2012-04-25 20:02:02 UTC
Misophonia is when you absolutely can't STAND certain sounds, like chewing or breathing. I've heard that people get irrationally violent and angry.
I'm suffering from almost the same problem, except instead of certain sounds, it's specific images or things that I see. It's hard to explain. But unlike misophonia, I can't single it down to any one thing. People who suffer from misophonia know that they can't stand chewing, breathing, coughing, ect.. But for me, I have no idea what the next thing will be -- the last time (besides recently) that I experienced my condition was four years ago when I saw some soap residue in the bathtub that was in a strange pattern. I got VERY angry and frustrated for no reason.
It's not the same as looking at a Justin Bieber poster and thinking, "I hate that guy!" I am extremely non-violent and virtually never get angry at anyone or anything, but when this happens I feel so ANGRY and HORRIBLE that I just want to break things and scream and yell. Two days ago, my dad cut me some mangoes that had strange indents in them from seeds, and just by recalling the memory now, I'm heating up and struggling with myself from breaking the keyboard. I have to take deep breaths and try to calm myself down, which I have never had to do outside of my condition triggering.
I DON'T KNOW WHY those things I see just make me feel this way. It's just the most random images that trigger some foreign, unusual anger in me. I don't know what this condition is called, and I don't know how to treat it. I'm really afraid that I might hurt someone in the future if I let this develop. Please, if anyone knows what this is called or what I can do to treat me, let me know. D:
The last few things I saw that made this condition trigger were:
-Soap residue in a weird circular pattern
-Parts of a mango seed still stuck in the mango
-Lots of eraser shavings in the carpet in a circular pattern
Thank you in advance. T_T