I hate all women and girls, what to do?
2016-08-08 06:51:50 UTC
just hate all women.
Their faces and bodies are pretty outside but inside behind all the makeup and pushup it is just fake and ugly! I honestly dont understand why my friends and other Guys can't see this. I have never seen a naked woman myself in real but i just have that feeling.

Their personalties are selfish and mean as well. They are like
mean demons, they are sexist, use Man etc.
I hate how men have to chase the women and prove himself to her. It's not fair.
I hate how Guys have to have good looks, confidence, swag, and money in order to get girls.

My hatred for women is increasing, i don't want to listen them, there voice make me wanna puke. whenever they are talking i never listen and their jokes aren't funny.
I just hate being attracted to women, i have very sex drive but I don't want to do sex ever with a women because it is so disgusting.
I will make my self infertile after some time I guess..
They are everywhere. Gosh.
Since I was little I kinda had this problem, I would always try to talk to girls but they never talked to me or liked me, I even remember some telling me I'm ugly and they want Nothing with me, Since that day I started up building hate towards women because they don't like, I went experienced the same thing in High School, all the girls would hang out with the popular and attractive Guys. Maybe im jealous but i dont know. I just dont know what to do anymore.
299 answers:
2016-08-11 07:50:11 UTC
Maybe take the time to actually get to know a real girl. Why be jealous of the jocks and cheerleaders if you hate them anyway? - its the quiet ones that really excel after the fake years of school is what ive learnt. I always stood up for underdog, no matter their appearance or popularity. Taking punches for some for sticking up for them.Didnt base my friendships with men or women on appearance. Never made men chase me, never chose a man because of money or looks. (hell 12 years in relationship were still broke and still happy). Never used my looks to use a man. Never judged those few uptight jock types without getting to know their background. You dont know their storey,, most girls acting crazy popular loud and seeking attention usually have the saddest reasons as to why the felt the need to be ''IN''. That makeup could be due to self consciousness, an abnormality. Those looks - doesnt define their personality, not their fault theyre pretty or average. My upbringing defines my understanding of people and why the can act like smuts. Ive been thru things which i didnt let affect my living, but i understand how this can have the power to affect others. Open your mind, dont judge an entire gender based on what you think your looking at with a few girls. Ive had boys call me ugly, bully me to tears **** that should probably should scar me,but i carried on found a great group of guy mates. No one owes you their friendship so dont expect it. When your all grown up and living in adullthood you'll value those couple of good friends. People grow - and as for the girls that call you ugly theyll grow up one day and realise what a bully they were, trust me. Ive had apologies 10 years after school, - im guessing your young from your entire comment, no adult would think like this. i hope you find a girl that will look past your hatred and work against all odds to show you your wrong, but to be honest why should anyone if your so hateful. And if that doesnt help you may want to check if your in a closet and resenting woman for the wrong reason :P Sorry for not sugar coating it.

Also curious as to how you know you have a high SEX drive but have never seen a naked women...being a horney teen is quite typical, but ur hand aint ''sex'' as such.Or is it an untalkative inflatable doll that doesnt answer you and has made you hateful, and disgusted?
2016-08-10 14:09:16 UTC
As a girl I can honestly say this isn't true- but I have the same feelings towards guys. I've never had a boyfriend for the simple fact that I'm terrified they would use me and then leave me. I hate the front that guys put on to act 'macho' and the fact they don't show their emotions and that most guys tend to go for the pretty/fake girls. I can understand where you're coming from but all girls are definately not fake or want to use you. In fact I want a happy relationship based off of love and love alone, I'd be happy to marry someone living on the streets with nothing if I loved them. But I can understand why you'd get the idea that some women only want to use men. But the same goes for men. I think you just have to realise that there's alot of people in general who like to use people (both men and women) you just have to look a little harder at the quiet ones, those who love people for them and only want to make others happy...because trust me their are people like that out there.
2016-08-09 21:14:50 UTC
Learn to FORGIVE all the evil done to you by woman, trust me, your not alone. There are also plenty of woman who hate men because they only want to hang out with the popular and hot girls, etc. Unfortunately it seems like 90 percent of the population is extremely superficial. It's a messed up world, but you will hopefully eventually find your match and other people who will appreciate you and like you for you and not your money, looks, or whatever. However I can tell you it wont happen if you keep it up with this attitude, dont allow other people to hurt you (you have control over your own thoughts, feelings, and emotions) you dont have to believe and listen to what everybody tells you. Just give them the respect that they deserve as a human being and the respect in which you would want to be given. You WILL reap what you sow, in this life and the next. Try not to let people rule over your life, i too have this problem. Remember demons are real and they will make things as bad as they possibly can- dont listen to them. ignore and rebuke the evil thoughts you have towards woman. One day you could end up really hurting a genuinely nice and caring woman who could even be your potential wife, but you never LET GO of all the hatred so if ruined any and all possibilities of a future. Also, make sure your not mad at the hottest girls in school who wouldn't give you the time of day, when you did the same damn thing to Helga or the other not so glamorous girls in the school. Did you always go after the popular girls thinking they were the best and better than the other girls? Because if so, why dont you think they would think they same way? meanwhile you wont give somebody else they time of day. CHeck yourself first, and drop all the petty bs.
2016-08-10 14:26:04 UTC
I'm a woman, and I agree with you!! Many women are very manipulative and vindictive. Many women DO use men, and they think it's a funny game. My own Mother cheated on and lied to my Dad, and she ultimately sued him based on a big ugly lie. But she's very beautiful, and I guess that's what validates her in her own head. It almost made me a woman hater myself!!

All I can tell you is that not all women are like that. There are some women that just want love and respect, and nothing else.

Honestly, there are many men that use women as well, unfortunately.

It is very, very smart of you to be weary. That will help you weed out the bad eggs when you're looking for a mate. Just don't assume that all women are man eaters, because then you might misjudge the ones that are not. People are people, and a lot of times, their crappiness doesn't have anything to do with their gender, just their heart.

You'll find love and you'll feel differently then, I promise :)
2016-08-10 12:51:54 UTC
Women are selfish manipulative crazy monsters, it's true. They have emotional problems, play with your heart and mind. They say they love you while at the same time really just wanting to control you. In the past this was easily managed by making sure MEN had control over everything. We had the voice of reason and logic instead of emotional craze. But then some weak men allowed women to gain more control and power in society which just made life a living hell for everyone. Women are supposed to be silent and obedient, for their own good and the good of Men. But today there's too many women wanting equal rights to vote, equal rights in relationship and jobs etc. The thing is, they're not equal, they are defective emotionally and psychologically and so this brings about chaos and disorder.
2016-08-10 12:39:04 UTC
Well, the girls that were mean before are just immature girls and do not know how to respect feelings of others yet-it needs to happen to them. I would look inward- be the best of you- take care of your body and mind-and looks. Sometimes being a listener and watching what others do to attract or distract girls will help. If they are calling you a loser- it could be you- do not think I am judging you- I am trying to remember what it was like to be your age. When I was younger the losers were jerks. They were the guys who thought they were so cool but acted like a jerk or came off too strong. People can be mean and this goes both ways. Me- I was the cool hot chick but not the snotty *****. Those girls grow up to be total CUN*s or really nice when they have had a taste of their own medicine. Try to be more relaxed and cautious. If you are all over a girl she will treat you like crap or run from you. I think the same way about the girls you have mentioned so I hung out with the cool guys who didn't date girls like the above mentioned. Everybody here gave their best advice and I would read all of it and take lessons. Work on YOU- keep hobbies- read more- there are lots of good books out there on the subject. When the timing is right- you will have it- MANY hot guys were geeks and same with girls- before they blossomed. I went from hot looking cool chick to obese total dork. When I was thin the guys loved me- no personality change when I got fat and no one looks twice unless they are mature enough to look me in the eye and smile anyway. I see it every day- good luck
2016-08-09 04:53:08 UTC
You say that you hate all women .Does that include your mother as well who brought you into this world . You have grown up with a childhood problem where girls have ignored you . Now that you are matured you will have to change this attitude of hating girls and women . Get involved in social service where you will have to mix up with females and work together for the benefit of less fortunate men women and children . Don't think women are only meant for sex . Learn to respect them .You will gradually overcome your phobia and become a normal male .
2016-08-10 02:21:08 UTC
Well theres nothing you can't really do about it when you hate all women and girls. You have to remind yourself that we're all humans too we ain't better than mens. Now remember that not all women and girls are all the same! Don't hate the ones who didn't do anything wrong with you js! Besides you have no right to disrespect one either because a women brought you here into this world
2016-08-12 07:42:22 UTC
Wowwwwwww...some intense feelings there!!!!!!!!

I can understand where you are coming from, me.....we are not all alike.

I have seen abuse from both sides...but they are either young or pure jerks.

Don't judge a book by its cover. The pretty girl may be shy, just like the not so pretty. You have to get to know them.

Then the cool guys may have to work hard to be that way, as they are maybe covering up for a poor family life.

Chill out my friend and I am sure some day you will find that girl of your dreams.

Don't try so hard. Don't come off as needy.

When you see a girl you might like, just SMILE and say hello. You just might be surprised.

Good luck my friend....I am sure you are a great guy and any girl would be happy to be your friend.
2016-08-08 21:53:22 UTC
have you looked into gynophobia? It's a phobia of women due to various emotions like fear, hatred, anxiety, etc. You aren't gay, you aren't jealous, you aren't harboring ill intentions, and it's fine that you don't know what's happening.

Look into gynophobia, see if it sounds like you, and seek a male professional about it if it's affordable.

(a lot of things on the internet are about men who feel extreme anxiety around women but there are people like you, no doubt).

another thing to keep in mind is that you have to be willing to change. You can't stay stuck in the same place forever. You're still standing in the same place as you were when you were a child. You can move on dude.

Willpower can beat anything. Not all women are the same. Not all women like men. Not all women wear makeup and push up bras. Not all women are in the company of men all the time. If you see a girl reading, well, she likes to read. If you see a group of girls laughing, well, they're friends having fun. Nothing more, nothing less. No men involved, no lying involved, nothing.

You need to stop turning a blind eye to men too. Not all men who have a girl with them are rich or good looking, or confident. Not all guys are like that and not all girls are into that. If a buff guy is with a girl, well, I hope they are in a happy relationship. If a nerd who is a broke college student is with a girl, I also hope that they are in a happy relationship.

