privileges of citizenship. But anyone of any religion who seeks entry into a European or American country should be thoroughly vetted.
2016-06-19 14:09:06 UTC
Religious intolerance has worked so well before didn't it?
2016-06-19 13:01:33 UTC
should all Muslims be banned, why because some "Muslims are terrorists". How about blacks or people of African American descent, they shoot to kill and steal as well as rape. Then shouldn't they all be banned from America? How about those white police officers that shoot people for no reason then shouldn't all white people be banned from America.
2016-06-19 10:29:06 UTC
no that's called prejudice
2016-06-19 05:45:45 UTC
The fact that this is even a question
2016-06-18 21:27:51 UTC
2016-06-18 18:24:43 UTC
**** yes!!!
2016-06-18 07:35:54 UTC
No. Only the ISIS ones.
2016-06-18 02:39:01 UTC
2016-06-17 23:29:35 UTC
Yes, each one in your born country, on this way would not exist discrimination !
2016-06-17 20:54:44 UTC
No one has to be banned.everyone religion should have a equal importance.
2016-06-17 11:03:42 UTC
you stupendously privileged person with shitty sense of mind
2016-06-17 10:42:24 UTC
As much as i am sorry for normal muslims, i do agree that their religion is breeding ground for hatred and that they shouldnt be in europe nor america
2016-06-17 02:34:53 UTC
There's good Muslims and bad ones too. They're not all the same
2016-06-17 00:43:23 UTC
nope if so americans will suffer many centuries
2016-06-16 19:54:25 UTC
They deserved to be banned just as much as Catholics and Jews.
2016-06-16 17:50:11 UTC
Ye troal
2016-06-16 11:17:15 UTC
No. They should not be.

The problem is ISLAM not MUSLIMS.

There are good Muslims and bad Muslims. There are good Muslims who don't hurt anyone and aren't terrorists. Why should they pay a penalty for what other Muslims have done?

Islam is whats causing the terror, we must destroy Islam, not Muslims. To do this we must show Muslims reason, so they change their ways.
2016-06-16 08:13:30 UTC
2016-06-16 07:57:32 UTC
When you have a religion that spreads that much terror, they must be banned. There is a difference between them and Mexicans or other immigrant groups; they don't adapt to our way of living. Their teachings say to kill homosexuals and force their religion to others. They come here and want to change our calm way of life and we are letting them because of our ignorance and political correctness. Europe already made that mistake, we cannot allow them to do the same in the US.
2016-06-16 07:47:45 UTC
This is a tough question.Some Muslims are good while others are bad. We must act based on our American values. Has the United States ever banned a group based on their religion, race or sex?
Quang Hung
2016-06-19 08:58:06 UTC
Absolutely not. Blaming the whole religion for the acts of radical individuals is bad. It's the way nazis operated with jews, gypsies and homosexuals.
2016-06-18 22:29:00 UTC
There are so many easons that that I say no to this that I don't even know how to start listing them.

Here's your logic. "How about let's not let anyone eat carrots because one person thought they were gross".

Better yet

"How about we discriminate black people because we can"

Why does there always need to be something to discriminate? It's angering.
2016-06-18 19:09:19 UTC
2016-06-18 10:44:11 UTC
Yes. I skimmed through alot of these answers and was shocked at the lack of knowledge 2/3 of the answerers have. From blaming Christians, whites, the west to claiming innocence of muslims. It's like when they portray the syrian refugees as children when most are men. Unfortunately most people learn when something bad happens to them or a loved one. By then it's too late to prevent. Few of us are able to truely hear what crime victims around the world report. Even with all our problems,western countries are the most civilized. And when European white stats are separated from others, we have a low crime rate. We don't want their kind of problems.
2016-06-18 09:50:39 UTC
no, why the **** should they
2016-06-18 07:07:11 UTC
No. If POTUS places a temporary border closure as a result of a breach in national security, than that closure would be for everyone. No single group of people would be exempt.
My Name Is...
2016-06-18 07:01:44 UTC
Ironically despite all the news of his extremist ties, this guy was an all American terrorist. He's been living here his whole life, his father having moved here in the 80's. Banning Muslims wouldn't have stopped this attack.
2016-06-17 11:49:04 UTC
I think that all these predominantly islamic countries should step up and take responsibility for the radical terrorists who are living on their soil and causing billions of dollars worth of damage to domestic and foreign communities. The USA and EU should also drastically reduce the number of immigrants and refugees they recieve, not ONLY Muslims.
2016-06-17 11:35:31 UTC
2016-06-17 10:00:30 UTC
Um no not all Muslims are terrorists just like not all Christians are terrorists ...they come in all shapes, sizes and religions.
2016-06-17 07:29:56 UTC
2016-06-17 03:59:04 UTC
That is very wrong of you to say and I am going to tell you why. Everybody is Human just like me or you so you even having a two sense is just wrong because I mean yeah some people actually did wrong buy that was not everybody so don't take it out on just one specific heritage that shows how much you value yourself and you don't even know maybe most of their young kids will grow up to be America's best scientists so for you to even say that is just wrong and who are you to even know that you would be trying to say banned them all together is just wrong you really need to think outside the box and stop being so rude because maybe one of those people could help you one day you don't even think about it and you are not the President of the United States of America and I doubt thathat you ever will be to even have a opinion on this with the such hurtful slanders those people you are talking about actually helped you and you give them no thanks maybe some day you will realize what is right.
2016-06-17 00:46:52 UTC
Paul M
2016-06-16 22:46:01 UTC
For the time being they probably should.
2016-06-16 18:58:51 UTC
Are we back in the dark ages? Does anyone remember the burning of priests? How about the mass murder of the Jews? The Pagens, remember what happend there? Muslims as a society are not the problem, ignorance is. Muslims dont do anything to us. Terrorist who may or may not be muslim do. Get your facts strait and get informed, stop making dumb *** assumptions.
2016-06-16 15:01:17 UTC
No, but you should be banned from yahoo for saying this, you are a piece of ****.
2016-06-16 11:34:17 UTC
2016-06-16 10:25:20 UTC
Not at all also many ignorant people think that muslims are all middle Eastern when there are tens of millions white muslims especially South slavics and Russians
2016-06-16 07:21:19 UTC
2016-06-16 06:02:49 UTC
2016-06-19 10:51:31 UTC
2016-06-19 07:55:56 UTC
No. Just because someone is Muslim does not mean they are bad.
2016-06-19 06:16:02 UTC
We should be careful about the amount of immigrants we bring into countries, however Muslims shouldn't be flat-out banned merely because they are Muslims.
2016-06-19 00:58:35 UTC
Christian is the best terrorist in the world. So we should need to remove all of them from our world. like Hitlar.
2016-06-18 23:19:47 UTC
why fight a religion when we should be aware of people. Just like a guns dont kill people its if theyre in the wrong hands.
2016-06-18 14:55:50 UTC
You make it sound like it is the religion that causes people to attack others its just human nature, look at all the rioting going on because of games of football. Every religion will have times where extremists make them look bad just look at Christianity with the witch hunts ect... they need our help they are running away from the same thing we are trying to fight. Forcing them away and treating them all like scum will not help at all, this is literally ISIS's main way of recruiting new members, because of the rest of the world treating them so horribly
2016-06-18 13:02:04 UTC
Maybe. It really depends
2016-06-18 12:49:05 UTC
should be banned from everywhere
2016-06-18 12:39:43 UTC
You should be banned from the fcuking planet, you Ku Klux K'unt.
2016-06-17 22:13:13 UTC
2016-06-17 21:29:37 UTC
hell nah
2016-06-17 21:11:12 UTC
You racists should gather together bomb yourselves and die so the world could be a better place to live and breath in..
2016-06-17 20:13:01 UTC
Besides my ex girlfriend Muslims are Cool. No they should not be banned. However those terrorists will soon unite the world against them. EVERYONE in the world will do their part to get them eradicated
2016-06-17 19:29:22 UTC
you should be banned from america and europe
2016-06-17 15:42:24 UTC
Muslims shouldn't be banned from anywhere.
2016-06-17 04:38:11 UTC
Yes, I want Muslims to suffer. I hate them.
2016-06-17 00:00:38 UTC
This is a tricky, nuanced problem. On the negative side, letting the government have the power to select a group and say you can't be here is troubling. But Muslims stand out as a religion in that violence is written right into their scripture and the fabric of their society. We do need to stop worrying about being politically correct, face facts, and realize the religion itself thrives by violence and abuse. Genuinely peaceful Muslims exist, but they live in contradiction to significant elements of their theology (as do adherents of all other religions). We need to recognize Islam itself as violent and tyrannical. We need discrimination. We have made that a dirty word, but we all do it and must. The problem is what our discrimination is based on. On the basis of truth we must judge Islam as violent and not be afraid to be suspicious. There would be a beginning to deal intelligently with radical terrorism.
2016-06-16 23:07:40 UTC
when an attack happens , why do you always connect it with religion !!!!?

