What should I do? I'm scared I'm going mad?
2006-11-10 08:10:40 UTC
PLEASE HELP!!! I'm scared....i missed 4 years of high school. was severely ill with depression....only no-one helped me. I then sat my GCSEs at home and got G grades(apart from a C grade in English) NO-ONE HELPED ME and having the education of a child and being SEVERELY ill with depression. I DIDN'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. i have been sat at home for TWO YEARS doing nothing. I'M 18. i don't have a clue what to do.I don't even know basic skills such as how to cook, how to use a bus, how to use a washing machine etc......I have no education what so ever and also my mum doesn't even CARE that i have no GCSEs. i don't have a clue how to fix this situation HELP!!! i don't have a clue what other people of my age group are doing.....I don't have any friends or any relatives to help me. there's NOONE as per usual
I don't know how to fix my education/situation. I feel like I'm begginning to lose my sanity. i've seen the doctor but they're no help. PLEASE HELP ME!!
34 answers:
2006-11-10 08:29:59 UTC
For someone who is uneducated i must congratulate you on your spelling, punctuation, and grammer..behave yourself..your fine... get off your lazy backside and find a basic skills? you know how to use a computer...order a pizza..look up fish 4 jobs and wait for the offers to roll in...
mark leshark
2006-11-10 08:23:43 UTC
First of all you have had an education for you to be able to sit the GCSE exams. Secondly you have also got a qualification in the form of your English GCSE grade C.

You seem quite proficient using your English skills to communicate on this site and you obviously have Basic PC to be posting this question - So hey the world isn't such a bad place...

Now with the skills we know you have you can join a website where you can make friends with and chat to who are your own age. You can look on the Internet at career options and colleges that can help to train you to the standards needed for your chosen job or career...

The beauty all the above advice is that you will have achieved all this on your own and that is something to be proud of. You will be a much stronger and independent person for the experience...

Hope this helps and the best of luck for your future.
l m
2006-11-10 08:26:29 UTC
You can use a computer so you have some basic skills. I would try doing some searches for social services in your area and try to get some kind of a job. As far as cooking and catching a bus, I bet if you can get online then you can follow a recipe or find a bus schedule. It really sucks that there is no support from family or friends so it must be tough. If you can find some help from social services this would be good, if not you are going to have to fend for yourself, find any kind of job you can get and just keep trying. I trhink most people in your situation would probably be freaking out a little, too, so just try your best to relax and take things one step at a time. It might not be fair, but it sounds like you are going to have to take responsibility for yourself since noone else will.
2006-11-10 09:32:19 UTC
I find it odd you are able to explain things you want to do with such clarity. There are no mysteries bothering you. You seem to have an incredible grasp of reality. BUT - I see your note has capital letters strewn about, like, HELP ME, NO_ONE HELPED ME, I DIDN"T KNOW WHAT TO DO, PLEASE HELP ME, NOONE for me, and then other things, like, I missed 4 years, I don't have a clue, I have no education, I don't have friends, I feel I'm losing sanity, I'm scared, I'm going mad, etc.

You have what I call as an 'I-disease'. I this, I that, I, I, I....Can you speak one sentense without saying "I"? You're attention is totally directed inward. Are you so bored with the outside world at such a young age? If you don't want to sit around feeling sorry for your self for the rest of your life, then do not do it.

You have the advantage of knowing the world is a tough place, nothing is fair, nothing is free, no one is just going to hand you a life. First, you know how to use a computer - you must have already have the basics of life. Do you have a bed? Do you have a toilet? Do you have food? You must. So you are already in better shape than 75% of the world. There are people who live in cardboard boxes. There are people starving TO DEATH. There are people who are being tortured.

A man asked Buddha, "How can I get relief from the hot summer sun?" Buddha said, "Jump into a blazing fire."

A woman told Buddha, "My life is just to confusing - The house needs cleaning, my children need to be taken care of, my household is chaotic, there is never enough money to complete things that need to be done, I have to work 2 jobs, my car need repair - plus dozens of other things - what should I do?" Buddha said, "How fortunate your life is to be so busy."

