Hiya, Im a sufferer of this horrible thing aswell,
Its also called Hypno-gagis(I know how to spell it)
it started just over a year ago, I get it every night, with the occasional nightoff, Some people that suffer from this can also get out of body experiences....But this is suppost to feel fantastic, unfortunatly we suffer from the opposite side of this, I can often feel hands holding me down, or feel as if somebody is leaning over me with their face right in front of mine, so close i could feel their breath on my face.....(OMG this has got to be the most terrifying one of them so far,) But whats so weird is that as frightend as I am when it passes I just seem to roll over and go back to sleep,
My doc said that it is mostly men who suffer from it and that stress is the main cause of it and also Lack of sleep , i know one or two people that it has happend to after taking the drug speed, because it keeps you awake therefore your sleep is all disrupted....
Ive tried taking relaxers before bed and mild sleepers but for me nothing works... I have come to terms with the fact that it will go when it goes if it ever goes, I hope it stops for you.