There is no religion in the world encourage violence and terrorism , not Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism or Islam !
2016-06-16 11:07:14 UTC
We cannot punish a group for the crimes of individuals.
Max Hoopla
2016-06-15 22:10:50 UTC
I'm sure Adolph would agree.
2016-06-19 07:38:13 UTC
2016-06-19 07:26:17 UTC
Absolutely, 100%. Look at the countries who don't allow Muslims in their borders, guess who doesn't have trouble with muslims? Those countries
2016-06-19 01:55:49 UTC
No don't ban anyone
2016-06-19 01:16:31 UTC
No, we could compare that the actions of the Nazis.
2016-06-18 23:07:56 UTC
This is not an easy decision to make, muslims are not bad in general, however, terrorists (who claim to be muslims but they are not) are the real danger, muslims are the best people you might ever know, but the reason why you should ban muslims is because of terrorists, and the only way to ban terrorists is to ban muslims, because you can't tell the difference in their appearances, terrorists copy muslims in that.
2016-06-18 16:36:02 UTC
A man with a Charlie Chaplin mustache gave us a lesson a long time ago why it's dangerous to point fingers at people because of their religion or race.

Banning people mass surveillance deportations racism toxic fascist soup.
2016-06-18 12:05:57 UTC
You're probably one of those people who love the Second Amendment and claim to be a "defender of the Constitution" but have no problem wanting to violate the First Amendment by banning Muslims.
2016-06-18 11:11:29 UTC
No i dont think that they should be banned not all muslims are bad or evil people its just people like the orlando club shooter,isis and other terrorist groups give them a bad rep even the qu'ran specifically states and talks about peace and before any one ask no im not muslim or middle eastern so im speaking from a non bias stand point
2016-06-18 08:11:59 UTC
They shouldn't be banned, but something should be done about it.
2016-06-18 06:44:00 UTC
No, but the immigration policies should be stricter.
2016-06-18 06:25:47 UTC
Only if americans can be banned from the Middle East and South America.

They have caused nothing but war and unrest in both regions. Americans are a vile example of what White colonialism must have looked at the beginning of the like last century
2016-06-18 03:21:19 UTC
I think we should get rid of all men that would solve most problems :)
2016-06-18 02:05:46 UTC
no because its not the actually culture of muslim that is threatening, its ISIS which is a sort of community/cult or society within the country that is causing the havoc around the world. We shouldn't discriminate a whole country based on a small fraction of their society, which they don't even support. Yes its hard letting muslims into your country because of the fear they work for ISIS and they may destroy your city and people. But fear will be the one thing that will drive us to our destruction.
2016-06-18 01:11:03 UTC
Best magic show in the world 2016 - best magic trick ever 2017

FAIL Compilation 2016 ★ Best Funny Fail Compilation★ Epic Fails 2016

Tight magic 4 My Fingers

Best Fails of the Month March 2016
2016-06-17 23:27:46 UTC
Islam is the worst thing that ever happened to the middle east. It is the one of the worst collections of bad ideas in all of human history. It is fundamentally flawed because it encourages rifts, even within itself, and causes people to murder over fairy tales and un-provable promises of after-life rewards.

Of course, Muslims are to blame for the spread of Islam, but they are the only ones who can stop the spread of Islam; by waking up and abandoning their bronze aged death cult. Keeping Muslims out, means they will never meet non-Muslims, who they need to meet if they are ever going to wake up.
Sassy jones
2016-06-17 19:51:12 UTC
No, that's idiotic. That's like me saying, "all White people steal countries, people, gold, heritage, sacred artifacts, commit the majority of mass murder in the U.S. frequently, harass, kill and oppress people of color and indigenous origin, and age like moldy cheese; so lets ban them from EVERY country. That's a little bit rash don't you think? I have a great deal of Muslim friends in both the U.S. and other parts of the world. They don't deserve that, they're good people. The majority of Muslims are good people. Whereas the Majority of White people well....shall we revert to the history books? Or say.... Last year in Charlotte, NC? I'm speaking in a matter of for instance.
2016-06-17 03:21:13 UTC
Here we are, closed-minded bigot.. You such a prick for labelling the whole believer for just some's deed. Not to mention judging it's religion. I wonder if their religion is same as your, would your question be 'should we ban (your religion) from europe and america?'

Or how are you feeling to be blamed or even bullied for things you don't do and things you can't control?

If you keep saying "but all muslims are terrorist!!" Thats prejudice, bigot. If they were, you know how many muslims are? Islam is second largest religion as after christianity. It doesn't have much significant gap. Just assume if the comparison 2 : 1. It would means that one Muslim have to killed 2 non-muslim to mark their dominance. So why you still breathe over there?

Get my point, dunderhead?
2016-06-16 15:40:18 UTC
Banning all of them isn't really possible, nor would it be right to remove the ones that aren't posing a danger or behaving suspiciously. However, I think it's time to monitor all of them to identify the individuals and groups that are dangerous. Once a dangerous individual is identified, they should be immediately banned from purchasing firearms and flying for life, and they should be detained if it is legally possible. Also, "freedom of religion" certainly doesn't apply to groups that promote violence. So, if someone is part of a group that is spreading hatred, they should immediately be thoroughly investigated. Additionally, I think that if someone is part of such a group or endorses the actions of such a group, they should be immediately arrested and jailed for committing treason. I also think that we should not let in any of the Syrian refugees, because it is impossible to determine who poses a danger and who doesn't.
2016-06-16 11:58:50 UTC
No way! There are zealots in every religion. And if you ask me, I think that this discrimination has more to do with skin color than religion. Imagine a blonde, blue-eyed Muslim - male or female. Do you think that people would throw as much of a fuss about that person as they do about people that are Muslim and clearly Arabic.

