2009-11-14 22:48:10 UTC
Yeah, I should tell you my story.
I need someone to understand what I'm going through.
I'm 15. My life in unfair. My family is dysfunctional. They're druggies, drinkers, smokers, and my parents are constantly at eachother. They're seperated, I was the result of a one night stand between my parents. I'm totally ignored by both my mother and father, I honestly think they just don't want me around.
I may have a best friend, Kayla, who sticks by me no matter what, but she has her own troubles at the moment and I can't burden her with my troubles.
I have zero self esteem. I'm completely convinced that I'm undescribably ugly.
I lost my virginity at 13 to my first boyfriend, Sean. I thought I was in love with him, until he cheated on me, twice.
My second boyfriend, Harrison, pretty much just used me for sex.
My current boyfriend, Brenden James (BJ) doesn't understand me. I can't break up with him cause he says that if I do, he's gonna kill or hurt himself.
I feel like a total whore.
My mother's boyfriend bashed her a few months ago. He spent some time in jail but now he's back home with my mother & me. I'm scared to death that he'll hurt us again. My mother doesn't need this. She's too vulnerable.
I may be smart, but I'm failing school. I can't concentrate anymore. I feel so bad cause I feel like I'll end up having no future.
And to top it all off, one of my friends Troy says that he's gonna take his own life, and I can't stand losing him, I'd just rather go with him
I have no hope anymore. i do know that suicide isn't the answer, but my depression is overcoming me and I feel like I have no choice.
Can someone please help me?
I'm scared that I'm gonna go through with it....
Here's a picture of me..
Am I really as ugly as I think I am?
Please help me :(
I'm losing hope...