Jade S
2006-11-10 08:44:46 UTC
First of all, don't panic! Find some help, it won't just come to you. Once you've found the help you need and it should relieve you of some depression and give you someone to talk to, (as it sounds like you don't have that kind of stability in your life). Find a teacher that can tell you what you need to study. Then study like crazy until you feel confident enough to re-take your GCSE's. As for basic skills well ask your mother to teach you some everyday things, this may improve your relationship with her, if you are patient and listen. Next, find a social club with people your age there, get to know a few of them and don't be tempted to divulge your life story listen instead to theirs. They will like you for being such a great listener and when you know and trust them enough tell them what you like! Also my mum always says: People don't notice when they're going nuts sooo... you must not be because you are saying you are if that makes sense! :P Good luck! Hope I helped! xxxxxx
helen g
2006-11-10 08:16:37 UTC
Where do you live? If you add that as an extra detail I can do a search for colleges in your area. You will be able to do your GCSE's there again, in a class with other adults. They will probably have evening classes to teach you how to cook. I'll look it up. Let me know the town you are in. Ask your mum how to use the washing machine. You will be fine. You are trying to fix it, and that is the first step.
Carol B
2006-11-10 08:42:18 UTC
Well you sound educated and you know how to use the computer ,believe me most kids your age don't cook and if you look at the washing machine its usually easy to figure it out if you had to whats your mum bringing you up like?you could try night school, and go out with a map of your area and a bus time table and some money pref change and explore you will soon know how to use the bus and it will build your confidence up and you will meet people your own age that way,How do you go out now? in a car ,i take it you do go out?
2006-11-10 08:32:57 UTC
You need to see a doctor for your mental health problems and you can call a local college and find out about doing a life skills course and you can get your education now. Don't worry. If you live with parents ask them to teach you how to use a washing machine etc. They should help you. If not try social services. Dial 192 and ask for social services. They will help you.
2006-11-10 08:19:43 UTC
You don't know how to use a bus? Christ...

Anyway, get yourself a shrink and head back to college. You're only 18 and by no means past education. Lots of educational institutions can train you up to do something specific without the need of GCSEs, rather than go back to the traditional sitting in school learning pointless crap. Give it a try.
2006-11-10 08:17:27 UTC
I don't know where you live but this helped me.

What Services are Available?

As our name implies, ACCESS coordinates services and accommodations required by eligible students to insure that full accessibility to the campus and curriculum is achieved. The accommodations and services required are individually determined by the student and the ACCESS Specialist. These services are based on the stated needs and recommendations of the verifying professional. There is no charge for any of these services.

Accommodations and services are intended, as much as possible, to mitigate the effects of the student's disability on his or her educational experience at Moorpark College. Accommodations are not intended to make the curricular requirements less difficult. Accommodations do not guarantee success…only an equal opportunity to succeed.

Services that students may be eligible for include, but are not limited to:

Specialized Classes

Specialized Counseling

Learning Disabilities Assessment

Alternative Text

Assistive Equipment

Attention and Psychological Assessment

Note-taking Services

Test Taking Accommodations

Accessible Parking

Alternate Media Formats

Sign Language Interpreters

Registration Assistance

Assistive Computer Technology Lab

To learn more about these services and/or to inquire about the availability of other services, please contact ACCESS at:

Address: 7075 Campus Road, Moorpark, CA 93021

Phone/TDD:(805) 378-1461

Fax: (805) 378-1594

ACT Lab: (805) 378-1547
2006-11-10 08:22:48 UTC
You've just posted another question and received lots of sympathetic replies. This one is even stranger and I am starting to wonder whether you have a personality disorder - there are numerous clues to this in your question. The words "attention" and "seeking" come to mind. Hope I'm wrong.

LATER: I have checked you profile - you have asked no fewer than 80 questions, mostly in the same vein, over the past 2 months. Then you were apparently 16, now you are 18. That's very interesting. I'm now fairly confident that my first assessment was correct.
2006-11-10 08:21:31 UTC
First of all, I would change doctors, go and see one who WILL help. Remember you are ILL, you are not losing your sanity. Get on some meds to help settle your moods !!!