Discriminating against an entire religion based on the actions of a few nutters solves nothing. God - whichever one you believe in - loves love, because love conquers hate.
2016-06-16 11:49:16 UTC
You have it backwards Islam is in the process of taking over Europe. Have you never heard of Eurabia? Belgium is almost gone and Sweden has parts that are entirely controlled by Muslims. So after the take over the question will be should they get rid of the Kufars.
2016-06-19 05:27:32 UTC
We should be kinder to everyone
2016-06-18 23:22:19 UTC
2016-06-18 19:43:33 UTC
no cause than we'd lose ice cube
2016-06-18 09:13:22 UTC
The issue isn't Muslims, the issue is people in America (Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Buddhist, Atheist, Deist, etc.) are lost. They need to be loved and helped, rather than shunned. Life is rough, and it can wear on people. The best way to make America safer is to be more friendly to everyone we meet, to soothe those who have it the worst. Omar Mateen was not even religious, he just couldn't handle his life anymore. Imo, Jesus is the way, truth, and light, and seeking Him is a good way to promote kindness. But, in general, everyday kindness, caring, and common courtesy is the way to go.
2016-06-18 08:54:21 UTC
Should white people be banned from Africa and the Middle East? Yes!!
2016-06-18 08:49:42 UTC
Only the bad ones. If all Muslims were bad then there would have been much more terrorist attacks than there already was. I live in a city that has some Muslims and there's at least one mosque that I've seen here. I never heard of any terrorist attack by Muslims in my city. I was in class with a Muslim girl in high school and she seemed nice and was very quiet. You shouldn't assume all people in one religion are bad just because some of them are.
2016-06-18 07:32:58 UTC
They should be banned from the planet. Also ban mosquitos, cockroaches and the homeless.
2016-06-18 04:44:06 UTC
Shoud Banned ! If normal muslim is okay, but now have IS muslim is dangerous people now!
2016-06-17 14:03:18 UTC
What, Muslims like Muhammad Ali and Kareem Abdul-Jabbar?
2016-06-17 11:49:57 UTC
oh. and how much damage has US done to this world? Better to ban all white Americans from leaving USA
2016-06-17 10:41:29 UTC
No no person Of any religion or race should be prevented from entering a country
2016-06-17 07:30:56 UTC
if you had 12 grapes and you were told that 2 of them per very poisonous - would you eat any of them ? 'nuff said
2016-06-17 07:02:31 UTC
All it take one bad apple and all the Apple turn bad
2016-06-17 06:48:08 UTC
Muslims should be banned everywhere. Including the middle east. Imagine how peaceful the world would be with them gone.
2016-06-17 04:18:29 UTC
No, but they should behave and respect our laws or else we send them all back
2016-06-17 01:31:21 UTC
Seriously, they need to be checked and watched, especially their youth. The parents might be fine- but what about their children when they grow up?
2016-06-16 23:20:37 UTC
Honestly, I believe we should do so for about a 2 year period, just to see if things change.
2016-06-16 13:38:37 UTC
There are shootings, attacks and insane crimes by all types of religions and ethnic groups. So no.
2016-06-16 12:53:09 UTC
No they shouldn't because the majority of Muslims are hard working people.

I am a Jew and go to a Jewish school and many children always talk about how all the muslims are terrorists that want to bomb western countries and they are talking utter ball ****. I have many muslims friends whose parents are very hard working and there religion teaches peace and not violence. Some people are so ignorant and think that they should be band from western countries. The media only highlights the very few extremist muslims and not the normal hardworking muslim. Many muslims have difficult backgrounds as they have come from war zones and as we should not attack them but help them. I think that there are good people that are helping the situation, for example, my school try to teach pupils that muslims are not all bad and that their religion teaches peace. My great grandparents had to flee nazi Germany in order to survive and if the UK hadn't accepted them into the country then they would have died and I wouldn't be here today. If muslims are banned from western countries, generations would be lost. G-d made every human the same and there is no person more important than another.
2016-06-16 10:27:32 UTC
We should execute ALL Muslims!
2016-06-19 08:15:00 UTC
I hate how people waste their poor precious points on Yahoo Answers for completely dumb questions like these
G. Blair
2016-06-18 23:06:34 UTC
No. Muslims are peaceful people. ISIS is shunned by Muslims, and there are over two billion Muslims and around 800 thousand ISIS members. Banning people strictly on their religion is absolutely absurd and is racist. Instead we should focus more on securing our borders. There has been over 160 attacks on the account of terrorism and Muslims have been accountable for three or four. Media only shows what the Muslims do.

Instead of banning Muslims from Europe and America, people need to know the truth, that all Muslims are not violent terrorists, and that 97% of the Muslim population was peaceful. We need to secure our borders so we can reduce terrorism.
2016-06-18 14:14:02 UTC
Yes and I am hoping none coming to New Zealand, who need to worry if your own country is going to be bombed every day you wake up. And we all should be able to fly anywhere in the world without any crazy Muslim with a bomb down their pants.
2016-06-18 09:48:08 UTC
Well Muslims look and smell dirty so if u are ok with that then I think they should be allowed in the states
2016-06-18 06:44:00 UTC
We can try, but I think there are federal judges called the Supreme Court that would not uphold such a ban.
2016-06-18 06:08:08 UTC
There are good people in Muslims too.if you search deeply you can see everything has got faults...
Marcos Vitor
2016-06-18 04:39:37 UTC
No. It's almost becaming like Nazism;
2016-06-17 14:52:49 UTC
No f*cking way.. I don't think anyone, no matter what race or religion should be band from ANYWHERE! It's so wrong and how all you people can blaim bombings just on muslims.. My girlfriend is Turkish, or as most of you people would call 'filthy' and her family is all muslim, and are they bad people who want to bomb everywhere? No. In fact, they are nicer than any of us Europeans or Americans!

Does nobody know the 9/11 attack and it's conspiracy theory? About how the bombs went off one at a time? And how it wasnt a plane that crashed because it was impossible to knock the entire building down like that? And how the government blaimed it all on terrorists aka Muslims? It was all set up by the government to make them look bad.. And everybody should know that by now.

So before you go out blurting about how bad muslims are, just take a quick think and that how not all f*cking bombings are by muslim people. This world is a free place and everybody should have access to anywhere in the world, it seems like we are going back 100 years when white people were the rich and black people were there dirty little slaves. Pure racism.

Everyones just so horrid nowadays and racist, we are all meant to be treated equally. So to the c*nts who don't respect that, you should just hop on a plane and f*ck off out of Europe or America because quite frankly, people like you are not welcome here:)
2016-06-17 13:37:31 UTC
No way!!!!!!!!If this is his way of saying "Make America great again" than he is totally wrong.Also,not all Muslims are bad people.I have a best friend who is Muslim and he has never got in trouble or done anything bad.
2016-06-17 12:16:56 UTC
2016-06-17 08:48:03 UTC
They should stay in their own country.
2016-06-17 08:33:21 UTC
Not all Muslims are bad, only a select few are who make the whole religion look bad. Also white American Christians cause mass shootings too.
2016-06-17 07:45:30 UTC
According to the great George Clinton / Funkadelic: "If you don't like the effects, don't produce the cause".

So stop thinking like an infant: Good/Bad, Muslim/ Non-Muslim etc. Cutting ties with everyone is like attributing collective responsibility - so stop thinking like a nazi.
2016-06-17 04:42:51 UTC
Muslims are Peacefull Nation They have right to live in easch and every country
2016-06-16 21:54:33 UTC
2016-06-16 21:23:03 UTC
And Australia
2016-06-16 15:09:29 UTC
No. Only the non-compliant or extremist ones.
2016-06-16 10:00:37 UTC
While it is true that lately many terrorist attacks were made by muslim extremists, it doesn't necessarily mean that all terrorists are muslim, it just means that many terrorist attacks were made by muslim extremists.

We should also not forget that many atrocities were commited by extremists of other religions too, including Christianity. People seem to ignore that it was spread to many parts of the world by war, including America...

It is also very impractical to ban people of a determined religious group. A religion of a person is almost never mentioned in documents (except that you could recognize a few them from their clothes, but that's another thing).

However, in my opinion, no matter how much you might "hate" him, Marx was right with saying "religion... is the opiate of the masses." Organized religions altogether have brought nothing but ignorance....
2016-06-16 09:48:36 UTC
Oh no I'm a Muslim born and raised here in America and I was told back to where I came from oh where oh where shall I go..yes back to New York .. Lmfao dumbass you actually think it's possible to ban us from America when we're pure American citizens, go kys
Marina 1
2016-06-16 09:13:05 UTC
Should that include our Muslim military members who defend our freedoms?
2016-06-19 08:19:40 UTC
No, muslims are usually peaceful according to their religion. It is a extremists who commit acts of terrorism,
2016-06-19 04:08:36 UTC
Muslim population is increasing rapidly in any country of their presence, they have willingness, despite their economic capabilities to have 3 and above children. My prediction would be that in a decade they can double their percentage among US population. We need to create drastic measures to redirect their belief in an amicable path, which will eliminate radicalism. I know It's not easy to think out and implement, but that is the only peacefull way to fight modern religious agression
Wallat Baban
2016-06-18 21:34:04 UTC
As if Europeans and Americans haven't caused the bulk of mass terrorism in the entire world. Educate yourself.
2016-06-18 15:52:13 UTC
No! There are 1 billion of them!
2016-06-18 14:44:41 UTC
All of them are terrorists who can't be trusted. They all need to be deported back to where they came from because they're stealing white Americans jobs.