You need to accept that yes, you are different than other men (not weird or bad, just different). You need to accept that your view is not the only view. You need to accept that women are all humans with their differences, and that men do not have to fit a certain image to get a girl.

You do not have to fit into that image, and women who you see around you do not all fit into your image of them either.

Anyways, good luck to you man.
2016-08-08 08:26:28 UTC
Sounds like you've been screwed over more than once. Not all women are like that I promise. I have been on the other side of that. I've went through that "men are selfish pigs" "all they care about is looks".. And the best thing I can tell you to do is fall in love with yourself first. Do what you like and if you come across a girl and she seems fake or superficial, just be like "that's not what i'm looking for and move on. You do that and you'll attract people like you. Just keep moving and do you. There's nothing wrong with you. Everybody goes through it at some point, whether they want to admit it or not.It's called having taste. And jokes are lame. That bugs the hell out of me too. Not everything's a joke. Yep. Walk away from them.
2016-08-10 05:37:09 UTC
Have you noticed that girls always have to be more or equal attractive looking then the guy? Guys always always only accept girls who are prettier then them. If a not so attractive girl asked an attractive guy out he'd most likely turn her down. While if the roles were switched there'd be less of a chance of rejectment.

He'd only accept attractive looking girls.

You get mad at us girls for not giving you a chance, but you guys depend more on looks then us.

If you're so accepting try asking out a girl who is less attractive then you. She'll definitely be real and have a personality.

Though, I agree American good looking girls often are so fake and awkward and have no personality that it drives me nuts and I find them too boring to befriend. Its probably because of high school they are this way. They follow stereotypes and try to fit into this image all their life. They don't bother to develop their own personality or get some catch.
2016-08-09 04:19:33 UTC
Two years ago you posted this: (I never had a girlfriend, kissed or sex... i party With my friends and i look on my friends relations With girls and i am just sad.. i Want to have sex or have girlfriend.. Do you Think om a total loser? ) And here you are today complaining about women. I think that you are just expressing your anger because you CANNOT have a woman. No woman seems to want you. So, there has to be something about you that you do that turns women off. You need to change your attitude, and you need to grow up. I have a feeling that there is a lot about you that you need to change so women can appreciate you. It just goes to show that you need to educate yourself on women, and learn what they are all about. It’s not hard to see that at the age of 18 you were sad because you didn’t have a girlfriend. And two years later you are still sad because, but this time you are angry because no one seems to want you. But as long as you don’t try to change then you will never be able to have someone in your life. Stop complaining because you are the one that is in charge of your life. Keep going the way you are going and you will be an old frustrated sad man. There is a lot of good information on the internet about women and how you can treat them. Look it up, and start changing your life around.
2016-08-08 21:19:24 UTC
It sounds like you've been ****** over by a girl or have had bad experiences with girls but you can't judge them as a whole . We aren't all the same and I suggest you be more positive and friendly tbh . Make friends with them . And you don't have to be super attractive to get a girl . And btw , if your mad that guys have to have swag and money and be popular to get a girl , just think . Girls have to have good bodies and pretty faces and a good personality as well to get attention . Some girls are like you too and hate all guys because of a few experiences . They aren't all the same and you have to keep looking to find the girl for you
2016-08-10 20:29:04 UTC
It sounds like you built up this hate for quite sometime now which is very unhealthy and can cause you to possibly take out your anger on women in the future. I recommend you see a therapist for further help but let me just tell you this; not all women are the same. It sounds like bs but look I am a women and I think all guys are the same but its certainly NOT the case. Both men and women are HUMAN and we all are flawed. You just have not met/been around women who are not materialistic and trust me there actually are ones out there that exist although because of todays society its hard to find many. Just to add this in too but you were actually female in the first few weeks of being in the womb ;)
2016-08-09 10:47:15 UTC
Unless you've met every woman on the planet, you can't fairly make that generalization. And if you keep that attitude toward women, no woman will ever want to have anything to do with you. We're not all sexist, mean, and fake. You did make a valid point about men having more expected of them than women when it comes to relationships. I think no one should ever lower their standards for what they look for in a partner. Then the really trashy people, both male and female, will never meet anyone's standards or find partners or reproduce. It's sad that women are always being encouraged to never lower their standards for a trashy guy but they don't encourage the same for men. They tell women even if you're unhealthy and stupid and don't even care about your own well being, that if a man can't accept you as you are he isn't good enough for you. Meanwhile they tell men to work out and be able to pay for everything or they're not even good enough for the trashiest of women.
2016-08-11 15:22:46 UTC
Totally agree with you man even though i am a girl.All your points are valid.That's why i have guy friends more than girl friends.Girls always start drama and shi.They are annoying asf.True that they wear tons of makeup and cake their faces up.Personally im all about the natural look even though im a girl (maybe its because im tomboyish who knows).These days most of the girls are whøres and gold ashamed to be a girl.They dressing up like slüts then they complain why guys use them as toys.For real though they evil asf.Lets be real though,not every girl is like that.There are normal girls out there.Dont judge every girl based on few stereotypes.Not all girls are whøres and gold diggers.Not all girls care about looks.It's just a phase of theirs,when they'll grow up they'll realise that they made a huge mistake choosing guys based on their looks and it'll be too late cause the "not so good looking guys" will already be happily married.
2016-08-10 16:24:56 UTC
Not all girls are like this. Maybe the ones you have encountered are, but there are some nice girls out there. Im a girl and I don't think I'm really like that lol. And guys aren't the only ones that have to have good looks, guys judge a girls looks just as much as girl would judge a guy's looks. If a girl doesn't have a huge ***, skinny waste, huge ****, and a really pretty face, they are criticized for it. Men also use woman too, for sex. So it's not just guys.
John R
2016-08-08 10:12:27 UTC
Hey, Jonas..

Just based on your problem from the start, "I would make an assumption" you are relatively young, and quick judgments are normal. You must keep in mind Jonas that "women" has never been understood in the complete history of mankind. So you see, it's impossible for you to sum - up rejection based only on a few ! are cutting yourself short, and wanting results to quickly. I'm not going to tutor you on approach, but I do want you to think about this:

I have a 55 gallon drum completely full of BB's...I have provided an access through the lid on the top for you to reach in. Now, with one hand pull out the maximum amount you can in one try and lay them on the tray I have provided you on the table.

All these BB's Jonas "just so happen to be the girls that have rejected you". But ya know what is so devastating...YOU DON"T SEE THE REMAINDER IN THE DRUM ...
2016-08-09 02:33:23 UTC
I'll give you the best answer because in my opinion I haven't found love either or a decent looking or decent girlfriend for that matter. You're fine, in fact very respectable once you choose not to give in to them for material sex. Women need only one thing and if you have this one trait only you are set for life not just with women but everyone and everything: the ability to spin a good story. You've seen the occasional gift of God who gets what he wants just skating by the whole time. Then you have the majority of people who fall in love but have such disgusting qualities about them. In women, this for example is an obnoxious shrill laugh, making fun of everything, a very high level of thinking only with emotions and very little reasoning and thought; in other words ignorance and selfabsorbedness. Girls just want to be vibrated mentally and every once in awhile physically. Men share a lot of qualities women do too only to different extents. you're fine, most people aren't.
2016-08-11 08:37:04 UTC
Okay firstly, makeup will make you and your skin look better but it won't change how you look completely.

Secondly, not all girls are like that. There are over 7 billion people in the world. So I'm definitely sure that there will be many girls who won't use you, and if all girls were the same, no man would be in a relationship now and trust me, I've seen many happy couples.

Hopefully you will find the right girl someday. Good luck! :)
2016-08-10 19:38:57 UTC
As a woman myself I take a little offense but I completely agree with you although I unlike other woman am the exact opposite of the woman you described I hate hate make-up I just can't stand to see girls at my old middle school and girls at my old high school wear make-up and say that girls who don't wear make-up are ugly. Now on the topic of love I kinda disagree I have a crush on a boy I've known most my life and he likes me back but the thing is with me I am extremely shy I don't even talk to my family often cause they intimidate me so when the boy confessed his feelings I ran off but I did apologize for running off but I agree that some girls are whores but not all I recommend that you maybe try making some friends with some woman that are nice now don't do what I do and make assumptions on the woman's personality before getting to know them it's not good to make assumptions beforehand and if the girl turns out to be a rude whore than search for another girl to be friends with.
2016-08-09 22:17:30 UTC
I'm sorry you've gone through all that. I dunno. They seemed a selfish to me. The women you described. I am sort of plain compared to the ones you described and went through highschool ignored by guys in a way. They always wanted to be friends. Nothing more. I met one who was different but he broke up with me when he went to college. Within a month he had a new girlfriend. I guess I wasn't pretty enough or something.

I am really sorry though thay you've been treated this way. Not all women are like that. But. I'm sure you've heard it before. I went through a something like that for a while, hating men.

Tbh though, I've found that the types of men that the women you've encountered have gone for, can just be jerks. I mean I am a friendly person and usually say hi to everyone and they never would say hi back. They always struck me as uppity and I don't like guys like that.

I like really nerdy people. I actually have a definition of handsome that my shallow family dismisses as "ugly"
2016-08-10 03:15:39 UTC
Just because a few girls didn't like you when you were younger does not make you have the right to hate all girls. All girls have different personalities just like boys. So stop complaining and holding grudges from your childhood because it's not getting you anywhere in life. And when you say that you don't understand how your friends and other boys don't see what you find it girls, don't you think your the problem because the ratio is 1:The other boys
2017-01-16 18:33:12 UTC
I Hate All Girls
rolf d
2016-08-13 08:07:51 UTC
Once I tried to help a guy who had a similar outlook. All that happened is that I had to listen to his sexist misogynistic, fixated crap and then he dumped me because I was a potential nuisance in his grand plans.

Some people are hopeless.

I have all reasons to hate women, I have done so in the past but I can't really hate them for very long. Among other things, it is prejudice.

