2013-02-03 22:22:17 UTC
See, I have this friend who recently started cutting herself. That put me in the dumps, and what's worse is that I can't talk to anybody about it because only I know about it. Anyway, recently she tried to hang herself, but the rope wasn't strong enough and it broke. She told me she was going to try again, and I asked why. She made some really good points, and I agree with her on some things, but I would not ever kill myself. So there is that
Another thing is that I am havering trouble deciding whether I believe in god or not. At this point I was feeling depressed even more. Bt that's not all.
A we days ago I brought home my report card. The first quarter I got a 94 average and this quarter I got a 91 average. See, my mom has always wanted me to get the best grades, and she got really mad. She told me I couldn't spend a lot of time with friends until I got my grades up, and that she was disappointed in me. I went up to my room. This was the cracking point. I cried and cried about how I was one big screw up, and I really just felt like nothing mattered anymore. I didn't want to go to Vassar (which is the school I wanted to get into) and I just wanted to dissapear. Ever since then I have had a terrible sinking feeling in my stomach and it won't go away. I don't even care what happens in school with my grades anymore, and I don't really want anything to do with anyone.
All I want is some advice on how to handle all of this, and thank you for listening to all of this