Also some of them can't speak good English at all. Whenever I go somewhere a majority of the time I get someone who I can barely understand and it's ridiculous. Get someone who speaks English and get rid of the Muslims.
2016-06-18 13:32:27 UTC
Idk tbh
2016-06-18 12:31:16 UTC
The religious fervency they exhibit is not compatible with any open and free society. If they want to live among us, then THEY must adapt to US, not the other way around. Otherwise, ban them, and deport them. America where everyone has the freedom of rights and speech no matter your sex, age, race etc.
2016-06-18 09:52:35 UTC
I think that ALL religions must be dead...but it's only my opinion, we have to respect religious freedom
2016-06-18 09:39:40 UTC
2016-06-18 08:49:02 UTC
If this is going to continue. We need to start on it quick and do anything that it takes. And that could mean pushing away the political correctness of our countries temporarily. Not that it's OK to ban Muslims but to save our skins we're going to have to take action. I know this is a problem with the immigrants and stuff but there is much more people in our countries to save than the immigrants outside. We can't just let in random people from ISIS territory who could potentially have a license to kill and/or could potentially attack with another bomb. The government is to selfish to admit that this getting out of control. WE NEED TO TAKE ACTION.
2016-06-18 06:50:22 UTC
YES! Their precious "CULTURE" does not mix with anyone and their fertility rate is f#ckin AGGRESSIVE!
2016-06-18 06:44:53 UTC many "should we ban muslims" question are people going tp ask? waste of time. we all know they are the problem. stop denying the truth and get rid of them already.

enough is enough.
2016-06-18 04:45:42 UTC
**** yes, let them blow each other up in the middle east.
2016-06-18 04:11:35 UTC
2016-06-18 03:31:11 UTC
your only hearing things from the media it seems and remember the media tends to show more bad than good that happens around the world and most of it is controlled and lot of it hidden from the public. They never completely show how people of different race, culture, religion etc..... join together and help one another in after the incidents. Yes of course there are some who are angry and get violent but you shouldn't allow the media or anger or any sort of negative emotion to cloud your mind. Instead be logical about it, if you did get rid of islam completely and muslims, terroism would still exist because the religion doesnt create bombs and violence and war. Its the misunderstanding of humanity of one another. it can start off from one person to a group. shame on you dummy. so no lets not there are good ones out there plenty of them and plenty of them are just as terrified of these attacks as you are.
2016-06-18 00:40:09 UTC
That is a stupid question honestly, and you should hate yourself.

Sure, some ethnicity's are more extreme then others, but there is evil in every human.

Anyone could have carried out what Mateen did. Don't let 1 persons actions reflect on all of Muslim's.
2016-06-17 15:29:00 UTC
Yes because some terrorists are going to act like a innocent Muslims that have no where to go, and they will end up attacking in US soil.
2016-06-17 01:53:28 UTC
Well firstly hello.I'm a Muslim myself and I would say that any race or religion has their own negative and positive.But people in the world mostly only focus on the negatives. Actually us Muslims also hate terrorists and we are very disappointed and sad to hear about all the damages that the terrorist who call themselves Muslims and doing jihad had done. To us all the violence that they've made is not jihad! Yes jihad means fighting for the religion, but what they've done is not the correct kind of fight.They've hurt so many innocent people and it's just sooooo wrong.

I as one of the Muslims would want to say we're very sorry by the damage that are done by the negative half of the Muslims.And please don't hate us just because of the negativities that you saw on television.I wish I could meet you and show you all the positive Muslims and all the nice ones to you to change your view on us Muslims.May peace be with you ^^
2016-06-16 08:23:21 UTC
That is a terrible idea. What's next - are you going to banned Jews for Christ's death or the Christians for Ku Klux Clan?

Omar Mateen was a terrible man but he was hardly a good Muslim. He beat up his wife and killed more than 50 people - behavious that most Muslim are disgusted by.

And even if somehow you did the impossible - it won't stop because you are still selling semi-automatics to people that are insane!
2016-06-15 22:01:49 UTC
How can you ban a belief?
2016-06-19 08:39:22 UTC
2016-06-19 05:21:09 UTC
No it is against human rights
2016-06-19 02:02:09 UTC
No. Thats kind of racism.
2016-06-19 01:20:08 UTC does this answer your q
2016-06-18 23:07:02 UTC
yup bann muslims for immigrations but we can let them visit in europe and america for vocational only.
2016-06-18 13:10:41 UTC
2016-06-18 10:49:00 UTC
No. We don't blame Christianity for the kkk so don't blame Muslims for terrorists.
2016-06-18 09:49:45 UTC
Joe B
2016-06-18 09:14:36 UTC
When you start outright banning people for some not well understood conviction that "their religion makes them the enemy", you've then turned down the same road as Germany. It's a very dangerous thing for politicians to make sweeping judgements against entire populations of people. Add to that, Muslims make up the majority of the world and it's really only Isis which seems to be the problem. Remember, Catholics had the Crusades. Were we any better than Isis way back then?
2016-06-18 07:38:37 UTC
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, when 20-year-old Adam Lanza fatally shot 20 children aged between 6 and 7 years old, as well as six adult staff members. Prior to driving to the school, Lanza shot and killed his mother at their Newtown home. As first responders arrived at the scene, Lanza committed suicide by shooting himself in the head.

The incident was the deadliest mass shooting at a high school or grade school in U.S. history and the third-deadliest mass shooting by a single person in U.S. history.

Orlando, Florida (CNN)Florida authorities answered one of the major questions in the shooting death of Christina Grimmie, the 22-year-old singer who made her name on NBC's "The Voice."

The man who killed her was Kevin James Loibl, 27, of St. Petersburg, Florida, according to Orlando police.

But they didn't give any background on Loibl or offer a possible motive.

So if you really wanna take action plz don't forget these and many many many many more instances of incidents in which white folks were the perpetrators!!!!
2016-06-18 04:15:04 UTC
2016-06-17 13:00:54 UTC
You are Hitler.
Say No to Castor Oil!
2016-06-17 06:09:08 UTC
In order to live and thrive in a Westernized country you need to accept people's differences. if you can't accept people for being different stay back in your little hole of a country (some places aren't total holes but still stay in your islamic state run country if you are opposed to the way others live their lives.
Doggie Mom
2016-06-17 05:56:47 UTC
Never going to happen here in the US. The First Amendment expressly forbids helping or hindering any religious group.

Just what we need - more people stirring up hatred & fear. People who intend to harm others should be on a watch list, regardless of what group they belong to.

ALL three Abrahamic religions are drenched in blood. Islam is no more bloody than Judaism or Christianity. As far as I can see, Hitler has a far higher body count that any Muslim. While Christians love to claim that Hitler was not motivated by Christianity, his own speeches say otherwise. The Vatican enabled the Nazis both during the war and afterward. The Vatican assisted the Nazis in escaping justice by providing them passports so they could slip into South America.

You DO realized that these groups kill more Muslims than anyone else? Maybe we should BAN ALL RELIGION? Or make sure it's kept indoors. No public expressions of religion. And no tax breaks and public funding of ANY religious groups.

Since there are many right-wing extremist Christian groups in the US - perhaps Christians be banned in the US and Europe. Canada, for example, has had NO home grown abortion-clinic violence. The shootings/disruption at Canadian abortion clinics has been definitively linked to American Christian terrorists who sneak over the border into Canada.

Let's not forget that it was American right-wing Christian fundamentalists who sponsored and funded the KILL THE GAYS laws in Uganda. That's right - the most prominent American Christian fundamentalist group (the Family) was interfering in Ugandan politics by pouring money and resources into enacting the DEATH PENALTY for anyone convicted of homosexuality in Uganda. They hoped to figure out what worked and what didn't so they could bring this kind of legislation here to the US.