When you're more settled in your moods, then and only then, I would suggest you go to a college of further education and ask to do some GCSE classes. You can do them as a full time student. They'll be really caring and will be able to accomodate you.

Although I'm not your age (I'm 31), I can understand you're depressed and need someone to talk to. Feel free to contact me (if you want to talk to an old-fogey) on I too am depressed so I won't judge you in any way.
2006-11-10 08:15:32 UTC
Go and see your local Connexions advisor or the nearest sixth form college, you should be able to get somewhere with them if you say that you really intend to get on in life and just need a hand pointing in the right direction..

You need to stop panicking and DO something to help yourself, even if a small thing, as that will raise your self esteem and help you more than anything.

Good luck with it all
2006-11-13 13:03:27 UTC
Dont be scared u've got ur whole life ahead of u... Ur still very young, take small steps at a time go out for a while everyday even if its a walk or going on a bus for a couple of stops and when ur ready u can go to college ur never to old to learn !
2006-11-10 08:48:23 UTC
Hi sweetie,

That is a difficult situation. I wish that I was still living in the UK then I could help you and tutor you, but you know, there are other people out there in your area who will help you.

I know that in England you are pigeonholed into chosing what you are going to do with your life at an early age, and I know that the teachers make GCSE's seem like the be all and end all.....but they really are not. I streesed out, took energy pills during my exams, broke out in zits everywhere from stress, and yes I passed all my exams, went to Uni, got two degrees and hey guess what? in my current job as preschool teacher I am using none of my education and working alongside people who dropped out of high school.

What I am saying is, education is important, but don't be led to believe that its too late for you. Its never too late.

Its so awesome that now you are feeling better and are asking for help, but I know there are better people to ask for help than Yahoo Answers (bless our souls!) I will research help groups for you and let you know.

Its awesome that you got a C grade in English? so thats your strength? That means you only need four more GCSE's including Math........thats so achievable!

I would suggest that you go to the Job Center and speak to someone there and to a college if you are 18. Ask about vocational qualifications like NVQ's where you can learn job skills and train. I know you need GCSE's to get in but ask about the programmes, ask about retakes and getting help with study skills.

There are tons of awesome study skills books for GCSE's, go to Borders Books, have a cup of tea and look through a bunch of study skills books.

You are not losing your sanity, in fact, you are perfectly sane and I am sorry the system has failed you. However, its not too late, you have tons of time to turn your life around honey, really, I'm 28 and applying to go back to school as I was pigeon holed into studying the wrong subject at Uni and my degrees are almost worthless to me.

Please go to a local college and ask to speak to a councellor or careers advisor.

I am very proud of you for wanting to take these steps to turn your life around.

E-mail me if you want
2006-11-10 08:36:41 UTC
There are peope out there who can help you. Go to your local Citizens Advice Bureau and explain your situation. They will put you in touch with organisations that can help you learn all these basic life skills. You should also be able to get funding to go to college and do your GSCE's. Don't worry, you are not the only person in this situation and help is out there.
2006-11-10 08:20:29 UTC
sounds like you need some fun. join some clubs maybe, I know its easy to say this but you need to find some friends, then you will have people you can talk to and unload your worries for basic skills why dont you watch your mum when she is doing the cooking and washing etc. ask if you can help her. if she dosent want you to experiment and learn for yourself. Go out and get yourself a voluntary job or a proper job, it dosent matter what it is doing, just to build up some self confidence and give you a meaning to your life, get up and out enjoy yourself go on you might find you like it.
2006-11-10 10:57:13 UTC
It seems to me that you are not get the answers you are looking for from this site.

Anyone who looks at your profile will see that you are repeating the same quesrions over and over.

As I have said previously you reaaly should consider getting professional help.

How can I go about fixing my situation with Home Education?

Asked by Clemence J - 1 answer - Home Schooling - 13 minutes ago - Open

What should I do? I'm scared I'm going mad?

