This sounds like OCD to me. (Pure-o maybe?)
Don't worry, my lady. Everything is fine with you.
This is how the brain works: When you give attention to eomsething, the brain thinks: "This is important".
If you ignore it, this will happen:
"Sarah, look, you have aids"
Your reply: "Silence"
Brain: "You have aids!!!! you have aids aids aids aids aids aids aids aids" over and over again
You: "Silence"
You: "Silence"
Brain: "Ok you win, you don't have aids".
It will get more intense, but then it will vanish. It's like a child giving a tantrum. Get more and more angry, and then tired and quit. I thin it's some kind of defense mechanism, don't really remember anymore. I think it was dr. stevenson talking about OCD that said this. It's from him that I got this wonderful tool.
The lesson is: Do not ruminate. Don't do it.
Maybe, there is a slight chance that you are right, you may have some sort of pain that may be serious. But ask yourself: Is the probability lower then 5 percent? If so, it's probably ocd.
You should be able to tell the diference. To help you tell the diference between reality and fiction, you have your "gut".
I used to have pretty severe OCD, never went to a doctor, but i know i had it. Now I don't anymore.
It was pretty rough. I went to sleep at 6 in the morning every day too. Didn't eat well (I ate enough, but not the necessary things). I changed my diet and stuff. Started ejaculating less (I was draining myself too much, not giving my body time to recover). Not forgetting exercise. I used this book: step by step tai chi by master lam kam chuen
Make sure you have 100% rda of everything, consider multivitamins or some herbs. or thesse: b--complex and fish oil. is a start but search more.
Now I am completely healed.
I know it's very hard. But yours has gone too far. I passed my year. Not with the best grades, but I got into university, which is all that matters. Get your stuff together. Concentrate. You can get over this. Now is a good time. Keep this up and you may be digging a hole for yourself too deep. You got held back one year. Many people loose one year. I did too. You gained valuable experience. It's no biggie, but this must end! :) And now. Go!! :) I am expecting you to not disappoint yourself and get over this. ;) Do it. Keep us posted.
If you have more questions, feel free to ask me. I think this will do wonders for you already. But some things you must do yourself and figure out yourself. It's different for everyone. Good luck...
edit: Lol, I ment dr steven philipson, not dr stevenson. here's his website