I just hope that you won't go on a murderous spree like that last guy in California.
2016-08-08 12:02:11 UTC
A lot of girls/women are mean I agree and I am one, but not all are the same. A lot can be picky with looks I never get why I was never friends with many girls because they are rude so I spent time with all guys in high school I was the only girl at our lunch table, before that I used to sit with all girls at lunch but 2 of them looked at me mean like they were talking bad about me I didn't want to start a fight so I moved to another table. That's why I try to get to know everyone before I become friends with them.
2016-08-08 11:38:34 UTC
I am sure a lot of people already told you this, but that's not women, its A LOT of people. Our society is selfish, crass, opportunistic, materialistic, and woman are raised to believe their worth is based on their physicial attractiveness so yea you will meet some chicks who think having a good personality is not important. I am a chick and dam my last boyfriend was a D BAG. he was almost 20 years older than me and treated me like garbage, physically abused me, called me every name in the book, HAD ME pay for dates and if I didn't he would complain, he would leave out of state with friends doing who knows what, and all I wanted to do was to be in a meaningful relationship with someone who cares enough about me to treat me with respect. So its not only chicks, I'd say 90 percent of the human population are disgusting people.
2016-08-10 13:11:15 UTC
Well some girls are dumb ***** I swear but not all are like that some for example me I honestly don't care how he looks as long the guy loves me and cares for me and I do the same for him so you can give a few more girls a chance or maybe for a while go bi you can try dating guys and If you like it stick to it and if you still feel attracted to women go for it, you'll get break for women this way :)
2016-08-08 12:13:15 UTC
I'm pretty much in the same boat as you. girls these days are extremely difficult to get into their circle/start a relationship with, unless you're either really good looking and/or very wealthy.. but I haven't completely given up on them. I think the trick might be to move out of the big city and find a nice country girl somewhere.
Anne Campbell
2016-08-09 06:38:09 UTC
This conflict in your mind stems I believe from your early experiences and a lack of self esteem. You seem to have a love/hate /fear thing going on. In high school this was magnified again by girls not wanting to be with you. However all is not lost but a change in behavior is indicated, you see if you approach girls with this mindset they will pick up on it and avoid your company, however nice you try to be. Could you perhaps try to look for girls with the idea of getting to know them as friends rather than possible girlfriends, this way you are less likely to be rejected. A good way to do this is to pursue a hobby which allows you to meet girls through a common interest and take it from there.
2016-08-09 23:52:46 UTC
Honestly not every single female is the same so you can't say that all females are fake mean rude and so forth since a lot of females in this day and age are natural just as long as you look in the right places your bound to find a girl or woman who isn't fake , rude and so on just keep an open mind. Have a wonderful life :)
2016-08-08 11:04:34 UTC
That's something weird kind of a hatred i must say but i guess to love someone first we need to love ourselves and if someone hate another be it a women specifically may be the person needs a psychiatrist for consultation it may happen because at an infant stage of life that every person may faced flacks and troubles from a womanly figure.
2016-08-08 11:54:09 UTC
First of you have to find that why you hate women because women is your mother your sister and cousin. Every hand have five fingers and they are not same size as like every person is not same all are different nature so you have to feel that live Cary bad and good things. So do not hate girls. and do not compare bad girls to good girls. Every person is not same in life all thinking and mentality different from each other.
2016-08-10 05:59:18 UTC
Have the same thing for many years, males built the very world we are in, men do the hard stuff to get girls, yet they use that for years until they're like " oh I never liked you, and you did all that because you wanted too, "and date with a rich swagger. While girls and woman just ruin my lives, since I was little, my sisters ruined my life. When I wanted to go to an amusement park, my sisters wanted to go downtown, when I wanted to go to a museum, my sisters wanted to go to San Francisco. And of course, what the girls want, always happens, because they're weaker and won't have the chance to do what they want, yet they did that for many years, and even now, nobody from my family cares about me because they're girls, my friends are in different states now and we lost contact, and girls still annoy me. When I was small, my sisters did something so bad to my, I even wanted to suicide. Forgiveness won't help, I forgived girls comtless times, yet now they think if I'll forgive once, I'll forgive again. It makes people think they can do what they want because in the end, they will be forgiven. I now tend to stay alone and don't go to family holidays, because most of the family are girls and woman, and they hate me for all the bad stuff THEY did to me. Now I'm all alone in my house thinking what to do, should I live my life alone in my house, or should I just venture on countless adventure, just like I always wanted, while because of relatives, I couldn't. How I wish I ran away from my family the day my life was completely ruined.
2016-08-09 16:18:03 UTC
You can't help it 90% of women & girls just like popular, rich, or perfect-looking guys there are very few women who actually have a good personality and this is why most women & girls are stuck-up snobs, but there are still a few hood ones but either way just give up bc it's to hard to find a good one.....
2016-08-08 21:11:01 UTC
I understand your hate for women, but I will guess that it's because you make have gone through a bad experience with a women in your life? They are bad women out there, but there are also bad men out there too. It's humanity, not just women. Many women are inspirational and caring, trust me.
2016-08-13 21:24:24 UTC
Come on, u cant say "ALL" , all the things u mentioned, I feel glad I'm not one of them :) cuz Ik myself

and its probably the girls in ur country that made u feel that way, try dating a girl online or meeting girls online, I'm sure there will be a girl who will change all ur thoughts.

Not all of us are the same, I don't look for a guy with money or swag or whatever, its the last thing that matters to me, I am more into the personality then their properties n money.

and tbh its 2016 so ik how u feel n ik which girls ur talkin about, and I wont lie, gold diggers are increasing, nowadays its gonna be hard to find a girl who isn't into ur $$$$.
2016-08-09 07:34:37 UTC
Okay, first things first, us, women, are not all the same---and neither are males. So by saying that all women and girls are fake and use makeup and pushups, you are offending every single female that's reading this. I understand how you feel, but please do not say ALL women and girls, because I don't use pushups and I only use light makeup for special events (ex.: family meetings). Because maybe more often than sometimes, we feel insecure, scared. Man, many days we even feel like sh*t! "Nice boobs" "Nice butt". And you say WE use men only for sex? HA! Sometimes I find myself thinking "What if he doesn't love me? What if all he wants is my body?". So shut the eff up and start researching before you invent a theory.

Moving on. As some others have said, it could be a condition called gynophobia. Please go contact a Therapist and tell them how you feel, but, for God's sake, get a MALE Therapist.
JDK Answers
2016-08-08 19:15:07 UTC
You're gay im guessing or a meminist or a MGTOW

But what youre saying is a little sexist because alot are obnoxious but not all so you cant blame all women like a woman could blame all men.

I agree that most girls of today are self entitled and annoying

And they cant help stuff like their voice
2016-08-16 18:08:49 UTC
It seems like there is something psychological going on. Is there a woman who hurt you or a mother/aunt/sister/grandmother that abused you. I'm not offended by your question at all mainly because I can tell there is something that goes deeper than simply hating women. CBT may help find the source of why you can't stand women.
2016-08-10 08:40:43 UTC
This is exactly how I feel about every guy. II HATE THEM ALL. They're just mean evil human being beings with no heart. They're wicked demons. Their the devil. The only thing they do is make fun of me because of my looks and never tries to get to know me. You have to look good, have a pretty face and nice bodu to have a boyfriend. I try being nice and

work on my phisical appearance but im always ugly to them. They can all rot for all.I care, I hate men.
2016-08-10 01:02:51 UTC
I'm a woman and I can't blame you for hating us child.I truly love my 37 years husband, I never used him for money I chose him for love because we truly love each other. He was just like you when he was younger, the worst was he got cheated by his first girlfriend before he met me and we both were not even seeking for a relationship we were still friends, we realized later how much we really care and love one another in during our hard and good times together. We have 3 children together and almost having our Grand children's rom my eldest one. Remember your mother is a woman, you wouldn't exist without her. According to my teenage daughter she said if you're at the same age you might go for good girls who are more down-to-earth, very loyal, unselfish and will give you the love you've never knew a girl could give you. Now I also remember I used to be a bad girl, I dated many boys heartlessly took advantage of some of them that's because in my younger years boys would choose dating bad girls than good ones (my daughter made me realized this) until I met my husband, my husband melted my heart the only man who ever melted my heart before I became his girlfriend then after a year became his wife..., forever will be.., I've grown with him learn to love with him... forever I'll care for him forever I'll love him the same way he does for me.
2016-08-09 13:44:45 UTC
Nothing. There are no more women these days. They are either the silent minority or the man-hating all-men-are-rapists, pro-male-mutilation feminists. It's quite normal to hate them. Just get a good job, earn some money and deprive these golddiggers when they come to you begging for attention and asking for attention-alms. Just make it a point of your life: never spend s single penny over any girlfriend or wife if you somehow end up with one.
2016-08-10 16:23:42 UTC
You are extremely sensitive and paranoid. The ones you hate are the only ones you find attractive. I'm sure girls have liked you before but since you weren't the one with the starting attraction you blew them off. As you grow more mature you'll realize that not all girls/women are the same but only the ones YOU find attractive are. That's how life is.
2016-08-09 04:14:00 UTC
You need to find out why you hate so much. Talk with a psychologist doctor as soon as you can get an appointment. Do you also hate your grandmother and your mother and your aunts and nieces ?? Or is it just other people who are women outside of your own family line. You need to understand why you hate so much, and the way to start understanding is to talk with a doctor who can help you.
2016-08-08 19:06:13 UTC
Are you gay? Do you need professional help?

As a rape victim, I could look at men the same way you look at women. I could say I hate men soo much, they lie, cheat, steal, and take advantage of women. But I choose not to be that ignorant and one-minded. I think you should definitely check yourself in to some therapy. Get a psychologist but most importantly get Jesus!
2016-08-09 11:17:41 UTC
And you don't think girls have pressure to be thin, pretty, and popular too?

Maybe you just need to lower your standards and stop going for the pretty cheerleader type girl.

What are your interests and hobbies?

If you like music, join some kind of guitar club or choir. It's easier to meet people when you know you have common interests.

What about a book club? There are always more women there than men, so you will stand out. Also in book clubs, people WANT to discuss the book, ideas, etc so everyone 's personality will shine more (including your own).

You also need to change your attitude. Stop looking at superficial people and complaining about it. Just go out to Hobby clubs and you will meet people who have similar interests and ideas.

And women do worry about their bodies and faces, so it also matters that you take care of yourself too. You don't have to be gorgeous, but at least keep fit and have a nice haircut.