Asked by Clemence J - 33 answers - Mental Health - 3 hours ago - Open

I am 18, have had no education, have been severely neglected, I don't have a clue what to do.?

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Can an 18 year old who had no secondary education catch up by home sit GCSEs??

Asked by Clemence J - 5 answers - Home Schooling - 1 day ago - Open

How can I catch up?

Asked by Clemence J - 5 answers - General - Education & Reference - 1 day ago - Open

Is home educating a child expensive? How do you know what to teach the child?

Asked by Clemence J - 9 answers - Home Schooling - 1 day ago - Open

What could have been done to save my education at that time?

Asked by Clemence J - 8 answers - Home Schooling - 1 day ago - Open

Should I move out ? ...or stay where I am?

Asked by Clemence J - 6 answers - General - Family & Relationships - 1 day ago - Open

How can I fix my education?

Asked by Clemence J - 17 answers - Home Schooling - 2 days ago - Open

How EXACTLY should home education be structure for a child taken out of high school?

Asked by Clemence J - 5 answers - Home Schooling - 2 days ago - Open

How should Home education in England be? How should the child socialise....etc..etc..?

Asked by Clemence J - 3 answers - Primary & Secondary Education - 2 days ago - Open

Fixing my situaton with GCSEs doesn't look like it's going to work. HELP!!! what can I do?

Asked by Clemence J - 8 answers - Primary & Secondary Education - 2 days ago - Open

How can I learn/catch up on all the R.E I missed in school?

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How can I find out how home education should be organised/arranged/struct...

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Why can you not go back to high school?

Asked by Clemence J - 4 answers - Primary & Secondary Education - 3 days ago - Open

What would my Grandma want me to do with my life?

Asked by Clemence J - 19 answers - Family - 3 days ago - Open

What could I have done to fix my life back when my education was falling apart??

Asked by Clemence J - 4 answers - Primary & Secondary Education - 3 days ago - Open

Do most parents know how to arrange home education? If not..then could they not have found out?

Asked by Clemence J - 5 answers - Primary & Secondary Education - 3 days ago - Open

How can you find out about Home education? how do you put a programme together??

Asked by Clemence J - 6 answers - Home Schooling - 4 days ago - In Voting

HELP!!! could I as an 18 year old who never went to high school do GCSEs by home educaton method? How?

Asked by Clemence J - 3 answers - Home Schooling - 4 days ago - In Voting

There are 4 more pages like this.
2006-11-10 08:32:44 UTC

it's your life, and you can do whatever you put your mind to. just because you were denied an education doesn't mean your life is ruined. seriously.

here is what you need to do:

stop. breathe. get out a piece of paper. make three columns. in column A, list things that make you happy. in column B, list things that make you sad. in column C, list things that you NEED to be happy.

when i say things, i dont mean physical objects, necessarily. include anything and everything. sunrises, diet coke, the smell of roses, adventure, whatever. be as literal or poetic as you like.

once you have this list, you will see what needs to be done. you need to work on surrounding yourself with things from column A. you need to do your best to cut things from column B out of your life. then find out what you need to do to pursue things from column C. be tenacious. be aggressive. you can get those things, if you work at it!

all people are capable of turning their lives around if they want it badly enough. and just remember, sometimes things have to get worse before they get better. you may start work and get discouraged because you're not seeing results. just dont give up. you can do it!
2006-11-10 08:29:33 UTC
Get another doctor...

First of all, you seem very, VERY dramatic! You need to sit down and take stock of what things are and exactly how they are Out of control!

Take a breath... you're a bit hyper and stirred up energy produces nothing but more stirred up energy. First thing you should do is teach yourself ways and skills on calming yourself when you are this riled up.

From what you wrote here, it sounds like you have adult ADHD.

You should have been both diagnosed and treated, if your doctor didn't do that, then ask to see anopther and another until you get one who cares... They are out there.

You said "Mum." From that I am assuming that you are in London. 1 in 3 people in London suffers with some kind of depression or mental illness (did you know that?) So you are NOT strange, you are not going mad, you're just a but confused and off balance.

