I was on Seroquel back in 1999 and I developed a seizure disorder. However I tend to get the very rare side effects and I am extremely medication sensitive. I was also on many other things for depression and anxiety. At one point that year I was on seven meds all at once.
I think if you are suffering from anxiety you should look into Xanax or Ativan. I never hear anything bad about Ativan and I take Xanax. The main problem with Xanax is that you eventually build up a tolerance to the drug and need more of it to get the same effect.
Try to request an anti-anxiety medication that is not a multi-purpose drug, meaning that it's not used for depression and/or manic depression etc. I think people tend to have more problems with antidepressants meds. Everyone has a different body chemistry and tolerates medications differently. My suggestion is that if you are concerned you ask your doctor to start you on the lowest possible dosage and increase your dosage slowly over weeks.
If the medication doesn't work out and you have side effects from it the worst thing you can do is to wean yourself off too fast or quit cold turkey. That is when you are most likely to develop seizures. The brain is not something you want to mess with too much. You need to be careful anytime you take these medications. Most meds cause side effects like fatigue, weight gain or weight loss, increase in anxiety or depressive symptoms including feelings of suicide.
Seizures are a RARE risk factor of medications. I do suggest that if you feel you are at risk that you stay away from Seroquel and Wellbutrin. Wellbutrin is used for depression. I myself like Xanax because it hasn't caused me any negative side effects and I have tried just about everything else.
Good luck!