2011-06-11 06:25:52 UTC
I have seen a mental health nurse who has confirmed I do indeed have severe depression and she has referred me for CBT & counselling, but Im relly concerned i may lose my flat.
The landlady delivered our new tenancy recently but completely left out the "how much rent to pay each week / month" section, so i filled in this missing data.
Were do I stand when it comes to being evicted, would the court see my plight or F me off and evict straight away.... please somone advise this is killing me !!!!
(is there anything I could claim for rent arrears, I already owe social fund £1500 whih comes out of my JSA at £17 a week which i cannot reduce, already tried, this is all part of the viscious money cycle)
here are some more faults with before mentioned tenancy agreement...
1: no mention of payable rent amount
2: front page doesnt say who tenancy has been made out between
3: Method of payment = Direct debit but with no debit details
4: Landladys signature has not been witness signed, neither has my signature been whitnessed
5: no set term for tenancy; infact no date whatsoever
with the above in mind, should i be paying anything at all, surely with the above missing the tenancy is nul and void ??