I am never one to advocate the use of drugs (pharmaceuticals) to treat any mental illness. I just don't believe in them because having lived through it myself, I know that they don't work for me.

I never had a doctor heal me, or a guru or a religion... I made a decision years ago not to allow this thing to destroy me... and believe me, it almost did! I was a street drug self medicating mess years back. I treated that myself too.

Sounds like you got caught behind... First thing you need to do since your education sounds like it is rather important to you, is seek out a doctor who can properly diagnose your specific problem. THen, seek out education centers that can help you work around it. Teachers who deal with your situation and needs. Maybe it is too late for you to go back to school? So what... I went back to school with babies and work and a disorder that made all of that IMPOSSIBLE! But I did it...

You have got to realize that we as humans, are rather resourcefull in making excuses and even illnesses very real, to distract us from the pain of our shortcomings. Life is set up on a very ridgid schedule and not everyone can abide. But there are ways.

Calm down, take a breath, get another doctor, cut out all white sugar products, soda, coffee and caffe\ne (Yes it sucks but it is a major contributor to an over loaded central nervous system that is geared through carbohydrates to be very manic and excessively antsy and edgy) Then take care of the education thing.

Unfortunately, for every wrong step you take in life, it usually takes two or three to correct it... You have got to take stock and realize this fact, accept it and live with it in order to deal with it.

Honesty is the first step. It truely does change everything!

You did this to yourself and now you can fix this yourself!

Good luck doll... Love peace and chicken grease!
2006-11-10 08:30:10 UTC
you need your family and friend to help you you really need to talk to a doctor about your problem. take a vacation with a friend go out to dinner work and when you received your pay check go shopping help people in need do something with a friend never do thing long.who your movie stars do you like to draw, sing,or you into games go to the mall watch good movie with a friend or family, help cook become a chef , paint paint the house buy a dog go swimming play the lottery,become go to actor school model school, do something you love or always wanted to do boxing there always something to do . please dint give up it start with you you have to tell your self let find something to do what r u good at what do you want to do what ever it is do it sing dance go out see the world it really up to you we can not walk inside of you and tell you lets go do what make you help have fun
2006-11-10 08:14:56 UTC
Enrol yourself in college, re do your GCSE's, that way you will start to socialise with people, get educated and have a circle of friends. Best of luck.
Hi T
2006-11-10 08:35:40 UTC
You could ring your local social services office and ask for a visit from a social worker they should be able to help. Their number will be in phone book. or ring Samaritans.
2006-11-10 08:15:45 UTC
Uh huh. What have you done to get help? Sounds like you are waiting for help to come to you and it doesn't work that way. YOU have to seek help. You say the doctor doesn't help. Then find another doctor. You have to WANT help. Doesn't sound like you really do if you just sit there waiting for something to happen. You seem to be one of those people who enjoy being miserable.
kelly r
2006-11-10 08:21:21 UTC
first get help from you locol mental health place, tell them you want help for deppresion also tell them you want to go thru a rehabbilation center they wil train you to do all that then some seek help dont just set there a accept you cant do it you can if you just try with some help u will be fine
2006-11-10 08:22:02 UTC
Your spelling and computer skills seem OK,go back to college.
2006-11-10 08:15:58 UTC
You can IM me at maguathehearteater. Ill teach you whatever you want , and we can talk about whatever you want.
2006-11-10 08:37:49 UTC
ever watch the movie Billy Madison?? watch it mabey u can follow that
2006-11-10 08:15:20 UTC
Sounds like you have the credentials to become a serial killer. Don't whatever you do join a gun club. Take up soccer.
2006-11-10 08:14:28 UTC
How may I help you my child.
Twinkle *little fairy*
2006-11-10 08:14:28 UTC
sorry this is not the place to get help if you cant catch a bus well
2006-11-10 08:20:13 UTC
use your computer skills
2006-11-10 08:16:24 UTC
he did
2006-11-10 08:12:33 UTC
Didnt you post this same question yesterday ??????????

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.