2013-07-11 00:47:20 UTC
I hear about this 'white genocide' everywhere on the internet - is this really feasible?
No matter where I look it just doesn't make sense.
In England, white people make just over 80% of the population (85% in 2011). Out of the remaining people, they're going to be a whole range of colours - some light enough that they will be quickly washed out.
Sure, more and more immigrants may come, but this can only be up until a certain point.
Eventually, the immigration laws will be iron-fist tightened, and the minorities will be washed out by the white majority - do you agree with this and why or why not?
You may say 'oh, well immigration will keep going until white people ARE the minority' - how?
It makes a lot more sense that immigration will be tightened well before white people are the minorities. Which means that the other people will just get absorbed, not being able to enter (in the same way they are now) but still being able to leave.
So how is white genocide feasible? The only way this would work is if the populations of these countries allowed it to. Which, yes, it may be being allowed to NOW, but that doesn't mean it's going to be like this FOREVER, that the populations of these countries will mindlessly make white people the minorities.
Not to mention white people tend to expand a lot (America, Australia, NZ, South Africa, wherever in the world) and the fact that there are still many, many non-western white countries where things are different to in the west.
Is white genocide feasible?