It's MUSLIMS that are extreme? That's not what the FACTS say. Acts of terror are committed by Islamic FRINGE groups, whereas extremism and dangerous ideology is CENTRAL to American Evangelicals. The Family is NOT fringe - it is MAINSTREAM. If they could get away with expanding the death penalty to encompass LGBT people, many of them would. Just as they are trying to pass such legislation to punish women who obtain abortions and the providers who perform them!)

Thankfully, there is no way that a ban on any group could ever be enforced in the US or any where else. What's more realistic, and more helpful, is to strengthen the wall of separation between church and state. END tax breaks for ALL religious institutions. Further, there has to be some way of stopping the kind of obvious pandering that some politicians exhibit when they use state facilities to display religious symbols or to stir up religion bigotry, fear and hatred.
2016-06-16 13:53:13 UTC
that question shown how dumb he/she is
2016-06-16 13:30:19 UTC
2016-06-16 13:15:13 UTC
No, it's not the innocent muslims' fault. They must suffer a lot of discrimination already thanks to terrorists. There must be a way to control these kind of things, even if it is through a borderline exaggerated method.
2016-06-16 11:23:15 UTC
I don't believe Muslim's should be banned from entering the U.S., but I do believe they should undergo a vigorous security and overall background check before being allowed access. And I am a die hard Republican.
2016-06-16 11:18:46 UTC
Not every Muslim is an extremist and it would be unfair to do that to them. I know many Muslims who are very nice and would never do anything bad
2016-06-16 09:49:04 UTC
Not all of them.
2016-06-19 15:43:44 UTC
You people are quick enough to label Muslims as terrorists yet will still go to the hospital and receive medical treatment from them? Aren't we forgetting that Christians have been involved in some horrific acts of terrorism? Aren't we forgetting the The Centennial Olympic Park bombing, July 27, 1996..
Dr. Stephanie
2016-06-19 14:24:20 UTC
Absolutely NOT, referring to your first reply. Individuals should be properly vetted, of course, which is the current program. America, at least the USA, is a nation founded by immigrants. Read the inscription on the statue of liberty.
2016-06-19 01:23:15 UTC
2016-06-18 18:43:19 UTC
Hell yeah especially the ones fleeing war zones... They come to the west with an engraved hatred for everything our society stands for and what we believe in
2016-06-18 13:52:34 UTC
2016-06-18 11:56:58 UTC
I hate Muslims, they need to get out of American before I do it myself
2016-06-18 10:14:41 UTC
You shouldn't ban a whole religion just for the actions of a small minority that is in it. Hell I'm Christian but I'm not stupid enough to believe there isn't radicals in my religion that would do bad things if they thought it was being undermined.
2016-06-18 08:57:44 UTC
people be like why don't you stop the isis from all these attacks & killings like what are you expecting from us. us be like hey yo isis,stop all this sweetheart and they be like oh sorry darling. won't be doing it again'

the whole muslim society gets blamed for the **** that not even 1% of muslims do. much racism yeah?
2016-06-18 03:20:50 UTC
lmao a white guy shot christina grimmie. a white guy raped an unconscious girl behind a dumpster. white guys have been shooting up schools for decades. but when an arab/muslim guy kills people, everyone always has to talk **** about islam and muslims. people like you make me sick. islam is a religion of peace. omar mateen wasnt even a proper muslim. he was gay, he didnt pray, he didnt fast during ramadan, he didnt do anything allah wants us to do. if people actually followed islam perfectly, none of this crap would be happening. there would be peace everywhere. because islam teaches kindness and peace towards EVERYONE no matter what religion or race. so stop bringing up his religion or race. because no religion would accept this. im so sick of all this racism in america. grow up. use your brain.
2016-06-17 23:13:23 UTC
2016-06-17 22:23:01 UTC
America is good i'm not hate
2016-06-17 14:44:39 UTC
If you have to ask, then you're already as good as dead!
2016-06-17 11:52:32 UTC
2016-06-17 05:46:18 UTC
Know your facts, moron.
Nur Syazwana
2016-06-17 00:55:10 UTC
No becoz in every basketful of apples there are always good apples and bad if christians were known to be tied with terrorism they too should be banned..people have their own mentality..every religion teaches good things..and its the people who makes the wrong doings..not every muslim support terrorism only a minority which i would say that they are just vilee and dumb..tq
2016-06-16 19:43:21 UTC
Not all Muslims are bad.. How come nobody seems to understand that?
2016-06-16 10:27:45 UTC
Muslims refuse to assimilate; so, yes.
2016-06-16 09:33:20 UTC
terrorists? yes
2016-06-16 09:06:11 UTC
If it's okay for Saudi Arabia to ban all NON-Muslims, then why do people suddenly think it's wrong to ban Islam?
2016-06-16 09:03:56 UTC
Muslims are not the problem, stupidity is, and if we banned that wed also have to ban you. We arent saying we should ban all whites because some of them shoot up movie theaters or ban all christians because some of them shoot up churches, Dont be an idiot, youre the one vile to the society
Destiny Spencer
2016-06-19 08:05:03 UTC
Its amazing how we were just celebrating the life of a famous Muslim boxer a couple weeks ago (Muhammad Ali) and now we are talking about banning the same religion he is. Definition of White Privilege.
2016-06-19 04:56:44 UTC
How about we ban radical Christians?
2016-06-19 02:42:51 UTC
The answer is No!!

They are humans and also all muslims are not terrorist
2016-06-18 14:58:33 UTC
Hi trump
2016-06-18 14:37:07 UTC
Yes. Everyone should go the hell back to where they came from.
2016-06-18 11:23:19 UTC
2016-06-18 10:17:03 UTC
No one is suggesting to ban Islam from the West. The issue is whether or not we should accept migrants from a culture that is directly opposed to our own way of life.... freedom for homosexuals to love each other, women s equality under the law, etc. In migrant considerations generally people would be suggested to move to a country where they can assimilate into the culture... rather than cause an upheaval.
2016-06-18 06:19:54 UTC
I'm just tired of hearing about the f*ckers, remember the old days when they were over there on their own little sand patch? Lets bring back those days, I mean why can't our lands just be ours? I don't get why politicians keep shoving this multi culti horse sh*t down our throats.
2016-06-17 20:51:49 UTC
I'm Canadian and I find it kinda funny that our country has a mixed ethnicity (other than white) of 76%. It must be because of all the white supremacy, all-american a ssholes like you.
2016-06-17 18:54:10 UTC
Oh I don't really know all I can figure the radical people are just up for starting a war or something
2016-06-17 18:28:06 UTC
2016-06-17 13:56:12 UTC
No way
2016-06-17 11:14:35 UTC
Nope. Muslim is a religion, not a terrorist organization. They are people, not destructive psychopaths. Enough said.
2016-06-17 10:20:32 UTC
maybe we should sent Christians and Jews along with them too as they also killed thousands of people in history! Of course we shouldn't ban anyone, what an uneducated point of view!
2016-06-17 02:17:09 UTC
Yes I think we should close our borders to everyone coming from countries that are blowing us up - until we sort out the people that are already here and are trying to blow us up. Just common sense.
2016-06-16 22:21:42 UTC
yes banned
2016-06-16 14:34:58 UTC
Yes they should be banned they do not belong here or anywhere
2016-06-16 13:45:36 UTC
2016-06-16 11:44:06 UTC
Absolutely! Muslims should be banned from this country! Their Religion which they base their very existence on brainwashes them against ever being able to live peacefully with any other religion. Muslims should be forced to live in their own countries from where they came. Perhaps there is a good reason why they were concentrated in certain countries to begin with.
2016-06-16 07:27:55 UTC
Not all Muslims are terrorists. I feel like no one understands this. That's like saying we should ban all Italians because of the Mafia. Not all Italians are in the Mafia.
2016-06-19 16:03:15 UTC
You infidel no smart we take you woman and doughter four sed. We take down you misereble flag and place flag of prophet Mohammed PBUH over whit house! You make no no what Islam is. We are no peace we are warrior for Allah! I not 'IS or Al Qa'ida but you regularly Moslem walk down street i working with you at work I set nex to you on bus. Amerika is Moslem land know you kufar day over Sharia is Constitution noe
2016-06-19 05:20:02 UTC
Absolutely BS.
2016-06-19 02:20:24 UTC
Just Blaze
2016-06-18 20:53:00 UTC
No they shouldn't. Just because a few Muslims do extreme stuff doesn't mean all of them do. Same goes for police officers or any thing else.
2016-06-18 16:28:43 UTC
Why not
2016-06-18 14:29:54 UTC
No because then who is gonna do my eyebrows??
2016-06-18 11:08:21 UTC
It seems to me like everyday people are brainwashed- even programmed, like a robot itself- to repeat "Muslims are good people. Not all Muslims are terrorists. Muslims are a religion of peace".