You don't have to be rich but at least be working, so it shows you're responsible.

Go to college so at least it shows you're planning for the future.
2016-08-09 19:56:31 UTC
Just be patient dude, there are good girls out there not a whole bunch but there are you just need to be patient i completely understand you i happened to be like that in where i though no girl was nice that they would only talk to rich guys or popular guys but no there is a few that doesn't you just need to start talking to them more and that's it. It will happend eventually when least expect it... take care don't know your age but be careful with your thoughs they can become real.
2016-08-11 17:00:48 UTC
Interesting. I see why you have such a negative perspective and emotions towards girls. Babyboiii, let me explain something to you (hope that didnt irritate you) but I think you are absolutely so cute for saying something so negative like this because your being honest, and allow me to explain further. I really appreciate your honestly and saying this here on yahoo because alot of guys actually bottle up their inner emotions and trust me your not the first one to "hate women". Alot of men tend to feel this way TEMPORARILY, and only AT ONE POINT OF LIFE. So, having that. I hope you understand that you are a definition of a true man, one that says what he feels and what MOST men should do. By carefully reading your "theory" on women, I feel like you are a young boy, thats just fed with those immature girls, who havent grown up yet. Look babes, your young and believe me this will be the MOST STRESSFUL temporary moment of your "young-adolescent" life, unfortunately, your just fed up with either rejection or the competition at your school, but best believe me, you WILL find that one girl that will be allllllllllllll over you, i promise you !

XOXO, your-favorite-GIRLFRIENDDDDDDDDD, (joking)
2016-08-08 11:08:33 UTC
At least, you are honest about your hatred. Acknowledgement of the truth is always the first step towards growth, hence becoming a better version of yourself.

I do not believe that you hate females, in and of themselves. Rather, due to your negative experiences with females over the years, you have accumulated one negative experience atop of the other. Thus, this has led to your hatred of the female species. However, underneath all of this and if not for those traumatic experiences, you do and would admire and respect women.
Diana M
2016-08-10 19:23:05 UTC
Every thing you said women do is the same thing men do. Men expect too much of women thats why they wear so much makeup in the first place cause of their low confidence in their bodies. Men bash fat women and the inperfections in their bodies. The truth is. Even though im a woman myself and dont like females either, i believe all humans are selfish. Man or woman. Your problem is that youre just mad and jealous that you cannot attract women you like. Ive experienced the same things aswell. I attract too many men i have no interest in and its sos hard to find guys i actually like to attract back. We all deal with this. Suck it up. The problem is not women. Its you.
2016-08-09 19:27:33 UTC
I understand exactly what you mean dude. It's not all girls but it's well over half of women nowadays. It;s pathetic that they are so insecure of themselves that they convince themselves they think they are better by being a selfish ***** thinking it makes them look confident and attractive. I also love how they can act like total snobs to guys they don't like but if a dude even just politely turns them down they will insult the guy. Also If guys treat women how they treat us we are looked as assholes.
2016-08-09 21:45:13 UTC
You shouldn't act as though ALL women are like that...Because they're not. I for one aren't. I'm sure a lot of us girls could say the same about guys these days...all most of them want are nude or sexy photos and to talk dirty online...or to have one night stands, friends with benefits, or no strings attatched sex. Hardly any guys want to commit and only wany s*uts. There's a nice girl out there for you. Or maybe you don't realize that you're gay or bicurious?
2016-08-08 09:22:32 UTC
First of all you know you came out of a woman when you were born. Do you hate your mom? And you could just date guys if you hate women that much. Just don't do anything violent towards girls because they don't mean any harm. Move to an all boys society or something idk go to a Buddhist temple
Chris Sellick
2016-08-08 14:19:48 UTC
You need to read some books.You've been hurt in the past but you can change the future.You can find good women and avoid the bad ones.Its about looking for good qualities and compatibilities whilst watching out for bad signs. I suggest you read these books:

1)"A Man's Guide From Frog To Prince:a woman reveals dating secrets every man should know." By Susan Young.

2)"How To Approach Hot Women".

By Cooper Newman.

3)"Understanding Women". By Romy Miller.

4)"Are You The One For Me?" By Barbara

De Angelis.

5)"Falling In Love For All The Right Reasons."

By Neil Clark Warren.

6)"Date Or Soul Mate". By Neil Clark Warren.

7)"Hollywood Dating Blunders:rules,questions and warning signs to avoid the bloopers". By Jim Carroll & Dennis Foose.

8)"Booby Trapped.Men Beware.The Dirty Seven Sisters". By June Marshall.

9)"Undercover Sex Signals." By Leil Lowndes.

10)"The Complete Idiots Guide To Handling A Break Up". By Rosanne Rosen.

Those books cover everything you need to know.They are still available.
2016-10-28 11:11:05 UTC
it sounds like you've been ****** over by a girl or have had bad experiences with girls but you for the life of me cannot judge them as a whole ... we aren't all the same and i suggest you be more positive and friendly tbh ... make friends with them ... and you don't have to be super attractive to get a girl ... and btw , if your mad that guys have to have swag and money and be popular to get a girl , just think ... girls have to have good bodies and pretty faces and a good personality as well to get attention ... some girls are like you too and hate all guys 'cause of a few experiences ... they aren't all the same and you have to keep looking to find the girl for you
2016-08-15 19:34:28 UTC
Yeah women have lots of ego.Even if they see the most handsome man in the world they think he needs lots of money to date for a long term relationship.They just use us.They have sex and do short term romantic relationship with hot handsome guys.romance is a sex enjoyment for women.women want romance lot more than sex.Romance is like a sexual need for women.They marry the rich guy.They dump the really hot guy and laugh like the joker.women are not loving creatures actually.Ugly guys like most beautiful girls.ugly girls hate the most handsome boys.
2016-08-08 19:50:49 UTC
Honey, I understand why you think this way.

I'm kinda similar, except it's with men. But I keep having to remind myself that not all men are @$$holes. Kinda like with us women, not all of us are like that. Take me for example. I'm caring, I do whatever it takes to put other's first before my own self. I'm not selfish, or snobby. And there ARE women out there who are not at all what you described.

I am so sorry you had gone through that. I truly am. But like I said, not all of us are like that. But I understand from where you come from.
2016-08-08 14:30:41 UTC
i see where you are coming from, some can be true.. But not with everyone.. That's like saying all whites are rich, and judgmental.. And all African Americans, are gangsters and poor.. Etc etc..

You cant say one gender is something when there is good and bad to EVERYTHING

You probably just had really bad experiences with girls but i promise you that it's not gonna be that way forever..
2016-08-08 11:30:29 UTC
Yes some natural women are beautiful but others need makeup to enhane or cover up flaws just like men do with facial hair ! Accept them or go see a shrink !
2016-08-10 04:33:28 UTC
I agree, I understand you! I don't hate, but dislike men to the point I only use them.

I have met so many disrespectful ones and my ex husband. I pretty much relax and date. But I put 0 effort. I find women I meet to be beautiful and much nicer. No, I'm not bi.
2016-08-08 22:41:06 UTC
You don't hate all women and girls. You hate the women and girls who treated you badly.
Kuro Neko
2016-08-08 18:49:34 UTC
Dude. I'm a girl and I hate girls too.

They are just bitches and are just.. argggh.

But at the same time no also hate men soo.

(Mums side are man haters, dads side are women haters. Divorced and forcing opinions onto me)
2016-08-09 19:21:10 UTC
I felt that way about men also for a long time. Good old dad was abusive. Then I found a few like able enough, but infact men are still self pigs with the exception of my grandfather, son, and most priests. I do love my husband but his special quality is loving me. Maybe if you pray God will bless you too. I hope so.
2016-08-09 09:39:35 UTC
I agree with you man. Women and girls are the EVILEST creatures on this planet. They are rude, selfish, backstabbers and shallow. I've been cheated on so many times. I'm not the best looking guy but I had a wonderful girlfriend and I treated her well, but she cheated on me with a good looking tall man. Then he dumped her and she came crying to me. I told her, "I told you so! You didn't care about how hurt I was when you cheated on me so why should I feel sorry for you? To be blunt, why should I be? YOU did this to yourself." She got mad when I said that to her but I don't care. She can rot for all I care. WOMEN AND GIRLS ARE BITCHES!
2016-08-09 16:59:08 UTC
The girls are in majority attractef to the demons..

In the book of a saint is told as at the gate of an old town..tjere was just a lazy devil who wasn t working too much because all the town was doing his will..

A boy who tries to obtain girls attention is not ..immediatelly attrative..he tries to look attrative by doing some unconventional things that disturb ateention and flatters the girls who are suffering of the pride of lucifer,actual - be the center of attention..exactely oposite to you who detest girls..if e.g you want to be must groundless bring compliments to her..which would mean to haress the atractive boys beyound apearances could be you see..if you will tey to save them they will possibly fall in loce with you so you must be bery varefull to treat the situation like a scientist without looking in their eyes..also is not polite could be harasment..untill you l grow and marry responsably
2016-08-09 22:08:01 UTC
I concur with you, buddy. I think I have finally found someone I can relate to. I can't sleep at night because I feel as if my life is imcomplete, a bit like Edward Norton's character in "Fight Club". I would love to take you out for dinner where we could just rip on all these issues about women in our lives. In my experiences I have found that a lot of them are perverse, that their behaviour is contrary to how you would expect them to behave. I can't fathom how guys in my university are able to tolerate this and easily women are convinced to go out with them, but they don't agree when I ask them.

I guess it just takes time, in the words of Michael Buble, "I just haven't met her yet".
2016-08-09 06:17:36 UTC
Trust me! I use to think the same as you but I found a girl that is just perfect for me and you will too! Anyone that wouldn't like someone just because they're ugly doesn't deserve anyone and WILL die alone. You'll find a good woman, I promise!
I care
2016-08-10 11:11:07 UTC
So sorry you have had to experience such abuse so early. Not all of us are hateful, and cruel young person. You so happen to be around some very selfish, and non-compassionate people.

When young we have to learn to handle better diet's to not have too many pimples, less carbs to have less weight on our bodies, observe people that seem to lead better lives and learn from them about behavior and social graces...........Please try harder to find a positive outlook and not let mean people make you feel this way...........Keeping ourselves clean, our clothes, and washing often and our hair likewise. Try joining clubs where you can reach out to other people who care and you will find hope.

