2010-05-13 21:35:20 UTC
Maybe it's the pill i'm taking for acne that has ben shown to cose depression in some people, but I stop taking it for like 5 months and I still feel down all the time. My grades have gone down dramatically, from As to Fs and Ds, and I have ben getting into tubal a lot and have not gone to class 3 times just this week, I stop seen the point in school. I can't sleep at night. Wen I get home from school I just sleep all day. I stop hanging out with my friends. My friends at school think im ok, and don't know that im feeling like this, and my parents don't say anything ether....I feel ignored....I feel like there is no one there for me.i have done some things i wont say on YA. Is this depression or just a teen stag, or the acne pill still side affect?