And notice how the sayings they repeat, are the exact same 3 phrases (above) yet repeated so exactly by everyone.

It almost seems like a form of mind control.

Note: I'm not denying that there are peaceful Muslims, and Muslims who don't really follow the Qu'ran all that closely. Sure. Obviously not ALL of any group is bad.

(Not even all Nazi's were bad, either. SHOCK OMG. But it's true. Some nazis were probably peaceful family men. But it doesn't change the fact we didn't allow nazis into America during WW2).

But the fact is, according to PEW, over 98% of people in Syria and Afghanistan polled, support Shariah Law being put into place not only there but also IN AMERICA, yet Americans still let these people in. Why let them in knowing 98% of them support implementing shariah law here?
2016-06-18 10:55:06 UTC
thats such a dumb thought. how u gonna tell who's muslim and who isnt? If i were muslim and didnt want to get deported, id just dress in a western way, id just say "praise be the lard jesus christ" and pretend to be christian and even legally change my name to john to avoid being deported. Id even even eat some disgusting pork to fool the infidels cause allah will forgive me for it.
2016-06-18 05:43:35 UTC
Muslims nope. Terrorists yes.
2016-06-17 21:00:59 UTC
Christians may have a long way back but a lot more people in the world now and we are suppose to be civilised, multi slitting throats filming it ,thats another story altogether
2016-06-17 10:42:23 UTC
Yes................and from life...................they are all nuts & can never think like americans..I want them all gone......rid society of them forever...............
2016-06-17 08:28:46 UTC
No. Why ban someone because of their beliefs? If people actually educated themselves about hthe Muslim religion, you'd see it's not so different from Christians. They're religion is a religion of peace. The KKK are Christians, does that mean all Christians are terrorist too? NO! Don't fault all Muslims for the actions of a few.
2016-06-17 06:55:07 UTC
2016-06-17 05:17:14 UTC
2016-06-17 01:47:30 UTC
Not all muslims are terrorists, I believe terrorists should be banned. But the majority of muslims are innocent people that want access to the world as much as you do.
2016-06-16 18:49:04 UTC
Yes they are stupid
2016-06-16 12:34:33 UTC
banned from Earth
2016-06-16 11:12:13 UTC
No, that is a ridiculous idea
2016-06-15 22:52:21 UTC
how exactly are you going to enforce that dumb law. according to republicans we might as well not have any gun laws because they arent being followed why bother put up immigration laws since people will break those too.
2016-06-15 21:57:56 UTC
You cannot ban US citizens from America.
2016-06-19 09:35:56 UTC
Not all muslims are terrorist. The majority of people believe we should ban them, or kick them out of the country, but these people are really dumb and uneducated. Ever heard somebody say "Muslims need to stop coming and taking our jobs" yeah you probably have. The people that say this are usually uneducated and have no qualifications, so when a muslim with a degree in medicine or law comes to the country, and they become a doctor or lawyer, are they really stealing a dummy with no education's job? No, because this dummy stands no chance of getting a job like this. This muslim is coming to our country to help our economy and improve our medical standards, lots of them left family behind, can you imagine how they feel with no family being bullied by everybody just because of their religion, just because of what somebody did in their religion which they couldn't stop.

However I agree, some muslims are terrorists, SOME. So rather than ban them, why not do more in depth background checks into the people entering our country. It's not just muslims that are terrorists, and not all muslims are bad people. Are you christian, jewish, do you have no religion? Search online, I bet somebody has done something terrible who shares the same religion as you, and you are not bullied for it, nor could you prevent it, so why should muslims?
2016-06-19 05:35:24 UTC
What about American citizens? Don't be ignorant and naive.
Venny Veronica
2016-06-19 00:04:33 UTC
Not all Muslims are terrorists or even the bad guys in every story you hear. The teachings of their religion are actually good, just as all religions are, but it is the people who have fallen from grace and away from these teachings to the point that they interpret them as motivations for them to commit acts of terrorism.

Other than terrorists, Muslims are people and humans, just like we all are. They just have a different religion and a different culture, but they can be our neighbors, our coworkers and even our friends and loved ones without you having to worry that they may someday blow up your workplace with some bomb and unleash a massacre. Many of them might even seek refuge in the US and European countries, completely innocent human beings who just want to live and care for their loved ones just like we all do.

In other words, ask yourself this: Do YOU think that Christians or Catholics or Buddhists or followers of any other religion should be banned from Middle Eastern or Asian countries such as Iran or China or even my home country Indonesia? If you don't, then why should Muslims be banned from Europe and America?
2016-06-18 18:34:25 UTC
Not really. But they should be thoroughly checked out before granted access.
2016-06-18 17:30:12 UTC
No, but I would pay extra attention when letting them settle in a country, more extensive background screenings. Priority should be given to families first, not single young men who should be fighting for their country against terrorists.
2016-06-18 14:32:18 UTC
Christ, what a bunch of bafoons you guys are. No critical thinking involved. Did it ever occur to you that he was a closeted gay? Perhaps he was conflicted with hus sexual orientation and the way society judges that. Many closeted and openly gay men have depression and general anxiety. In this particular case the guy just went off the rails.
2016-06-18 12:39:41 UTC
It is not possible but i wish it could be.
2016-06-18 12:21:35 UTC
The freedom that we enjoy in western Europe and the USA is not compatible with the Sharia Law that most Muslims are in agreement with. The religious fervency they exhibit is not compatible with any open and free society. If they want to live among us, then THEY must adapt to US, not the other way around. Otherwise, ban them, and deport them.
2016-06-18 12:08:29 UTC
who is gonna ban them
2016-06-18 09:36:14 UTC
Yes. They Are Killing our own People
2016-06-18 07:52:10 UTC
Perish the thought, child. That's never going to happen, even if it was possible.
2016-06-18 07:38:21 UTC
No, One Bad Example Doesn't Represent All. Seriously, Why Is This Even A Question? Should All Christians Be Banned?
2016-06-17 17:33:54 UTC
Only useless people like you should be banned from our country
2016-06-17 09:58:20 UTC
No one should be banned from anywhere they choose to go.
2016-06-17 09:37:06 UTC
the Quran has been around 1300 years, but "Islamic" terroism is only 20 years old. Are you really that dumb to think the problem is Islam?
2016-06-17 06:29:11 UTC
If we go with you're logic then we should all be banned.
2016-06-17 02:50:36 UTC
If you're talking about immigration then YES. NO immigration from any Muslim country. If you are talking about vacations they should be subject to increased security measures. It's their own fault and I don't see why the civilised world should continue to put up with their ****. Not all Muslims are terrorists but ALL terrorists are Muslim.
2016-06-16 13:23:09 UTC
not al Muslims are evil we just cant hate on all of them but I think that before people come into this country we should make it a privilege to be in the USA remember all of us or our people came from somewhere else except the native American's maybe we should kick out everyone except the native Americans lol
2016-06-16 08:15:07 UTC
ALL except the pretty women aged 21-30.
2016-06-16 08:00:36 UTC
Idk should we also ban all other religions
2016-06-19 10:10:49 UTC
Are you kidding!? You must be an idiot because not all Muslims are terrorists or jihadists. You are probably one of the reasons why Muslims are upset and criticized in this country. I had a friend who was Muslim, nicest guy ever, just because he's Muslim doesn't mean he's gonna kill everybody who doesn't follow his religion!
2016-06-19 05:51:00 UTC
Maybe we should just ban racist ppl from anywhere to be honest
2016-06-19 03:18:08 UTC
no, you must check his background, from where they come from, if they come from the terrorist than give them a special treatment, 6 month, if nothing wrong, than can proceed as normal muslim and treated as normal person,actually this is small matter,if you got the brain in knowing people come and go to your country,averything they have legal document to go where they like.the inportant thing to controler must not get bride from incoming and out coming person in your country.than the country will be save, and no terrorist in your contry,check from airport,sea,and land.each places have a routine check when nessesary. ok
2016-06-18 19:16:30 UTC
Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
2016-06-18 16:21:19 UTC
2016-06-18 12:49:04 UTC
While it is true that radical Islam and Sharia law are dangerous forces, these things are not synonymous with Muslims. You probably feel like Muslims are a large part of the gun violence problem afflicting the U.S., but that's because of the non-representative and biased way the media and our public conscience approaches crime. When the shooter is Muslim, like Omar Mateen, or Tashfeen Malik and Syed Rizwan Farook in San Bernardino, the media jumps on their religious affiliation and calls them "terrorists." But when white men carry out mass shootings, like Robert Lewis Dear who shot up a Planned Parenthood, or Dylann Roof, who killed nine black church-goers in Charleston, they are excused as sufferers of mental illness and the tragedy that an upstanding white man could fall to such a state is lamented. We don't bring up radical Christianity or terrorism, because the people concerned aren't "Middle Eastern." In 2016 alone, 289 mass shootings have occurred -- but less than 1 percent of these have involved Muslims. They simply aren't the root of the problem.