Blessings to you and chin up..........smiles
2016-08-11 21:17:15 UTC
I don't blame you for thinking this way. many of us girls are horrible, selfish and only care about make up and sex and other crap like that. But, you also have to remember that many men aren't perfect either and many men are also selfish and only care about sex and other crap like that as well. But that's why we all have to see past that. There are many women who are kind, sensible and caring and there are many men who are the same. Don't let the judgement of some women ruin your belief in other women. Many of us are amazing and so are many of you men.
2016-08-11 20:43:32 UTC
Yeah. Some women are like that. But not all. Trust me. You shouldon't hate them all, just avoid the mean ones.
2016-08-08 20:54:56 UTC
Guys who hate women usually love women the most but are just hurt.
2016-08-11 17:30:24 UTC
I AM A WOMAN! I am who I am, take it or leave it! I dont wear make up, I dont pretend to be someone Im not. Do NOT categorize us all under the same lamp. Maybe you need to look at your self and your true beliefs before hating women when you dont truly know us all...xo
2016-08-12 15:23:29 UTC
Find a girl who doesnt stick with the crowd, most of those girls are real girls who just wants to know you for you and not you because you are a guy. They dont care about if your attractive or not, they dont care if you're a boy, girl, trans, alien- as long as you are yourself. I got to grow up with these types of girls and they are amazing, they put the popular kids to shame because they dont live in reality they created it.

They are known as "Tomboys" or "nerds" basically the left out ones are the best ones.

At least I think these girls will work better for you....
2016-08-12 06:58:30 UTC
Seems to me you have had bad experiences with women. Not all women are as you described. There are plenty of decent women out there. You might find one that will be the opposite of what you say and she might make you change your mind.
2016-08-11 17:19:18 UTC
a lot of boys expect women to be mothers holy pure and loving and get angry when that is not the case.women are going through the same with men.. women are raging over men watching porn and being immoral etc ...its the same both ways..women feel just as much hate and disgust for men as you do fro women maybe even more (as men do more crimes against women) I think its ok to admit hatred and "I don't love you and never will and I don't have to" rage is unfounded.. she doesn't have to be for you..... a loser man doesn't HAVE to not be a loser for me.. I am learning..... that I am enough in myself. and have no need for men like that ..why would you need women like that? you hate them you DONT need them...some random female doesn't have to love or be your mother. everyone has ONE mother and ONE conception story.. everyone else is delusional and begging
Chris Dolmeth
2016-08-08 23:41:41 UTC
i ******* hate women #trump4prez i mostly hate women becauz dey stink and smell like fish. the only thing i like about women is da juicebox. yeah yu know what it is. i like that part but even it can be replaced by some lubricated rubber ****. since its an object its socially acceptable to treat it like an object. yu dont neede consent to put it in. hell nah and they wont have any chance of false rape allegations. but you also sound like elliot rodger. if you just want to be accepted and loved just say it. you feel inferior and **** but guess what? you aint alone. **** bitches and just get a fleshlight and boom. or you could be gay or homosexual ya fag. but still dont do tyhat bullshit and **** love me and you and **** a rubber **** stab a biiiiiitch (metaphorically) and lick them. also tell them they are pretty they feel the same as you but dey aint gay and can easily get any dick they want. go sex ya mom. she loves you if she rejects you.. then im sorry... you might just be the next elliot roger.
2016-08-12 20:04:26 UTC
Try and get to know a girl. Not all of them are what you may think. Don't judge a book by it's cover and give it a try!
2016-08-13 20:28:24 UTC
I understand your feelings. I think it is true for both sexes as everything is measured in terms of "whats in it for me". We are all looking for something as love is not altruistic. It is human nature and you cannot change that. We try to find someone who we are most compatible with and make the best of it. If you expect a lifetime of bliss you will be disappointed. If you can accept each others faults you will have as much happiness as anyone else.
2016-08-12 18:18:05 UTC
Grim Sleeper
2016-08-08 20:02:28 UTC
I have been on the other side where I hated all men because I saw some men cheated on their girlfriends and husbands. But I realized not all of them are like that and I should not generalize people
2016-08-10 13:39:14 UTC
If you hate women and girls then be a virgin for the rest of your life buddy,Good Luck
2016-08-10 15:27:15 UTC
Okay, I know what you mean- I know quite a few evil women like the ones you're describing. Many women are VERY manipulative and horrible. But, please don't judge all of us just because of those few people. We're not all terrible human beings, quite a few of us are the complete opposite of your description. Please try and find the kinder women than the monsters you were unfortunate enough to meet.
2016-08-11 05:44:25 UTC
Women aren't as good as men according to the Bible, but it would be UnJesus-like to hate women.
2016-08-09 16:41:55 UTC
You hate ALL women! Wow. Why not just become best buddies with Elton John?
2016-08-08 06:56:07 UTC
I think you're judging many for a few, but if you still hate all women maybe you could try to talk to one to try to work things out. That saying don't go to her and completely flip out because then she will definitely be mean and rude
2016-08-12 04:32:23 UTC
I know I'm tired of everyone only seeing beauty in women. Like men can look good too.
2016-08-10 13:09:30 UTC
Maybe women hate being cat-called , raped , controlled , payed less , told what to wear and how to look , shamed for all their tastes and interests but they just have to get on with it. Go cry your straight man tears elsewhere
2016-08-09 01:48:47 UTC
Perhaps modern women hate you. Go for simple ones.
2016-08-11 11:05:18 UTC
Are you basing it on a generalization? if yes stop,and know some where there is a girl that is not like the majority ,and believe I understand you ,but do nto generalize or other wise you will miss certain things in life
2016-08-08 20:49:18 UTC
i didn't even have to finish reading that garbage you wrote to tell that you're a complete mysogynistic crazy person. This trash could've come out of Mein Kampf if Hitler's IQ was 40 points lower.
2016-08-10 00:32:54 UTC
All that matter this is how do you feel about them, if you`ll keep thinking like that about all girls, in future you don`t even meet a girl that make your heart beats faster, because your opinion is prejudiced, believe me, not all of them bad. I`m not saying its easy, but they worth it. At least, you can become gay)
2016-08-08 19:38:00 UTC
Jesus can heal you,Jesus loves you and all of us,men,women,an can save,us. We just ask Jesus in our heart,forgive our sins to be saved, He is Faithful and Just to forgive us,praise The LORD. an google Charles Stanley,great Christian Pastor to encourage you in Jesus an John is a great place to read in BIble. May The LORD Jesus speak to, save you, your family,friends,us all,take all hate away,give peace in your heart, mind in Holy Spirit,,good Christians to help you,by Jesus stripes you are healed,saved,thank You Jesus amen shalom PTL

Have faith in God. Mark 11:22 God is a Refuge for us.Psalm 62:8 more about Jesus,prayer
Patrick Corbett
2016-08-09 22:27:03 UTC
bro that's just cause you don't know what makes a woman tick, there's a dating company that can help you called "The Natural Lifestyles" YouTube them, they have a lot of useful stuff, I'm gonna look them up myself, don't give up, it's a matter of knowing the right thing to do, they have all the answers I would DEFINITELY search these guys they can get you the results with girls you always wanted
2016-08-13 16:42:16 UTC
Then be with a man if you hate women so much.
2016-08-11 07:26:02 UTC
Not all women are cruel and heartless. Keep that in mind and be on the lookout for genuine women. Remember, this has to do with their actions. If the way they look distracts you, you just have to work it out.
2016-08-10 10:03:11 UTC
Has a woman done something to you that has affected you negatively? If so, why are you allowing this to hinder you from accepting that all women aren't the same?
2016-08-10 20:56:29 UTC
It sounds like you may benefit from psycho-therapy as soon as possible too.Call a crisis line and seek low fee referrals or some day may be seeking defense instead from the public defender for a much worse problem.
2016-08-09 01:11:39 UTC
Admiral Hyman G. Rickover never made much time for women, despite having been married twice. That may be why he had the concentration and dedication to design the first nuclear submarine. I recommend reading his and similar biographies (in book form) as soon as possible, for inspiration.
2016-08-08 23:10:48 UTC
Relatable, but I can't say I "hate" them though and I try not to generalize. Just keep pursuing whatever you want in life because that seems to matter the most, dude.
2016-08-11 10:22:39 UTC
You're right..but, not all girls are ugly, there are beautiful girls. I agree with with you that girls put their faces in makeup and the fact that they're ugly. But, there are some girls who are beautiful but they put makeup. It also depends on your country. Maybe girls in your country depend on makeup for their beauty, while other countries depend on natural things like, France. In my country every girl puts makeup & that's annoys me. As for me, I'm a girl & I don't put makeup. So, not every girl puts makeup.

Majority of girls don't have the SUPER beautiful and smooth body that guys imagine in their minds. Girls have BODY HAIR and they remove it. & I think guys r much better because they don't put such fake things on their faces.

I agree with you 95% & don't agree with u 5% because my best friend is so beautiful and she never puts makeup and she doesn't have body hair and her skin is so smooth. So, beautiful girls exist.

