Does anybody know someone who wants to get off drugs for good?
2006-03-01 17:19:06 UTC
Coke, Heroin,Crystal Meth,etc.
Two answers:
2006-04-03 09:05:08 UTC
yes i done meth for the first time in 1992 after a couple of years i stopped i was clean for 4 years and started again. i stopped again for several years, but i don some last September and was hooked again. a month and a half ago my husband and some other family members got me into church and i have accepted the Lord and am doing very well. when i stopped this time i was also smoking crack cocaine. i know the devil tests me and is always pushing me to go back, and that makes me more determined. i pray every day and thank God for never giving up on me and forgiving me. He is so precious. i will stay in church . God Bless You!!!
2006-03-01 18:24:12 UTC
Yes I know a lot of people who want to get off Cocaine, Heroin, and meth. Why do you ask?

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