As Kalico said, countless Muslim immigrants are fleeing the radical and violent forces clashing in their home countries, and need a place to go. The majority of Muslims are ordinary, non-violent people. Omar Mateen's actions don't define them, just as Robert Lewis Dear's don't define all Christians; further, it just doesn't make sense statistically to think banning Muslims will fix the evils in our society. Most of them are of our own make, and bigotry has long existed and will continue to exist even if we ban Muslim immigration.

Remember that during World War II, the U.S. turned thousands of refugees away; we only let in 21,000 Jews during the war, less than 10% of the legal amount. We certainly regretted that when we realized the extent of their persecution and suffering, and compensated AFTER the fact, after so many people were already beyond saving. Now, we have the opportunity to act while people still CAN be saved.
2016-06-18 12:07:29 UTC
listen billy big bullocks! why should they be banned? Without Muslim this world be nothing you dumbass?
2016-06-18 08:38:52 UTC
2016-06-18 00:05:01 UTC
Muslims have tried for centuries to say that their Religion is peaceful its all a load of **** their very book says to get into heaven they have to kill infidels which makes them no better than a murderer
2016-06-17 13:59:44 UTC
Yes the reason i say that is because most muslims hate america and we should do it until we know what to do at least.
2016-06-17 10:35:03 UTC
No. Absolutely not. Even though Muslims might've caused some events, it doesn't mean that ALL Muslims are bad. Even if we did ban them from Europe and America, it'll only make things even more worse.

So I think, No. Because, it's not right to ban them. Sure they might've did some very tragic things, but I do believe giving people second chances.
2016-06-17 04:39:30 UTC
Not all Muslimans just ISIS
2016-06-17 03:25:17 UTC
....stupid question, stupid answer. Prefect together.
2016-06-17 00:28:08 UTC
No . thats wrong not all muslims are bad
2016-06-16 22:54:39 UTC
2016-06-16 16:57:01 UTC
Only if they're unstable like the last ones to enter America, were. Otherwise, make it a legal obligation, (not a right or choice) for all stable citizens to carry guns. Or preferably energy weapons.
2016-06-16 16:16:05 UTC
2016-06-16 14:52:33 UTC
With this logic OP, we should also ban lonely white men with mental issues, since they commit acts of mass shootings as well!
2016-06-16 12:57:11 UTC
Humans should be exterminated. You all need to mature more before this world dies.
2016-06-16 10:54:02 UTC

But not just Muslims, every religion.
2016-06-19 06:32:26 UTC
2016-06-19 04:13:32 UTC
Maybe not banned but Islamic communities should be subjected to extra scrutiny. It's a far more expansive, aggressive religion than any other. How come Buddhists, Sikhs or Jews never commit terrorist atrocities aimed against Western societies and their values? Why is it always the followers of Islam who are behind them? This is a question liberals never answer...

Don't even get me started on the fact that Muslims have been at *each other's* throats for centuries... all because of their inability to accept that some of them are Shias.
2016-06-18 23:04:45 UTC
Should non catholics?
2016-06-18 21:57:03 UTC
all I know is they're used to certain things, and they won't give up those things.
2016-06-18 18:36:04 UTC
Laws can be changed in time of war. I believe this is considered war, so I would say for the time being, until this nonsense is sorted out, yes.
2016-06-18 17:53:24 UTC
It's too late.
Maria S
2016-06-18 15:20:39 UTC
In much of Europe Scientologists are banned. I see no reason not to do the same to Muslims.
2016-06-18 09:40:18 UTC
2016-06-18 06:13:32 UTC
2016-06-18 06:09:39 UTC
Islamic World is already huge since Muhammad died until today,why do they want to invade and harm other peoples who did nothing to them?

Islam the religion of Peace? I doubt it.

Didnt Ahmadinejad of Iran say Islam will conquer all the mountain tops of this world?
2016-06-18 05:21:58 UTC
Yes! They are murderous, rapist thugs and they need to return to their hell and stay away from our heaven. **** Muslims!
2016-06-18 04:32:12 UTC
No. Muslim is a good and peaceful nation. There are some hater who against the Muslim.
2016-06-18 02:47:41 UTC
Yes and thrown in a labor camp.
2016-06-18 02:12:13 UTC
Sure, we should
2016-06-17 10:16:24 UTC
2016-06-17 09:55:31 UTC
wha the heck..terrorists act as a antithetic force that includes not only muslims ,every nation and society is responsible for this abidance ,people are mistaken for muslim as terrorists 'thats another play ,like in every other 'religions' quran' says all about peace..these so called 'terrorists are playing behind curtains '

peace '
2016-06-17 08:42:51 UTC
No, it wouldn't make sense to ban a whole religious group just for a couple of extremists that say they are from that group. If you didn't know, islam doesnt allow terror or killing for no cause.

“Whoever kills a person [unjustly]…it is as though he has killed all mankind. And whoever saves a life, it is as though he had saved all mankind.” (Qur’an, 5:32)

People aren't understanding that Islam does NOT go with what these terrorist groups are doing, did you know that they have killed more muslims than people from other beliefs?
2016-06-16 13:26:56 UTC
Definitely look what they did in the UK they have increased in numbers through the years and know they have there own laws in there own muslin districts. They will not follow any laws whatsoever
2016-06-16 13:07:23 UTC
Muslims should be welcome to any country, yeah they have a bad reputation with the Arab race for terrorizing, cacasuins have a bad reputation for singing "this land was made for you and me" even though they want just whites! Hispanics on Drug trafficking and Prostatution, blacks on gang banging and Asians for stealing jobs but are they all like that? No I have a lot of faith that every single race are good and welcome to America with open arms because damn it, being an American is a blessing and God bless the USA
2016-06-15 22:10:44 UTC
We've had plenty of non-Muslim shooters in the US recently - a long list of white christians in fact.
2016-06-19 02:42:44 UTC
You can't judge dozens of people by a few in their race, ********.
2016-06-19 01:58:13 UTC
2016-06-18 17:48:38 UTC
Yeah. I personally think all religions are wrong but muslims are by far the worst
2016-06-18 11:42:32 UTC
sure why not?
2016-06-18 10:05:06 UTC
No. You do not punish a whole group of people for the actions of a few.
2016-06-18 09:50:17 UTC
no not at all
2016-06-18 08:21:49 UTC
2016-06-18 04:31:51 UTC
No. I think it is not correct to ban the entire muslim community. Not only us but even they are also effected by the terrorism. Because of 1 or 2 people the whole community gets effected. The immigration policies should be tightened and verification should be made before letting anyone inside the country.
2016-06-17 16:17:09 UTC
America is supposed to be this great country...... but your thinking is super backwards.