You're the only guy who knows what a real girl look like & I respect you. The guys who think that girls r beautiful are F.O.O.L
2016-08-13 06:10:38 UTC
That is just some messed up stereotype like common there is about 3.52 billion females and I bet you don't even know 1/20 of them it's like saying all men are drug dealers.
erac herus
2016-08-10 04:11:32 UTC
I'm A Female myself. Join the club on hating them.
2016-08-09 15:51:02 UTC
many are that way..m0re than 9/10 easy. if y0u liek the way they l00k then just take the g00d and leave the bad. engage in casual sex with them but n0t realti0nships. d0nt waste m0eny 0n them and d0nt spend time with them unless its just fr sex. I am married, and was lucky t0 find a g00d 0ne, but she is 0k with me sleeping with 0ther girls as l0ng as they are l0wer class bel0w the n0bility..s0 l0wer class rich americans are 0k even, and are n0t virigns as she was when we married. i 0nly g0 with the best l00king 0nes t00, usually fashi0n m0dels fr0m eastern eur0pe. my wife is als0 beautiful but i can talk t0 her she was b0rn a duchess 0f the ancient n0bility like me, and has a first rate clasical educatin. we talk ab0ut all s0rts 0f things fr0m the p0ets 0f early antiquity t0 what nanny t0 hire f0r 0ur newb0rn daughter..and she c0ntrinuted a large d0wry bef0re we married s0 is n0t even a finacial burden. i realize rthese w0men are s0 rare that they are almst imp0ssible t0 find, but having sex with beatiful w0men and spending tiem with male frieds is a pretty great life t00
2016-08-10 18:54:51 UTC
Honestly I HATE everyone men and women both equally. They are superficial,vain,shallow creatures. The world needs to change.
2016-08-11 00:19:33 UTC
You're probably giving REALLY bad vibes. Just chill out and try and be nice because a girl isn't going to like you if you're saying she's a demon and her voice makes you want to puke.
2016-08-08 16:42:51 UTC
2016-08-08 11:44:32 UTC
You must not be attractive inside and out. No lady in her right mind would be with you. You are very hateful. Stay single for the rest of your life.
2017-02-20 12:48:22 UTC
2017-02-28 10:01:43 UTC
2016-08-10 09:09:49 UTC
Stop hating people
2016-08-08 15:05:13 UTC
Just be confident my young friend, dress to impress and remember to let her do most of the talking, try to establish a common interest with each other be suave be don Juan Della nooch
2016-08-09 08:20:20 UTC
2016-08-09 03:45:26 UTC
Hey Man,

u r right..these girls mean, selfish, picky, all they care about the public status( colour ( race ) looks, money, position,talent,height, & job etc ) of their man/bf. But when asked in public they say they do not believe in looks, money bla bla bla.. but in reality you know how they too...its the same ..around the globe..

a girl above commented she is having a man 20 years above her age...for what the F*&K....real love...can u imagin???

listen...follow my tips.

1. Be approchable (u must have a happy smiling face ( i didnt say handsom) try to smile at babies may 3 months to two year old..they are distinctions..they do not know the colour, money,beauty,looks..thay only looks for smiling face as god loves pure heart....

If you can smile at these angels and keep trying untils they are comfortable with you. Please try in your family first. or join some socical clubs and do service for left behind children. by doing that you will get time to live with angels on earth...they will teach you how to smile, care, make others happy, an all other things and qualities one must have.

Yes failed to understand the true love...may b u r unfortunate to get it from parents and sibling...i hope u r not orphan.anyway

go back to angels and learn the basic humen qualities like smiling, caring, spending time for some, playing with them, feed them, share things with them,...change diapers, be a humen responsible..GIVE LOVE....WITH OUT EXPECTING ANYTHING BACK


and as you smile...people will smile back to you....face the world as it is...i tell u man

the day u learn the art of pure smile from the heart..u will become approchable and see..the world will run behind you..not a girl...may be the girls and boys from entire neighbourhood ....


So purify yourself....God Can help u...

Wish you good luck..

U will find your true love...soon

you dont deserve a left over girl by someone.
2016-08-09 20:09:16 UTC
I feel the sameim 19 years old complaining since I was 16 now I'm very depress guy too
2016-08-12 06:50:48 UTC
I knew alot of women and I can tell you that I got enough experience to be able to know who is good and who is not I never judge by the look.
2016-08-08 22:06:58 UTC

Listen to this song.

Also, here's a fun fact: Goofy men get pretty girls. It seems like a joke, but it's true. Ever see what Chris Stein looks like? Ever see what his girlfriend looks like?
2016-08-09 14:25:42 UTC
You need to wipe all the women out. Go on a rampage and take over the world so that you can kill all women.
2016-08-10 12:25:46 UTC
You are a ******* loser ugly person who got rejected many times thats why you re acting like this

Dont forget asshole a women gave birth to you
2016-08-09 05:22:50 UTC
John W
2016-08-08 06:59:42 UTC
This is like the "I'm alright the world's all wrong" philosophy, which is a sign of insanity. In other words its your impression that is wrong, not the women you perceive to have the problem.
2016-08-10 13:24:46 UTC
You clearly just haven't met any decent girls yet have you. Take your time, not all girls are fake, manipulative bitches. You'll find someone perfect for you
2016-08-08 19:54:51 UTC
Maybe you should try to notice and count how many women don't say anything rude instead of counting how many rude comments you get.
2016-08-12 08:48:11 UTC
well i'm a girl, deal with it. Not all girls are the same, why accuse all women when only 1 hurt you?
2016-08-12 06:11:55 UTC
I truly think that you are a serial killer and should get some help for your psycho tendencies. They don't like you because you are an ugly person. Eww.
2016-08-08 07:00:49 UTC
I would suggest going to see a therapist or a psychologist so they can help you understand why you have such hatred, help you deal with your hatred and maybe help you get over your hatred so you can live your life without hating others.
2016-08-10 05:19:50 UTC
yes you r right b coz no any women give you response. so you jealous of her. if you believe me so please make friendship with any girls and think about be positive ant take interest in her every thinking. and most important is you can try to win her fillings if you can success so you never say any time to i dont like women.
2016-08-09 11:16:03 UTC
Yeah, maybe you're jealous and just mad at how they didn't choose you. Also, tbh there are a lot of fake girls... But maybe there are more where you're from??
2016-08-11 21:14:25 UTC
Well, honey, there are always boys like me. I wouldn't think of treating another male poorly. When I was your age there was one special boy who got my full attention. Maybe girls simply aren't for you.
2016-08-08 14:22:26 UTC
Just calm down. And don't obsess over this question so much. Instead go on the treadmill and take it out on exercise.
2016-08-10 02:11:45 UTC
You only say that because you're too scared to ask a girl out.
bear 1977
2016-08-09 11:57:16 UTC
You need to chill the hell out! This sounds so bitter. If you aren't happy then make some changes and stop being negative.
2016-08-09 10:49:42 UTC
Wow. I am speechless because I can't believe how ignorant you are. I'm going to argue with you step by step.

"Their faces and bodies are pretty outside but inside behind all the makeup and pushup it is just fake and ugly! I honestly dont understand why my friends and other Guys can't see this."

Are you kidding me? Not every woman cakes on 3 pounds of makeup and puts on a push up bra. Just because you've seen some reality show stars doing it doesn't mean all girls do it. Your friends don't see this because they have different opinions than you. They just enjoy a girl's face with makeup.

"I have never seen a naked woman myself in real but i just have that feeling."


"Their personalties are selfish and mean as well. They are like

mean demons, they are sexist, use Man etc."

Again, not all women are same. As a female myself I do agree that some women use men for money/fame/anything. Some of them might be sexist too. But have you seen men? They also use women for sex, and the next day they throw them without giving two bucks about their feelings. Men also use women for money. Some of them are also sexist, when a girl is walking down the street with some short she's a slut, but if he walks with a short no one confronts him.

"I hate how men have to chase the women and prove himself to her. It's not fair."

I don't see it this way. I think both want to prove themselves and both want to be loved. Girls seem to not chase men because you know what? If he doesn't like her back he's gonna reject her and think she's a stalker. I just think it's wrong that a woman has to chase a man, that's just wrong. Don't mix up things.

"I hate how Guys have to have good looks, confidence, swag, and money in order to get girls."

I also hate how girls have to be flawless and have no pimple, confidence, sexy, pretty, funny, big booty and titts, fit, perfect body, perfect clothes in order to get guys. Looks matter, but you know it's all about personality. Looks are the factor that makes you want to talk to a person, but personality is the factor that makes you decide whether you want to stay with that person or not.

"My hatred for women is increasing, i don't want to listen them, there voice make me wanna puke. whenever they are talking i never listen and their jokes aren't funny."

Dear person why are you being so judgmental? I think you have had some horrible experience that made you hate women so much and think they're all the same. Did your 7th grade barbie classmate bully you?

"I just hate being attracted to women, i have very sex drive but I don't want to do sex ever with a women because it is so disgusting."

I think you're demisexual. You dislike women and you don't want to have sex with a women you don't trust/barely know.

"I will make my self infertile after some time I guess..

They are everywhere. Gosh."


"Since I was little I kinda had this problem, I would always try to talk to girls but they never talked to me or liked me, I even remember some telling me I'm ugly and they want Nothing with me, Since that day I started up building hate towards women because they don't like, I went experienced the same thing in High School, all the girls would hang out with the popular and attractive Guys. Maybe im jealous but i dont know. I just dont know what to do anymore."

Ha! I knew you had some horrible experience. I won't try to be miss perfect and write you a roman to help you feel better because honestly I don't know what you feel like. I would say not all women are same I guess. If I was you I would get out of the Internet and stop telling my sh!t to some strangers who have no idea what I'm talking about. Go see a f- therapist kid. You're young you don't want to waste your life.
2016-08-10 12:20:20 UTC
I try not to be that kind of girl. Believe me, there ARE some girls that try to work on personality rather than makeup, etc.
2016-08-10 05:32:03 UTC
I think you need to stop generalizing... Do you know how many different women there out there? It sounds like you need to go seek a therapist.
2016-08-11 06:26:00 UTC
Not all women are evil some are nice inside and out you just have to find the right one...
2016-08-08 13:39:12 UTC
yes girls and women are very selfish but i fall in love with them to easy
2016-08-12 14:41:12 UTC
Go on You Tube and listen to self help by Bob Griswold and do a brain change.
2016-08-10 02:21:46 UTC
hi im 37 female, i dont nag! i dont wear designer stuff! i have never ever asked for a guy to by me anything!!! - i dont stop him seeing his friends and dont spend his money!! yet i cant get a boyfriend!! because im not into designer gear and DONT wear makeup (accept eyeliner but not very often!) - im natually pale and men dont go as much for that as they would if someone had a fake tan! they always have a stereotype! and its never me!

it apparently stems from if what that mans mum was like they are used to and go for? because its familiar?
2016-08-09 13:37:11 UTC
learn love to women.all women are not bad.some are bad. our mother, sister and Daughter are also woman, so should not hate all woman and girls,
2016-08-08 23:06:27 UTC
You're actually being rather sexist! Not all women wear makeup, not all are "fake". You're screwed and a jerk! Go somewhere else idiot
2016-08-08 19:33:09 UTC
I think you been dating the worng women there good girl out there you just need to find them
2016-08-09 07:38:36 UTC
2016-08-09 16:38:43 UTC
My dream best friend good on you mate I absolutely agree about women for so many reasons :)
2016-08-09 00:15:58 UTC
Not all women are alike, anymore than all men.

