Sleep Paralysis? Please Help!?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Sleep Paralysis? Please Help!?
Eleven answers:
2016-05-27 05:40:09 UTC
Yes, many times. My most recent case was a few hours ago. This case was different from the others. I never get scared anymore. Ever. My first time I got terrified. I had no idea what was going on and I opened my eyes only to find a black figure standing by my door and approaching me. I heard whispers in my ear and I panicked. It lasted about 40 seconds. I opened my eyes and I panicked. Now, after research I understand what is going on when I get the paralysis. But I wonder if it's much more then just your brain being awake and your body not? My recent case, I was lying stomach down, and I get it. I'm sure the rest of you know that when you get sleep paralysis you get those breezes and you feel figures drift past your body? I felt that, but I also heard voices. Someone called out my name. I heard it loud and clear. Then, I thought it was over but I opened my eyes, seeing a black figure so closed them. I felt a drift and heard children laughing. I need an explanation for this. A memory?
2008-03-09 07:39:04 UTC
Hiya, Im a sufferer of this horrible thing aswell,

Its also called Hypno-gagis(I know how to spell it)

it started just over a year ago, I get it every night, with the occasional nightoff, Some people that suffer from this can also get out of body experiences....But this is suppost to feel fantastic, unfortunatly we suffer from the opposite side of this, I can often feel hands holding me down, or feel as if somebody is leaning over me with their face right in front of mine, so close i could feel their breath on my face.....(OMG this has got to be the most terrifying one of them so far,) But whats so weird is that as frightend as I am when it passes I just seem to roll over and go back to sleep,

My doc said that it is mostly men who suffer from it and that stress is the main cause of it and also Lack of sleep , i know one or two people that it has happend to after taking the drug speed, because it keeps you awake therefore your sleep is all disrupted....

Ive tried taking relaxers before bed and mild sleepers but for me nothing works... I have come to terms with the fact that it will go when it goes if it ever goes, I hope it stops for you.
2008-03-08 13:52:16 UTC
I used to get this a lot a few years ago & is a very scary experience at first although to be be honest i miss it now as it led on to me having lucid dreams which was a very strange, yet fascinating experience.

I used to get exactly the same person/something in my room thing happening without ever getting to see them & it always had a sinister edge to it as if they were just a black shadow slowly creeping across the room towards me ( bear in mind i was 32/33 & living on my own at the time ) & so to feel like i was not alone was kind of worrying!

The way to break the dream? ( often terrifying ) was to gradually move your eyes,then head, then body until you can turn onto your side so as to change position ( lying on your back is usually when they happen ). Theres nothing worse than slipping straight back into that place when you close your eyes!

Interestingly this is also part of the alien abduction phenomenon, although i cannot say i ever saw any but who knows......?
2008-03-08 13:40:26 UTC
it happens to the best of us


thats what happens during sleep paralysis

your mind is still dreaming but your body is awake and you cant get up because your still in your rem state of dreaming...

im not sure there is really a cure for it
2008-03-08 13:33:51 UTC
What you are describing is very much an episode of sleep paralysis. When we fall asleep our brain shuts off movment in the body so we dont act out what we are dreaming. Sleep Paralysis happens when you are kind of stuck inbetween the two. You are concious, but your brain is still telling your body that you are asleep.

Many people who experience this often report figures and things happening in the room around them, or even someone sitting on their chest. Many believe that this is still the brain working in "dream mode" and trying to make sense of the fear you are feeling (because you cant move) by presenting you with something rather scary - if that makes sense. It is incredibly real to you because you are conscious and the overlapping brain states are extremely confusing.

It will happen at roughly the same time because our sleeping patterns are roughly the same every night.

you can try to counteract what you are experiencing by changing the way you sleep: Try going to bed at a different time, reorganise your bedroom, or even try monitoring what you eat or drink around bed time.

Hope that helps
2008-03-08 13:33:44 UTC
Please go to the doctor and explain this to the doctor.
2008-03-08 13:27:31 UTC
A guy i know suffers from this he says it quite scary because he always gets a feeling that something bad and creepy is going on but i think it must be the shear panic of not been able to move that brings it on, i would let you doc know about it
2008-03-08 13:27:21 UTC
its just something psychological that happens. basically your body is still asleep but your mind still dreams (in some sense) while it is yet awake. i'm not sure if theres an immediate cure for it but if i remember correctly you will out grow it, and you wont have sleep paralysis anymore.

if it still concerns you, i might suggest going and seeing a doc about it and seeing what he/she has to offer.
2008-03-08 13:27:14 UTC
My brother has them. He could see bedclothes coming over his head as though he was being suffocated. He had this for years and years until he went on medication for it which was carbomazopine (not sure on the correct spelling) It is more common than you think. go see a doctor
2008-03-08 13:31:53 UTC
Sounds like sleep paralysis, and it can happen to anyone from time to time. But, if this is a regular occurence for you or if this happens in conjunction with other sleep problems like extreme daytime sleepiness and uncontrollable urges to sleep, you might need to see a sleep specialist.

I know a lot of narcoleptics who suffer from almost daily bouts of sleep paralysis and it's interesting that what you describe and what they describe is very similar. The feeling that there is someone in the room that you can sense in the periphery of your vision who is lurking around is something that they all describe. Some people get very frightened of this 'lurker' and get really panicked when they are sleep paralyzed, but another thing that they have said is that it's a bit comforting to know that this is something that happens to lots of other people and you aren't going nuts or anything :)
2008-03-08 14:11:53 UTC
I do have and started when I was 18 years the time I was very scared as it happened all the time when I tried to sleep...I lived together with other friends and they didn't believe but strangely one of the girls had the same thing happening to her.

Feels like not being able to breath and try to scream for help (the voice doesn't come as if I was dying) and try to wake up without success. At the same time have also the impression of being moving and standing up...listen to noises from outside and in the end open the eyes but immediately giving up again to sleep...

Happens from time to time and sometimes more frequently them day I was in bed and new it was coming...also felt a very weird laugh coming out from me as if it was my own voice....I felt very scared and have already asked for advice (went to church and spoke to them) as I felt it was very strong and spiritual.

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.