If your sister, brother, mother, father, or anybody like you at all did something like bomb a country, should you (being their family or just looking like them) be given the same punishment as the actual bomber?

Just something to think about.

Cheers :)
2016-06-17 13:46:28 UTC
Remind me where you would get cheap oil not forgetting where you would sell your over priced weapons. Go home you ding bat, this is yahoo answers not Yahoo fools
Hilal Aouam
2016-06-17 07:43:48 UTC
Unfortunately, Muslims are this era's racism target. The world is going crazy, and soceity needs someone to point the finger at. A few years ago, it was the Mexicans and Latinos, with the massive drug trafficking and illegal immigration. Fast forward to the 80's, and it was ' the yellow ***** ' which were the Chinese, the Vietnams, the Cambodians, the Koreans.. and then we'll fast forward to the 20's - 70's, the ' ******* ' basically no right, were treated like **** for the last two millenium.. The micks, ( the Irish ) with the IRA and hoodlum gangs. The Catlicks, the Ayrabs, the Aborigibals, The Jews, The Kosovians, The Polish, The Native Americans.. Everyone has been discriminated. This new era, this soceity full of hate, terrorism, fear, homophobia, racism... It needs to stop. But it won't stop by hating all Muslims. What if it were a Muslim with a cure for cancer? What about converts? What about black Muslims? What about Asian muslims? What about Moroccans and Algerians? We can stop this together, by accepting no more immigrants and helping those we already have, and blowing those *********** ISIS up..
Eric Salazar
2016-06-17 06:16:53 UTC
Muslims are not the problem. People that happen to be Muslim are the problem. Do yourself a favor and stop listening to the Trump hate speeches.
2016-06-16 21:04:39 UTC
Why do you need to ask yahoo answers to get a response? & Not all people are the same, not stop trying to ignite trouble.
2016-06-16 19:25:11 UTC
2016-06-16 16:55:05 UTC
If you ban muslim from europe&America. Dont judge when the whole muslim countries banned non muslim too!

All religion got trouble maker so what's wrong with you? go to prison..see if most are muslim criminals.

If banning each other how can we all improve our economy and relationship? hey this world is not only for 1 religion to live in! live in Mars if you hate each other! build your own empire.

I respect all religions&I did my research on all type of religions. Non of religions asking their followers to kill others. They ask to make PEACE!

What happened today was started by a troublemaker not from religion or race. Sometimes people say for eg. Quran ask their followers to spread hate blah blah but that people never open up quran? same goes to those who hate Christian but never open up Bible but saying **** about Bible spreading hate?

Be a good researcher with a good mentality. US rape iraqian/kill em long time ago but never get banned? Think a solution dont think like Hitler.
2016-06-16 14:31:53 UTC
A temporary ban for muslim immigrants until the current attacked is contained. Track the syrians muslim in US n Canada??
2016-06-16 13:45:00 UTC
NOO. stop being so racist. as long as they are legal leave them the hell alone. smh
2016-06-16 06:02:46 UTC
Should Muslims be banned from Europe and America?

>> UNTIL the terrorist problem is solved MUSLIMS should be BANNED from all the world except the mid east ... and deserve as Japan got when they were the terrorists and many muslims have proven to be worse than the Japanese by being COWARDS don't wear uniforms, preferring , " Soft Targets ." like the club in Orlando, murdering of unarmed people / civilians !
2016-06-15 22:53:37 UTC
Reports are that a group of ISIS "refugees" is on the way or even poised in Belgium for an attack their and France... And Hillary wants to bring even MORE HERE!
2016-06-15 22:00:05 UTC
criminalize religious bullying.....problem solved
2016-06-17 18:16:25 UTC
if it's just to ban a whole population with billions of people including innocents, affluents and intelligents like Ahmed Mohammad just because of a few black sheeps among them while most of them even condemn such acts and when it's explicit that actually Islam doesn't support such violence.... If so it's more worth to ban all the drug dealers and mischiefs all around the world .
2016-06-17 12:01:57 UTC
Absolutely!they represent a cult that is a permanent violation of human rights;no freedom of religion,only for themselves once they are the majority!!!,no freedom of thought,no freedom of speech and certainly no freedom for women!in their koran is written 109 times that a good muslim must kill all non muslims!americans are so ignorant about the enemy among them!.God save America and the rest of the free world!
2016-06-17 11:35:20 UTC
2016-06-17 09:16:48 UTC
Unless massive amounts of muslim leaders come out and condemn this hatred and violence I say you can't kick anyone out but you sure as hell can make it illegal in the United States and you can stop it with the 1st amendment and 2nd amendment.

We live in different times. This is 2016 not 1816 and it's us or them.

If anything, we find anyone from a country that has remotely harmed people in terrorism no matter what they are affiliated it but especially Islam they are not welcome in the United States.

Ask Germany how they are doing or Sweeden or Belgium or France or England. They are not a religion but a murderous cult.
2016-06-17 08:30:28 UTC
A continent only for muslims not other continent of single muslim
2016-06-17 06:33:49 UTC
2016-06-17 03:01:15 UTC
I want to say just one thing that if you ban Muslims than i am 100% sure you all americans will not able to eat anything because you import all things from you do all of your business deals with them even you got oil from muslims
2016-06-16 12:42:12 UTC
2016-06-19 20:25:09 UTC
all NON WHITES. period.

look at all these non-white racist cowards who are upset with idea

there isnt a SINGLE non-white country on the face of the earth that doesnt do its best to keep ALL others out, even those like themselves

this is where all these non-white racist cowards come from, who to do this day STILL refuse to call any non-white society "racist" for it, yet these scum dont hesitate to volunteer the very same white societies for even more non-white blight that THEY ALL ran away from in the first place.

the threat of terrorism is just ON MORE REASON. flooding white societies of non-whites is a reflection of racial hatred, it is nothing but harmfull and destructive.. there is NOTHING positive about it in any way shape or form.

right NOW you can remove 99 percent of non-whites from white countries and there will STILL BE MORE non-whites in white countries than there are white people in non-white countries.

there isnt ONE non-white country OR non-white racial group who infects a white society that VOLUNTEERS non-whtie societies for this kind of HATE.
2016-06-20 12:25:11 UTC
Some should aka radical Muslims

Others should not like peaceful Muslims
2016-06-19 21:47:16 UTC
EU needs to ban all muslims

US needs to bans all muslims.

these stone-age primative are living in the stone-age .

we live in information. cloud comoputing age now.
2016-06-20 04:33:52 UTC
Without a shadow of a doubt yes
2016-06-20 07:47:35 UTC
It's impossible. Since it's not a race, all anyone has to do is say they practice a different religion.
2016-06-19 22:59:16 UTC
And planet earth along with Ninefingers and Nathan they are as racists and Foul Mouthed
2016-06-20 14:32:02 UTC
western countries in terms of terrorist attacks muslims suffer the most becuase it happens on daily basis in islamic countries and compared to the west, one terror attack in the west the entire muslim community is subjected as terrorist, like isis and they do no good, full of hate, and should be deported, all in all whats the benefit
2016-06-20 07:17:04 UTC
They should be banned from the whole planet
2016-06-19 23:04:39 UTC
That's fear talking, of course not! They're people and they're all different not all of them are terrorists! Don't let the fear control you!
2016-06-20 10:31:52 UTC
Just the radical ones, but then again it's hard to tell which one is radical
2016-08-19 09:25:09 UTC
I think humanity should be nuked
2016-06-20 13:42:19 UTC
you do realize the terrorists are hurting muslims too..........not all muslims are terrorists
2016-06-20 03:18:20 UTC
2016-06-20 09:35:24 UTC
even from india
2016-06-19 17:55:22 UTC
Not at all.
2016-06-19 21:31:43 UTC
2016-06-20 11:55:44 UTC
2016-06-19 22:58:56 UTC
2016-06-19 21:58:31 UTC
2016-06-19 17:10:26 UTC
2016-06-19 22:25:06 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.