The problem may lie in your own inner insecurity.

If it persists, seek counselling.
2016-08-08 20:45:41 UTC
They are nice when they have their hand wrapped around your penis stroking until white stuff sprays on their face. It feels good and when they take their leggings off and let you see them in their thong I'm in 9th grade and love this I do this with my bestfriend a lot we call it. Friends with benefits
2016-08-09 12:15:35 UTC
What about guys who only want a woman with a big *** and boobs? Does that mean i have to hate them all? No. That's honestly immature.
2016-08-10 07:45:02 UTC
Your standards are way toooo high, date an ugly girl and keep moving up from there
2016-08-09 06:59:08 UTC
Date a Dude. Problem Solved. Not really.
2016-08-09 06:21:57 UTC
I don't know what your going to do because there is no world without females... N without a female you wouldnt be here talking to people, no offense but seriously.
2016-08-08 20:15:02 UTC
Come out of the closet is what you need to do next. It's ok. It's 2016.
2016-08-08 09:56:40 UTC
How's your relationship with your mom?

Sounds like your problems may stem from that..
2016-08-11 21:01:08 UTC
you should build some self-confidence. You don't hate girls, you hate yourself
2016-08-08 19:06:29 UTC
Stop by the blue oyster club in police academy maybe their more your type it's on


Hope you like dancing!
2016-08-14 17:15:54 UTC

My take is that you need to learn to self-soothe and validate yourself instead of looking for others to validate your existence.

I am a retired Licensed Social Worker.
2016-08-09 13:45:33 UTC
Jump off a bridge
2016-08-09 22:38:40 UTC
2016-08-09 05:23:51 UTC
Wow I feel your pain. You need a woman. A woman will make you happy. Don't count them out.
2016-08-10 05:49:20 UTC
You sound like an idiot that has been burned. Thats how most serial killers started out feeling so watchout!
2016-08-09 10:08:36 UTC
Crawl under a rock and live a solitary life.
2016-08-10 10:35:50 UTC
Do you hate all men? If not there's your answer!!
2016-08-12 14:42:38 UTC
The police will be watching you after you've expressed these views. The sex offender registers are full of guys like you.
2016-08-10 17:37:00 UTC
Ive been bullied by girls
2016-08-10 01:23:43 UTC
You must look like Roger Ebert
2016-08-09 12:35:07 UTC
You should do something worthwhile instead of thinking too much about women.
2016-08-08 12:53:50 UTC
You're a misogynist.
2016-08-10 07:07:49 UTC
You hate woman? Let me break it to you; you're gay. You prefer having sex with boys instead.
2016-08-10 10:53:19 UTC
Go to a doctor
2016-08-12 16:19:05 UTC
This is a kid. No adult has ever said 'do sex'. If I'm wrong, you're a pathetic psychotic little ****, get help
2016-08-12 13:06:13 UTC
Yup im a girl, and i gotta agree at the makeup and pushup things... it seems so fake, girls are so desperate for being "perfect". Geez
2016-08-08 21:51:44 UTC
dear, they're being mean to you because they had been stabbed and humiliated multiple times.

even the devil was once an angel.

it's okay to hate them, take your time.
2016-08-09 03:11:02 UTC
All women are whores, with the exception of my mum, sis, gf and gf's mum
Graham S
2016-08-14 00:44:42 UTC
I assumed you were still in playschool and aged about 3 years old :)
2016-08-11 23:04:13 UTC
Do not let your hatred of women lead you into the sin of homosexuality.
2016-08-12 08:33:08 UTC
Not all girls are like that.
2016-08-10 04:59:12 UTC
Woman are dogs anyway

They are no worthy than a lollipop stick
2016-08-11 19:22:57 UTC
Not all women are shitty and cruel, some good ones still do exist.
2016-08-08 19:53:21 UTC
Try dating guys
2016-08-11 11:54:42 UTC
Change your name to Eliot Rodger.
2016-08-08 11:47:16 UTC
Well there are billions of them and I'm assuming you've met them all??
2016-08-09 16:46:03 UTC
See a therapist.
2016-08-13 04:53:12 UTC
Change teams. The world's a lot better once you figure out you're the pin or the cushion. :-D
2016-08-10 14:08:27 UTC
Woah has someone been dumped and found yahoo a place to vent?
2016-08-09 11:34:58 UTC
You sound 12 get over yourself
2016-08-10 15:24:11 UTC
Not everyone is the same. That would make this world really really dull. I know this is short but hope this helps!
2016-08-08 15:50:52 UTC
Well men aren't that great either so work on your own sex before bashing mine.
2016-08-09 06:14:00 UTC
Hah hahaa yeah I hear yo bro. Just use them for sex if that's how you feel. No guilt. no remorse.
2016-08-10 08:35:46 UTC
Just lie down, relax, and reflect that the world just isn't interested.
2016-08-11 17:04:27 UTC
Date a guy and adopt a son and call him 'guy'
2016-08-09 15:54:31 UTC
Haha you're just probably a jealous, ugly, pussy and you're probably still a virgin too
k w
2016-08-10 17:45:31 UTC
STOP trying to figure them out......take a break, you really need one, and get some counseling, you need a paradigm shift in your thinking...
2016-08-10 00:27:53 UTC men?
2016-08-09 17:06:03 UTC
Sounds like the classical symptoms of faggotry.
2016-08-11 02:58:05 UTC
How about the woman who brought you into this world, do you feel the same way about her? Do you find her ugly, irratating? Well do you? Disguisting...
2016-08-09 20:17:30 UTC
Looks like someone is a lil bit salty...
2016-08-08 19:06:03 UTC
What to do is stop hating them.
2016-08-10 03:55:15 UTC
You need therapy go see a psychologist asap.
Dirty Jed
2016-08-11 01:53:12 UTC
Keep dating guys.
2016-08-11 00:20:25 UTC
Not all woman are bad maybe you are just too harsh to them. Do not generalize.
2016-08-13 00:35:26 UTC
A woman's body is wonderful, beautiful, and delicious. They feel good, taste good, look good, My guess is your mom beat you all the time.
2016-08-10 09:14:47 UTC
Maybe you hate your mother. See a psychologist.
2016-08-08 12:46:46 UTC
Stop being a troll
2016-08-08 22:46:49 UTC
im a female and i agree with you i hate woman and their personalities are disgusting.
2016-08-08 23:03:47 UTC
Why do you hate them?
2016-08-10 01:10:51 UTC
Try men
2016-08-08 20:14:04 UTC
Please seek professional help. This forum is not the place to look for answers as your problem is likely rooted in something quite personal (and perhaps subconscious).
2016-08-10 12:54:36 UTC
Run from them
2016-08-11 13:42:19 UTC
Maybe women are bitches to you because you treat them like crap.
2016-08-09 13:59:30 UTC
Have you tried guys? You should try them, you might just like guys and you dont know.
2016-08-09 03:32:27 UTC
you are choosing the wrong ones. not all women are the same just like how not all men are the same.
2016-08-09 03:16:22 UTC
Stop streotyping
2016-08-10 13:30:20 UTC
get a life
2016-08-09 22:48:19 UTC
i am gay too after I had sex with my best friend and realised that it is better to have sex with men instead with women.
2016-08-09 15:57:50 UTC
Go see a psychiatrist.
2016-08-11 00:30:31 UTC
Ask them what their goals are, and encourage them to have smart ones
2016-08-11 14:57:19 UTC
Yesiebabe is adorable
2016-08-09 02:19:28 UTC
Haha I know. But we men also have faults too.
2016-08-09 23:05:20 UTC
Awe...I love you<3
2016-08-08 22:34:05 UTC
its good to hate woman....becoz they hav habit of gettin jealous,,,,super selfish,,,,narrow minded,,,,introvert...

Just becoz God has given them the capacity to giv birth to a child, u need to respect them,,,thats it....they are all good for nothing.... :(
2016-08-13 06:12:33 UTC
Get sound like someone who might abuse or kill women in time...if u dont get a handle on this....
2016-08-09 16:02:27 UTC
Get a boyfriend.
2016-08-14 10:21:21 UTC
Have you met every single woman on the planet? No.
Orla C
2016-08-10 01:42:48 UTC
How do you feel about men? Just curious.
2016-08-08 19:53:08 UTC
Become gay or just ******* accept it they're not all life that you fuckig *****
2016-08-10 10:36:37 UTC
Slap em.
2016-08-09 04:16:06 UTC
You should seriously consider therapy.
2016-08-09 21:37:33 UTC
just learn to forget and just move on....when you get older all the younger girls will look at you....
2016-08-10 11:11:57 UTC
Then how about you move to a cabin in the woods and leave us alone....
JoJo Potatoes
2016-08-08 15:30:35 UTC
Do men
2016-08-09 04:50:13 UTC
I feel the same about men lmao
2016-08-08 20:56:24 UTC
Be honest
2016-08-10 19:46:11 UTC
It is not the matter of girls, but yours.
2016-08-08 07:24:01 UTC
A submissive guy is a good guy.
2016-08-10 20:27:52 UTC
Consider it only from mental health point of view and if there is no harm, please continue the same habit and behavior.
2016-08-08 23:26:30 UTC
2016-08-12 13:02:19 UTC
Go to a gay bar
2016-09-25 00:01:42 UTC
a troll here we go just shut up
2016-08-10 06:47:52 UTC
Try GAY, maybe you'll have better luck
2016-08-11 16:01:43 UTC
Claims all women are sexist. *Is sexist* LOL
2016-08-09 11:37:38 UTC
you'll find the right one someday if you put more effort into it
2016-08-08 23:42:38 UTC
I suggest you find a woman that is into cunnilingus,
2016-08-08 10:17:59 UTC
I hate haters...
2016-08-09 22:20:33 UTC
Thats not good
2016-08-10 04:55:04 UTC
Forgive them and be nice to them.
2016-08-10 16:04:29 UTC
Talk to your therapist about the issue.
2016-08-08 19:01:37 UTC
Is there a reason why you are asking what to do?
2016-08-10 06:44:49 UTC
Be with a guy instead.
2016-08-09 09:26:51 UTC
"sexist towards men.." seems like you know too many feminists lol
Breigh Ann Smith
2016-08-14 14:53:46 UTC
Run. The feminazis are coming.
2016-08-08 06:56:58 UTC
i heard you can phuck goats in the middle east. that might be more to your liking
2016-08-09 19:49:05 UTC
you are most likely interested in men...
2016-08-08 13:01:15 UTC
"They are sexist"

Doesn't that make you (even more so) sexist by saying that?
2016-08-09 22:48:00 UTC
Then stfu and hang yourself retard
2016-08-11 06:58:55 UTC
Elliot Rodger, is that you?
2016-08-09 05:07:33 UTC
i am a woman and i do not think i am fake or ugly...get over yourself..
2016-08-09 07:55:52 UTC
hang out at a gay bar.
2016-08-09 01:08:45 UTC
tf did I just read
undefined undefined
2016-08-13 14:00:40 UTC
Lmao you triggered all the feminists!

Good job!!
2016-08-12 07:50:52 UTC
2016-08-09 16:49:58 UTC
Date someone like me. ;)
2016-08-09 01:16:08 UTC
Elliot rogers is that you?
2016-08-09 08:24:49 UTC
Time to become gay
2016-08-13 10:19:23 UTC
try online therapy
2016-08-14 19:37:55 UTC
lol. calm the **** down, Elliot Roger.
2016-08-09 15:25:12 UTC
You're probably gay
2016-08-08 12:22:15 UTC
2016-08-08 20:21:32 UTC
you sound like your asexual
2016-08-11 10:34:57 UTC
you brother you are right
2016-08-13 14:17:55 UTC
okay ted bundy calm down....
2016-08-09 08:14:25 UTC
maybe therapy would help
2016-08-12 18:23:41 UTC
2016-08-09 02:50:00 UTC
U are ugly too
2016-08-08 14:33:39 UTC
men? there are other people!
2016-08-14 07:24:06 UTC
Maybe you're gay.
I bite the rattle off of snakes
2016-08-10 18:45:57 UTC
Your a gay
2016-08-10 00:58:31 UTC
Your jealous or gay ?
2016-08-09 16:42:38 UTC
i know! you are a *****! also probably very gay
2016-08-11 11:03:37 UTC
**** off jerk
2016-08-11 15:01:29 UTC
Are you MGTOW?
2016-08-08 15:30:44 UTC
Then go gay u idiot
2016-08-10 09:01:04 UTC
Turn gay.
2016-08-08 21:18:32 UTC
2016-08-09 15:47:59 UTC
2016-08-12 15:20:44 UTC
Well... okay.
2016-08-13 06:29:36 UTC
rape them all
2016-08-08 16:15:40 UTC
ur gay
2016-08-10 11:36:42 UTC
2016-08-09 06:14:29 UTC
2016-08-10 00:03:02 UTC
You gay?
2016-08-09 20:37:13 UTC
turn homosexual
2016-08-09 18:07:29 UTC
Be gay.
2016-08-10 03:11:28 UTC
be gay
2016-08-10 11:52:27 UTC
2016-08-11 04:29:17 UTC
dear please understand all are not same
2016-08-09 15:26:55 UTC
2016-08-10 12:44:50 UTC
When she is a daughter, she opens the door of jannah for her father. When she is a wife, she completes half of the deen of her husband. When she is a mother, jannah lies under her feet. If everyone knew the true status of a muslim woman, even the men would want to be women. The Prophet pbuh said: ‘None but a noble man treats women in an honorable manner. And none but an ignoble treats women disgracefully’ (Sunan At-Tirmidhî) Purify your intentions, your inner being, your heart and be sincere in your actions,’ he wrote. ‘God looks into your heart, not at your outer form. He looks at what lies behind the clothes … He looks into your private sphere, not at your public show.”

― Kristiane Backer, From MTV to Mecca: How Islam Inspired My Life Islam honours women greatly. It honours women as mothers who must be respected, obeyed and treated with kindness. Pleasing one's mother is regarded as part of pleasing Allaah. Islam tells us that Paradise lies at the mother’s feet, i.e. that the best way to reach Paradise is through one's mother. And Islam forbids disobeying one’s mother or making her angry, even by saying a mild word of disrespect. The mother’s rights are greater than those of the father, and the duty to take care of her grows greater as the mother grows older and weaker. All of that is mentioned in many texts of the Qur'aan and Sunnah Prophetic traditions).

For example, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“And We have enjoined on man to be dutiful and kind to his parents”

[al-Ahqaaf 46:15]

“And your Lord has decreed that you wor`ship none but Him. And that you be dutiful to your parents. If one of them or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word of disrespect, nor shout at them but address them in terms of honour.

And lower unto them the wing of submission and humility through mercy, and say: ‘My Lord! Bestow on them Your Mercy as they did bring me up when I was young’”

[al-Isra’ 17:23, 24]

Ibn Maajah (2781) narrated that Mu’aawiyah ibn Jaahimiah al-Sulami (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: O Messenger of Allaah, I want to go for jihad (battle) with you, seeking thereby the Face of Allaah and the Hereafter. He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still alive?” I said, Yes. He said, “Go back and honour her.” Then I approached him from the other side and said: O Messenger of Allaah, I want to go for jihad with you, seeking thereby the Face of Allaah and the Hereafter. He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still alive?” I said, Yes. He said, “Go back and honour her.” Then I approached him from in front and said, O Messenger of Allaah, I want to go for jihad with you, seeking thereby the Face of Allaah and the Hereafter. He said, “Woe to you! Is your mother still alive?” I said, Yes. He said, “Go back and honour her (lit. stay by her feet), for there is Paradise.”

Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Sunan Ibn Maajah. It was also narrated by al-Nasaa’i with the words: “Stay with her for Paradise is beneath her feet.”

Al-Bukhaari (5971) and Muslim (2548) narrated that Abu Hurayrah (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: A man came to the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and said: “O Messenger of Allaah, who is most deserving of my good company?” He said: “Your mother.” He said: “Then who?” He said: “Your mother.” He said: “Then who?” He said: “Your mother.” He said: “Then who?” He said: “Then your father.”

And there are other texts which we do not have room to mention here.

One of the rights which Islam gives to the mother is that her son should spend on her if she needs that support, so long as he is able and can afford it. Hence for many centuries it was unheard of among the people of Islam for a mother to be left in an old-people’s home or for a son to kick her out of the house, or for her sons to refuse to spend on her, or for her to need to work in order to eat and drink if her sons were present.

Islam also honours women as wives. Islam urges the husband to treat his wife in a good and kind manner, and says that the wife has rights over the husband like his rights over her, except that he has a degree over her, because of his responsibility of spending and taking care of the family’s affairs. Islam states that the best of the Muslim men is the one who treats his wife in the best manner, and the man is forbidden to take his wife’s money without her consent. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“and live with them honourably”

[al-Nisa’ 4:19]

“And they (women) have rights similar (to those of their husbands) over them to what is reasonable, but men have a degree (of responsibility) over them. And Allaah is All-Mighty, All-Wise”

[al-Baqarah 2:228]

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “I urge you to treat women well.” Narrated by al-Bukhaari, 331; Muslim, 1468.

And the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you to my wives.” Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 3895; Ibn Maajah, 1977; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh al-Tirmidhi.

And Islam honours women as daughters, and encourages us to raise them well and educate them. Islam states that raising daughters will bring a great reward. For example, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever takes care of two girls until they reach adulthood, he and I will come like this on the Day of Resurrection,” and he held his fingers together. Narrated by Muslim, 2631.

Ibn Maajah (3669) narrated that ‘Uqbah ibn ‘Aamir (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: I heard the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) say: “Whoever has three daughters and is patient towards them, and feeds them, gives them to drink and clothes them from his riches, they will be a shield for him from the Fire on the Day of Resurrection.” Classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.

Islam honours women as sisters and as aunts. Islam enjoins upholding the ties of kinship and forbids severing those ties in many texts. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “O people! Spread (the greeting of) salaam, offer food (to the needy), uphold the ties of kinship, and pray at night when people are sleeping, and you will enter Paradise in peace.” Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3251; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Saheeh Ibn Maajah.

Al-Bukhaari (5988) narrated that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allaah, may He be exalted, said to the ties of kinship: ‘Whoever upholds you, I will support him, and whoever breaks you, I will cut him off.’”

All of these qualities may co-exist in a single woman: she may be a wife, a daughter, a mother, a sister, an aunt, so she may be honoured in all these ways.

To conclude: Islam raised the status of women, and made them equal with men in most rulings. So women, like men, are commanded to believe in Allaah and to worship Him. And women are made equal to men in terms of reward in the Hereafter. Women have the right to express themselves, to give sincere advice, to enjoin what is good and forbid what is evil, and to call people to Allaah. Women have the right to own property, to buy and sell, to inherit, to give charity and to give gifts. It is not permissible for anyone to take a woman’s wealth without her consent. Women have the right to a decent life, without facing aggression or being wronged. Women have the right to be educated; in fact it is obligatory to teach them what they need to know about their religion.

Anyone who compares the rights of women in Islam with their situation during the Jaahiliyyah (pre-Islamic days of ignorance)or in other civilizations will understand that what we are saying is true. In fact we are certain that women are given the greatest honour in Islam.

There is no need for us to mention the situation of women in Greek, Persian or Jewish society, but even Christian societies had a bad attitude towards women. The theologians even gathered at the Council of Macon to discuss whether a woman was merely a body or a body with a soul. They thought it most likely that women did not have a soul that could be saved, and they made an exception only in the case of Mary (Maryam – peace be upon her).

The French held a conference in 586 CE to discuss whether women had souls or not, and if they had souls, were these souls animal or human? In the end, they decided that they were human! But they were created to serve men only.

During the time of Henry VIII, the English Parliament issued a decree forbidding women to read the New Testament because they were regarded as impure.

Until 1805, English law allowed a man to sell his wife, and set a wife’s price at six pennies.

In the modern age, women were kicked out of the house at the age of eighteen so that they could start working to earn a bite to eat. If a woman wanted to stay in the house, she had to pay her parents rent for her room and pay for her food and laundry.

See ‘Awdat al-Hijaab, 2/47-56.
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This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.